Mycenae Recipe Store

  • 途中から簡略記載
Ornate Worker Hood が 村人の移動速度アップで優秀 (要:Craftsmen & Lv14)
Ordinary Sentry Boots も 各種兵士移動速度アップ(要:Infantry & Lv14)

1.Crafting Recipe: Ornate Battle Greaves
 75coin / Crafting Recipe / Uncommon
 Use: Grants an Infantry School the ability to create this equipment
 Crafting School:Infantry
 Equipment / Uncommon
 Ornate Battle Greaves
 Required Level: 14
 Soldiers'Gear - Usable by Archers, Cavalry,and Infantry
 ・Health: +5.6%
 Cost:26 Copper Ingots,16 Leather,8 Bronze Ingots

2.Crafting Recipe: Ordinary Training Scroll
 Crafting School:Construction
 Creates:Ordinary Training Scroll
 Required Level: 14
 Construction addition - Usable by Buildings
 ・Train/Research Rate: + 2.8%
 Cost:26 Copper Ingots,16 Granite Blocks,8 Bronze Ingots

3.Crafting Recipe: Ornate Worker Hood
 Crafting School:Craftsmen
 Creates:Ornate Worker Hood
 Required Level: 14
 Laborer Gear - Usable by Villagers and Caravans
 ・Movement Speed: +2.7%
 ・Line-of-sight: +6.8%

4.Crafting Recipe: Fine Axles
 Crafting School:Enginnering
 Creates: Fine Axles
 Required Level: 15
 Engineering Accessory - Usable by Siege units 要塞ユニットに使用できる
 ・Train Time: -4.8%

5.Crafting Recipe: Ordinary Sentry Boots
 Crafting School:Infantry
 Creates: Ordinary Sentry Boots
 Required Level: 14
 Soldiers' Gear - Usable by Archers, Cavalry, and Infantry
 ・Movement Speed: +5.6%

 Crafting School:Infantry
 Creates: Fine Enameled Helmets
 Required Level: 14
 Soldiers' Gear - Usable by Archers, Cavalry, and Infantry
 ・Line-of-sight: +14.0%

 500 coin
 Crafting School:Infantry
 Creates: Consumable / Uncommon / Bandit Spearmen
 Summons 5 Bandit Spearman Veterans
 Cooldown: 5m
 Requires: Age 2
 Cost:72 Animal Hides, 36 Grain

 Crafting School:Construction
 Create: Consumable / Uncommon / Bandit Tower
 Builds a Bandit Tower in a target location
 Cooldown: 5m
 Requires: Age 2

 Crafting School:Cavalry
 Create: Consumable / Uncommon / Bandit Cavalry
 Summons 3 Bandit Cavalry Veterans
 Cooldown: 5m
 Requires: Age 2

 Crafting School:Archery
 Create: Consumable / Uncommon / Bandit Archers
 Summons 5 Bandit Archer Veterans
 Cooldown: 5m
 Requires: Age 2
最終更新:2011年08月18日 22:24


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