Prince Sesostris

  • Egypt Palace
01.Camels in the mist
 Locate and escort the Stolen Camels back to the pen by your Town Center.
 Co-op Allowed
  Camels returned: 0/5
  Sesostris must survive
 6000xp / 50coin / 3empire point
 Treasure chest

02.Push to the pass
 Use the provided Siege Towers to break through the enemy lines.
 Destroy all the Guard Towers.
 Co-op Allowed
  Guard towers destroyed: 0/10
  8,000 xp / 50 coin / 4 empire point
  Treasure chest x 2

03.What are all the Elephants for?
 Recapture the War Elephants and destroy the Badari Siege Workshops
  Fire elephant camp captured
  Second elephant camp captured
  Third elephant camp captured
  Siege workshops destroyed: 0/2
  8,000 xp / 50 coin / 4 empire point
  Treasure chest x 2

04.The final badari-down!
 Using the forces provided by General Batoshipip,
 defend General Ahpitep's Siege Towers and destroy the Badari Stronghold.
 Co-op Allowed
  Badari capital conquered
  Choose one of:
   Badari Rebel Spear (象攻撃力+13.4% クリティカル+2.2%)
   Badari Rebel Noplon (象HP+3.0% 歩兵耐性+4.9%)
   Badari Rebel Bow (弓・塔攻撃力+9.3% 射程+12.2%)
  You will also receive:
   16,000 xp / 100 coin / 8 empire points

05.Nubia awaits!
 Visit the Nubian Expedition and talk to Prince Sesostris.
  Visit the Nubian Expedition and talk to Peince Sesostris
 50 coin / 10 nubia points

  • Nubian Expedition
06.The Golden Punch Bowl
 Gather as much Gold as possible, before time runs out.
 Co-op Allowed
  Gold Accumulated: 0/5000 集めた金 5000
 12,000 xp / 80 coin / 12 nubia points / 6 empire points
 Treasure chest

07.We three priests
 Sneak through Aswan and meet with the Desert Trader.
  Priest of Amen through: 0/1
  Priest of Ptah through: 0/1
  Priestess of Ra through: 0/1
  Choosse one of:
   Bastet's ebony scepter (Priestess of Raのエンパワー+25.4% 回復+8.5%)
   Bastet's ebony staff (Priests of Set and Ptha の射程+6.4%)
   Bastet's ebony idol (Priests の養成速度 -4.4% )
  You will also receive:
   12,000 xp / 80 coin / 12 nubia points / 6 empire points
   Treasure chest

08.Priestess to queen's temple one
 Train Priestesses and escort them to the Ancient Temple Complex.
 Priestessesを養成してください、そして、Ancient Temple Complexに彼らを誘導してください。
  Priestesses at temple:0/10
  15,000 xp / 80 coin / 15 nubia points / 7 empire points
  Treasure chest x 2

09.The Great Divide
 Cross the Great Divide and defeat the Nubians.
 Co-op Allowed
  Enemies Defeated 敵を滅ぼせ
  15,000 xp / 80 coin / 15 nubia points / 7 empire points
  Treasure chest x 2

10.Echo canyon slaughter
 Required technology
  Guard tower
 Set up defenses and destroy the Nubian army.
  Soldiers killed: 0/200
  15,000 xp / 80 coin / 15 nubian points / 7 empire points
  Treasure chest x 2

11.Ace in the hole
 Land your forces, build a base, and then defeat all enemies.
 Co-op Allowed
  Town Center built: 0/1
  Enemies defeated
  20,000 xp / 100 coin / 20 nubia points / 10 empire points
  Treasure chest x 2

最終更新:2011年08月26日 21:22


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