Crafting Hall Master

「Crafting Hall Master」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Crafting Hall Master」(2011/08/24 (水) 11:45:42) の最新版変更点



■Crafting Hall Master 01.Craftsmen Rescue  Find and escort the Craftsmen to your Town Center  &color(blue){REPEATABLE - 12 HOURS}   CRAFTSMEN RESCUED 0/5  Rewards:   Choose one of:    Copper Ingots x 100    Pine Planks x 100    Stone blocks x 100    Grain x 100    Animal hides x 100   You will also receive:    6,000 xp / 3 empire points   Elite:    8,881 xp / 4 empire points  →アイテム製作や建築用の資源回収クエスト。クリア12時間経過で再度受注可能  →エリートはHP5000オーバー攻撃力300くらいのWarLeaderがいる。無視して迂回か、戦うなら準備は念入りに。 02.Craft Shipment Recovery  Find and retrieve the lost Merchant Carts.  &color(blue){REPEATABLE - 12 HOURS}   Merchant carts returned: 0/5  Rewards:   Choose one of:    Bronze Ingots x 100    Oak Planks x 100    Granite Blocks x100    Olive Oil x 100    Leather x 100   You will also receive    15,000 xp / 7 empire point  →上級資源回収クエスト。受注はLv16以上で可能?
■Crafting Hall Master 01.Craftsmen Rescue  Find and escort the Craftsmen to your Town Center  &color(blue){REPEATABLE - 12 HOURS}   CRAFTSMEN RESCUED 0/5  Rewards:   Choose one of:    Copper Ingots x 100    Pine Planks x 100    Stone blocks x 100    Grain x 100    Animal hides x 100   You will also receive:    6,000 xp / 3 empire points   Elite:    8,881 xp / 4 empire points  →アイテム製作や建築用の資源回収クエスト。クリア12時間経過で再度受注可能  →エリートはHP5000オーバー攻撃力300くらいのWarLeaderがいる。無視して迂回か、戦うなら準備は念入りに。 02.Craft Shipment Recovery  Find and retrieve the lost Merchant Carts.  &color(blue){REPEATABLE - 12 HOURS}   Merchant carts returned: 0/5  Rewards:   Choose one of:    Bronze Ingots x 100    Oak Planks x 100    Granite Blocks x100    Olive Oil x 100    Leather x 100   You will also receive    15,000 xp / 7 empire point   Elite    22,203 xp / 11 empire point  →上級資源回収クエスト。受注はLv16以上で可能?




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