[AoEO] Age of Empire online 雪崩 @ Wiki内検索 / 「Spartan Armor Store」で検索した結果

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  • メニュー
    ...商店(Sparta)Spartan General Store Spartan Weapon Store Spartan Armor Store ユニット Advisor プラグイン紹介 まとめサイト作成支援ツール メニュー リンク @wiki @wikiご利用ガイド 他のサービス 無料ホームページ作成 無料ブログ作成 2ch型掲示板レンタル 無料掲示板レンタル お絵かきレンタル 無料ソーシャルプロフ ここを編集
  • Spartan General Store
    5種類の建築・アイテム作成用資源と、  3種類の資源を入手できる消耗品が売っている。 01.Garnets 02.Resin Vials 03.Scrolls of Lore 04.Wool Cloth 05.Work Tools  25 spartan points  Used to craft items and construct city buildings 06.Special Ability Planted Bush  Consumable  500 Food 07.Special Ability Quarry Pit  Consumable  600 Stone 08.Special Ability Discovery Mine  Consumable  600 Gold
  • Nubia Armor Store
    Nubia points を使用して装備を購入することができる。  村人の移動速度が上がるDesert Wanderer Robesが優秀。Lv13になったら買いたい所。 01.Pine Shield  30 nubia points  Required Level 10  Shield - Usable by Eqypitian War Elephants and Greek Hippikons,Hoplites,Hypaspistes,Peltasts,Sarissophoroi   Health +2.8%   Ranged Armor +3.0% 02.Copper Breastplate  30 nubia points  Required Level 10  Medium Armor - Usable by Infantry   Hea...
  • Village Elder
    途中Village Elder以外混ざってるハズ ■1.Our First Enemy Clubmen killed 0/8 棍棒戦士を8匹殺せ Treasure Discovered 0/2 財宝を2つ発見せよ ■2.Food Equals Villaers Berry patches found 0/2 果実畑を2つ見つけろ Fishing Spots found 0/2 釣り場を2つ見つけろ Deer heads found 0/2 鹿の群れを2つ見つけろ Food Gathered 0/250 食料を250集めろ Villagers trained 0/5 村人を5人養成せよ ■3.Shorten the Distance Unlock the Storehouse at your Palace in your C...
  • King Narmer
    01.Gold on the Nile  Eliminate all the Badari attacking the outpost.  Axemen killed 0/8  Treasure discovered 0/2  You will learn Villager / Town center  You will also receive 700 xp / 15 coin / 1 empire points 02.First steps  Locate and gather Food.  Use the Food to train Villagers from the Town Center.  Berry patches found 0/2 果実畑を2つ見つけろ  Fishing Spots found 0/2 釣り場を2つ見つけろ  Gaz...
  • Port Master
    01,02はしばらくやらないと消えるみたいなので優先的にクリアするべし 02.Ready to build some farms?で貰えるアイテムが優秀 01.Up for a bit of fishing?  Build Fishing Boats to gather Food.  Use the Port Master s Triremes to destroy any enemy Fishing Boats you encounter.  Advanced players can skip this training quest.   Dock built 0/1   Fishing boats built 0/4   Food gatherd 0/1000  Rewards   1000 xp / 25 coin / 1 empire point   ...
  • City Ambassador
    Palace 他の町に行けるようになる 01.King Minos needs you!  Travel to the island of Crete, and speak with King Minos.   Visit Crete and talk to King Minos  Rewards   40 crete points  →Cretaへ移動可能に 02.Sparta!  The City Ambassador would like you to talk to the War Commander in Sparta.   Visit Sparta and talk to the War Commander  Rewards   10 sparta points  →Spartaへ移動可能に(PvP) 03.Visit a fr...
  • Engineering Recipe Store
    攻城兵器・船の装備品のレシピ 01.Simple Tanned Covers  10 empire points  Required Level 6  Armor Plating - Usable by Siege and Boats   Health +13.3%   Splash Damage Armor +3.5% 02.Fine Ram Head  20 empire points  Required Level 11  Ram Head - Usable by Battering Rams and Siege Towers   Damage +18.2%   Movement Speed +0.9% 03.Ideal Folded Sidings  30 empire points  Required Level 13  Ar...
  • Trade Dock Foreman
    Mycenae ■01.Mycenae - Trade Dock Foreman - Trade for Delphi Limestone The Mycenaean Trade Dock Foreman wants you to get a Caravan to all three trade checkpoints. Repeatable - 12 hours Co-op allowed Checkpoint A reached 0/1 Checkpoint B reached 0/1 Checkpoint C reached 0/1 10000 xp / 80 coin / 10 myceane points / Delphi limestone x2 / 5 empire points Nubian Expedition 01.Trade for G...
  • Craftsmen Recipe Store
    Craftsmen のレシピを売っている。  Villagers(村人)・Fishing Ships(漁船)・Caravans(キャラバン)・Merchant Transports(輸送船)の強化装備品のレシピ。 01.Aged Wicker Baskets  10 empire points  Crafting School Craftsmen  Required Level 5  WorkTools - Usable by Villagers   Gathering Hunted Animals +1.3% (狩猟した動物)   Gathering Wood +3.1%   Gathering Gold +3.1%   Gathering Berries +1.3%   Gathering Fish +1.3%   Gathering Herd...
  • War Commander
    01.Battle between friends  Use the blueprint in your inventory to construct an Arena in your Capital City.   Arena built in capital city 0/1  10 sparta points
  • General Store
    ■General Store 雑貨屋 Sells general goods 雑多な商品を売っている 素材・初期槍装備・スカウト召喚アイテム・8、12スロット倉庫・Construction Store が売っている。 Construction Store では資源生産施設が売っている。買って建築しておこう。 非課金の場合、ここで買える12スロット倉庫を建てたい所。 01.Copper Heavy Sprea  Equipment / Uncommon / Coin 20  Required Level 1  Heavy Spear - Usabled by Spearmen, Greek Prodromos and Eqyptian Camel Riders  Damage +6.8%  →初期槍装備。何もないよりは良い。槍兵と、GreekならProdrom...
  • Empire Store
    Empire Store Empire の 店 Empire Point を使用してアイテムを購入できる。 Premiumでないと購入不可  消耗品スキル、初期Advisor、EmpirePointをCoinに変換できる宝箱が売っている。  Closet Organizer Irene はナカナカ優秀? 用語  Consumable 消耗品  Duration 持続時間  Cooldown 再使用時間  Requires 要する 1.Special Ability Swiftness 特別な能力 迅速  15 Empire Point / Consumable / Uncommon  Increases targeted units movement speed by 32% for a short period of time    短期...
  • Advisor
    Ⅰ 01.Lumberjack Thutmose  Villagers gather 5% more Wood from Trees 村人の木収集+5% 02.Survivalist Agathon  Villagers cost 8% less and have 20% more health 村人のコスト-8% HP+20% Ⅱ 01.Seafarer Horus (Rare)  All ships train 12% faster and have 12% more health 02.Seafarer Horus  All ships train 6% faster and have 6% more health 03.Seed-Master Agape  Farms cost 20% less 農場のコスト-20% 04.Gene...
  • 用語
    adept ベテラン Available Quests 利用できるクエスト Barracks 兵舎 Berry patches 果実畑 Clubmen 棍棒戦士 Deer heads 鹿の群れ Discovered 発見する Fishing Spots 釣り場 Food 食料 Gathered 集める infantry 歩兵 Palace 宮殿 Population 人口 Scout 斥候 Storehouse 貯蔵庫 Spearmen 槍兵 town center 町の中心 trained 養成する(作成する) Villagers 村人 warrior 戦士
  • General Batoshipip
    01.Nile denial  Destroy the Guard Towers that are stopping naval traffic along the Nile.  CO-OP ALLOWED   Guard towers destroyed 0/5  Rewards   4,000 xp / 30 coin / 2 Empire points   Treasure chest 02.Farm harm  Destroy the Badari Farms along the eastern shores of the Nile.  CO-OP ALLOWED   Farms destroyed 0/16  Rewards   5000xp / 40coin / 2empire point   Treasure chest 03....
  • Nubia Recipe Store
    途中から簡略記載  6種類の装備品と4種類の消耗品のレシピが売っている。  Ornate Worker Hood が 村人の移動速度アップで優秀 (要 Craftsmen Lv14)  Ordinary Sentry Boots も 各種兵士移動速度アップ(要 Infantry Lv14) 1.Crafting Recipe Ornate Battle Greaves  75coin / Crafting Recipe / Uncommon  Use Grants an Infantry School the ability to create this equipment  Crafting School Infantry  Creates  Equipment / Uncommon  Ornate Battle Greaves  Require...
  • General Ahapitep
    01.To the open desert  With the small army provided by General Ahapitep,  recover the outpost and clear the desert trading route.   Guard tower destroyed 0/4   Barracks Destroyed 0/2   Outpost Recoverd  Rewards   4,000 xp / 30 coin / 2 Empire point   Treasure chest 02.Take the oasis  Cross the open desert, and defeat all enemies at the Oasis Caravan Camp.  CO-OP ALLOWED   Enemie...
  • Construction Store
    ■Construction Store 建造物屋 5種類の資源生産施設の建築設計図(と、飾り)が売っている。  非課金の場合2つ、課金後の場合8つ建築できる。  Craftingで自分の使いたい(使う頻度の高い)資源を生産できるようにしておくと良いだろう。 01.Logger s Workshop  Blueprint / Common / Coin 100 きこりの作業場  Use Builds a Workshop 使用 工場を建設する  (produces Pine Planks and other Materials) (Pine Planksと他の材料を生産する)  Build Limit 0/2  Cost 37 Pine Planks, 27 Copper Ingots, 15 Animal Hides 02.Mason s Works...
  • Mycenae General Store
    Mycenae General Store 1.Leather x 10  35 coin / Material / Uncommon  Used to craft items and construct city buildings 2.Bronze Ingots x 10  35 coin / Material / Uncommon  Used to craft items and construct city buildings 3.Olive Oil x 10  35 coin / Material / Uncommon  Used to craft items and construct city buildings 4.Oak Planks x 10  35 coin / Material / Uncommon  Used to c...
  • ユニット
    基本 ・Villager  Cost 肉 50, Pop 1  Gathers resources, constructs and repaires Buildings  HP 150 速度 6 視界 12 遠隔攻撃DPS 5 攻城DPS 10 近接攻撃DPS 5 Eqypt ・Scout  Good for exploring the map  HP 600 速度 10 視界 16 遠隔攻撃DPS 4 ・Desert Swordsman  Cost 肉 20, 金 35, Pop 1  Effective against Ranged  HP 510 速度 9 視界 20 近接攻撃DPS 22 ・Khopesh Swordsman  Cost 肉 40, 金 30, Pop 1  Very effective against Infantry  ...
  • Nubian Trader
    Nubian Trader 01.Help the Nubian Trader  Help the Nubian Trader rebuild his village.  Build a Temple of Ra,  then build Farms and rescue his captured family members with your Transport.   Temple of ra built 0/1   Age II reached   Wood Gatherd 0/400   Farms built 0/4   Family Members rescued by transport 0/10  Rewards   1000 xp 40 coin   Large bush tub x 2   Egyptian flagpole x ...
  • Prince Sesostris
    Egypt Palace 01.Camels in the mist  Locate and escort the Stolen Camels back to the pen by your Town Center.  Co-op Allowed   Camels returned 0/5   Sesostris must survive  6000xp / 50coin / 3empire point  Treasure chest 02.Push to the pass  Use the provided Siege Towers to break through the enemy lines.  Destroy all the Guard Towers.  Co-op Allowed   Guard towers destroyed 0/10  ...
  • Mycenae Recipe Store
    途中から簡略記載 Ornate Worker Hood が 村人の移動速度アップで優秀 (要 Craftsmen Lv14) Ordinary Sentry Boots も 各種兵士移動速度アップ(要 Infantry Lv14) 1.Crafting Recipe Ornate Battle Greaves  75coin / Crafting Recipe / Uncommon  Use Grants an Infantry School the ability to create this equipment  Crafting School Infantry  Creates  Equipment / Uncommon  Ornate Battle Greaves  Required Level 14  Soldiers Gear - U...
  • Blueprint Store
    ■Blueprint Store 設計図屋 →Empire Point で購入できる Crafting Recipe を売ってる店を建設するための設計図屋  設計図は Crafting hall で使用。それぞれCrafting Hallで選択するSchoolsと対応している。 ただし設計図はPremiumでないと購入不可  非課金の場合、ここで買う物は何もない。  課金の場合、自分で研究したい(Crafting Hallで選択した)Schoolsのレシピ屋は建てると良いだろう。 01.Infantry Recipe Store 歩兵のレシピ屋 02.Cavalry Recipe Store 騎兵のレシピ屋 03.Archery Recipe Store 弓兵のレシピ屋 04.Engineering Recipe Store 工学のレシピ屋 05.Const...
  • Nubia General Store
    上位素材、16スロット倉庫、消耗品、Advisorが売っている。 1.Leather x 10  35 coin / Material / Uncommon  Used to craft items and construct city buildings 2.Bronze Ingots x 10  35 coin / Material / Uncommon  Used to craft items and construct city buildings 3.Olive Oil x 10  35 coin / Material / Uncommon  Used to craft items and construct city buildings 4.Oak Planks x 10  35 coin / Material / Uncommon ...
  • Agamemnon
    ■Agamemnon ■1.Baby Steps Back to the Throne Agamemnon wants you to hold the front line until reinforcements arrive, then destroy the enemy Stables outside Mycenae. CO-OP ALLOWED Hold for reinforcements Stables destroyed 0/6 Town center must survive 08 00 →8分経過後援軍が来る ■Agamemnon ■2.Show our power Go to the ambush location, build up an army with the provided resources, and destroy Thye...
  • Refugee from Argos
    01.Do something cool for me  Required technology   Merchant Transport  Rescue the Eqyptian Admiral and escort him to your Town Center.  Co-op Allowed   Eqyptian Admiral to Town Center 0/1  Rewards   Choose one of    King Tut s Attic    Lotastuffopolis    Boudica s bounty   You will also receive    30,000 xp / 150 coin / 30 argos points / 15 empire points  →20スロットのアイテム倉庫が貰える。文明ごとに...
  • Architect
    大量の肉・木・金と町の人2人(育成所建築要員)を使い、敵の城を破壊するクエスト。  適当にRAMと兵士作って突っ込めば楽勝。  3つクリアで2種類のAdvisorから1つ貰える。 01.Challenge King of the Hill  Required Technology   Siege Workshop  Destroy the Nubian Citadel before you run out of time.  CO-OP ALLOWED   Fortress Destroyed 0/1   15 00  Rewards   10,000 xp / 80 coin / 10 nubia points / 5 empire points   Treasure chest 02.Challenge Fort-smashing for ...
  • Crafting Hall Master
    ■Crafting Hall Master 01.Craftsmen Rescue  Find and escort the Craftsmen to your Town Center  REPEATABLE - 12 HOURS   CRAFTSMEN RESCUED 0/5  Rewards   Choose one of    Copper Ingots x 100    Pine Planks x 100    Stone blocks x 100    Grain x 100    Animal hides x 100   You will also receive    6,000 xp / 3 empire points   Elite    8,881 xp / 4 empire points  →アイテム製作や建築用の資源回収クエ...
  • Marcus Pollux
    01.But wait there s more!  Complete this quest to receive several gifts.   Collect your gift from marcus pollux  Rewards   Choose one of    Special ability Magnificent fury x 5 対象のHP+100% 移動速度+50%    Special ability Heroic Aid x 5 30匹のMercenariesを召喚    Special ability Cripping Debilitation x 5 敵ユニットのHP-80%   You will also receive    Ma terial s tomb    Large obelisk x 2
  • Wanted Board
    Mycenae ■01.Mycenae - Wanted Board - Wanted boar tusks Kill 25 Boar. REPEATABLE - 12 HOURS BOAR KILLED 0/25 ■02.Mycenae - Wanted Board - Wanted Thieves Find treasures and kill the Guardians. REPEATABLE - 12 HOURS GUARDIANS KILLED 0/50 ■03.Mycenae - Wanted Board - Wanted The vill killers Kill 25 Wolves REPEATABLE - 12 HOURS Wolves killed 0/25 Nubian Expedition 01.Wanted...
  • King Agamemnon
    ■King Agamemnon ■01.Protect our people Protect the allied Town Center from King Thyestes loyalists. 王・テュエステスの支持者から同盟国の町の中心を守る。 CO-OP ALLOWED West Ally s town center protected East Ally s town center protected 20 00 →投石器に注意 ■King Agamemnon ■02.Mycenaean outher defenses Required technology Fortress [Research at palace] Build Fortresses in the specified location. Fortress at marker 1...
  • King Minos
    01.Cretins on the coast! (demo)  Defend the Hubris of lcarus from 10 waves of ill-mannered Lelegan Mercenaries.  Enjoy this quest as a sample of what s available in the Defense of Crete Booster Pack.  For the fully customizable experience, visit the Minoan War Council and purchase the pack.  Repetable- 12 hours  Co-op allowed   Protect wonder   Current wave 0/10   03 00  Rewards   10 c...
  • Nubia Crafting Store
    資源生産施設(Workshop)での上位素材製作レシピ・上位素材作成施設の建築レシピが売っている。 01.Oak Planks  50 coin  →Logger s Workshop で Oak Planks を生産できるようになるレシピ 02.Olive Oil  50 coin  → Farmer s Workshop で Olive Oil を生産できるようになるレシピ 03.Granite Blocks  50 coin  → Mason s Workshop で Granite Blocks を生産できるようになるレシピ 04.Bronze Ingots  50 coin  → Smelter s Workshop で Bronze Ingots を生産できるようになるレシピ 05.Leather  50 coin  → ...
  • Argos Captain
    01.Celebrate hekatombia  Find the stolen Argos Cows.  Repeatable - 12 hours   Bring Argos Cows to Town Center 0/1  Rewards   10,000 xp / 10 argos points / 5 empire points   Treasure chest   Cow From Argos(decoration) 02.It burns us  Survive until 30 Refugees have found safety inside the walls of your base.  Co-op Allowed   Refugees arrived 0/30 避難民を30人到着させよ  Rewards   Choose on...
  • General Chafra
    01.Defend Eqypt!  Defend the coastal villages by defeating the invading army.  CO-OP ALLOWED   Enemies Defeated  Rewards   40,000 xp / 150 coin / 40 nubian points / 20 empire points   Treasure chest x 2  ※King Narmer と共通
  • よくある質問
    基本的な方法 ■!アイコンの人からクエストを受ける ■地図アイコンからクエストに出発(Begin Quest) ■クリア後?アイコンの人で完了 ※!(青字!)のクエストは繰り返せるみたい 日本語入力どうするの オプションのEnable IME にチェック 日本人どこでやってるの? 2ch組はアテネ・・・らしい? チャットは AOEOinJPN チャットタブ右クリック→New Tab→JOIN CHANNEL。Optionで入っておくチャンネル切替もできる。 チャットのチャンネルの切替は? /4 のように / + チャンネル番号。 トレードチャットでアイテム貼り付けるのは? Shift+右クリック CO-OP(複数人プレイ) ※選択するサーバーを一緒にしないとCO-OP不可 ■移動方法 ログアウとして Play  → 文明選択時...
  • プラグイン/ニュース
    ニュース @wikiのwikiモードでは #news(興味のある単語) と入力することで、あるキーワードに関連するニュース一覧を表示することができます 詳しくはこちらをご覧ください。 =>http //atwiki.jp/guide/17_174_ja.html たとえば、#news(wiki)と入力すると以下のように表示されます。 メトロイド ドレッド攻略Wiki - Gamerch(ゲーマチ) 【まおりゅう】最強パーティー編成とおすすめキャラ【転スラアプリ】 - Gamerch(ゲーマチ) 【グランサガ】リセマラ当たりランキング - グランサガ攻略wiki - Gamerch(ゲーマチ) Among Us攻略Wiki【アマングアス・アモングアス】 - Gamerch(ゲーマチ) マニュアル作成に便利な「画像編集」機能を提供開始! - ナレッジ共...
  • Nubia Weapon Store
    01.Rawhide Sling  25 nubian points  Required Level 10  Sling - Usable by Eqyptian Slingers   Damage +16.7% 02.Copper Great Axe  25 nubian points  Required Level 10  Great Axe - Usable by Eqypian Axemen   Damage +16.7% 03.Copper Spear  30 nubian points  Required Level 10  Light Spear - Usable by Greek Hoplites and Eqypitian War Elephants   Damage +12.3% 04.Pine Bow  25 ...
  • Desert Trader
    01.Challenge The Great Camel Gauntlet  Get at east one Camel to the end of the gauntlet.   Checkpoint 1 0/1   Checkpoint 2 0/1   Checkpoint 3 0/1   Checkpoint 4 0/1   Checkpoint 5 0/1   Finish line 0/1   05 00  Rewards   10,000 xp / 80 coin / 10 nubia points / 5 empire points   Treasure chest  →3だけ船で渡らないといけない。123組2匹、45組1匹に分けてShift移動予約使えば楽勝 02.Challenge The Great Camel Gunt...
  • King Diomedes
    01.The Golden Age  King Diomedes would like you to upgrade the village Town Center to Age IV, the Golden Age.   Age IV reached   15 00  Rewards   You will learn    Wonder   You will also receive    28,000 xp / 110 coin / 28 argos points / 14 empire points 02.Get our houses back  King Diomedes wants you to recapture the lost villages and their huts  from the Sea People forces.   H...
  • トップページ
    Age of Empire online ギルド 雪崩 の情報データ共有用wikiです。 2ch http //yuzuru.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/game/1308142759/l50 @wikiへようこそ ウィキはみんなで気軽にホームページ編集できるツールです。 このページは自由に編集することができます。 メールで送られてきたパスワードを用いてログインすることで、各種変更(サイト名、トップページ、メンバー管理、サイドページ、デザイン、ページ管理、等)することができます まずはこちらをご覧ください。 @wikiの基本操作 用途別のオススメ機能紹介 @wikiの設定/管理 分からないことは? @wiki ご利用ガイド よくある質問 無料で会員登録できるSNS内の@wiki助け合いコミュニティ @wiki更新情報 @wikiへのお問合せフォーム 等...
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