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Major Media reported false rescue about Japan loyal tsunami dogs」(2013/04/03 (水) 17:21:35) の最新版変更点



START : November 6th 2011 &color(red){update March 26th, 2013. 4:10 pm (Japan time)} Posted by Mika Iwamuro(tottorimiyagi, mii) Visitor Total:&counter(total) Today:&counter(today) Yesterday:&counter(yesterday) 誤った報道をした世界中の大手メディア(日本語ページ):http://www18.atwiki.jp/2dogs/pages/89.html ---- &big(){ [Please help us find missing white dog. Please Share and Spread The Truth.]} &big(){In fact this White Dog named Lee-chan is still missing since March 14th 2011.} &big(){Even now( March 26th, 2013), the real owner is still looking for Lee, desperately since March 2011.} #image(Please help us find white dog 3-2 70%.JPG,http://www48.atwiki.jp/2dogsdemosoft/pages/20.html) Click! http://www48.atwiki.jp/2dogsdemosoft/pages/20.html We need your help, and eyewitness in Sendai Japan. In fact, on March 18th 2011, brown tan dog named Mei-chan was rescued by their real owner Mr. Okubo, in the Elementary School, where near the place two dogs filmed, but when white dog (Lee-chan) was not there. About two years ago, after the Japan Big Earthquake and Tsunami (March 11th 2011), several major medias reported false rescue story "both tsunami dogs were rescued by an animal rescue group" around the world. Too many people still believe in false rescue story. So even now, fake rescue rumors are hindering us from searching for the missing white dog (Lee-chan). #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRMawJtJ6cU&sns=em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRMawJtJ6cU&sns=em Please know the truth, Please help us find missing white dog. Lee-chan (white injured dog) and Mei-chan (Brown dog) attracted the people's attention to many victim animals, all over the world, and they rescued many animals. So... Let's repay their loyal. Let's reunite with Lee-chan (missing white dog) & her real owner Mr. Okubo & Mei-chan (safe brown dog). Their real owner Mr. Okubo and his family said "If a person who saved Lee hope that he/she keeps Lee, it wouldn't be a problem. I would like to thank you so much for saving Lee." "I want to make clear dead or alive." "I still will not give up about Lee." "I want to meet Lee again." The real owner of Japan Two Loyal Tsunami Dogs, Mr. Okubo described how he felt [1] On (Sat) June 30, 2012, Mr. O talked about his two dogs on Akiko Fujimura's talk show at Yokohama Kanagawa Japan. http://www52.atwiki.jp/2dogswiki/ #contents_line(sep=/) **1-10 Major media reported false information "both dogs were rescued" without confirmation of facts in March 2011, around the world. &big(){ But there were NO film/pictures of after dogs were rescued, on their resque report.} &big(){ There were only stray dogs, on their report.} ---- ***1. Fuji TV (Japan) March 17th 2011, about 5:30 pm Fuji TV reported false rescue story "both dogs were rescued by an animal protection group" without confirmation of facts. #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5awVBo7WSaw&sns=em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5awVBo7WSaw&sns=em 安藤優子アナウンサーの声で 「右側のこの、衰弱していた白い犬は、現在も食べ物を口にする事が出来ず 点滴の治療を受けているということです で、反対にこちら、茶色い犬は、比較的元気にしているという事です 茶色い犬が、私達の目には、この白い犬に寄り添って、この白い犬を守っているように見えました」 と言って放送していたが、放送の中で救助後の犬の姿は一切映っていませんでした。 >On (Thu) March 17th 2011, 5:30 pm (Japan time) >Fuji TV announcer Yuko Ando said: >"It seems that this injured white dog of right side, even now cannot eat food, >so is receiving a drip infusion treatment. >On the one hand, it seems that brown dog is comparatively fine. >Brown tan dog looked like stay with this white dog and protect this white dog." But there were NO film/pictures of after dogs were rescued, on Fuji report. There were only stray dogs, on Fuji report. At March 17th 2011, Fuji TV crew NO ONE has seen these two dogs were rescued, they have only heard a false rescue rumor. Late in July 2011, Mr. Yamashina who is Fuji TV reporter visited dog owner’s house, with other two staff, and Yamashina actually saw brown tan dog, that dog had same pattern on it’s fur, from the dog was aired on Fuji TV. And when Yamashina heard that white dog has been missing, from dog owner. But even now (March 26th, 2013) Fuji TV has NEVER correct their wrong report, and they have not contacted the dogs owner since summer 2011. Maybe, if Fuji TV report the truth (Lee is still missing), then Fuji TV lose their popularity and Fuji lose the benefit. So Fuji TV has not reported the truth. Major media reported false information, and they are hindering us from searching for the white dog, and they already hurt dogs owner and many other people, but they still have NOT corrected their wrong reports. A man said "Major media make money by publishing stories people want to know. It is not about the truth. Two dogs rescue was a good story, even if it's a lie." Do you want FAKE good story? I NEVER want to know any lies. I always want to know the TRUTH, whatever good or bad. ---- ***2. CNN (America) (Fri) March 18th 2011, CNN reported false information “two dogs were rescued by Sakurai’s friends” without confirmation of facts。 #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2B0YuxmtlOA) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2B0YuxmtlOA >Jeanne Moos said:good news because animal rescuers believe that this man, animal rights supporter and dog food importer Kenn Sakurai got his friends to get the dogs. >PETA (Ashley Funro): “He was able to get into the area with the help of two men on motorcycles. >On his facebook page Kenn Sakurai, said the injured dogs are at a vet clinic >and the healthier one is in a nearby shelter, >and he said please know that these two are just the tip of the iceberg, >there are more, and we need help”. >Reported by Jeanne Moos, CNN ―――――――――――――― I was disappointed with CNN. Where is a proof of life of white dog? The rescue reports on CNN are based on the rumor on Facebook page and were not checked out. CNN reported false information, they already hurt dogs owner, I sent CNN email about two dogs, three times, but I have NOT received a reply. 2nd movie of CNN #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg5VppaG2r4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg5VppaG2r4 ---- ***3. CBS (America) March 17, 2011 11:54am (Japan time) A Japanese who live in America posted on a blog below. [Two dogs] 今、CBSのニュースで、”忠実な友達”とのタイトルであの2匹も報道。 無事救助されたとのことです。 ABCでも映像のみ流れて流れてました。 よかった!!! Now, CBS news reported ”loyal friend” about those two dogs. They were saved. Also ABC reported only movie. I’m glad!!! 03/17 11:54 CBS YouTube movie #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpbVEoFSec8) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpbVEoFSec8 CBS aired false information "Out of the ruins of the earthquake and tsunami come the touching example of loyalty, new video shows dog surviving among the wreckage at Sendai, first dog appears scared *** ***(I was not able to follow this part.) close look shows it's standing vigil next another dog it is injured or sick inseparable even in a disaster we are happy to report that both animals have been now rescued." ---- ***4. ABC (America) YouTube movie #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERe3pSg19V4&sns=em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERe3pSg19V4&sns=em ABC News said "Today we heard the story of a dog who raced towards rescuers and led them back, to a wounded dog. Their safe and still together tonight. And in village after village, at 5 o’clock a song plays over the speakers. In the village of Osaka they recognized a song about yesterday." A friend of mine said "ABC really didnt talk about the dogs, they were trying to be poetic, for hope for Japan!" So it seems that ABC didn't talk about the dogs were rescued and they were together. They only talk that dogs survive in tsunami and together, at that time. Copied from Global Animal report on March 19th 2011. http://www.globalanimal.org/2011/03/19/japans-animal-victims-truth-news-vs-rumors-facebook/32951/ “CNN, UK Telegraph, NPR, PETA and ABC News affiliates have reported that the dogs were rescued and are being taken care of by an undisclosed veterinarian.” But I have searched ABC movie, I cannot find a movie which PETA and ABC News affiliates. Perhaps, Global Animal misunderstood? In fact, PETA and "CNN" affiliates have reported that the dogs were rescued. But perhaps ABC may has never reported dogs were rescued. March 17th 2011, ABC reported only two dogs video. http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/dog-survives-Japan-tsunami-leads-rescuers-injured-friend-13156869 ABC News: 03/08/2012 Japan Tsunami 2011: Hero Dog http://abcnews.go.com/International/video/japan-tsunami-2011-hero-dog-15881000 ---- ***4. NPR redio station (America) http://www.npr.org/2011/03/19/134679845/a-tale-of-two-dogs-is-testament-to-japans-humanity Copied From: NPR report below >Top Stories >A Tale Of Two Dogs Is Testament To Japan's Humanity >Published: March 19, 2011 >by Scott Simon >A news crew from Fuji TV saw a couple of dogs this week, lying in the wreckage of Mito, Japan. >A dog with brown and white splotches seemed to hover over one with gray, black and white splotches. >Both dogs looked grimy. >The second dog didn't seem to move. >When the dog with brown and white splotches came toward the crew, they thought it was warning them to stay away. >But it returned to the other dog, and put a paw on its head. >Then they understood: the dog was sticking by his friend, and asking for help. >Japan is a nation of pet lovers. >Most families have a dog or cat, birds, a rabbit, or other pets in their apartments. >The dog with brown and white splotches and his friend with gray, black and white splotches were rescued, >and are in a veterinary clinic in the Ibaraki Prefecture. >Kenn Sakurai, the president of a dog food company, who has been among the volunteers, says on Facebook: >". . . The one which came close to the camera is in the better condition. The other . . was weak. . . >But please know that those two are just the tip of the iceberg. There are more and we need help." >TRANSCRIPT: &color(blue){NPR reported wrong information. Gray, black and white splotches was NOT rescued, she has been missing since March 14th 2011 until now (March 26th, 2013.)]} &color(blue){[Kenn Sakurai has not rescued two loyal tsunami dogs.]} &color(blue){[Those dogs were NOT found in Ibaraki prefecture. They were found by Fuji TV camera crew in SENDAI on March 13 2011, not Ibaraki.]} &color(blue){[Mr. Yamashina (山科睦) who is a reporter of Fuji TV, he did NOT understand any thing.} &color(blue){In Fuji TV movie, he said "the dog is protecting his friend, so may the dog is saying 'Go away!' to us. I can't watch this, I hope someone will rescue these dog soon."} &color(blue){And Fuji TV crew left two dogs behind, they have NEVER called any rescue, nothing.} &color(blue){In early October 2011, I phoned Fuji Super News and spoke with Mr. Yamashina, Mr. Yamashina said "I am in trouble because I was not able to find the white dog, if you will find the white dog, please tell me."} &color(blue){I asked Mr. Yamashina "After you filmed the dogs, didn't you call a vet or any rescue? Nothing?"} &color(blue){Mr. Yamashina said "No, I didn't....."} &color(blue){...Before I phoned Fuji, I intended to abuse Mr. Yamashina, but he seemed deeply regret and in low spirits and his voice was very faint, so I stopped abuse.} &color(blue){But if he really regret, why Fuji TV has NEVER corrected their false rescue report?} &color(blue){If Fuji TV reported the truth earlier, then may white dog was found long time ago.} &color(blue){But Fuji keeps silent about two tsunami dogs, and many Japanese have requested Fuji to report the truth, but Fuji keeps ignore.]} &color(blue){Japan is a nation of pet lovers? No, unfortunately, It depends on a person.} &color(blue){Many animals are treated as things, in Japan.} From:Global Animal March 19, 2011 at 12:17 pm # Today’s NPR article is citing GlobalAnimal.org’s story and updates dating back to March 15, 2011. Unfortunately, the rescue and health status of both of these dogs remains unconfirmed. Global Animal spoke at length to Kenn Sakurai today (March 19, 2011) and we have requested photos to verify that the dogs are indeed rescued and alive. It is heartening to see the outpouring of compassion for these two dear dogs. Let us all hope for good news soon. - Global Animal ---- ***6. TYT (Online News of America) TYT Network(The Young Turks ) ■TYT YouTube movie■ #video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb6na-28Nm0 >Woman: Two dogs in Japan one dog is in injured and another dog is basically comforting. >Man: Yeah it’s incredibly sweet. >Woman Yes so let’_s watch the video >As the search continues in Japan for survivors from last week’s earthquake and tsunami. >Remainders that the reality of devastation reaches beyond mankind >Rescue efforts include the pets in Japan like this dot refuse to leave his friend >And injured dog after about an hour’s rescuers finally calmed him down enough >to leave the site of his fellow canine friend. >The weaker one is now in a veterinary clinic and the dog who stood guard is being cared for at a shelter. &color(blue){Give me a break…why media reported a lies? Why they have NEVER confirmed the facts?} ---- ***7. ITN (England) (Independent Television News) ITN said false “both dogs have since been rescued and a receiving veterinary care.” YouTube #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpj-xAzVpic) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpj-xAzVpic a dog found by a Japanese film crew in Arahama-district and mayors from the rubble disoriented called and digi, what appeared to be in attempt to finance the crew off was in fact amazing disploay of protection and for a fellow Eileen canine standing loyal by the side of the second dog who appeared to be dead. as a big ensures began the signs of life Japanese crew arrive enjoyed saying he’s making he is a lot but I’m sorry happy to see his life the analyzed. Two weeks to get out the strong dog tempted to safeguard its compatriots Proving the universal truth of the dogs loyalty not only to mandate to their own. The crew was done that these lucky do you survived catastrophic disasters that struck Japan last week saying its just amazing that they survived these tremendous earthquake and tsunami. However the images are also a stark reminder that there will likely be thousands of pets orphaned when voluntarily abandons. But these two canine friends the future looks a little brush a with report that both dogs have since been rescued and a receiving veterinary care. ITN http://www.itn.co.uk/Home/TopStories ---- ***8. UK Telegraph (England) ■Movie■ Loyal Japanese dog leads rescuers to mate March 16th 2011 www.telegraph.co.uk http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/japan/8386123/Loyal-Japanese-dog-leads-rescuers-to-mate.html Copied from UK telegraph report below >Loyal dog leads rescuers to mate in Japan >A spaniel found amid the devastation in Ibaraki Prefecture leads a TV crew to its injured friend. TelegraphPlayer-8386123 EMBED(telegraph_player.swf) 5:35PM GMT 16 Mar 2011 >For the latest updates on the Japan earthquake and tsunami, follow our live coverage. >Reporters came across the animal whilst filming the destruction wreaked >by Friday's earthquake and tsunami in Ibaraki Prefecture, northeast Japan. >The pair were rescued by vets from Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support. >The tan and white spaniel was taken to a shelter in Mito >while its injured mate is being treated by a vet in the same town. >How the disaster unfolded: Japan's worst natural disaster in video ―――― &color(blue){[UK telegraph reported wrong information. injured white dog was NOT rescued, she is still missing since March 14th 2011.)} &color(blue){Those dogs were NOT found in Ibaraki prefecture. They were found by Fuji TV camera crew in SENDAI on March 13 2011, not Ibaraki.} &color(blue){Susan Mercer, from Heart-Tokushima, one of the three rescue organizations connected with Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue And Support, She categorically stated that Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support did not rescue these two dogs, even though they went searching for them.} &color(blue){ The rescue reports on UK telegraph was based on the rumor on Facebook page and was not checked out.]} ---- ***9. Apple Daily news paper (Hong Kong) ◇Copied from original article & translation below◇ >日強震》鼻酸!直?小花狗守護受傷同伴 >2011年03月17日21:20 蘋果即時 >March 17th 2011 9:20 pm Apple News http://tw.nextmedia.com/rnews/article/SecID/103/art_id/19303/IssueID/20110317 >『所幸2隻狗都獲救,小白狗被送往治療救回一命。』 >『Fortunately both dogs were rescued, and white dog was taken to medical treatment , and life was saved.』 蘋果日報 Apple Daily(Wikipedia) http://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%98%8B%E6%9E%9C%E6%97%A5%E5%A0%B1_(%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF)?useFormat=mobile Apple Daily YouTube movie #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJZmGGt5kGk&sns=em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJZmGGt5kGk&sns=em Chinese :由于這白色的狗至今去向不明、因此主人現在依然一直在找它. 茶斑点的狗被主人自身找到了、以后他們一起一直度過得健康. 兩只狗被都救助了是錯誤報道的. English :This white dog is still missing, their owner has been searching this white dog. Brown tan dog was found by their owner,, after that, brown tan dog and teir owner have been together. It was wrong report that both dogs were rescued. ---- ***10. Russian TV Station (Russia) YouTube #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIj0GhyNhcE) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIj0GhyNhcE 48-55 seconds Russian announcer said “один odin (one), сейчас see-CHAHS (now) , ветеринар клинике (veterinary clinic)” ---- ---- **【I cannot understand these language】 So I cannot know if this movie said that both dogs were rescued. ***11. Where? #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpiGG7fiMjI) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpiGG7fiMjI ---- My friend S translated three Spanish news into English. Thank you S!!! *** 12. Spanish News 1 Spain news 1: Japan The faithful dog Japon El perro fiel #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ylg5IwVQ_oM&sns=em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ylg5IwVQ_oM&sns=em “Is from RT, a news network very popular now because they always have a different view of the notice and it's in different languages. That is an all news about the dogs, sadly the reporter says the dogs were found.” ---- ***13. Spanish News 2 Spain news 2: PERRITOS SOBREVIVIENTES, TERREMOTO JAPON #video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I331hHZF-Bc&sns=em “Sadly the same thing, all people beleives the two dogs are ok, but the reporter says that there are a lot of requests all over the world for the adoption of the two dogs, so maybe Lee chan is in another country. By the record that news tv program is from Chile, not from Spain.” ---- ***14. Spanish News 3 Spain news 3: El perrito de la tragedia de Japon #video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZtMazKB_JU&sns=em “They talk about the loyalty of Mei chan who doesn't want to leave Lee chan alone, even she is looking for help but never left alone Lee. Lee is badly injured but the two dogs are now in a foster in Ibaraki!...misinformation” ---- ***15. Chinese News Chinese news.mpg #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSv2BC7o_eY&sns=em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSv2BC7o_eY&sns=em ---- ** 16-18 The movies of Genuine Mei-chan(Brown tan dog). ***16. Nippon SPCA NipponSPCA in Disaster area nipponspca2011/11/05 #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmMSUzflbZc&sns=em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmMSUzflbZc&sns=em Akiko Fujimura who is the owner of Nippon SPCA, met the dog owner on September 14th 2011 for the first time, when she actually saw brown tan dog named Mei. ――――― ***17. Mei eat food, this movie was taken by Mika, on Aplil 1st 2012. #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mjn6O4Lf_yE&sns=em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mjn6O4Lf_yE&sns=em I phoned the owner of two tsunami dogs, on September 8th 2011, for the first time. And I met the owner in April 2012, for the first time. When i actually saw brown tan dog named Mei. Mei is very cute & very fine. ――――― ***18 Mei & Mika, taken by Mika #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o2ccJDtlG0&sns=em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o2ccJDtlG0&sns=em ---- Translation loyal tsunami dogs in Sendai-shi Japan top page. http://www18.atwiki.jp/2dogs/pages/1.html ■TV放送の犬2匹の安否 http://www47.atwiki.jp/poyacchio-jishin/pages/51.html
START : November 6th 2011 &color(red){update March 26th, 2013. 4:10 pm (Japan time)} Posted by Mika Iwamuro(tottorimiyagi, mii) Visitor Total:&counter(total) Today:&counter(today) Yesterday:&counter(yesterday) 誤った報道をした世界中の大手メディア(日本語ページ):http://www38.atwiki.jp/2dogslink/pages/8.html ---- &big(){ [Please help us find missing white dog. Please Share and Spread The Truth.]} &big(){In fact this White Dog named Lee-chan is still missing since March 14th 2011.} &big(){Even now( March 26th, 2013), the real owner is still looking for Lee, desperately since March 2011.} #image(Please help us find white dog 3-2 70%.JPG,http://www48.atwiki.jp/2dogsdemosoft/pages/20.html) Click! http://www48.atwiki.jp/2dogsdemosoft/pages/20.html We need your help, and eyewitness in Sendai Japan. In fact, on March 18th 2011, brown tan dog named Mei-chan was rescued by their real owner Mr. Okubo, in the Elementary School, where near the place two dogs filmed, but when white dog (Lee-chan) was not there. About two years ago, after the Japan Big Earthquake and Tsunami (March 11th 2011), several major medias reported false rescue story "both tsunami dogs were rescued by an animal rescue group" around the world. Too many people still believe in false rescue story. So even now, fake rescue rumors are hindering us from searching for the missing white dog (Lee-chan). #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRMawJtJ6cU&sns=em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRMawJtJ6cU&sns=em Please know the truth, Please help us find missing white dog. Lee-chan (white injured dog) and Mei-chan (Brown dog) attracted the people's attention to many victim animals, all over the world, and they rescued many animals. So... Let's repay their loyal. Let's reunite with Lee-chan (missing white dog) & her real owner Mr. Okubo & Mei-chan (safe brown dog). Their real owner Mr. Okubo and his family said "If a person who saved Lee hope that he/she keeps Lee, it wouldn't be a problem. I would like to thank you so much for saving Lee." "I want to make clear dead or alive." "I still will not give up about Lee." "I want to meet Lee again." The real owner of Japan Two Loyal Tsunami Dogs, Mr. Okubo described how he felt [1] On (Sat) June 30, 2012, Mr. O talked about his two dogs on Akiko Fujimura's talk show at Yokohama Kanagawa Japan. http://www52.atwiki.jp/2dogswiki/ #contents_line(sep=/) **1-10 Major media reported false information "both dogs were rescued" without confirmation of facts in March 2011, around the world. &big(){ But there were NO film/pictures of after dogs were rescued, on their resque report.} &big(){ There were only stray dogs, on their report.} ---- ***1. Fuji TV (Japan) March 17th 2011, about 5:30 pm Fuji TV reported false rescue story "both dogs were rescued by an animal protection group" without confirmation of facts. #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5awVBo7WSaw&sns=em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5awVBo7WSaw&sns=em 安藤優子アナウンサーの声で 「右側のこの、衰弱していた白い犬は、現在も食べ物を口にする事が出来ず 点滴の治療を受けているということです で、反対にこちら、茶色い犬は、比較的元気にしているという事です 茶色い犬が、私達の目には、この白い犬に寄り添って、この白い犬を守っているように見えました」 と言って放送していたが、放送の中で救助後の犬の姿は一切映っていませんでした。 >On (Thu) March 17th 2011, 5:30 pm (Japan time) >Fuji TV announcer Yuko Ando said: >"It seems that this injured white dog of right side, even now cannot eat food, >so is receiving a drip infusion treatment. >On the one hand, it seems that brown dog is comparatively fine. >Brown tan dog looked like stay with this white dog and protect this white dog." But there were NO film/pictures of after dogs were rescued, on Fuji report. There were only stray dogs, on Fuji report. At March 17th 2011, Fuji TV crew NO ONE has seen these two dogs were rescued, they have only heard a false rescue rumor. Late in July 2011, Mr. Yamashina who is Fuji TV reporter visited dog owner’s house, with other two staff, and Yamashina actually saw brown tan dog, that dog had same pattern on it’s fur, from the dog was aired on Fuji TV. And when Yamashina heard that white dog has been missing, from dog owner. But even now (March 26th, 2013) Fuji TV has NEVER correct their wrong report, and they have not contacted the dogs owner since summer 2011. Maybe, if Fuji TV report the truth (Lee is still missing), then Fuji TV lose their popularity and Fuji lose the benefit. So Fuji TV has not reported the truth. Major media reported false information, and they are hindering us from searching for the white dog, and they already hurt dogs owner and many other people, but they still have NOT corrected their wrong reports. A man said "Major media make money by publishing stories people want to know. It is not about the truth. Two dogs rescue was a good story, even if it's a lie." Do you want FAKE good story? I NEVER want to know any lies. I always want to know the TRUTH, whatever good or bad. ---- ***2. CNN (America) (Fri) March 18th 2011, CNN reported false information “two dogs were rescued by Sakurai’s friends” without confirmation of facts。 #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2B0YuxmtlOA) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2B0YuxmtlOA >Jeanne Moos said:good news because animal rescuers believe that this man, animal rights supporter and dog food importer Kenn Sakurai got his friends to get the dogs. >PETA (Ashley Funro): “He was able to get into the area with the help of two men on motorcycles. >On his facebook page Kenn Sakurai, said the injured dogs are at a vet clinic >and the healthier one is in a nearby shelter, >and he said please know that these two are just the tip of the iceberg, >there are more, and we need help”. >Reported by Jeanne Moos, CNN ―――――――――――――― I was disappointed with CNN. Where is a proof of life of white dog? The rescue reports on CNN are based on the rumor on Facebook page and were not checked out. CNN reported false information, they already hurt dogs owner, I sent CNN email about two dogs, three times, but I have NOT received a reply. 2nd movie of CNN #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg5VppaG2r4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg5VppaG2r4 ---- ***3. CBS (America) March 17, 2011 11:54am (Japan time) A Japanese who live in America posted on a blog below. [Two dogs] 今、CBSのニュースで、”忠実な友達”とのタイトルであの2匹も報道。 無事救助されたとのことです。 ABCでも映像のみ流れて流れてました。 よかった!!! Now, CBS news reported ”loyal friend” about those two dogs. They were saved. Also ABC reported only movie. I’m glad!!! 03/17 11:54 CBS YouTube movie #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpbVEoFSec8) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpbVEoFSec8 CBS aired false information "Out of the ruins of the earthquake and tsunami come the touching example of loyalty, new video shows dog surviving among the wreckage at Sendai, first dog appears scared *** ***(I was not able to follow this part.) close look shows it's standing vigil next another dog it is injured or sick inseparable even in a disaster we are happy to report that both animals have been now rescued." ---- ***4. ABC (America) YouTube movie #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERe3pSg19V4&sns=em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERe3pSg19V4&sns=em ABC News said "Today we heard the story of a dog who raced towards rescuers and led them back, to a wounded dog. Their safe and still together tonight. And in village after village, at 5 o’clock a song plays over the speakers. In the village of Osaka they recognized a song about yesterday." A friend of mine said "ABC really didnt talk about the dogs, they were trying to be poetic, for hope for Japan!" So it seems that ABC didn't talk about the dogs were rescued and they were together. They only talk that dogs survive in tsunami and together, at that time. Copied from Global Animal report on March 19th 2011. http://www.globalanimal.org/2011/03/19/japans-animal-victims-truth-news-vs-rumors-facebook/32951/ “CNN, UK Telegraph, NPR, PETA and ABC News affiliates have reported that the dogs were rescued and are being taken care of by an undisclosed veterinarian.” But I have searched ABC movie, I cannot find a movie which PETA and ABC News affiliates. Perhaps, Global Animal misunderstood? In fact, PETA and "CNN" affiliates have reported that the dogs were rescued. But perhaps ABC may has never reported dogs were rescued. March 17th 2011, ABC reported only two dogs video. http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/dog-survives-Japan-tsunami-leads-rescuers-injured-friend-13156869 ABC News: 03/08/2012 Japan Tsunami 2011: Hero Dog http://abcnews.go.com/International/video/japan-tsunami-2011-hero-dog-15881000 ---- ***4. NPR redio station (America) http://www.npr.org/2011/03/19/134679845/a-tale-of-two-dogs-is-testament-to-japans-humanity Copied From: NPR report below >Top Stories >A Tale Of Two Dogs Is Testament To Japan's Humanity >Published: March 19, 2011 >by Scott Simon >A news crew from Fuji TV saw a couple of dogs this week, lying in the wreckage of Mito, Japan. >A dog with brown and white splotches seemed to hover over one with gray, black and white splotches. >Both dogs looked grimy. >The second dog didn't seem to move. >When the dog with brown and white splotches came toward the crew, they thought it was warning them to stay away. >But it returned to the other dog, and put a paw on its head. >Then they understood: the dog was sticking by his friend, and asking for help. >Japan is a nation of pet lovers. >Most families have a dog or cat, birds, a rabbit, or other pets in their apartments. >The dog with brown and white splotches and his friend with gray, black and white splotches were rescued, >and are in a veterinary clinic in the Ibaraki Prefecture. >Kenn Sakurai, the president of a dog food company, who has been among the volunteers, says on Facebook: >". . . The one which came close to the camera is in the better condition. The other . . was weak. . . >But please know that those two are just the tip of the iceberg. There are more and we need help." >TRANSCRIPT: &color(blue){NPR reported wrong information. Gray, black and white splotches was NOT rescued, she has been missing since March 14th 2011 until now (March 26th, 2013.)]} &color(blue){[Kenn Sakurai has not rescued two loyal tsunami dogs.]} &color(blue){[Those dogs were NOT found in Ibaraki prefecture. They were found by Fuji TV camera crew in SENDAI on March 13 2011, not Ibaraki.]} &color(blue){[Mr. Yamashina (山科睦) who is a reporter of Fuji TV, he did NOT understand any thing.} &color(blue){In Fuji TV movie, he said "the dog is protecting his friend, so may the dog is saying 'Go away!' to us. I can't watch this, I hope someone will rescue these dog soon."} &color(blue){And Fuji TV crew left two dogs behind, they have NEVER called any rescue, nothing.} &color(blue){In early October 2011, I phoned Fuji Super News and spoke with Mr. Yamashina, Mr. Yamashina said "I am in trouble because I was not able to find the white dog, if you will find the white dog, please tell me."} &color(blue){I asked Mr. Yamashina "After you filmed the dogs, didn't you call a vet or any rescue? Nothing?"} &color(blue){Mr. Yamashina said "No, I didn't....."} &color(blue){...Before I phoned Fuji, I intended to abuse Mr. Yamashina, but he seemed deeply regret and in low spirits and his voice was very faint, so I stopped abuse.} &color(blue){But if he really regret, why Fuji TV has NEVER corrected their false rescue report?} &color(blue){If Fuji TV reported the truth earlier, then may white dog was found long time ago.} &color(blue){But Fuji keeps silent about two tsunami dogs, and many Japanese have requested Fuji to report the truth, but Fuji keeps ignore.]} &color(blue){Japan is a nation of pet lovers? No, unfortunately, It depends on a person.} &color(blue){Many animals are treated as things, in Japan.} From:Global Animal March 19, 2011 at 12:17 pm # Today’s NPR article is citing GlobalAnimal.org’s story and updates dating back to March 15, 2011. Unfortunately, the rescue and health status of both of these dogs remains unconfirmed. Global Animal spoke at length to Kenn Sakurai today (March 19, 2011) and we have requested photos to verify that the dogs are indeed rescued and alive. It is heartening to see the outpouring of compassion for these two dear dogs. Let us all hope for good news soon. - Global Animal ---- ***6. TYT (Online News of America) TYT Network(The Young Turks ) ■TYT YouTube movie■ #video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb6na-28Nm0 >Woman: Two dogs in Japan one dog is in injured and another dog is basically comforting. >Man: Yeah it’s incredibly sweet. >Woman Yes so let’_s watch the video >As the search continues in Japan for survivors from last week’s earthquake and tsunami. >Remainders that the reality of devastation reaches beyond mankind >Rescue efforts include the pets in Japan like this dot refuse to leave his friend >And injured dog after about an hour’s rescuers finally calmed him down enough >to leave the site of his fellow canine friend. >The weaker one is now in a veterinary clinic and the dog who stood guard is being cared for at a shelter. &color(blue){Give me a break…why media reported a lies? Why they have NEVER confirmed the facts?} ---- ***7. ITN (England) (Independent Television News) ITN said false “both dogs have since been rescued and a receiving veterinary care.” YouTube #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpj-xAzVpic) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpj-xAzVpic a dog found by a Japanese film crew in Arahama-district and mayors from the rubble disoriented called and digi, what appeared to be in attempt to finance the crew off was in fact amazing disploay of protection and for a fellow Eileen canine standing loyal by the side of the second dog who appeared to be dead. as a big ensures began the signs of life Japanese crew arrive enjoyed saying he’s making he is a lot but I’m sorry happy to see his life the analyzed. Two weeks to get out the strong dog tempted to safeguard its compatriots Proving the universal truth of the dogs loyalty not only to mandate to their own. The crew was done that these lucky do you survived catastrophic disasters that struck Japan last week saying its just amazing that they survived these tremendous earthquake and tsunami. However the images are also a stark reminder that there will likely be thousands of pets orphaned when voluntarily abandons. But these two canine friends the future looks a little brush a with report that both dogs have since been rescued and a receiving veterinary care. ITN http://www.itn.co.uk/Home/TopStories ---- ***8. UK Telegraph (England) ■Movie■ Loyal Japanese dog leads rescuers to mate March 16th 2011 www.telegraph.co.uk http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/japan/8386123/Loyal-Japanese-dog-leads-rescuers-to-mate.html Copied from UK telegraph report below >Loyal dog leads rescuers to mate in Japan >A spaniel found amid the devastation in Ibaraki Prefecture leads a TV crew to its injured friend. TelegraphPlayer-8386123 EMBED(telegraph_player.swf) 5:35PM GMT 16 Mar 2011 >For the latest updates on the Japan earthquake and tsunami, follow our live coverage. >Reporters came across the animal whilst filming the destruction wreaked >by Friday's earthquake and tsunami in Ibaraki Prefecture, northeast Japan. >The pair were rescued by vets from Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support. >The tan and white spaniel was taken to a shelter in Mito >while its injured mate is being treated by a vet in the same town. >How the disaster unfolded: Japan's worst natural disaster in video ―――― &color(blue){[UK telegraph reported wrong information. injured white dog was NOT rescued, she is still missing since March 14th 2011.)} &color(blue){Those dogs were NOT found in Ibaraki prefecture. They were found by Fuji TV camera crew in SENDAI on March 13 2011, not Ibaraki.} &color(blue){Susan Mercer, from Heart-Tokushima, one of the three rescue organizations connected with Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue And Support, She categorically stated that Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support did not rescue these two dogs, even though they went searching for them.} &color(blue){ The rescue reports on UK telegraph was based on the rumor on Facebook page and was not checked out.]} ---- ***9. Apple Daily news paper (Hong Kong) ◇Copied from original article & translation below◇ >日強震》鼻酸!直?小花狗守護受傷同伴 >2011年03月17日21:20 蘋果即時 >March 17th 2011 9:20 pm Apple News http://tw.nextmedia.com/rnews/article/SecID/103/art_id/19303/IssueID/20110317 >『所幸2隻狗都獲救,小白狗被送往治療救回一命。』 >『Fortunately both dogs were rescued, and white dog was taken to medical treatment , and life was saved.』 蘋果日報 Apple Daily(Wikipedia) http://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%98%8B%E6%9E%9C%E6%97%A5%E5%A0%B1_(%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF)?useFormat=mobile Apple Daily YouTube movie #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJZmGGt5kGk&sns=em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJZmGGt5kGk&sns=em Chinese :由于這白色的狗至今去向不明、因此主人現在依然一直在找它. 茶斑点的狗被主人自身找到了、以后他們一起一直度過得健康. 兩只狗被都救助了是錯誤報道的. English :This white dog is still missing, their owner has been searching this white dog. Brown tan dog was found by their owner,, after that, brown tan dog and teir owner have been together. It was wrong report that both dogs were rescued. ---- ***10. Russian TV Station (Russia) YouTube #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIj0GhyNhcE) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIj0GhyNhcE 48-55 seconds Russian announcer said “один odin (one), сейчас see-CHAHS (now) , ветеринар клинике (veterinary clinic)” ---- ---- **【I cannot understand these language】 So I cannot know if this movie said that both dogs were rescued. ***11. Where? #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpiGG7fiMjI) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpiGG7fiMjI ---- My friend S translated three Spanish news into English. Thank you S!!! *** 12. Spanish News 1 Spain news 1: Japan The faithful dog Japon El perro fiel #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ylg5IwVQ_oM&sns=em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ylg5IwVQ_oM&sns=em “Is from RT, a news network very popular now because they always have a different view of the notice and it's in different languages. That is an all news about the dogs, sadly the reporter says the dogs were found.” ---- ***13. Spanish News 2 Spain news 2: PERRITOS SOBREVIVIENTES, TERREMOTO JAPON #video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I331hHZF-Bc&sns=em “Sadly the same thing, all people beleives the two dogs are ok, but the reporter says that there are a lot of requests all over the world for the adoption of the two dogs, so maybe Lee chan is in another country. By the record that news tv program is from Chile, not from Spain.” ---- ***14. Spanish News 3 Spain news 3: El perrito de la tragedia de Japon #video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZtMazKB_JU&sns=em “They talk about the loyalty of Mei chan who doesn't want to leave Lee chan alone, even she is looking for help but never left alone Lee. Lee is badly injured but the two dogs are now in a foster in Ibaraki!...misinformation” ---- ***15. Chinese News Chinese news.mpg #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSv2BC7o_eY&sns=em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSv2BC7o_eY&sns=em ---- ** 16-18 The movies of Genuine Mei-chan(Brown tan dog). ***16. Nippon SPCA NipponSPCA in Disaster area nipponspca2011/11/05 #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmMSUzflbZc&sns=em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmMSUzflbZc&sns=em Akiko Fujimura who is the owner of Nippon SPCA, met the dog owner on September 14th 2011 for the first time, when she actually saw brown tan dog named Mei. ――――― ***17. Mei eat food, this movie was taken by Mika, on Aplil 1st 2012. #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mjn6O4Lf_yE&sns=em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mjn6O4Lf_yE&sns=em I phoned the owner of two tsunami dogs, on September 8th 2011, for the first time. And I met the owner in April 2012, for the first time. When i actually saw brown tan dog named Mei. Mei is very cute & very fine. ――――― ***18 Mei & Mika, taken by Mika #video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o2ccJDtlG0&sns=em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o2ccJDtlG0&sns=em ---- Translation loyal tsunami dogs in Sendai-shi Japan top page. http://www18.atwiki.jp/2dogs/pages/1.html ■TV放送の犬2匹の安否 http://www47.atwiki.jp/poyacchio-jishin/pages/51.html

