Nubia General Store

  • 上位素材、16スロット倉庫、消耗品、Advisorが売っている。

1.Leather x 10
 35 coin / Material / Uncommon
 Used to craft items and construct city buildings

2.Bronze Ingots x 10
 35 coin / Material / Uncommon
 Used to craft items and construct city buildings

3.Olive Oil x 10
 35 coin / Material / Uncommon
 Used to craft items and construct city buildings

4.Oak Planks x 10
 35 coin / Material / Uncommon
 Used to craft items and construct city buildings

5.Granite Blocks x 10
 35 coin / Material / Uncommon
 Used to craft items and construct city buildings

6.Ma'Terial's Tomb
 500 coin / Blueprint / Rare
 Use:Builds a Mostoragorium (16-slot Warehouse)
  Build Limit 0/2
 37 Copper Ingots
 27 Stone Blocks
 15 Oak Planks
  {Requires Premium Civilization)

7.Nubian Archers
 80 coin / Consumable 消耗品 / Uncommon
 Summon 12 experienced Nubian Archers
 Cooldown: 5m
 Requires: Age 3

8.Apprentice Mason Philon
 225 coin / Advisor / Uncommon
  Requires:Greek Civilization Pack
 Active in Age:1
 Required Level:5
 Building build 12% faster 建築速度+12%
  {Requires Premium Civilization)

9.Nubian War Elephants
 80 coin / Consumable / Uncommon
 Summons 2 experienced Nubian war elephants
 Cooldown: 5m
 Requires: Age 3

10.Somatophylax Commander Matius
 300 coin / Advisor / Uncommon
  Requires:Greek Civilization Pack
 Active in Age: 3
 Required Level: 10
 Desert Archer Veteran can be trained at the Fortress
  {Requires Premium Civilization)
 →砦からDesert Archer Veteranを養成可能になる?
最終更新:2011年08月23日 13:51


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