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Diablo IIIにおける、Blizzardの基本的な目的のひとつは、以前のゲームよりも戦略的に面白い形で、Diabloの世界のグロテスクな獣や悪魔達との遭遇を演出することです。過去のシリーズにおけるわかりやすさやゲーム進行速度、ゲームのテンポを保ちつつこのようなことを実現するためにはいくつかの課題がありました。以下に我々の考えるその解決策を示します。
One of our primary objectives for Diablo III is to make encounters with the grotesque beasts and demons of the Diablo universe even more tactically interesting than they've been in previous games. The challenge lies in doing that without removing the accessibility, speed, and forward momentum that the series is known for. Here's how we plan to accomplish that goal.

Part of making monster encounters more interesting rests on the shoulders of the monsters themselves -- but it's just as important that we prepare you, and our heroes, for exciting combat.

まず私たちは、新しい、今までより種類に富んだ邪悪な集団を呼び出しました。Diablo IIIの世界での戦うということは、永遠のようにモンスターの群れがあなたを追いかけてくるという事です。あなたの戦い(または逃走の)とスクリーンを埋め尽くす敵達を切り進むという命令は、戦闘のテンポと目的に影響を与えます。
First, we've summoned forth a malevolent throng of new, more diverse monster types. As you battle through Diablo III's environments, a seemingly endless tide of monsters will pursue you. Your decision to fight (or run) and the order in which you hew through a screen full of enemies will affect the pace and focus of combat.

For example, when you first see the unnerving Vessels -- human cultists who've given their bodies over to demonic possession -- you'll notice that they stand numbly in place, tapping their staves on the ground and seemingly ignoring you. Yet that doesn't mean that you can ignore them. Within an indefinite amount of time, the monstrosities possessing the Vessels will tear through the flesh of their living hosts and emerge onto the battlefield, utterly consumed by rage and hell-bent on inflicting grievous harm. When encountering untransformed Vessels, it's in your best interest to kill them as fast as possible -- but trying to accomplish this can put you in the center of a melee, or take your focus off of other targets who'll savage you in the meantime. It may not seem very heroic to kill first and ask questions later, but the fate of Sanctuary is at stake - and demon-slaying is not for the faint of heart.

また、我々はDiablo IIIの各モンスターその種族にかかわらず、その行動によって種類分けしました。行動によって、というのはモンスターがどのように戦場に現れ、どのようにあなたと交戦するかということです。例えばあなたが"big hit(強撃)"と内部的に名付けられた、古典的で興味深いモンスターの行動パターンにあなたは色々な形で遭遇します。"Big hit"のモンスター達はとても予備動作の大きく、わかりやすい、そして多くの場合ゆっくりとした、当たればとても攻撃力の高い攻撃を繰り出します。このような攻撃をかわすことは簡単ですが、モンスターの集団に囲まれて居るときや、動きに影響を与えるような効果を受けているときは、攻撃の回避は常に易しいとは限りません。
Second, we've categorized every monster in Diablo III, regardless of type, by its behaviors. By behaviors, we mean how it emerges onto the battlefield and how it engages you in the moments before you send it to a bloody grave. For example, "big hit" is the internal name for an interesting, classic monster behavior that you'll encounter in various forms. "Big hit" monsters make very telegraphed, obvious, and often slow attacks that do a great deal of damage if they hit you. These attacks can be simple to avoid, but when dealing with tight quarters or other mobility-affecting variables, avoidance isn't always easy.

モンスターが"Frenzied(猛攻)"状態になったとき、モンスタは一時的に攻撃力や体力や防御力、またはほかの能力がアップします。 "Frenzied"のモンスターとの交戦は避けるのが良策です。しかし"Frenzied"状態のモンスターの存在に気付かなかったとき、あなたはその素早い、致命的な攻撃を受けることになるのです。行動パターンの単純な敵の攻撃のタイミングや範囲に徐々に慣れてくると、躱し、反撃をすることが出来るようになっていき、そしてDiablo IIIのActを進めていくと、あなたは敵の新しい、徐々に複雑になっていく行動パターンに対面することになります。
"Frenzied" monsters enter a temporary state where their damage, hit points, defense, or other attributes are increased. It's in your best interest to avoid engaging them while they're frenzied -- but they also pose a greater threat in this state, meaning that if they're left unchecked, they can dish out swift, fatal blows. As you grow increasingly familiar with the timing and scope of straightforward behaviors, you'll learn to avoid and counter them -- only to run into new, increasingly complex monsters as you progress through Diablo III's acts.

Individual monsters can be dispatched carefully and cautiously, but when they work together, the circumstances can become dire. At a particular point in the game, you might find yourself in a desert, battling through a swarming mass of Fallen. As the Fallen surround you, threatening to hold you in place and dogging your steps, Sandwasps emerge from the swirling sands, shooting slow-moving, high damage projectiles. The wasps' attacks slowly eat away at your life, and the noose around your hero's neck tightens -- you need to kill the wasps, or at least move, or you'll die, but the living wall of Fallen is clamoring for your attention, and there are so many projectiles in the air that you'll have to weave through them as you move away.

当然ですが、これはDune Dervishにとって、あなたにその渦巻く刃を投げつけるのに最高の機会です。しかしDune Dervishにこの状態で攻撃を試みることは危険を伴います。Dune Dervishはあなたの遠距離攻撃を反射し、また近づいた者を切り裂くのです。もしDune Dervishがあなたに近づくと、強力な攻撃を繰り出し、おそらくあなたは即座に殺されてしまうかもしれません。迅速に、そして慎重に行動しなければ、死を免れることはできません。
翻訳中 2011/09/17 17:32
Of course, this is the perfect time for a Dune Dervish to erupt into your field of vision, its blades spinning in a whirling frenzy. Attempting to attack it in this state is dangerous -- it'll reflect your ranged attacks and slash you if you try melee attacks. If it manages to close in, it'll deliver massive damage, maybe even killing you outright. Your death is inevitable... unless you act swiftly and carefully.

岩が密集した地域を動き回れば、Fallenが全方向から発生することは避けることが出来ます。 あなたは適切に、あなたの動きを制限したり、あなたのライフをゆっくりと圧迫したり、またのろいが重装の敵達を優先して選び倒すことで、あなたの驚くべきキャラクター操作を、自由に使うことが出来るのです。
You move between tight clusters of rocks so that the Fallen can't swarm you from all sides. You prioritize your targets, choosing carefully between the foes that trap you, the foes that slowly peck away at your life, and the sluggish, but heavily armored threat. And then, you let fly with some surprising maneuvers of your own.

As you encounter new monsters in subsequent acts, events, and quests, you'll need to keep your combat strategy fluid.. When distinct, diverse monsters coordinate their attacks, you can't repeatedly use the same ability to achieve a hollow victory. Just as importantly, it means that you'll experience engaging, frenetic battles -- the kind that challenge your mind as much as your reflexes.


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