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翻訳 DIY ethic



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DIY ethic

 出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)英語版』

 2007-09-18T12:33:43 より翻訳中。
主な執筆者: Quercusrobur、Hephaestos、Skyfaller、Hephaestos、Next Paige 、RedWolf 、DryGrain 他。


DIY ethic

The DIY ethic (do it yourself ethic) refers to the ethic of being self-reliant and doing things yourself as opposed to paying others to do it. The term can indicate "doing" anything from home improvements and repairs to healthcare, from publication to electronics.
DIY精神(DO IT YOURSELF ethic)は、何かを行うために他の人に対価を支払うこととは対照的に、自己を信頼して、自分自身で行う価値観のことである。この用語は、家の改善、修理からヘルスケアまで、出版からエレクトロニクスまで、何でも「行うこと」を指し示すことができる。

DIY questions the supposed uniqueness of the expert's skills, and promotes the ability of the ordinary person to learn to do more than he or she thought was possible.


Punk culture

The DIY ethic is loosely tied to Punk ideology and anticonsumerism, in as much as it amounts to a rejection of the idea that one must always purchase the things that one wants or needs from others.


The DIY punk ethic can also extend to how any group or individual applies DIY political stances to daily life—especially how they avoid contributing to institutions they see as exploitative. These efforts include converting cars to run on biodiesel or vegetable oil, learning bicycle repair, sewing/repairing/modifying clothing, starting gardens, dumpster diving, etc. DIY is sometimes simply a way of finding ad hoc solutions to problems that are otherwise usually solved with wealth or corporate support.


Often though DIY involves a more sustained learning experience which seeks to replace the means for producing goods and services traditionally sought in a money economy to a more permanent extent. Thus DIY is in a broad sense an economic model. Skill sharing is a central aspect of DIY culture and practice.

そして、DIYは時々、単にさもなければ通常富または会社支持で解決される問題の特別解決を見つける方法です。しばしば DIYがより維持された学習を含むけれども、伝統的に商品と事業を作り出すために手段を交換しようとする経験はより永久エクステントに金銭経済で捜索しました。このように、DIYは広義に経済モデルです。分担している技術は、DIY文化と実行の中心面です。

On the Internet

Technological advances in the last ten years have made it more possible for artists to circumvent professional studios and create high-quality works themselves. Advances in media software and the proliferation of high-speed Internet have given artists of all ages and abilities from across the globe the opportunity to make their own films, records, or other content and distribute it over the web. Such works were usually displayed on a private homepage, and gained popularity through word-of-mouth recommendations or being attached to chain letters (known as viral distribution).


Sites like newgrounds and deviantART allow users to post their art and receive community critique. Next generation sites like Instructables and Slip A Buck fuse together community art sites like deviantART, PunkRockDomestics and the DIY punk ethic to provide a venue for do-it-yourselfers to exhibit their works and be compensated in the form of tips. The internet has also been used by the DIY community as a tool for event promotions, such as on or

サイトは新耕地に合います、そして、deviantARTはユーザーが彼らの芸術を掲示して、コミュニティ批評を受けるのを許します。次世代の人々サイトはInstructablesに合います、そして、Slip A Buckは彼らの作品を示して、先端の形で補償されるために何でも屋に会場を与えるためにdeviantART、PunkRockDomesticsとDIYパンクの倫理的体系のようなコミュニティ芸術サイトを融着します。例えばDIYConvention.comまたはの上で、インターネットがイベント促進のための道具として、DIYコミュニティによっても使われました

See also

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