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出典: Anglosphere


主な執筆者: J.J.Robert MerkelRobert MerkelM. E. SmithIandl、他。 



Definitions of the Anglosphere vary: Countries in which English is the first language of a large fraction of the population are shown in blue. Other countries with substantial adoption of English are shown in green

Definitions of the Anglosphere vary: Countries in which English is the first language of a large fraction of the population are shown in blue. Other countries with substantial adoption of English are shown in green.


The word Anglosphere describes a group of anglophone (English - speaking) nations which share historical, political, and cultural characteristics rooted in or attributed to the historical experience of the United Kingdom. The Anglosphere includes those former colonies and dominions of the UK where English is the main language.

The term is usually attributed toscience fiction writer Neal Stephenson, used in his 1995 novel The Diamond Age. Its first published use after this was in an article byJames C. Bennett entitled "Canada's World Advantage" which appeared in a Canadian newspaper,The National Post, on 2000-01-04 (page A16). The term "Anglophonie" is used rarely,[1][2]usually in contradistinction to Francophonie, but is more common in other languages.[3][4]


語は通常SFライター、ニール・スティーブンソンに起因していて、彼の1995の小説でダイアモンド時代を使いました。これの後のその最初の発表された使用法は、2000-01-04(ページA16)の上にカナダの新聞(ナショナルポスト)で見かけた「カナダのWorld Advantage」と表題をつけられるジェームズ・C.ベネットによって、冠詞でした。通常他の言語でより一般的でないフランコフォニー(Francophonie)への対比において、「アングロフォン」という言葉は、めったに使われません。

Definitions and membership

The term incorporates ideas about history,culture, geography,politics,legal systems, and economics, and its definition is necessarily loose.[5]It can mean just English-speaking nations, or it may mean all the nations which use legal systems based on Common law. It can refer to Great Britain and the British-settled countries where the original settler populations came mainly from the British Isles. It can also be seen as an expansion of Atlanticism, a much older concept in international relations, to include Pacific nations such as Australia and New Zealand. It also fills a gap in the English vocabulary corresponding roughly to the French phrasele monde Anglo-Saxon. Thus, it could carry a wide variety of connotations.

According to Bennett, "the Anglosphere is not a club that a person or nation can join or be excluded from, but a condition or status on a network",[6]and




... as a network civilization ... without a corresponding political form, has necessarily imprecise boundaries. Geographically, the densest nodes of the Anglosphere are found in the United States and the United Kingdom, whileAnglophoneregions of Canada, Australia, New Zealand,Ireland, andSouth Africaare powerful and populous outliers. The educated English-speaking populations of theCaribbean,Oceania,AfricaandIndiapertain to the Anglosphere to various degrees.[7]


HistorianRobert Conquesthas also promoted the concept.[8]John Ibbitson of the Canadian newspaperThe Globe and Mailidentified five core English-speaking countries with common sociopolitical heritage and goals:Australia,Canada,New Zealand, theUnited Kingdom, and theUnited States. WriterMark Steyn, who uses the term often, takes it to denote the nations that were or have been part of theBritish Empirefor a significant period of time, and thus were heavily subject to British political influence:Australia,Canada, theUnited Kingdomand theUnited Statesat the core, thenIndia,New Zealand, andSouth Africa, and finally outliers likeGrenadaandSt. Lucia.[9][10]Lawrence M. Mead, Professor of Politics atNew York University, provides a different definition. Rather than using the term "Anglosphere", he identifies "Anglo nations" such as Britain and the chief territories that were settled initially from Britain—pre-eminently the United States but also Australia, Canada and New Zealand. According to Mead: "What makes a country Anglo is that its original settler population came mainly from Britain." By this definition, India and South Africa are not "Anglo nations" because "British settlers never formed the bulk of their populations."[11]




  • 現在、機械翻訳そのまんま。アングロスフィアのスフィアとは球のこと。北半球など地球の半球は、ヘミフフィアという。
  • その後調べてみると、スフィアには、「区域; (活動)範囲.」という意味もあるそうだ。圏と訳するのも妥当かもしれません。
  • 文化のグローバリゼーションもデジタル化、ネットワーク化などの、IT化によって加速している。このまま、地球全体が英語文化圏に飲み込まれてしまうことには、不安も感じる。生物においての生物多様性の確保に似たもので文明もモノカルチャーは実はやばくて、多様性が必要なのかもしれない。
  •  先住民族の権利宣言に反対している国は、植民地主義政策を行っていた英国関連の国だ。


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