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Diablo3では、あなたの体力は-あなたの操作するキャラクターの残りの生命力は-画面下部の血の色のオーブで表されます。Burning Hellのモンスターたちがあなたのキャラクターを攻撃すると、スケルトンウォーリアによる薄い剣の攻撃ではゆっくりと、そして恐ろしいデーモンのカミソリのような牙と爪の前では素早く、オーブから液体が抜けていきます。
Diablo3における体力のシステムは、プレイヤーに、次の戦闘に進むべきかを常に考えさせるようにデザインされています。Burning Hellsの邪悪な力に苦しむヒーロー達を放って戦闘から逃げ、力を回復するという選択肢はありません。張り付くような死を避けるためには、敵を倒し体力を回復させる道を切り開かなければなりません。
In Diablo III, your health -- your hero's remaining life energy -- is indicated by a blood-red orb near the bottom of the screen. As the spawn of the Burning Hells assault your avatar, liquid drains from the orb: slowly against the flimsy swords of skeletal warriors, and quickly before the razor-sharp fangs and claws of ferocious demons.
As long as there's some liquid left in your health orb, you cling to life. But when the last crimson drop is gone, so too are you.
Diablo III's health system is designed to keep you thinking on your feet and rushing toward the next fight. As a hero struggling against the sinister forces of the Burning Hells, fleeing from battle to recover your strength isn't an option. To avoid dying a gruesome death, you'll need to hunt for ways to keep up your strength.

You can find or purchase healing potions, but they are moderately rare and limited by a cooldown: multiple potions can't be used in rapid succession in the middle of a fight.

You might have a class skill that can help you regain health, but health-restoration skills are specialized, require careful play, and usually incur consequences.

Potions and skills offer excellent boosts to your health, but to survive multiple battles, you'll need to use them alongside a more reliable, renewable means of recovery.

That's where health globes -- floating, crimson spheres that rise from the corpses of your defeated foes -- come in. These globes are the core means of regenerating your health in Diablo III, and all other methods of healing support them. When you pick up a health globe, your health (and the health of any allies in your party) is restored by a fixed percentage depending on the type of globe you've grabbed.

以下翻訳中 2011/09/16
通常の敵を倒すとそれが強力な悪魔であっても、イカれた狂信者であっても、weak health globe(弱い/微かな/小さいヘルスグローブ)が高確率(100%ではない)で出現する。weak health globeは他の種類のヘルスグローブよりも高確率で出現するが、体力が回復する量も最も少ない。
Each time you slay a "regular" enemy, whether a rabid demon or a crazed cultist, there's a good chance (but not 100%) that a weak health globe will appear. Although weak globes emerge more frequently than other types of health globes, they restore the smallest percentage of your health.

When you do battle with stronger foes, like "rare" and "champion" monsters, you're likely to see medium-sized health globes emerge before these monsters are killed, as they reach certain health percentages or are stripped of their defenses. Medium globes restore a sizeable percentage of your health, but you'll need the extra boost to survive when dealing with these formidable enemies.

More powerful health globes, capable of completely restoring your health even at death's door, might exist somewhere in the world of Sanctuary. Of course, that's probably wishful thinking.

Major boss fights make unique use of health globes. Each boss battle includes a custom-designed means of utilizing these globes to regain health. For example, in one fight, you might have to split your attention between weakening a dangerous boss and slaying its irritating but ultimately less-dangerous minions in order to get enough health globes to stay standing. In another fight, the boss itself might drop health globes when it takes damage, or you might have to hunt for hidden caches of globes in the midst of battle.

ヘルスグローブによって、DiableIIIの戦略的な戦闘は余計な複雑さを与えられることなく知的な魅力と価値を持ち、戦闘中あなたは光のように早い決断力を求められる。もしあなたが怪我を負い、より深いダメージを避けるために敵を遠距離から攻撃していたとして、敵がヘルスグローブを落とした場合にどうすればよいだろうか?魔法の杖の使用を中止し、Fallenの群れを立ち向かうリスクを取ってヘルスグローブに向かって走るべきだろうか、それとも慎重に距離を保ち、危険を避けて戦い、道が開くのを待つべきだろうか? あなたが敵の小隊と戦うとき、あなたは弱った敵から順に選んで倒していくことでヘルスグローブを集めながら敵の攻撃を生き残ることが出来るだろうか?あなたは正しいタイミングで正しいリスクを選択することが出来るだろうか?
Health globes drive Diablo III's tactical combat, making your lightning-fast decisions during battle intellectually engaging and relevant without adding needless complexity. If you're injured and attacking monsters from afar to avoid further damage, but a much-needed health globe drops, what will you do? Will you put your wand away and make a dash for it, even if doing so requires you to brave a gauntlet of Fallen, or will you cautiously hang back and wait for an opening, fighting defensively so that you aren't overwhelmed? If you're fighting a pack of enemies, can you slaughter the weaker ones quickly enough to saturate the battlefield with health globes so that you'll survive more dangerous attacks? Will you take the right risks at the right time?

You need to stay alive, or Sanctuary is doomed.


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