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翻訳 先住民族の権利に関する宣言



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先住民族の権利に関する国際連合宣言 (日本語版記事)

 出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)英語版』

翻訳の出典:Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 

 01:18, 15 September 2007 より翻訳中。

 主な執筆者 Lapicero 、Aille .

 ★翻訳開始 07.09.15 

★参考 yahoo翻訳  Google翻訳  wikipediaの記事(Yahoo機械翻訳) 

 Googleニュース「先住民族 」、「Indigenous People 」 先住民族(Wikipedia)  

 外務省の人権理事会の説明 - 人権委員会と人権理事会の相違点


 第8代国連事務総長 潘基文(パン・ギムン)氏

 世界の先住民の国際デー(8月9日)に寄せる 潘基文国連事務総長メッセージ

 世界の先住民の国際デー(8月9日)  ~環境保護、気候変動対策への先住民の貢献を認識~


の運営/プレゼンのほか、来年に向けた人権ガイダンスの準備、国連ライブラリー講座、夏休み企画の子ども対象のライブラリー案内や絵本/人形劇、翻訳/ 校閲、国連寄託図書館会議(年次)などの組織運営、国連情報アクセス施設ネットワーク構築支援、カウンター・サービス、電話/FAX/Email対応、国連資料整理/分類など、多岐にわたる業務の支援です。



The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly during its 61st session at UN Headquarters in New York City on 13 September2007.

While as a General Assembly Declaration it is not a legally binding instrument under international law, it does represent the dynamic development of international legal norms and it reflects the commitment of the UN's member states to move in certain directions; the UN describes it as setting an important standard for the treatment of the world's indigenous peoples that will undoubtedly be a significant tool towards eliminating human rights violations against the planet's 370 million indigenous people and assisting them in combating discrimination and marginalisation.[1]



Purpose 目的

The Declaration sets out the individual and collective rights of indigenous peoples, as well as their rights to culture, identity, language, employment, health, education and other issues. It also emphasises the rights of indigenous peoples to maintain and strengthen their own institutions, cultures and traditions, and to pursue their development in keeping with their own needs and aspirations; it prohibits discrimination against indigenous peoples, and it promotes their full and effective participation in all matters that concern them and their right to remain distinct and to pursue their own visions of economic and social development.[2] 

宣言は、「文化、アイデンティティ、言語、労働、健康、教育、その他の問題」に対する彼らの権利と同様に、個人と共同の先住民の権利を順に説明する。宣言は、自身の慣習、文化と伝統を守り、強化し、彼ら自身の必要性と目標に合わせて彼らの発展を続行するために、先住民の権利を強調する。 同宣言は、先住民に対する差別を禁止し、それは彼らを心配させる全ての問題への彼らの完全で有効な参加を、そしてまた、彼らの権利を明確に保持し、彼ら自身が目指す経済・社会的開発の継続を促進する

Negotiation and ratification 交渉と批准

The Declaration was over 22 years in the making. The idea originated in 1982 when the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) set up its Working Group on Indigenous Populations (WGIP), established as a result of a study by Special Rapporteur José R. Martínez Cobo on the problem of discrimination faced by indigenous peoples. Tasked with developing human rights standards that would protect indigenous peoples, in 1985 the Working Group began working on drafting the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The draft was finished in 1993 and was submitted to the Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities , which gave its approval the following year.

宣言は、起草から22年以上経過した。このアイデアは、国連経済社会理事会(ECOSOC)が、特別報告者(Special Rapporteur)ホセ・マルチネス‐コーボーJosé R. Martínez Cobo)が先住民が直面する差別の問題に関する研究結果として設立された国連先住民作業部会(WGIP)を設置したときに開始された。そして、先住民保護のための人権標準を開発することで任務を課されて、1985年に、作業部会は先住民族の権利宣言の草案策定に取り組み始めた。草案は1993年に仕上がり、差別防止・少数者保護に関する小委員会Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minoritiesに提出され、翌年に承認された。

The Draft Declaration was then referred to the Commission on Human Rights , which established another Working Group to examine its terms. Over the following years this Working Group met on 11 occasions to examine and fine-tune the Draft Declaration and its provisions.

Progress was slow because of certain states' concerns regarding some key provisions of the Declaration, such as indigenous peoples' right to self-determination and the control over natural resources existing on indigenous peoples' traditional lands.[3] 

The final version of the Declaration was adopted on29 June 2006 by the 47-member Human Rights Council (the successor body to the Commission on Human Rights), with 30 member states in favour, two against, 12 abstentions, and three absentees.[4] 

宣言の草稿はそれから国際連合人権委員会に 任せられた。そして、それはその用語や条文の調査目的でもう一つの作業部会を設立した。次の年にわたって、この作業部会は、宣言の草稿と条項を調査し、微調整するために11回の会合を持った。



The Declaration was then referred to the General Assembly, which voted on

the adoption of the proposal on13 September 2007 during its 61st regular session. The vote was 143 countries in favour, four against, and 11 abstaining.[5] The four member states that voted against wereAustralia ,Canada ,New Zealand and theUnited States , each of which have significant indigenous populations. The abstaining countries wereAzerbaijan ,Bangladesh ,Bhutan ,Burundi ,Colombia ,Georgia ,Kenya ,Nigeria ,Russian Federation ,Samoa andUkraine ; another 34 member states were absent from the vote.[6] 

 宣言はそれから総会にゆだねられました。そして、それはその61回目の一定のセッションの間に2007年9月 13日 に提案の採用について採決しました。票は賛成の143カ国でした、4に対して、そして、4人のメンバーがそれが投票をしたと述べる11のabstaining.[5] はオーストラリア 、カナダ 、ニュージーランド とアメリカ合衆国 でした。そして、それぞれはかなりの土着の人口を持ちます。慎んでいる国は、アゼルバイジャン 、バングラデシュ 、ブータン 、ブルンジ 、コロンビア 、ジョージア 、ケニヤ 、ナイジェリア 、ロシア連邦 、サモア とウクライナ でした;もう34の加盟国は、投票を休んでいました。

Controversy 反応

The four nations that voted against – all from theanglosphere and formerBritish colonies , sharing much common cultural ground andcommon law traditions – expressed serious reservations about the final text of the Declaration as placed before the General Assembly.

それが投票を行った4ヶ国 –anglosphere と旧英国の植民地 から全て(非常に一般の文化的な地面と慣習法の伝統を共有する) – 総会の前に置かれて、同宣言の最終的な文章についての重大な保留を表しました

Australia 'sMal Brough ,Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs , referring to the provision regarding the upholding of indigenous peoples' customary juridical systems, said that, "There should only be one law for all Australians and we should not enshrine in law practices that are not acceptable in the modern world."[7] 

 オーストラリアのMalブラフ 、Families、Community ServicesとIndigenous Affairs担当大臣 は、先住民の慣習的な司法上のシステムを支えることに関して供給に言及して、それ(「1つの法律が、オーストラリア人と我々が現代の世界で許容できない法律実行において祭ってはならない全てのためになければならないだけである。」)を言いました[7] 

Canada said that while it supported the spirit of the Declaration, it contained elements that were "fundamentally incompatible with Canada's constitutional framework."[8] In particular, the Canadian government had problems with Article 19 (which appears to require governments to secure the consent of indigenous peoples regarding matters of general public policy), and Articles 26 and 28 (which could allow for the re-opening or repudiation of historically settled land claims).[9] Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Chuck Strahl described the document as "unworkable in a Western democracy under a constitutional government."[10] 

それがDeclarationの精神を支えたその間言われるカナダ 、 それはそれがそうであった要素を含みました。そして、「基本的に、カナダと両立しないものは、憲法フレームワークです。事項に、カナダ政府は、第19条 (それは、一般的な公共政策の問題に関して先住民の同意を確保することを政府に要求するように見えます)とArticles 26と28(それは、再開または歴史的に固定した土地主張の拒絶を考慮に入れることができました)の問題を抱えていました[8] 。[9] インドのAffairsとノーザン開発 チャックストラール 担当大臣は、文書を「憲法政府の下の西側の民主主義国家で実行不可能なと言いました。」[10] 

New Zealand 'sMinister of Māori Affairs Parekura Horomia described the Declaration as "toothless", and said, "There are four provisions we have problems with, which make the declaration fundamentally incompatible with New Zealand's constitutional and legal arrangements." Article 26 in particular, he said, "appears to require recognition of rights to lands now lawfully owned by other citizens, both indigenous and non-indigenous. This ignores contemporary reality and would be impossible to implement."[11] 

 「歯がなく」て、言われてDeclarationを評されるM ori Affairs Parekura Horomia 担当ニュージーラン ド の大臣、「我々が問題を抱えている4つの準備があります。そして、それは基本的に宣言をニュージーランドの憲法で法的準備と相容れなくします。」、事項の 第26条、彼は言いました — 「合法的に現在他の市民(原住民でnon-indigenousな)によって所有されて、地面に対する権利の認知を必要とするように見えます。これは現代 の現実を無視して、実行するのが不可能です。」[11] 

Speaking for theUnited States mission to the UN, spokesmanBenjamin Chang said, "What was done today is not clear. The way it stands now is subject to multiple interpretations and doesn't establish a clear universal principal." The U.S. mission also issued a floor document, "Observations of the United States with respect to the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples", setting out its objections to the Declaration. Most of these are based on the same points as the other three countries' rejections but, in addition, the United States drew attention to the Declaration's failure to provide a clear definition of exactly whom the term "indigenous peoples" is intended to cover.[12] 

 国連に米国 派遣団を代弁して、スポークスマンベンジャミンチャン は 言いました — 「今日されたことは、明白ではありません。それが現在立っている方法は、複数の解釈を受けて、明白な万能の校長を確立しません。」、アメリカ任務も床文書 (「Indigenous PeoplesのライツのDeclarationに関するアメリカ合衆国の観察」)を出しました。そして、Declarationに対するその異議を陳列 しました。これらのほとんどは他の3カ国の拒否と同じ点に基づきます、しかし、そのうえ、アメリカ合衆国は正確に学期「先住民」が誰を援護することを目的 とするかという明白な定義を提供することに関するDeclarationの怠慢に注意をひきました。[12] 

In contrast to the Declaration's rejection by Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States, United Nations officials and other world leaders noted their pleasure at its adoption.Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon described it as a "historic moment when UN Member States and indigenous peoples have reconciled with their painful histories and are resolved to move forward together on the path of human rights, justice and development for all."Louise Arbour , theHigh Commissioner for Human Rights , as well as a Canadian citizen, expressed satisfaction at the hard work and perseverance that had finally "borne fruit in the most comprehensive statement to date of indigenous peoples' rights."[13] Similarly, news of the Declaration's adoption was greeted with jubilation in Africa[14] and, present at the General Assembly session in New York,Bolivian foreign minister David Choquehuanca said that he hoped the member states that had voted against or abstained would reconsider their refusal to support a document he described as being as important as theUniversal Declaration of Human Rights .[15] 

 カナダ、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドとアメリカ合衆国によるDeclarationの拒否と対照的に、国連当局と他の世界リーダーは、その養子縁組に対する彼らの満足に注意しました。それを評される事務総長 Ban Ki-月 「歴史的な瞬間アメリカと先住民が彼らの痛みを伴う履歴を一致させて、一緒に人権の通り道の上の前に動かすことを決心するいつの国連議員(全てのための正義と発展)。」カナダの市民と同様にルイーズArbour (Humanライツ高等弁務官 )、それがついに持った激務と忍耐の満足を表します、「現在まで先住民の権利で最も広範囲の声明の生まれる果物。[13] Similarlyが、養子縁組がアフリカ[14] で歓喜で応じられて、ニューヨークでの総会セッションで出席していて、デイビッドChoquehuanca が彼がそれが持っていた加盟国が投票をすることを望むと言ったボリビアの 外務相 であったか、慎んだというDeclarationのニュースは、彼が世界人権宣言 と同じくらい重要であると言った文書を支えることに対する彼らの拒絶を再考します。[15] 

References 参考資料


See also 関連項目


External links 外部リンク




“There is no greater service that the United Nations could do today for its friends and partners in the indigenous community than to adopt the Declaration during the current Assembly session.
The Declaration is, fundamentally, about respect for the rights of indigenous peoples. Let us
make this respect manifest.”


UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Sha Zukang,
on the occasion of International Day of the World’s Indigenous People, August 2007

国連経済社会問題担当事務次長沙祖康(Sha Zukang シャ・ズカン)氏の2007年8月の世界の先住民の国際デーの行事における発言



The Declaration is a comprehensive statement addressing the rights of indigenous peoples. It was drafted and formally debated for over twenty years prior to being adopted on 29 June 2006 during the inaugural session of the Human Rights Council. The document emphasizes the rights of indigenous peoples to maintain and strengthen their own institutions, cultures and traditions and to pursue their development in keeping with their own needs and aspirations. Other U.N. bodies address indigenous rights through Conventions such as the International Labour Organization’s Convention No.169 and the Convention on Biological Diversity (Article 8j).

宣言は、先住民の権利についての広範な声明です。それは草稿が作成され、国連人権理事会の就任会議において2006年6月29日に採用される前に、20年以上公式に討議されました。文書は、彼ら自身の機関、文化と伝統を守って、強化して、彼ら自身の必要性と抱負に合わせて彼らの開発を続行するために、先住民の権利を強調します。他の国連組織は、会議(例えば国際労働機関(ILOの会議 No.169と生物の多様性に関する条約(条項8j))を通して、先住民族の権利に対処します。



The Declaration addresses both individual and collective rights, cultural rights and identity, rights to education, health, employment, language, and others. The text says indigenous peoples have the right to fully enjoy as a collective or as individuals, all human rights and fundamental freedoms as recognized in the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international human rights law. Indigenous peoples and
individuals are free and equal to all other peoples and individuals and have the right to be free from any kind of discrimination, in the exercise of their rights, in particular that based on their indigenous origin or identity.
Indigenous peoples have the right to self-determination. By that right they can freely determine their political status and pursue their economic, social and cultural development. They have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions, while retaining their rights to participate fully, if they choose to, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the state.




The Declaration was adopted by the Human Rights Council on 29 June 2006 by a vote of 30 in favour, 2 against and 12 abstentions. It is expected that the Declaration will be submitted for adoption by the UN General Assembly at its 61st Session.




The process has moved slowly but a fruitful dialogue has been established among states and indigenous peoples over the years. Issues of human rights, lands and resources have been the subject of intense debates.
In 1982 the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) established the Working Group on Indigenous Populations (WGIP) to develop human rights standards that would protect indigenous peoples. The Working Group was established as a result of a study by Special Rapporteur José R. Martinez Cobo on the problem of discrimination faced by indigenous peoples.
In 1985, the Working Group began preparing the draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. In 1993, the Working Group agreed on a final text for the draft Declaration and submitted it to the Sub- Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, which approved it in 1994.
The draft was subsequently sent to the then U.N. Commission on Human Rights, which established the Working Group on the draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
The 2005 World Summit and the 2006 Fifth Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) called for the adoption of the Declaration as soon as possible.
Finally, the Human Rights Council that succeeded the Commission on Human Rights, adopted the Declaration in June 2006.

1982年に、国連経済社会理事会(ECOSOC)は、先住民を保護する人権標準を開発するために、Indigenous Populations(WGIP)の上で、作業部会を設立しました。作業部会は、先住民族に直面する差別の問題に関して、Special Rapporteur Jos R.マーティネスコボによって、研究の結果として設立されました。
作業部会は、Indigenous Peoplesのライツの上で草案宣言を準備し始めました。1993年に、作業部会は草案宣言のために最終的なテキストについて同意して、宣言のPreventionとMinoritiesのProtectionの上でそれをSub-委員会に提出しました。そして、それは1994年にそれを承認しました。
2005年のWorldサミットとIndigenous Issues(UNPFII)の上の国連Permanent Forumの2006のFifth Sessionは、できるだけ早く宣言の採択を要求しました。



Seventeen of the forty-five articles of the Declaration deal with indigenous culture and how to protect and promote it, by respecting the direct input of indigenous peoples in decision-making, and allowing for resources, such as those for education in indigenous languages and other areas.


The Declaration confirms the right of indigenous peoples to self-determination and recognizes subsistence rights and rights to lands, territories and resources.
The Declaration recognizes that indigenous peoples deprived of their means of subsistence and development are entitled to just and fair redress.


Essentially, the Declaration outlaws discrimination against indigenous peoples, promotes their full and effective participation in all matters that concern them, as well as their right to remain distinct and to pursue their own visions of economic and social development.




Many of the rights in the Declaration require new approaches to global issues, such as development, decentralization and multicultural democracy. Countries will need to pursueparticipatory approachesin their interactions with indigenous peoples that will require meaningful consultations and the building of partnerships with indigenous peoples.




UN Declarations are generally not legally binding; however, they represent the dynamic development of international legal norms and reflect the commitment of states to move in certain directions, abiding by certain principles. This is the case for the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as well. The Declaration is expected to have a major effect on the rights of indigenous peoples worldwide. If adopted, it will establish an important standard for thetreatmentof indigenous peoples and will undoubtedly be a significant tool towards
eliminating human rights violations against the over 370 million indigenous people worldwide and assist them in combating discrimination and marginalization.


For more information on the Declaration, please visit:
For interviews with UN officials and indigenous leaders, please contact: Renata Sivacolundhu, Department of Public Information, tel: 212-963-2932, e-mail:

For Secretariat of the UN Permanent Forum of Indigenous Issues, please contact: Mirian Masaquiza, Secretariat of UNPFII, tel: 917-367-6006, e-mail:



「先住民族の権利に関する国連宣言」-北海道新聞 民族政策の策定、国に働きかけを ウタリ協会が道議会に陳情 (09/19 07:52)




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