//■script150■ package jp.nicovideo.util.events{ import flash.utils.Proxy import flash.utils.flash_proxy use namespace flash_proxy; //■class(instance)_index:180 public final class EventChunk extends Proxy implements EventSender { //static constructor public static function EventChunk$cinit() { //MethodID:2470, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function EventChunk(hug1:*, hug2:Array) { //MethodID:2472, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 16 super(); this.__instance = hug1; this.__eventNames = hug2; } //variables/etc. private var __instance:*; //slotID:0 private var __eventNames:Array; //slotID:0 public function get eventNames():Array { //MethodID:2471, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__eventNames; } override flash_proxy function getProperty(hug1:*):* { //MethodID:2473, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 125 if(!hug1 is QName) throw new Error("EventChunk.getProperty: name is not QName."); if(hug1.uri != event_sender.uri) throw new Error("EventChunk.getProperty: namespace isn't event_sender. [" + hug1.uri + " != " + event_sender.uri + "]"); if(this.__eventNames.indexOf(hug1.localName) == (-1)) throw new Error("EventChunk.getProperty: unknown event named `" + hug1.localName + "'."); return event_sender[hug1.localName]; } } } //■script151■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.filter{ import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.SystemMessage import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.CommentBuilder import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.CommentConstants import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.IComment import jp.nicovideo.util.Functions import jp.nicovideo.util.ObjectUtils import jp.nicovideo.util.events.EventResult import jp.nicovideo.util.events.event_sender import jp.nicovideo.util.loka.__MSG__ import jp.nicovideo.util.storage.LocalStorage use namespace (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_sender); use namespace (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver); //■class(instance)_index:182 public class LockedComment extends Object implements EventSender { //static constructor public static function LockedComment$cinit() { //MethodID:2496, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function LockedComment(hug1:String, hug2:String, hug3:Boolean=false, hug4:Boolean=false) { //MethodID:2497, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 121 this.onCommentListUpdated = new Functions(); this.onCommentPost = new Functions(); this.onCommentCountUpdated = new Functions(); super(); this._mainName = hug2; this._threadID = hug1; this._isPostLocked = hug3; this._isEditMode = hug4; this._lockedList = {}; this._lockedList[this._mainName] = new _LockedCommentContainer(this._threadID, this._mainName); this._lockedList[CommentConstants.CL_NICOS] = new _LockedCommentContainer(this._threadID, CommentConstants.CL_NICOS); this._updateLockedEnabled(); } //variables/etc. private var _so:LocalStorage; //slotID:0 private var _threadID:String; //slotID:0 private var _lockedList:Object; //slotID:0 private var _mainName:String; //slotID:0 private var _isPostLocked:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var _lockedCommentEnabled:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var _isEditMode:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_sender) const onCommentListUpdated:Functions;//slotID:0 (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_sender) const onCommentPost:Functions;//slotID:0 (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_sender) const onCommentCountUpdated:Functions;//slotID:0 private function _updateLockedEnabled():void { //MethodID:2498, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 68 var hug1:_LockedCommentContainer = null; if(this._isPostLocked){ this._lockedCommentEnabled = true; return; } for each(hug1 in this._lockedList){ if(hug1.hasLocked){ this._lockedCommentEnabled = true; return; } } } public function get eventNames():Array { //MethodID:2499, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 18 var hug1:Array = ["onCommentListUpdated", "onCommentPost", "onCommentCountUpdated"]; return hug1; } public function post(hug1:IComment):void { //MethodID:2501, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 188 internal var comment:IComment; //slotID:1 internal var builder:CommentBuilder; //slotID:2 internal var name:String; //slotID:3 internal var lockedComment:_LockedCommentContainer; //slotID:4 internal var posted:IComment; //slotID:5 name = null; lockedComment = null; comment = hug1; if(!this._lockedCommentEnabled) throw new IllegalOperationError("LockedComment.post: has not locked."); builder = new CommentBuilder(comment); if(comment.justPosted == false){ builder.justPosted = true; comment = builder.make(); } name = comment.commentList.name; onCommentPost.apply(comment, name); lockedComment = this._lockedList[name]; posted = lockedComment.push(comment); ObjectUtils.callLater(function():void{ //MethodID:2500, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 101 SystemMessage.instance.informln(__MSG__("コメントの投稿に成功")); var hug1:Array = lockedComment.list.concat(); onCommentListUpdated.apply(hug1, [], true, name); if(name == _mainName) onCommentCountUpdated.apply(lockedComment.lastResNumber); }); } internal function filterDeleteComment(hug1:Array, hug2:String):Array { //MethodID:2502, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 49 if(!this._isEditMode) throw new IllegalOperationError("LockedComment.filterDeleteComment: Can't use excluding the edit mode."); if(!this._lockedCommentEnabled) return hug1; return (this._lockedList[hug2] as _LockedCommentContainer).filterDeleteComment(hug1); } internal function getLockedList(hug1:String):Array { //MethodID:2503, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 38 if(!this._lockedList.hasOwnProperty(hug1)) return []; return (this._lockedList[hug1] as _LockedCommentContainer).lockedList.concat(); } internal function saveLockedComment():void { //MethodID:2504, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 45 var hug1:_LockedCommentContainer = null; for each(hug1 in this._lockedList){ hug1.updateSO(); } } internal function convertOriginalResNo(hug1:String, hug2:Array):Array { //MethodID:2505, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 30 if(!this._lockedCommentEnabled) return hug2; return (this._lockedList[hug1] as _LockedCommentContainer).convertOriginalResNo(hug2); } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onCommentListUpdated(hug1:Array, hug2:Array, hug3:Boolean, hug4:String):EventResult { //MethodID:2506, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 138 if(!this._lockedCommentEnabled) return EventResult.THROUGH; if((hug4 != this._mainName) && (hug4 != CommentConstants.CL_NICOS)) return EventResult.THROUGH; var hug5:_LockedCommentContainer = (this._lockedList[hug4] as _LockedCommentContainer); var hug6:EventResult = hug5.updateList(hug1, hug2, hug3); this._updateLockedEnabled(); if((hug4 == this._mainName) && hug5.hasLocked) onCommentCountUpdated.apply(hug5.lastResNumber); return hug6; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onCommentCountUpdated(hug1:Number):EventResult { //MethodID:2507, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 37 if(!this._lockedCommentEnabled) return EventResult.THROUGH; return (this._lockedList[this._mainName] as _LockedCommentContainer).updateCount(hug1); } } } import com.adobe.crypto.SHA1 import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.CommentBuilder import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.CommentDeleteStatus import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.CommentListUtils import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.IComment import jp.nicovideo.util.ArrayUtils import jp.nicovideo.util.CrossSharedObject import jp.nicovideo.util.TimeUtils import jp.nicovideo.util.events.EventResult import jp.nicovideo.util.storage.LocalStorage use namespace (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.test); //■class(instance)_index:181 //private class _LockedCommentContainer extends Object { //static constructor public static function _LockedCommentContainer$cinit() { //MethodID:2475, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _LockedCommentContainer(hug1:String, hug2:String) { //MethodID:2476, LocalCount= 8 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 216 var hug3:Object = null; var hug4:IComment = null; var hug5:CommentBuilder = null; this._originals = []; this._list = []; this._lockedList = []; this._originalResNoList = []; super(); this._threadID = hug1; this._name = hug2; if((this._so.data[hug1] != null) && (this._so.data[hug1][hug2] != null)){ for each(hug3 in this._so.data[hug1][hug2]){ hug4 = CommentBuilder.unsimplify(hug3); if(hug4.justPosted){ hug5 = new CommentBuilder(hug4); hug5.justPosted = false; hug4 = hug5.make(); } this._lockedList.push(hug4); } this._hasLocked = (this._lockedList.length > 0); } } //variables/etc. private var _SO_NAME:String = "jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.filter.LockedComment";//slotID:0 private var _threadID:String; //slotID:0 private var _name:String; //slotID:0 private var _originals:Array; //slotID:0 private var _list:Array; //slotID:0 private var _lockedList:Array; //slotID:0 private var _hasLocked:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var _lastResNumber:Number = 0.0; //slotID:0 private var _originalResNoList:Array; //slotID:0 private function get _so():LocalStorage { //MethodID:2477, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 return CrossSharedObject.getStorage(this._SO_NAME, "/"); } private function _merge(hug1:Array, hug2:Array):Array { //MethodID:2479, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 500 private var left:Array; //slotID:1 private var right:Array; //slotID:2 private var bufLeft:Array; //slotID:3 private var bufLen:Number; //slotID:4 private var resNo:Number; //slotID:5 private var i:uint; //slotID:6 private var j:uint; //slotID:7 private var original:IComment; //slotID:8 private var c:IComment; //slotID:9 private var b:CommentBuilder; //slotID:10 j = 0; original = null; c = null; b = null; left = hug1; right = hug2; if(left.length == 0){ this._lastResNumber = IComment(right[right.length - 1]).resNo; return right; } bufLeft = left.concat(); if(right.length == 0){ j = 0; this._originalResNoList = []; for each(original in bufLeft){ this._originalResNoList[j++] = original.resNo; } return bufLeft; } if(right.length > 0){ ArrayUtils.add(function(hug1:IComment, hug2:IComment):Number{ //MethodID:2478, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 44 var hug3:Number = (hug1.date.time - hug2.date.time); if(hug3 != 0) return hug3; if(_isLockedComment(hug1)) return -1; return 1; }, bufLeft, right); } bufLen = bufLeft.length; resNo = bufLeft[0].resNo; i = 1; while(i < bufLen){ c = bufLeft[i]; if(c.resNo <= resNo){ b = new CommentBuilder(c); resNo += 1; b.resNo = (resNo + 1); bufLeft[i] = b.make(); if(this._isLockedComment(c)) this._lockedList[this._lockedList.indexOf(c)] = bufLeft[i]; }else{ resNo = c.resNo; } this._originalResNoList[i] = (this._isLockedComment(c) ? NaN : c.resNo); i += 1; } this._lastResNumber = resNo; return bufLeft; } public function get name():String { //MethodID:2480, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._name; } public function get hasLocked():Boolean { //MethodID:2481, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._hasLocked; } public function get lastResNumber():Number { //MethodID:2482, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._lastResNumber; } public function push(hug1:IComment):IComment { //MethodID:2483, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 236 var hug2:CommentBuilder = new CommentBuilder(hug1); if(hug1.anonymity) hug2.userID = this._createAnonymityID(hug1.userID); if(hug1.date == null) hug2.date = TimeUtils.now(); this.resNo = (++this._lastResNumber); if(!this._hasLocked){ this._so.data[this._threadID] = {}; this._hasLocked = true; } if(this._so.data[this._threadID][this._name] == null) this._so.data[this._threadID][this._name] = []; var hug3:IComment = hug2.make(); this._lockedList.push(hug3); this._so.data[this._threadID][this._name].push(CommentBuilder.simplify(hug3)); this._so.flush(); this._list = this._merge(this._originals, this._lockedList); return hug3; } private function _createAnonymityID(hug1:String):String { //MethodID:2484, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 20 return SHA1.hash(this._threadID + "." + hug1); } public function updateList(hug1:Array, hug2:Array, hug3:Boolean):EventResult { //MethodID:2485, LocalCount= 10 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 6, CodeLength= 339 var hug4:IComment = null; var hug5:Number = NaN; var hug6:Array = null; var hug7:IComment = null; this._originals = CommentListUtils.update(this._originals, hug1, hug2, hug3); if(!this._hasLocked){ if(this._originals.length > 0){ this._lastResNumber = this._originals[this._originals.length - 1].resNo; this._list = []; this._originalResNoList = []; for each(hug4 in this._originals){ this._list.push(hug4); this._originalResNoList.push(hug4.resNo); } } return EventResult.THROUGH; } if(this._originals.length > 100){ hug5 = this._originals[0].date.time; hug6 = this._lockedList.concat(); this._lockedList = []; for each(hug7 in hug6){ if((hug7.date != null) && (hug7.date.time > hug5)) this._lockedList.push(hug7); } } this._list = this._merge(this._originals, this._lockedList); if(this._lockedList.length == 0) this._hasLocked = false; this.updateSO(); return EventResult.replace([this._list, [], true, this.name]); } public function updateSO():void { //MethodID:2486, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 123 var hug2:IComment = null; var hug3:LocalStorage = null; var hug1:Array = []; for each(hug2 in this._lockedList){ hug1.push(CommentBuilder.simplify(hug2)); } hug3 = this._so; if(!hug3.data[this._threadID]) hug3.data[this._threadID] = {}; hug3.data[this._threadID][this.name] = hug1; hug3.flush(); } public function updateCount(hug1:Number):EventResult { //MethodID:2487, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 43 if(!this._hasLocked || (this._lastResNumber < 0)) return EventResult.THROUGH; return EventResult.replace([this._lastResNumber]); } public function get list():Array { //MethodID:2488, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._list; } public function get lockedList():Array { //MethodID:2489, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._lockedList; } public function filterDeleteComment(hug1:Array):Array { //MethodID:2491, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 210 private var deletes:Array; //slotID:1 private var ret:Array; //slotID:2 private var len:Number; //slotID:3 private var i:uint; //slotID:4 private var updateDelete:Function; //slotID:5 private var comment:IComment; //slotID:6 comment = null; deletes = hug1; updateDelete = function(hug1:IComment, hug2:int):void{ //MethodID:2490, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 59 var hug3:CommentBuilder = new CommentBuilder(hug1); hug3.deleted = hug2; var hug4:IComment = hug3.make(); _list[_list.indexOf(hug1)] = hug4; _lockedList[_lockedList.indexOf(hug1)] = hug4; }; ret = []; len = this._list.length; i = 0; while(i < len){ comment = this._list[i]; if(deletes.indexOf(comment.resNo) != (-1)){ if(!this._isLockedComment(comment)){ ret.push(comment.resNo); }else{ updateDelete(comment, CommentDeleteStatus.OWNER); } }else if(this._isLockedComment(comment)){ updateDelete(comment, CommentDeleteStatus.NON); } i += 1; } return ret; } public function convertOriginalResNo(hug1:Array):Array { //MethodID:2492, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 120 var hug5:IComment = null; var hug6:Number = NaN; var hug2:Array = []; var hug3:Number = this._list.length; var hug4:int = 0; while(hug4 < hug3){ hug5 = this._list[hug4]; if(hug1.indexOf(hug5.resNo) == (-1)){ }else{ hug6 = this._originalResNoList[hug4]; if(isNaN(hug6)) throw new Error("LockedComment.convertOriginalResNo: invalid resNo of _originalResNoList."); hug2.push(hug6); } hug4++; } return hug2; } private function _isLockedComment(hug1:IComment):Boolean { //MethodID:2493, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 16 return (this._lockedList.indexOf(hug1) != (-1)); } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.test) function get originals():Array { //MethodID:2494, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._originals; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.test) function get lockedList():Array { //MethodID:2495, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._lockedList; } } //■script152■ package jp.nicovideo.util.events{ //■class(instance)_index:183 public class EventSequence extends Object { //static constructor public static function EventSequence$cinit() { //MethodID:2509, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 10 __current = null; } //static variables/etc. private static var __current:EventSequence = null; //slotID:1 public static function get current():EventSequence { //dispID:3, MethodID:2510, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 24 if(!__current) throw new Error("EventSequence.get current: __current is null."); return __current; } public static function bind(hug1:Function):* { //dispID:4, MethodID:2511, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 11 return __current.bind(hug1); } //constructor public function EventSequence(hug1:Object=null) { //MethodID:2512, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 23 this.__events = []; this.__userData = {}; super(); this.__defaultReceiver = hug1; } //variables/etc. private var __events:Array; //slotID:0 private var __userData:Object; //slotID:0 private var __defaultReceiver:Object = null; //slotID:0 public function get data():Object { //MethodID:2513, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__userData; } public function push(... rest):void { //MethodID:2514, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 19 this.__events.unshift.apply(this.__events, rest); } public function add(... rest):void { //MethodID:2515, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 19 this.__events.push.apply(this.__events, rest); } public function next(... rest):void { //MethodID:2517, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 54 public var args:Array; //slotID:1 internal var f:Function; //slotID:2 f = null; internal var args:Object = rest; if(0 < this.__events.length){ f = this.__events.shift(); this.stage(function():void{ //MethodID:2516, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 14 f.apply(__defaultReceiver, args); }); } } public function stage(hug1:Function):* { //MethodID:2518, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 7, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 145 internal var f:Function; //slotID:1 internal var tmp:EventSequence; //slotID:2 f = hug1; if(this === __current) return f(); tmp = __current; __current = this; try{ var hug3:* = f(); return hug3; } finally{ __current = tmp; } } public function bind(hug1:Function):* { //MethodID:2521, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 15 internal var f:Function; //slotID:1 f = hug1; return function(... rest):*{ //MethodID:2520, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 20 public var args:Array; //slotID:1 internal var args:Object = rest; return stage(function():*{ //MethodID:2519, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 12 return f.apply(null, args); }); }; } } } //■script153■ package jp.nicovideo.util.external{ import flash.display.Loader import flash.display.LoaderInfo import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError import flash.events.ErrorEvent import flash.events.Event import flash.events.IOErrorEvent import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent import flash.net.URLRequest import flash.system.LoaderContext //■class(instance)_index:184 public class JSConnector extends Object { //static constructor public static function JSConnector$cinit() { //MethodID:2523, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 10 _hasInitialized = false; } //static variables/etc. private static var _hasInitialized:Boolean = false; //slotID:1 private static var _connector:_ExternalInterface; //slotID:2 public static function get hasInitialized():Boolean { //dispID:3, MethodID:2524, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 return _hasInitialized; } public static function init(hug1:URLRequest, hug2:Function):void { //dispID:4, MethodID:2528, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 48 internal var request:URLRequest; //slotID:1 internal var callback:Function; //slotID:2 internal var load:Function; //slotID:3 load = null; request = hug1; callback = hug2; load = function(hug1:Function):void{ //MethodID:2527, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 122 internal var func:Function; //slotID:1 internal var loader:Loader; //slotID:2 internal var info:LoaderInfo; //slotID:3 internal var onErrorOccured:Function; //slotID:4 onErrorOccured = null; func = hug1; onErrorOccured = function(hug1:ErrorEvent):void{ //MethodID:2525, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 10 func(null); }; loader = new Loader(); info = loader.contentLoaderInfo; info.addEventListener(Event.INIT, function(hug1:Event):void{ //MethodID:2526, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 16 func(hug1.target.content); }); info.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onErrorOccured); info.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onErrorOccured); loader.load(request, new LoaderContext()); }; initByFunc(load, callback); } public static function initByFunc(hug1:Function, hug2:Function):void { //dispID:5, MethodID:2530, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 79 internal var load:Function; //slotID:1 internal var callback:Function; //slotID:2 load = hug1; callback = hug2; if(hasInitialized) throw new IllegalOperationError("JSConnector.init: It has initialized already."); if((load == null) || (callback == null)) throw new ArgumentError("JSConnector.init: has invalid parameters."); load(function(hug1:*):void{ //MethodID:2529, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 3, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 70 internal var content:*; //slotID:1 content = hug1; try{ _connector = new _ExternalInterface(content); } catch(error:ArgumentError){ callback(false); } _hasInitialized = true; callback(true); }); } public static function get available():Boolean { //dispID:6, MethodID:2531, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 19 if(_connector == null) return false; return _connector.available; } public static function call(hug1:String, ...rest):* { //dispID:7, MethodID:2532, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 22 return _connector.call.apply(null, [hug1].concat(rest)); } public static function addCallback(hug1:String, hug2:Function, ...args):void { //dispID:8, MethodID:2533, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 15 _connector.addCallback.apply(null, args); } public static function get objectID():String { //dispID:9, MethodID:2534, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 9 return _connector.objectID; } //constructor public function JSConnector() { //MethodID:2535, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■class(instance)_index:185 //private class _ExternalInterface extends Object { //static constructor public static function _ExternalInterface$cinit() { //MethodID:2536, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _ExternalInterface(hug1:*) { //MethodID:2537, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 50 super(); this._available = hug1["available"]; this._objectID = hug1["objectID"]; this._addCallback = hug1["addCallback"]; this._call = hug1["call"]; } //variables/etc. private var _available:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _objectID:String; //slotID:0 private var _addCallback:Function; //slotID:0 private var _call:Function; //slotID:0 public function get available():Boolean { //MethodID:2538, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._available; } public function get objectID():String { //MethodID:2539, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._objectID; } public function addCallback(hug1:String, hug2:Function):void { //MethodID:2540, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 16 this._addCallback.apply(null, [hug1, hug2]); } public function call(hug1:String, ...rest):* { //MethodID:2541, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 20 return this._call.apply(null, [hug1].concat(rest)); } } //■script154■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log{ import __AS3__.vec.Vector import flash.display.Sprite import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.config.NicoConfig import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.IPlayerConfig import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.PlayerInfo import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.IGetFLV import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.IInitializeInfo import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.flashvars.NicoFlashVars import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.ILogElement import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.video.VideoWrapper import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.videoender.IVideoenderTesterConfig //■class(instance)_index:186 public interface ILogManager { //static constructor public static function ILogManager$cinit() { //MethodID:2543, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function initialize(hug1:IInitializeInfo, hug2:NicoConfig, hug3:NicoFlashVars, hug4:IGetFLV, hug5:IPlayerConfig, hug6:PlayerInfo, hug7:Sprite, hug8:Boolean, hug9:VideoWrapper, hug10:Sprite, hug11:Boolean, hug12:IVideoenderTesterConfig):void;//MethodID:2544, dispID:0 function getLogElement(hug1:String):ILogElement; //MethodID:2545, dispID:0 function addLogElement(hug1:ILogElement):Boolean; //MethodID:2546, dispID:0 function contains(hug1:String):Boolean; //MethodID:2547, dispID:0 function send(hug1:Number=0.0):void; //MethodID:2548, dispID:0 function get sendableLogs():Vector.; //MethodID:2549, dispID:0 function get logs():Vector.; //MethodID:2550, dispID:0 function get observer():ILogEventObservable; //MethodID:2551, dispID:0 //constructor public function ILogManager(); //MethodID:2552, dispID:0 } } //■script155■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log{ import __AS3__.vec.Vector import flash.display.Sprite import flash.events.Event import flash.events.EventDispatcher import flash.events.IOErrorEvent import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent import flash.events.TimerEvent import flash.net.URLLoader import flash.net.URLRequest import flash.net.URLRequestMethod import flash.net.URLVariables import flash.utils.Dictionary import flash.utils.Timer import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.config.NicoConfig import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.IPlayerConfig import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.PlayerInfo import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.IGetFLV import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.IInitializeInfo import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.flashvars.NicoFlashVars import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.CapabilitiesLog import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.ILogElement import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.LoadingFailLog import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.NonSharedObjectCountLog import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.PlayStats import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.PlayerIdleLog import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.Playlen import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.PremiumLeadOnSliderLog import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.VideoenderLog import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.events.LogEvent import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.video.VideoWrapper import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.videoender.IVideoenderTesterConfig import jp.nicovideo.util.CrossSharedObject import jp.nicovideo.util.storage.LocalStorage //■class(instance)_index:188 public class LogManager extends EventDispatcher implements ILogManager { //static constructor public static function LogManager$cinit() { //MethodID:2558, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 60 DEFAULT_SEND_SLEEP_TIME = 3000; SO_NAME_LOG_MANAGER = "jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogManager"; ROOT_XML_TEMPLATE = new XML(""); LOGS_XML_TEMPLATE = new XML(""); LOG_XML_TEMPLATE = new XML(""); } //static variables/etc. public static const DEFAULT_SEND_SLEEP_TIME:Number = 3000.0; //slotID:1 public static const SO_NAME_LOG_MANAGER:String = "jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogManager";//slotID:2 public static const ROOT_XML_TEMPLATE:XML; //slotID:3 public static const LOGS_XML_TEMPLATE:XML; //slotID:4 public static const LOG_XML_TEMPLATE:XML; //slotID:5 //constructor public function LogManager(hug1:Boolean) { //MethodID:2565, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 410 internal var isNoSharedObject:Boolean; //slotID:1 internal var getStorage:Function; //slotID:2 getStorage = null; isNoSharedObject = hug1; super(); getStorage = function(hug1:String):LocalStorage{ //MethodID:2559, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 20 return CrossSharedObject.getStorage((SO_NAME_LOG_MANAGER + "." + hug1), "/"); }; this._isNoSharedObject = isNoSharedObject; this._logs = new Vector.(); this._dictionary = new Dictionary(); this._loader = new URLLoader(); this._loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(hug1:Event):void{ //MethodID:2560, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 9 _onSendFinished(true); }); this._loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function(hug1:Event):void{ //MethodID:2561, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 9 _onSendFinished(false); }); this._loader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, function(hug1:Event):void{ //MethodID:2562, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 9 _onSendFinished(false); }); this._sleepTimer = new Timer(DEFAULT_SEND_SLEEP_TIME, 1); this._sleepTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, function(hug1:TimerEvent):void{ //MethodID:2563, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 8 _send_0(); }); if(this._isNoSharedObject){ this._nonSharedObjectLog = new NonSharedObjectCountLog(getStorage); this.addLogElement(this._nonSharedObjectLog); }else{ this._playlen = new Playlen(); this._playstats = new PlayStats(getStorage); this.addLogElement(this._playstats); this._playerIdleLog = new PlayerIdleLog(getStorage); this.addLogElement(this._playerIdleLog); this._loadingFailLog = new LoadingFailLog(getStorage); this.addLogElement(this._loadingFailLog); this._premiumLeadOnSliderLog = new PremiumLeadOnSliderLog(getStorage); this.addLogElement(this._premiumLeadOnSliderLog); this._capabilitiesLog = new CapabilitiesLog(getStorage); this.addLogElement(this._capabilitiesLog); this._videoenderLog = new VideoenderLog(getStorage); this.addLogElement(this._videoenderLog); this._logs.forEach(function(hug1:ILogElement, hug2:int, hug3:Vector.):void{ //MethodID:2564, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 37 if((hug1.sendType == LogElementSendType.PLAYER_START_UP) && (hug1.logObjects.length > 0)) hug1.isSendable = true; }); } this._observer = LogEventObserverFactory.create((this._isNoSharedObject ? null : this.getLogElement), (this._isNoSharedObject ? null : this._playlen)); } //variables/etc. private var _apiURL:String; //slotID:0 private var _logs:Vector.; //slotID:0 private var _sentLogs:Vector.; //slotID:0 private var _dictionary:Dictionary; //slotID:0 private var _observer:ILogEventObservable; //slotID:0 private var _sleepTimer:Timer; //slotID:0 private var _loader:URLLoader; //slotID:0 private var _nonSharedObjectLog:NonSharedObjectCountLog; //slotID:0 private var _playlen:Playlen; //slotID:0 private var _playstats:PlayStats; //slotID:0 private var _playerIdleLog:PlayerIdleLog; //slotID:0 private var _loadingFailLog:LoadingFailLog; //slotID:0 private var _premiumLeadOnSliderLog:PremiumLeadOnSliderLog; //slotID:0 private var _capabilitiesLog:CapabilitiesLog; //slotID:0 private var _videoenderLog:VideoenderLog; //slotID:0 private var _isNoSharedObject:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var _isLogSending:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var _isSendAfterSending:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public function initialize(hug1:IInitializeInfo, hug2:NicoConfig, hug3:NicoFlashVars, hug4:IGetFLV, hug5:IPlayerConfig, hug6:PlayerInfo, hug7:Sprite, hug8:Boolean, hug9:VideoWrapper, hug10:Sprite, hug11:Boolean, hug12:IVideoenderTesterConfig):void { //MethodID:2567, LocalCount= 14 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 7, CodeLength= 452 internal var initializeInfo:IInitializeInfo; //slotID:1 internal var config:NicoConfig; //slotID:2 internal var flashvars:NicoFlashVars; //slotID:3 internal var getFLV:IGetFLV; //slotID:4 internal var playerConfig:IPlayerConfig; //slotID:5 internal var playerInfo:PlayerInfo; //slotID:6 internal var root:Sprite; //slotID:7 internal var isThumbwatch:Boolean; //slotID:8 internal var video:VideoWrapper; //slotID:9 internal var rootDisplayObject:Sprite; //slotID:10 internal var isPlaylist:Boolean; //slotID:11 internal var videoenderTesterConfig:IVideoenderTesterConfig; //slotID:12 internal var isNoHiroba:Boolean; //slotID:13 initializeInfo = hug1; config = hug2; flashvars = hug3; getFLV = hug4; playerConfig = hug5; playerInfo = hug6; root = hug7; isThumbwatch = hug8; video = hug9; rootDisplayObject = hug10; isPlaylist = hug11; videoenderTesterConfig = hug12; this._apiURL = config.LOGGER_API_URL; isNoHiroba = (flashvars.watchFlashVars && flashvars.watchFlashVars.noHiroba); _LogEnabledChecker.initialize(config.BASE_URL); if(this._isNoSharedObject){ this._nonSharedObjectLog.initialize(); }else{ this._playlen.initialize(config.PLAYLEN_API_URL, video, flashvars, initializeInfo, isThumbwatch, rootDisplayObject); this._playstats.initialize(!flashvars.watchFlashVars.noPostPlayStats, getFLV, flashvars, playerInfo, isNoHiroba); this._playerIdleLog.initialize(_LogEnabledChecker.getEnabledByUserID(initializeInfo.userID, this._playerIdleLog.name), flashvars.isChannel, flashvars.communityGlobalID, flashvars.originalVideoID); this._loadingFailLog.initialize(flashvars.watchID, getFLV.videoURL); this._premiumLeadOnSliderLog.initialize(_LogEnabledChecker.getEnabledByUserID(initializeInfo.userID, this._premiumLeadOnSliderLog.name)); this._capabilitiesLog.initialize(_LogEnabledChecker.getEnabledByUserID(initializeInfo.userID, this._capabilitiesLog.name)); this._videoenderLog.initialize(_LogEnabledChecker.getEnabledByUserID(initializeInfo.userID, this._videoenderLog.name), videoenderTesterConfig); this._logs.forEach(function(hug1:ILogElement, hug2:int, hug3:Vector.):void{ //MethodID:2566, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 37 if((!isThumbwatch && flashvars.watchFlashVars) && !isPlaylist && videoenderTesterConfig.isTestable || ((hug1.sendType == LogElementSendType.LOG_INITIALIZE) && (hug1.logObjects.length > 0))) hug1.isSendable = true; }); } this.send(); } public function getLogElement(hug1:String):ILogElement { //MethodID:2568, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 35 if(!this._dictionary.hasOwnProperty(hug1)) throw new Error("LogManager.getLogElement: LogElement not found."); return this._dictionary[hug1]; } public function addLogElement(hug1:ILogElement):Boolean { //MethodID:2569, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 55 if(this.contains(hug1.name)) return false; hug1.addEventListener(LogEvent.PREPARED, this._onItemPrepared); this._logs.push(hug1); this._dictionary[hug1.name] = hug1; return true; } private function _onItemPrepared(hug1:LogEvent):void { //MethodID:2570, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 10 this.send(0); } public function contains(hug1:String):Boolean { //MethodID:2571, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 return this._dictionary.hasOwnProperty(hug1); } public function send(hug1:Number=3000.0):void { //MethodID:2572, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 94 if(this._sleepTimer.running) return; if((hug1 > 0) && !isNaN(hug1) && isFinite(hug1)){ this._sleepTimer.stop(); this._sleepTimer.reset(); this._sleepTimer.delay = hug1; this._sleepTimer.start(); }else{ this._send_0(); } } private function _send_0():void { //MethodID:2573, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 142 if(this._isLogSending){ this._isSendAfterSending = true; return; } this._isLogSending = true; this._sentLogs = this.sendableLogs; if(this._sentLogs.length <= 0){ this._isLogSending = false; return; } var hug1:XML = this._createXML(this._sentLogs); if(XMLList(hug1.logs.log).length() == 0){ this._isLogSending = false; return; } var hug2:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); hug2.player_log = hug1.toXMLString(); var hug3:URLRequest = new URLRequest(this._apiURL); hug3.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; hug3.data = hug2; this._loader.load(hug3); } private function _onSendFinished(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:2575, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 102 internal var succeeded:Boolean; //slotID:1 succeeded = hug1; if(succeeded){ this._clean(this._sentLogs, true); this._sentLogs.forEach(function(hug1:ILogElement, hug2:int, hug3:Vector.):void{ //MethodID:2574, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 hug1.onLogSent(); }); this._sentLogs = new Vector.(); } this._isLogSending = false; if(this._isSendAfterSending){ this._isSendAfterSending = false; this.send(); }else{ dispatchEvent(new LogEvent(LogEvent.SEND_COMPLETE)); } } private function _clean(hug1:Vector., hug2:Boolean=false):void { //MethodID:2577, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 28 internal var target:Vector.; //slotID:1 internal var isCompel:Boolean = false; //slotID:2 target = hug1; isCompel = hug2; target.forEach(function(hug1:ILogElement, hug2:int, hug3:Vector.):void{ //MethodID:2576, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 25 if(hug1.isExpired || isCompel) hug1.clearLocalStorage(); }); } private function _createXML(hug1:Vector.):XML { //MethodID:2581, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 81 internal var vector:Vector.; //slotID:1 internal var root:XML; //slotID:2 internal var logs:XML; //slotID:3 internal var _setXMLElement:Function; //slotID:4 logs = null; vector = hug1; _setXMLElement = function(hug1:XML, hug2:Object):void{ //MethodID:2578, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 70 var hug3:String = null; for(hug3 in hug2){ hug1.appendChild(new XML(("<" + hug3 + ">") + hug2[hug3] + "")); } }; root = ROOT_XML_TEMPLATE.copy(); logs = LOGS_XML_TEMPLATE.copy(); root.appendChild(logs); vector.forEach(function(hug1:ILogElement, hug2:int, hug3:Vector.):void{ //MethodID:2580, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 35 internal var item:ILogElement; //slotID:1 internal var index:int; //slotID:2 internal var vector:Vector.; //slotID:3 item = hug1; index = hug2; vector = hug3; item.logObjects.forEach(function(hug1:Object, hug2:int, hug3:Vector.):void{ //MethodID:2579, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 42 var hug4:XML = LOG_XML_TEMPLATE.copy(); hug4.@name = item.name; _setXMLElement(hug4, hug1); logs.appendChild(hug4); }); }); return root; } public function get sendableLogs():Vector. { //MethodID:2583, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 37 internal var vector:Vector.; //slotID:1 vector = null; vector = this._logs.filter(function(hug1:ILogElement, hug2:int, hug3:Vector.):Boolean{ //MethodID:2582, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 13 if(hug1.isSendable){ } return hug1.isSendable; }); return vector; } public function get logs():Vector. { //MethodID:2584, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._logs; } public function get observer():ILogEventObservable { //MethodID:2585, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._observer; } } } import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.PremiumLeadOnSliderTarget import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogElementName //■class(instance)_index:187 //private class _LogEnabledChecker extends Object { //static constructor public static function _LogEnabledChecker$cinit() { //MethodID:2554, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 10 _isCompel = false; } //static variables/etc. private static var _isCompel:Boolean = false; //slotID:1 public static function initialize(hug1:String):void { //dispID:3, MethodID:2555, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 57 var hug2:RegExp = new RegExp("^http:\/\/((?:[\w\-]+\.)*)nicovideo\.jp\/", "ig"); var hug3:Array = hug2.exec(hug1); if(hug3) _isCompel = new RegExp("dev\.").test(hug3[1].toLowerCase()); } public static function getEnabledByUserID(hug1:String, hug2:String):Boolean { //dispID:4, MethodID:2556, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 427 if(_isCompel) return true; var hug3:int = int(hug1); var hug4:String = hug2; switch(hug4){ case LogElementName.PREMIUM_LEAD_ON_SLIDER: return PremiumLeadOnSliderTarget.isTargetUser(hug1, true); case LogElementName.PLAYER_IDLE: return ((hug3 % 10) == 1); case LogElementName.PLAYLIST_INTERRUPTED: return ((hug3 % 10) == 1); case LogElementName.VIDEO_MENU: return ((hug3 % 10) == 3); case LogElementName.LOADING_IDLE: return ((hug3 % 10) == 4); case LogElementName.COMMENT_UPDATE_COUNT: return ((hug3 % 10) == 9); case LogElementName.WATCH_RELOAD: return ((hug3 % 10) == 9); case LogElementName.HIRROBA_CONNECTION_FAIL: return ((hug3 % 10) == 9); case LogElementName.HIRROBA_DISCONNECTED: return ((hug3 % 10) == 9); case LogElementName.PLAYER_CONF: return ((hug3 % 10) == 9); case LogElementName.CAPABILITIES: return ((hug3 % 10) == 9); case LogElementName.VIDEOENDER: return ((hug3 % 20) == 2); default: throw new ArgumentError("LogManager._LogEnabledChecker.getEnabledByUserID: 指定されたログが見つかりません。", hug2); break; } } //constructor public function _LogEnabledChecker() { //MethodID:2557, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } //■script156■ package jp.nicovideo.hiroba{ import flash.display.MovieClip import jp.nicovideo.hiroba.models.IHirobaMessageServerInfo import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.IGetChecklist //■class(instance)_index:189 public interface IHirobaConnectorClient { //static constructor public static function IHirobaConnectorClient$cinit() { //MethodID:2587, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function get messageServerInfo():IHirobaMessageServerInfo; //MethodID:2588, dispID:0 function get userID():String; //MethodID:2589, dispID:0 function getPostKey(hug1:Function, hug2:String, hug3:int):void; //MethodID:2590, dispID:0 function insertItemOnMarquee(hug1:String, hug2:MovieClip, hug3:Function, hug4:Function, hug5:Number=0.5):void;//MethodID:2591, dispID:0 function get isLiveAlertEnabled():Boolean; //MethodID:2592, dispID:0 function get isUneiMessageEnabled():Boolean; //MethodID:2593, dispID:0 function get checkList():IGetChecklist; //MethodID:2594, dispID:0 //constructor public function IHirobaConnectorClient(); //MethodID:2595, dispID:0 } } //■script157■ package jp.nicovideo.hiroba{ import flash.display.MovieClip import jp.nicovideo.hiroba.models.IHirobaMessageServerInfo import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.IGetChecklist import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.IKeygen //■class(instance)_index:190 public class HirobaConnectorClient extends Object implements IHirobaConnectorClient { //static constructor public static function HirobaConnectorClient$cinit() { //MethodID:2597, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function HirobaConnectorClient(hug1:IHirobaMessageServerInfo, hug2:String, hug3:IKeygen, hug4:Function) { //MethodID:2598, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 27 super(); this._messageServerInfo = hug1; this._userID = hug2; this._keygen = hug3; this._getCurrentVolume = hug4; } //variables/etc. private var _messageServerInfo:IHirobaMessageServerInfo; //slotID:0 private var _keygen:IKeygen; //slotID:0 private var _insertItemOnMarquee:Function; //slotID:0 private var _checkList:IGetChecklist; //slotID:0 private var _getCurrentVolume:Function; //slotID:0 private var _userID:String; //slotID:0 public function get messageServerInfo():IHirobaMessageServerInfo { //MethodID:2599, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._messageServerInfo; } public function get userID():String { //MethodID:2600, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._userID; } public function getPostKey(hug1:Function, hug2:String, hug3:int, ...args):void { //MethodID:2601, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 this._keygen.getHirobaPostKey.apply(null, args); } public function set insertItemOnMarquee_0(hug1:Function):void { //MethodID:2602, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._insertItemOnMarquee = hug1; } public function insertItemOnMarquee(hug1:String, hug2:MovieClip, hug3:Function, hug4:Function, hug5:Number=0.5):void { //MethodID:2603, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 7, CodeLength= 30 if(this._insertItemOnMarquee == null) return; this._insertItemOnMarquee(hug1, hug2, this._getCurrentVolume(), hug3, hug4, hug5); } public function get checkList():IGetChecklist { //MethodID:2604, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._checkList; } public function set checkList(hug1:IGetChecklist):void { //MethodID:2605, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._checkList = hug1; } public function get isLiveAlertEnabled():Boolean { //MethodID:2606, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 4 return true; } public function get isUneiMessageEnabled():Boolean { //MethodID:2607, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 4 return true; } } } //■script158■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.video{ //■class(instance)_index:191 public interface IVposWatcher { //static constructor public static function IVposWatcher$cinit() { //MethodID:2609, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function addWatchPoint(hug1:Function, hug2:Number, hug3:Number=1.0, hug4:Boolean=true):void;//MethodID:2610, dispID:0 //constructor public function IVposWatcher(); //MethodID:2611, dispID:0 } } //■script159■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.video{ import flash.events.TimerEvent import flash.utils.Timer import jp.nicovideo.util.ArrayUtils import jp.nicovideo.util.events.EventResult use namespace (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver); //■class(instance)_index:193 public class VposWatcher extends Object implements IVposWatcher { //static constructor public static function VposWatcher$cinit() { //MethodID:2615, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 WATCH_INTERVAL = 400; } //static variables/etc. public static var WATCH_INTERVAL:Number = 400.0; //slotID:1 //constructor public function VposWatcher(hug1:IVideo) { //MethodID:2617, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 57 internal var video:IVideo; //slotID:1 video = hug1; this.__watchPoints = []; this.__watchTimer = new Timer(WATCH_INTERVAL); super(); this.__video = video; this.__watchTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, function(hug1:TimerEvent):void{ //MethodID:2616, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 8 __watch(); }); } //variables/etc. private var __watchPoints:Array; //slotID:0 private var __watchTimer:Timer; //slotID:0 private var __lastHit:_WatchPoint = null; //slotID:0 private var __video:IVideo; //slotID:0 public function kill():void { //MethodID:2618, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 30 this.__watchTimer.stop(); this.__watchTimer.reset(); this.__watchPoints = []; this.__lastHit = null; } public function addWatchPoint(hug1:Function, hug2:Number, hug3:Number=1.0, hug4:Boolean=true):void { //MethodID:2619, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 60 var hug5:_WatchPoint = new _WatchPoint(); hug5.f = hug1; hug5.vpos = hug2; hug5.length = hug3; hug5.once = hug4; this.__watchPoints.splice((this.__findIndexOfWatchPoint(hug2) + 1), 0, hug5); } private function __watch():void { //MethodID:2620, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 99 var hug1:Number = this.__findIndexOfWatchPoint(this.__video.vpos); if(hug1 == (-1)) return; var hug2:_WatchPoint = this.__watchPoints[hug1]; if((hug2 !== this.__lastHit) && (hug2.vpos <= this.__video.vpos) && ((hug2.vpos + hug2.length) >= this.__video.vpos)){ this.__lastHit = hug2; hug2.f(); } } private function __findIndexOfWatchPoint(hug1:Number):int { //MethodID:2622, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 30 internal var vpos:Number; //slotID:1 vpos = hug1; return ArrayUtils.lowerBoundIndex(function(hug1:Number, hug2:_WatchPoint):Number{ //MethodID:2621, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 7 return (hug1 - hug2.vpos); }, vpos, this.__watchPoints); } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onVideoSeeked(hug1:Number):EventResult { //MethodID:2623, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 13 this.__watch(); return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onVideoPlayed():EventResult { //MethodID:2624, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 16 this.__watchTimer.start(); return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onVideoStopped():EventResult { //MethodID:2625, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 16 this.__watchTimer.stop(); return EventResult.THROUGH; } } } //■class(instance)_index:192 //private class _WatchPoint extends Object { //static constructor public static function _WatchPoint$cinit() { //MethodID:2613, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _WatchPoint() { //MethodID:2614, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } //variables/etc. public var f:Function; //slotID:0 public var vpos:Number; //slotID:0 public var length:Number; //slotID:0 public var once:Boolean; //slotID:0 } //■script160■ package jp.nicovideo.util.events{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.filter.INGComment import jp.nicovideo.util.ArraySet //■class(instance)_index:194 public class EventPipe extends Object { //static constructor public static function EventPipe$cinit() { //MethodID:2627, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //static variables/etc. public static function dummy():Function { //dispID:3, MethodID:2629, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 10 return function(hug1:String, hug2:Array):EventResult{ //MethodID:2628, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 return EventResult.THROUGH; }; } public static function castEvent(hug1:*, hug2:String, hug3:Array):EventResult { //dispID:4, MethodID:2630, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 21 return hug1.apply(null, hug3); } public static function serial(... rest):EventPipe { //dispID:5, MethodID:2631, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 12 return __create(true, rest); } public static function parallel(... rest):EventPipe { //dispID:6, MethodID:2632, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 12 return __create(false, rest); } public static function switcher(hug1:Function, ...rest):EventPipe { //dispID:7, MethodID:2633, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 4 return null; } private static function __create(hug1:Boolean, hug2:Array):EventPipe { //dispID:8, MethodID:2634, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 94 var hug4:* = undefined; var hug3:EventPipe = new (hug1 ? (_SerialPipe) : (_ParallelPipe))(); for each(hug4 in hug2){ hug3.push((hug4 is Array) ? __create(!hug1, hug4) : hug4); } return hug3; } //constructor public function EventPipe() { //MethodID:2635, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 39 this._nodesInParent = new ArraySet(); super(); this._head = this._tail = new _Node(null, null); } //variables/etc. protected var _nodesInParent:ArraySet; //slotID:0 protected var _head:_Node; //slotID:0 protected var _tail:_Node; //slotID:0 public function push(hug1:*):void { //MethodID:2636, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 57 if((this._tail.instance != null) && (this._tail.instance is INGComment)) return; var hug2:_Node = this.__node_0(hug1); this._tail.next = hug2; this._tail = hug2; } private function __node_0(hug1:*):_Node { //MethodID:2640, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 154 internal var instance:*; //slotID:1 internal var node:_Node; //slotID:2 internal var names:Array; //slotID:3 internal var name:String; //slotID:4 names = null; name = null; instance = hug1; node = new _Node(this, instance); if(instance is (EventPipe)){ instance._nodesInParent.add(node); }else if(instance is EventSender){ names = instance.eventNames; for each(name in names){ function(hug1:_Node, hug2:String):void{ //MethodID:2639, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 68 internal var node:_Node; //slotID:1 internal var name:String; //slotID:2 internal var sender:*; //slotID:3 sender = undefined; node = hug1; name = hug2; sender = function(... rest):void{ //MethodID:2637, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 19 _cast(node.next, name, rest, true); }; instance.add(sender); node.removers.push(function():void{ //MethodID:2638, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 24 instance.remove(sender); }); }.call(null, node, name); } } return node; } public function pop(hug1:*):void { //MethodID:2641, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 46 if((this._tail.instance != null) && (this._tail.instance is INGComment)) this._tail = new _Node(null, null); } public function replace(hug1:*, hug2:*):void { //MethodID:2643, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 25 internal var instance:*; //slotID:1 internal var replacement:*; //slotID:2 instance = hug1; replacement = hug2; this.__forEachNode(function(hug1:_Node):Boolean{ //MethodID:2642, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 59 if(hug1.next.instance !== instance) return true; remove_0(hug1.next); var hug2:_Node = __node_0(replacement); hug2.next = hug1.next.next; hug1.next = hug2; return false; }); } public function remove(hug1:*):void { //MethodID:2645, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 20 internal var instance:*; //slotID:1 instance = hug1; this.__forEachNode(function(hug1:_Node):Boolean{ //MethodID:2644, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 40 if(hug1.next.instance !== instance) return true; remove_0(hug1.next); hug1.next = hug1.next.next; return false; }); } public function removeAll():void { //MethodID:2647, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 15 this.__forEachNode(function(hug1:_Node):Boolean{ //MethodID:2646, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 10 remove_0(hug1); return true; }); } public function remove_0(hug1:_Node):void { //MethodID:2648, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 81 var hug2:Function = null; if(hug1.instance is (EventPipe)){ this._nodesInParent.remove(hug1); }else if(hug1.instance is EventSender){ for each(hug2 in hug1.removers){ hug2(); } } } public function collect():Array { //MethodID:2650, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 34 internal var a:Array; //slotID:1 a = null; a = []; this.__forEachNode(function(hug1:_Node):Boolean{ //MethodID:2649, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 16 a.push(hug1.next.instance); return true; }); return a; } private function __forEachNode(hug1:Function, hug2:_Node=null):void { //MethodID:2651, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 58 var hug3:_Node = (hug2 || this._head); while(hug3.next && hug1(hug3)){ hug3 = hug3.next; } } protected function _cast(hug1:_Node, hug2:String, hug3:Array, hug4:Boolean):Object { //MethodID:2652, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 13 throw new Error("EventPipe._cast: error."); } public function _cast_self(hug1:String, hug2:Array):Object { //MethodID:2653, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 18 return this._cast(this._head.next, hug1, hug2, false); } protected function _castParents(hug1:String, hug2:Array):void { //MethodID:2654, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 59 var hug3:_Node = null; for each(hug3 in this._nodesInParent){ hug3.belongs._cast(hug3.next, hug1, hug2, true); } } } } import jp.nicovideo.util.events.EventPipe import jp.nicovideo.util.events.EventResult //■class(instance)_index:195 //private class _Node extends Object { //static constructor public static function _Node$cinit() { //MethodID:2655, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _Node(hug1:EventPipe, hug2:*) { //MethodID:2656, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 22 this.removers = []; super(); this.belongs = hug1; this.instance = hug2; } //variables/etc. public var belongs:EventPipe; //slotID:0 public var instance:*; //slotID:0 public var next:_Node; //slotID:0 public var removers:Array; //slotID:0 public function cast(hug1:String, hug2:Array):EventResult { //MethodID:2657, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 35 if(this.instance is Function) return this.instance(hug1, hug2); return (EventPipe).castEvent(this.instance, hug1, hug2); } } //■class(instance)_index:196 //private class _SerialPipe extends EventPipe { //static constructor public static function _SerialPipe$cinit() { //MethodID:2658, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //variables/etc. override protected function _cast(hug1:_Node, hug2:String, hug3:Array, hug4:Boolean):Object { //MethodID:2659, LocalCount= 8 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 256 var hug5:Object = null; var hug6:EventResult = null; while(hug1 != null){ if(hug1.instance is (EventPipe)){ hug5 = hug1.instance._cast_self(hug2, hug3); if(hug5){ if(hug5.name) hug2 = hug5.name; if(hug5.args) hug3 = hug5.args; } }else{ hug6 = hug1.cast(hug2, hug3); var hug7:EventResult = hug6; switch(hug7){ case EventResult.THROUGH: hug1 = hug1.next; continue; case EventResult.BREAK: return null; default: break; } if(hug6._replaced != null) hug3 = hug6._replaced; if(hug6._renamed != null) hug2 = hug6._renamed; } hug1 = hug1.next; } if(!hug4) return {args:hug3, name:hug2}; _castParents(hug2, hug3); return null; } //constructor public function _SerialPipe() { //MethodID:2660, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } //■class(instance)_index:197 //private class _ParallelPipe extends EventPipe { //static constructor public static function _ParallelPipe$cinit() { //MethodID:2661, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //variables/etc. override protected function _cast(hug1:_Node, hug2:String, hug3:Array, hug4:Boolean):Object { //MethodID:2662, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 140 var hug5:EventResult = null; if(hug4){ _castParents(hug2, hug3); return null; } while(hug1 != null){ if(hug1.instance is (EventPipe)){ hug1.instance._cast_self(hug2, hug3); }else{ hug5 = hug1.cast(hug2, hug3); var hug6:EventResult = hug5; switch(hug6){ case EventResult.BREAK: return null; default: break; } } hug1 = hug1.next; } return null; } //constructor public function _ParallelPipe() { //MethodID:2663, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } //■script161■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment{ import flash.display.DisplayObject //■class(instance)_index:198 public interface IDisplayObjectProvider { //static constructor public static function IDisplayObjectProvider$cinit() { //MethodID:2665, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function create():DisplayObject; //MethodID:2666, dispID:0 function release(hug1:DisplayObject):void; //MethodID:2667, dispID:0 function assignZ(hug1:DisplayObject, hug2:int):void; //MethodID:2668, dispID:0 //constructor public function IDisplayObjectProvider(); //MethodID:2669, dispID:0 } } //■script162■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.CommandConstants import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.CommentBuilder import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.IComment import jp.nicovideo.nicoscript.INicoSPlayer import jp.nicovideo.util.ArrayUtils import jp.nicovideo.util.ZIndexManager import jp.nicovideo.util.events.EventResult import jp.nicovideo.util.events.event_receiver use namespace (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver); //■class(instance)_index:199 public class CommentViewTransformer extends Object { //static constructor public static function CommentViewTransformer$cinit() { //MethodID:2671, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function CommentViewTransformer(hug1:Object, hug2:CommentLayer, hug3:CommentLayerView, hug4:INicoSPlayer) { //MethodID:2672, LocalCount= 13 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 206 var hug5:String = null; var hug6:_LayerInfo = null; var hug7:String = null; var hug8:_CommentListInfo = null; this._listNameMapping = {}; super(); this._commentLayerView = hug3; this._nicoSPlayer = hug4; for(hug5 in hug1){ hug6 = new _LayerInfo(); hug6.layerID = hug5; hug6.listNames = hug1[hug5]; hug6.container = hug2.getLayer(hug5); hug6.zIndexManager = new ZIndexManager(hug6.container); for each(hug7 in hug1[hug5]){ hug8 = new _CommentListInfo(); hug8.listName = hug7; hug8.layerInfo = hug6; this._listNameMapping[hug7] = hug8; } } } //variables/etc. private var _commentLayerView:CommentLayerView; //slotID:0 private var _listNameMapping:Object; //slotID:0 private var _nicoSPlayer:INicoSPlayer; //slotID:0 private var _isP4Mode:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public function setP4Mode():void { //MethodID:2673, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isP4Mode = true; } public function get isP4Mode():Boolean { //MethodID:2674, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isP4Mode; } private function _create_ViewEntry(hug1:_CommentInfo):ViewEntry { //MethodID:2675, LocalCount= 11 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 7, CodeLength= 264 var hug10:Object = null; var hug2:IComment = hug1.comment; var hug3:String = hug2.command.posY; var hug4:Number = (((hug3 == CommandConstants.PLACE_TOP) || (hug3 == CommandConstants.PLACE_BOTTOM)) ? CommentViewConstants.COMMENT_SHOW_AHEAD_POSY : CommentViewConstants.COMMENT_SHOW_AHEAD); var hug5:Number = (hug2.vpos - hug4); var hug6:Number = (CommentViewConstants.COMMENT_SHOW_EXPIRE + hug4); if(hug2.isOwner){ hug10 = new RegExp("(?:^|[\s ])@(\d+)(?:$|[\s ])").exec(hug2.command.command); if(hug10) hug6 = ((Number(hug10[1]) * 1000) + hug4); } var hug7:Class = (hug2.command.hasButton ? _ClickableCommentProvider : _CommentTextFieldProvider); var hug8:_DOProviderTemplate = new hug7(this); var hug9:ViewEntry = new ViewEntry(hug5, hug6, hug3, hug8, ((hug2.resNo == 0) ? 0x7FFFFFFF : hug2.resNo), hug2.command.full); hug8.commentInfo = hug1; hug8.nicoSPlayer = this._nicoSPlayer; hug8.ve = hug9; return hug9; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onCommentPost(hug1:IComment, hug2:String):EventResult { //MethodID:2676, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 6, CodeLength= 40 onCommentListUpdated([hug1], null, false, hug2); return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onCommentListUpdated(hug1:Array, hug2:Array, hug3:Boolean, hug4:String):EventResult { //MethodID:2681, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 6, CodeLength= 333 internal var additionals:Array; //slotID:1 internal var removes:Array; //slotID:2 internal var clear:Boolean; //slotID:3 internal var listName:String; //slotID:4 internal var commentListInfo:_CommentListInfo; //slotID:5 internal var removes_:Array; //slotID:6 internal var additionals_:Array; //slotID:7 commentListInfo = null; removes_ = null; additionals_ = null; additionals = hug1; removes = hug2; clear = hug3; listName = hug4; commentListInfo = this._listNameMapping[listName]; removes_ = []; if(commentListInfo.comments){ if(clear){ removes_ = commentListInfo.comments.map(function(hug1:_CommentInfo, ...rest):ViewEntry{ //MethodID:2677, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 5 return hug1.viewEntry; }); commentListInfo.comments = []; }else if(removes && (removes.length != 0)){ ArrayUtils.subtract(function(hug1:_CommentInfo, hug2:IComment):Number{ //MethodID:2678, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 34 var hug3:Number = (hug1.comment.resNo - hug2.resNo); if(hug3 == 0) removes_.push(hug1.viewEntry); return hug3; }, commentListInfo.comments, removes); } }else{ commentListInfo.comments = []; } additionals_ = []; if(additionals && (additionals.length != 0)){ commentListInfo.lastRes = Math.max(commentListInfo.lastRes, additionals[additionals.length - 1].resNo); additionals = additionals.map(function(hug1:IComment, ...rest):_CommentInfo{ //MethodID:2679, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 46 var hug3:* = new _CommentInfo(); hug3.comment = hug1; hug3.commentListInfo = commentListInfo; hug3.viewEntry = _create_ViewEntry(hug3); additionals_.push(hug3.viewEntry); return hug3; }); ArrayUtils.add(function(hug1:_CommentInfo, hug2:_CommentInfo):Number{ //MethodID:2680, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 85 var hug4:CommentBuilder = null; var hug3:Number = (hug1.comment.resNo - hug2.comment.resNo); if(hug3 == 0){ removes_.push(hug1.viewEntry); if(hug1.comment.justPosted){ hug4 = new CommentBuilder(hug2.comment); hug4.justPosted = true; hug2.comment = hug4.make(); } } return hug3; }, commentListInfo.comments, additionals, true); } this._commentLayerView.update(commentListInfo.layerInfo.layerID, additionals_, removes_, false); return EventResult.THROUGH; } } } import flash.display.DisplayObject import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer import flash.text.TextField import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.CommentConstants import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.IComment import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment.CommentViewTransformer import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment.ViewEntry import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment.elements.ClickableComment import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment.elements.CommentTextField import jp.nicovideo.nicoscript.INicoSPlayer import jp.nicovideo.util.Assert import jp.nicovideo.util.ObjectPool import jp.nicovideo.util.ZIndexManager //■class(instance)_index:200 //private class _CommentInfo extends Object { //static constructor public static function _CommentInfo$cinit() { //MethodID:2682, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _CommentInfo() { //MethodID:2683, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } //variables/etc. public var comment:IComment; //slotID:0 public var commentListInfo:_CommentListInfo; //slotID:0 public var viewEntry:ViewEntry; //slotID:0 } //■class(instance)_index:201 //private class _CommentListInfo extends Object { //static constructor public static function _CommentListInfo$cinit() { //MethodID:2684, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _CommentListInfo() { //MethodID:2685, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 this.comments = []; super(); } //variables/etc. public var listName:String; //slotID:0 public var layerInfo:_LayerInfo; //slotID:0 public var comments:Array; //slotID:0 public var lastRes:int = 0; //slotID:0 } //■class(instance)_index:202 //private class _LayerInfo extends Object { //static constructor public static function _LayerInfo$cinit() { //MethodID:2686, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _LayerInfo() { //MethodID:2689, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 38 super(); this.commentTextFieldPool = new ObjectPool(function():CommentTextField{ //MethodID:2687, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 19 var hug1:* = new CommentTextField(); hug1.displayObject.visible = false; return hug1; }); this.clickableCommentPool = new ObjectPool(function():*{ //MethodID:2688, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 19 var hug1:* = new ClickableComment(); hug1.displayObject.visible = false; return hug1; }); } //variables/etc. public var listNames:Array; //slotID:0 public var layerID:String; //slotID:0 public var container:DisplayObjectContainer; //slotID:0 public var zIndexManager:ZIndexManager; //slotID:0 public var commentTextFieldPool:ObjectPool; //slotID:0 public var clickableCommentPool:ObjectPool; //slotID:0 } //■class(instance)_index:203 //private class _DOProviderTemplate extends Object implements IDisplayObjectProvider { //static constructor public static function _DOProviderTemplate$cinit() { //MethodID:2690, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _DOProviderTemplate(hug1:CommentViewTransformer) { //MethodID:2691, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 11 super(); this.transformer = hug1; } //variables/etc. public var commentInfo:_CommentInfo; //slotID:0 public var ve:ViewEntry; //slotID:0 public var nicoSPlayer:INicoSPlayer; //slotID:0 public var transformer:CommentViewTransformer; //slotID:0 public function create():DisplayObject { //MethodID:2692, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 158 var hug1:IComment = this.__comment; if(!hug1 || hug1.command.hasContained("invisible")) return null; this.ve.type = hug1.command.posY; var hug2:DisplayObject = Object(this)._create_0(hug1); if(this.transformer.isP4Mode && this.commentInfo && this.commentInfo.commentListInfo){ if(this.commentInfo.commentListInfo.listName == CommentConstants.CL_LOCAL){ hug2.alpha = 1; if(hug2 is TextField) (hug2 as TextField).border = false; }else{ hug2.alpha = 0.2; } } return hug2; } public function release(hug1:DisplayObject):void { //MethodID:2693, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 26 Object(this)._release_0(hug1); this.layerInfo.zIndexManager.remove(hug1); } public function assignZ(hug1:DisplayObject, hug2:int):void { //MethodID:2694, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 16 this.layerInfo.zIndexManager.setZIndex(hug1, hug2); } public function get layerInfo():_LayerInfo { //MethodID:2695, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 13 return this.commentInfo.commentListInfo.layerInfo; } private function get __comment():IComment { //MethodID:2696, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 44 if(!this.nicoSPlayer) return this.commentInfo.comment; return this.nicoSPlayer.replaceComment(this.commentInfo.commentListInfo.listName, this.commentInfo.comment); } } //■class(instance)_index:204 //private class _CommentTextFieldProvider extends _DOProviderTemplate { //static constructor public static function _CommentTextFieldProvider$cinit() { //MethodID:2697, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _CommentTextFieldProvider(hug1:CommentViewTransformer) { //MethodID:2698, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 7 super(hug1); } //variables/etc. private var __commentTextField:CommentTextField; //slotID:0 public function _create_0(hug1:IComment):DisplayObject { //MethodID:2699, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 92 Assert.assert(!this.__commentTextField); this.__commentTextField = layerInfo.commentTextFieldPool.create(); this.__commentTextField.reset(hug1, ((commentInfo.commentListInfo.listName == CommentConstants.CL_OWNER) ? (-1) : commentInfo.commentListInfo.lastRes)); this.__commentTextField.displayObject.visible = true; return this.__commentTextField.displayObject; } public function _release_0(hug1:DisplayObject):void { //MethodID:2700, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 61 Assert.assert(this.__commentTextField && (this.__commentTextField.displayObject === hug1)); layerInfo.commentTextFieldPool.restore(this.__commentTextField); this.__commentTextField.displayObject.visible = false; this.__commentTextField = null; } } //■class(instance)_index:205 //private class _ClickableCommentProvider extends _DOProviderTemplate { //static constructor public static function _ClickableCommentProvider$cinit() { //MethodID:2701, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _ClickableCommentProvider(hug1:CommentViewTransformer) { //MethodID:2702, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 7 super(hug1); } //variables/etc. private var __clickableComment:ClickableComment; //slotID:0 public function _create_0(hug1:IComment):DisplayObject { //MethodID:2703, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 56 Assert.assert(!this.__clickableComment); this.__clickableComment = layerInfo.clickableCommentPool.create(); this.__clickableComment.reset(hug1); this.__clickableComment.displayObject.visible = true; return this.__clickableComment.displayObject; } public function _release_0(hug1:DisplayObject):void { //MethodID:2704, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 61 Assert.assert(this.__clickableComment && (this.__clickableComment.displayObject === hug1)); layerInfo.clickableCommentPool.restore(this.__clickableComment); this.__clickableComment.displayObject.visible = false; this.__clickableComment = null; } } //■script163■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment{ //■class(instance)_index:206 public interface ICommentRouter { //static constructor public static function ICommentRouter$cinit() { //MethodID:2706, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function post(hug1:IComment):void; //MethodID:2707, dispID:0 //constructor public function ICommentRouter(); //MethodID:2708, dispID:0 } } //■script164■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment{ import jp.nicovideo.marquee.IMarqueePlayer import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.hiroba.IHirobaPlayer import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.IPlayerConfig import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.filter.ChannelReplacer import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.filter.LockedComment import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.flashvars.NicoFlashVars import jp.nicovideo.nicoscript.NicoSClient import jp.nicovideo.nicoscript.macro.parsers.IMacroParserResult import jp.nicovideo.nicoscript.macro.parsers.MacroParser import jp.nicovideo.util.Assert import jp.nicovideo.util.Functions import jp.nicovideo.util.TimeUtils import jp.nicovideo.util.events.EventResult use namespace (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver); //■class(instance)_index:207 public class CommentRouter extends Object implements ICommentRouter { //static constructor public static function CommentRouter$cinit() { //MethodID:2710, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 111 ERROR_POST_BUTTON_ONCE = "ERROR_POST_BUTTON_ONCE"; ERROR_POST_AT_COMMENT_UNDEFINED = "ERROR_POST_AT_COMMENT_UNDEFINED"; ERROR_POST_HIROBA = "ERROR_POST_HIROBA"; ERROR_POST_BUTTON_PREMIUM_ONLY = "ERROR_POST_BUTTON_PREMIUM_ONLY"; ERROR_POST_INITIALIZE = "ERROR_POST_INITIALIZE"; ERROR_POST_184 = "ERROR_POST_184"; ERROR_POST_SAME_COMMENT = "ERROR_POST_SAMECOMMENT"; ERROR_POST_BUTTON_ARGUMENTS = "ERROR_POST_BUTTON_ARGUMENTS"; ERROR_POST_BUTTON_DISABLED = "ERROR_POST_BUTTON_DISABLED"; ERROR_POST_CHANNEL_FILTER = "ERROR_POST_CHANNEL_FILTER"; ERROR_POST_COMMAND_DISABLED = "ERROR_POST_COMMAND_DISABLED"; ERROR_POST_AT_COMMENT_DISABLED = "ERROR_POST_AT_COMMENT_DISABLED"; } //static variables/etc. public static const ERROR_POST_BUTTON_ONCE:String = "ERROR_POST_BUTTON_ONCE";//slotID:1 public static const ERROR_POST_AT_COMMENT_UNDEFINED:String = "ERROR_POST_AT_COMMENT_UNDEFINED";//slotID:2 public static const ERROR_POST_HIROBA:String = "ERROR_POST_HIROBA";//slotID:3 public static const ERROR_POST_BUTTON_PREMIUM_ONLY:String = "ERROR_POST_BUTTON_PREMIUM_ONLY";//slotID:4 public static const ERROR_POST_INITIALIZE:String = "ERROR_POST_INITIALIZE";//slotID:5 public static const ERROR_POST_184:String = "ERROR_POST_184"; //slotID:6 public static const ERROR_POST_SAME_COMMENT:String = "ERROR_POST_SAMECOMMENT";//slotID:7 public static const ERROR_POST_BUTTON_ARGUMENTS:String = "ERROR_POST_BUTTON_ARGUMENTS";//slotID:8 public static const ERROR_POST_BUTTON_DISABLED:String = "ERROR_POST_BUTTON_DISABLED";//slotID:9 public static const ERROR_POST_CHANNEL_FILTER:String = "ERROR_POST_CHANNEL_FILTER";//slotID:10 public static const ERROR_POST_COMMAND_DISABLED:String = "ERROR_POST_COMMAND_DISABLED";//slotID:11 public static const ERROR_POST_AT_COMMENT_DISABLED:String = "ERROR_POST_AT_COMMENT_DISABLED";//slotID:12 //constructor public function CommentRouter(hug1:NicoFlashVars, hug2:IPlayerConfig, hug3:LockedComment, hug4:NicoSClient=null, hug5:Boolean=false, hug6:ChannelReplacer=null) { //MethodID:2711, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 63 this.onCommentPostErorr = new Functions(); this.onCommentHavingMacro = new Functions(); this._commentLists = {}; super(); this._flashvars = hug1; this._playerConfig = hug2; this._nicosClient = hug4; this._isPremium = hug5; this._channelReplacer = hug6; this._lockedComment = hug3; } //variables/etc. public var onCommentPostErorr:Functions; //slotID:0 public var onCommentHavingMacro:Functions; //slotID:0 private var _commentLists:Object; //slotID:0 private var _flashvars:NicoFlashVars; //slotID:0 private var _playerConfig:IPlayerConfig; //slotID:0 private var _nicosClient:NicoSClient; //slotID:0 private var _hirobaPlayer:IHirobaPlayer; //slotID:0 private var _marqueePlayer:IMarqueePlayer; //slotID:0 private var _isHirobaMode:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var _lastMessage:String; //slotID:0 private var _lastHirobaMessage:String; //slotID:0 private var _isPremium:Boolean; //slotID:0 private const _buttonPostLimit:Number = 1.0; //slotID:0 private var _buttonCount:uint = 0; //slotID:0 private var _channelReplacer:ChannelReplacer; //slotID:0 private var _lockedComment:LockedComment; //slotID:0 public function add(hug1:String, hug2:ICommentList):void { //MethodID:2712, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 29 Assert.assert(!this._commentLists.hasOwnProperty(hug1)); this._commentLists[hug1] = hug2; } public function addHiroba(hug1:IHirobaPlayer):void { //MethodID:2713, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._hirobaPlayer = hug1; } public function addMarqueePlayer(hug1:IMarqueePlayer):void { //MethodID:2714, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._marqueePlayer = hug1; } public function post(hug1:IComment):void { //MethodID:2720, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 5, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 1244 internal var comment:IComment; //slotID:1 internal var listName:String; //slotID:2 internal var usable184:Boolean; //slotID:3 internal var sameCommentCheckRequired:Boolean; //slotID:4 internal var hasButton:Boolean; //slotID:5 internal var macroParserResult:IMacroParserResult; //slotID:6 internal var commentList:ICommentList; //slotID:7 internal var builder1:CommentBuilder; //slotID:8 internal var onPostButtonArgumentsError:Function; //slotID:9 internal var onPostSameComment:Function; //slotID:10 internal var cmd:ICommand; //slotID:11 internal var builder0:CommentBuilder; //slotID:12 internal var flag:Boolean; //slotID:13 internal var use184:Boolean; //slotID:14 hasButton = false; macroParserResult = null; cmd = null; builder0 = null; flag = false; use184 = false; comment = hug1; onPostButtonArgumentsError = function():void{ //MethodID:2715, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 11 onCommentPostErorr.apply(ERROR_POST_BUTTON_ARGUMENTS); }; onPostSameComment = function():void{ //MethodID:2716, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 11 onCommentPostErorr.apply(ERROR_POST_SAME_COMMENT); }; listName = CommentConstants.CL_MAIN; usable184 = true; sameCommentCheckRequired = true; if(this._flashvars.watchFlashVars && this._flashvars.watchFlashVars.isOwnerThreadEditMode){ listName = CommentConstants.CL_OWNER; usable184 = false; sameCommentCheckRequired = false; }else if(!this._flashvars.isCommunityThread && this._nicosClient){ listName = this._nicosClient.player.resolveListName(comment); } sameCommentCheckRequired = (sameCommentCheckRequired && ((listName != CommentConstants.CL_NICOS) && (listName != CommentConstants.CL_LOCAL))); hasButton = false; if(listName != CommentConstants.CL_OWNER){ try{ macroParserResult = MacroParser.parse(comment.message); if(macroParserResult.macroName){ if(this._flashvars.isNoAtComment){ this.onCommentPostErorr.apply(ERROR_POST_AT_COMMENT_DISABLED); return; } if(macroParserResult.macroName == "ボタン"){ if(this._buttonPostLimit <= this._buttonCount){ this.onCommentPostErorr.apply(ERROR_POST_BUTTON_ONCE); return; }else if(this._flashvars.thumbFlashVars){ this.onCommentPostErorr.apply(ERROR_POST_BUTTON_DISABLED); return; }else{ hasButton = true; } }else if(macroParserResult.macroName == "ピザ"){ this.onCommentHavingMacro.apply(macroParserResult); }else{ this.onCommentPostErorr.apply(ERROR_POST_AT_COMMENT_UNDEFINED); return; } } } catch(error:*){ } } if(this._flashvars.isNoCommand){ cmd = comment.command; if((cmd.color != "") || (cmd.posY != "") || (cmd.size != "")){ this.onCommentPostErorr.apply(ERROR_POST_COMMAND_DISABLED); return; } } if(this._channelReplacer && !this._channelReplacer.isPostable(comment.message)){ this.onCommentPostErorr.apply(ERROR_POST_CHANNEL_FILTER); return; } if(this._isHirobaMode){ if(this._lastHirobaMessage == comment.message){ onPostSameComment(); return; } if(hasButton){ this.onCommentPostErorr.apply(ERROR_POST_HIROBA); return; } builder0 = new CommentBuilder(comment); builder0.vpos = TimeUtils.now().time; builder0.anonymity = this._playerConfig.use184; builder0.command = comment.command.duplicate(function(hug1:ICommand):void{ //MethodID:2717, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 11 hug1.anonymity = _playerConfig.use184; }); this._hirobaPlayer.post(builder0.make()); this._lastHirobaMessage = comment.message; return; } if(hasButton && (macroParserResult.argLength == 0)){ onPostButtonArgumentsError(); return; } if(sameCommentCheckRequired && (this._lastMessage == comment.message)){ onPostSameComment(); return; } if(this._flashvars.isCommunityThread && (listName == CommentConstants.CL_MAIN)) listName = CommentConstants.CL_PRIVATE; if(hasButton && !this._isPremium){ this.onCommentPostErorr.apply(ERROR_POST_BUTTON_PREMIUM_ONLY); return; } commentList = this._commentLists[listName]; if(!commentList){ this.onCommentPostErorr.apply(ERROR_POST_INITIALIZE); return; } if(listName == CommentConstants.CL_PRIVATE){ flag = false; comment.command.forEachCommand(function(hug1:String):void{ //MethodID:2718, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 19 if(hug1 == CommandConstants.ANONYMITY) flag = true; }); if(flag){ this.onCommentPostErorr.apply(ERROR_POST_184); return; } } builder1 = new CommentBuilder(comment); if(((listName != CommentConstants.CL_PRIVATE) && usable184) || hasButton){ use184 = ((listName != CommentConstants.CL_PRIVATE) && usable184); if(use184 && this._playerConfig.use184) builder1.anonymity = true; builder1.command = comment.command.duplicate(function(hug1:ICommand):void{ //MethodID:2719, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 58 if(use184 && _playerConfig.use184) hug1.anonymity = true; if(hasButton){ hug1.hasButton = true; _buttonCount++; } }); if(hasButton && macroParserResult) builder1.message = macroParserResult.arg(0); } builder1.commentList = commentList; comment = builder1.make(); this._lastMessage = comment.message; if(((commentList.name == CommentConstants.CL_LOCAL) || (commentList.name != CommentConstants.CL_OWNER)) && this._flashvars.watchFlashVars.isPostLocked){ this._lockedComment.post(comment); return; } commentList.post(comment); } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onHirobaPlayerVisibleUpdated(hug1:Boolean):EventResult { //MethodID:2721, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 13 this._isHirobaMode = hug1; return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onHirobaPlayerError():EventResult { //MethodID:2722, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 13 this._hirobaPlayer = null; return EventResult.THROUGH; } } } //■script165■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views{ //■class(instance)_index:208 public interface IJumpMessageLayer { //static constructor public static function IJumpMessageLayer$cinit() { //MethodID:2724, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function showMessage(hug1:Function, hug2:String, hug3:int):void; //MethodID:2725, dispID:0 //constructor public function IJumpMessageLayer(); //MethodID:2726, dispID:0 } } //■script166■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views{ import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer import flash.display.Graphics import flash.display.Sprite import flash.text.TextField import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize import flash.text.TextFormat import flash.utils.clearTimeout import flash.utils.setTimeout import jp.nicovideo.util.events.EventResult use namespace (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver); //■class(instance)_index:209 public class JumpMessageLayer extends Object implements IJumpMessageLayer { //static constructor public static function JumpMessageLayer$cinit() { //MethodID:2728, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function JumpMessageLayer(hug1:DisplayObjectContainer) { //MethodID:2729, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 11 super(); this.__container = hug1; } //variables/etc. private var __container:DisplayObjectContainer; //slotID:0 private var __panel:Sprite; //slotID:0 private var __tf:TextField; //slotID:0 private var __timerID:Number; //slotID:0 public function showMessage(hug1:Function, hug2:String, hug3:int):void { //MethodID:2731, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 76 internal var f:Function; //slotID:1 internal var msg:String; //slotID:2 internal var wait:int; //slotID:3 f = hug1; msg = hug2; wait = hug3; if(!isNaN(this.__timerID)) clearTimeout(this.__timerID); this.__showMessage_0(msg); this.__timerID = setTimeout(function():void{ //MethodID:2730, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 26 __timerID = NaN; __showMessage_0(null); f(); }, wait); } private function __showMessage_0(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2732, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 99 if(hug1 == null){ if(this.__panel && this.__container.contains(this.__panel)) this.__container.removeChild(this.__panel); return; } if(!this.__panel) this.__setup(); this.__tf.text = hug1; if(!this.__container.contains(this.__panel)) this.__container.addChild(this.__panel); } private function __setup():void { //MethodID:2733, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 170 this.__tf = new TextField(); this.__tf.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat(null, 30, 0); this.__tf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; this.__tf.selectable = false; this.__tf.x = ((this.__container.width - this.__tf.width) / 2); this.__tf.y = ((this.__container.height - this.__tf.height) / 2); this.__panel = new Sprite(); var hug1:Graphics = this.__panel.graphics; hug1.beginFill(0xFFFFFF); hug1.drawRect(0, 0, this.__container.width, this.__container.height); hug1.endFill(); this.__panel.addChild(this.__tf); } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onSystemMessageJumpMessageSended(hug1:Function, hug2:String, hug3:int):EventResult { //MethodID:2734, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 16 this.showMessage(hug1, hug2, hug3); return EventResult.THROUGH; } } } //■script167■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.videoender{ import jp.nicovideo.util.CrossSharedObject import jp.nicovideo.util.storage.LocalStorage //■class(instance)_index:211 public class VideoenderTesterConfig extends Object implements IVideoenderTesterConfig { //static constructor public static function VideoenderTesterConfig$cinit() { //MethodID:2738, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function VideoenderTesterConfig(hug1:Boolean) { //MethodID:2739, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 34 super(); this._isTargetUser = hug1; this._localStorage = CrossSharedObject.getStorage((_SOSetting).NAME, (_SOSetting).PATH); } //variables/etc. private var _isTargetUser:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _localStorage:LocalStorage; //slotID:0 public function get isTestable():Boolean { //MethodID:2740, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isTargetUser; } public function get isTester():Boolean { //MethodID:2741, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 36 return (this._isTargetUser && !Boolean(this._localStorage.data[(_SOSetting).KEY_IS_NOT_TESTER])); } public function set isTester(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:2742, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 45 if(hug1){ this._localStorage.clear(); }else{ this._localStorage.data[(_SOSetting).KEY_IS_NOT_TESTER] = true; this._localStorage.flush(); } } } } //■class(instance)_index:210 //private class _SOSetting extends Object { //static constructor public static function _SOSetting$cinit() { //MethodID:2736, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 30 NAME = "jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.videoender.VideoenderTester"; PATH = "/"; KEY_IS_NOT_TESTER = "isNotTester"; } //static variables/etc. public static const NAME:String = "jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.videoender.VideoenderTester";//slotID:1 public static const PATH:String = "/"; //slotID:2 public static const KEY_IS_NOT_TESTER:String = "isNotTester"; //slotID:3 //constructor public function _SOSetting() { //MethodID:2737, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } //■script168■ package jp.nicovideo.util{ import flash.display.Loader import flash.display.LoaderInfo import flash.events.Event import flash.events.IOErrorEvent import flash.events.NetStatusEvent import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent import flash.net.SharedObject import flash.net.SharedObjectFlushStatus import flash.net.URLRequest import jp.nicovideo.util.storage.LocalStorage //■class(instance)_index:212 public class CrossSharedObject extends Object { //static constructor public static function CrossSharedObject$cinit() { //MethodID:2744, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 10 _inited = false; } //static variables/etc. private static var _sharedMC:*; //slotID:1 private static var _inited:Boolean = false; //slotID:2 private static var _isPersistable:Boolean; //slotID:3 public static function init(hug1:String, hug2:Function):void { //dispID:3, MethodID:2747, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 5, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 175 internal var url:String; //slotID:1 internal var func:Function; //slotID:2 internal var loader:Loader; //slotID:3 internal var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo; //slotID:4 internal var error_handler:Function; //slotID:5 error_handler = null; url = hug1; func = hug2; error_handler = function(hug1:Event):void{ //MethodID:2745, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 10 func(false); }; if(_inited){ func(true); return; } loader = new Loader(); loaderInfo = loader.contentLoaderInfo; loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, function(hug1:Event):void{ //MethodID:2746, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 43 _sharedMC = hug1.target.content; _inited = true; _isPersistable = isAvailable(); func(true); }); loaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, error_handler); loaderInfo.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, error_handler); try{ loader.load(new URLRequest(url)); } catch(error:Error){ func(false); } } private static function isAvailable():Boolean { //dispID:4, MethodID:2749, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 5, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 135 internal var so:SharedObject; //slotID:1 internal var ret:String; //slotID:2 so = null; ret = null; try{ so = _sharedMC.getLocal("jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.NicoPlayer.initializePlayerConfig"); so.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, function(hug1:*):void{ //MethodID:2748, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 }); ret = so.flush(20480); if(ret != SharedObjectFlushStatus.FLUSHED) throw new Error(""); so.clear(); so.close(); } catch(error:Error){ return false; } return true; } public static function terminate():void { //dispID:5, MethodID:2750, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 17 _sharedMC = null; _inited = false; } public static function getSharedObject(hug1:String, hug2:String=null, hug3:Boolean=false):SharedObject { //dispID:6, MethodID:2751, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 32 if(_sharedMC == null) throw new Error("CrossSharedObjectが初期化されていません。"); return _sharedMC.getLocal(hug1, hug2, hug3); } public static function getStorage(hug1:String, hug2:String=null, hug3:Boolean=false):LocalStorage { //dispID:7, MethodID:2752, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 55 if(_sharedMC == null) throw new Error("CrossSharedObjectが初期化されていません。"); return new LocalStorage(_isPersistable ? _sharedMC.getLocal(hug1, hug2, hug3) : null); } public static function getStorageNative(hug1:String, hug2:String=null, hug3:Boolean=false):LocalStorage { //dispID:8, MethodID:2753, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 55 if(_sharedMC == null) throw new Error("CrossSharedObjectが初期化されていません。"); return new LocalStorage(_isPersistable ? SharedObject.getLocal(hug1, hug2, hug3) : null); } public static function flush():String { //dispID:9, MethodID:2754, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 48 if(_sharedMC == null) throw new Error("CrossSharedObjectが初期化されていません。"); return (_isPersistable ? _sharedMC.flush() : SharedObjectFlushStatus.FLUSHED); } public static function get isPersistable():Boolean { //dispID:10, MethodID:2755, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 return _isPersistable; } //constructor public function CrossSharedObject() { //MethodID:2756, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script169■ package jp.nicovideo.util.loka{ public function __MSG__(hug1:String, ...rest):String { //dispID:1, MethodID:2758, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 15 return Loka.instance.getMessage(hug1, rest); } } //■script170■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models{ //■class(instance)_index:213 public interface IMyList { //static constructor public static function IMyList$cinit() { //MethodID:2760, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function addDefaultList(hug1:Function, hug2:String, hug3:String):void; //MethodID:2761, dispID:0 function checkMyListLog():Boolean; //MethodID:2762, dispID:0 //constructor public function IMyList(); //MethodID:2763, dispID:0 } } //■script171■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.config.NicoConfig import jp.nicovideo.util.CrossSharedObject import jp.nicovideo.util.HTTPUtils import jp.nicovideo.util.TimeUtils import jp.nicovideo.util.storage.LocalStorage //■class(instance)_index:214 public class MyList extends Object implements IMyList { //static constructor public static function MyList$cinit() { //MethodID:2765, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 24 LOG_TERM = ((3 * 24 * 60 * 60) * 1000); } //static variables/etc. private static const LOG_TERM:Number = 0xF731400; //slotID:1 //constructor public function MyList(hug1:NicoConfig, hug2:String) { //MethodID:2766, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 30 this._addMyListLogSO = CrossSharedObject.getStorage("jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.MyList.addMyListLog"); super(); this._threadID = hug2; this._nicoConfig = hug1; } //variables/etc. private var _addMyListLogSO:LocalStorage; //slotID:0 private var _threadID:String; //slotID:0 private var _nicoConfig:NicoConfig; //slotID:0 public function addDefaultList(hug1:Function, hug2:String, hug3:String):void { //MethodID:2768, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 9, CodeLength= 81 internal var callback:Function; //slotID:1 internal var csrfToken:String; //slotID:2 internal var memo:String = ""; //slotID:3 internal var param:Object; //slotID:4 callback = hug1; csrfToken = hug2; memo = hug3; param = {item_type:0, item_id:this._threadID, description:memo, token:csrfToken}; HTTPUtils.loadJSON(function(hug1:Object):void{ //MethodID:2767, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 62 if(checkMyListLog()) callback(false, null); _addMyListLogSO.data[_threadID] = TimeUtils.now().getTime(); _addMyListLogSO.flush(); callback(true, hug1); }, this._nicoConfig.MYLIST_ADD_API_URL, param, "POST"); } public function checkMyListLog():Boolean { //MethodID:2769, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 102 var hug2:String = null; var hug1:Number = TimeUtils.now().getTime(); for(hug2 in this._addMyListLogSO.data){ if(hug1 > (this._addMyListLogSO.data[hug2] + LOG_TERM)){ delete this._addMyListLogSO.data[hug2]; }else if(hug2 == this._threadID){ return true; } } return false; } } } //■script172■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.IComment //■class(instance)_index:215 public interface ICommentStorageHandle { //static constructor public static function ICommentStorageHandle$cinit() { //MethodID:2771, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function get lastRes():int; //MethodID:2772, dispID:0 function get isCommunityThread():Boolean; //MethodID:2773, dispID:0 function set isCommunityThread(hug1:Boolean):void; //MethodID:2774, dispID:0 function get autoSyncEnabled():Boolean; //MethodID:2775, dispID:0 function set autoSyncEnabled(hug1:Boolean):void; //MethodID:2776, dispID:0 function get onComments():Function; //MethodID:2777, dispID:0 function set onComments(hug1:Function):void; //MethodID:2778, dispID:0 function get onNumberOfClick():Function; //MethodID:2779, dispID:0 function set onNumberOfClick(hug1:Function):void; //MethodID:2780, dispID:0 function post(hug1:Function, hug2:IComment, hug3:Boolean):void; //MethodID:2781, dispID:0 function getThread(hug1:Function, hug2:int, hug3:Boolean=false):void; //MethodID:2782, dispID:0 function deleteComments(hug1:Function, hug2:Array, hug3:Boolean):void; //MethodID:2783, dispID:0 function getOwnerThread(hug1:Function, hug2:uint):void; //MethodID:2784, dispID:0 function updateOwnerThread(hug1:Function, hug2:Array, hug3:Boolean):void; //MethodID:2785, dispID:0 function waybackOwnerThread(hug1:Function, hug2:int):void; //MethodID:2786, dispID:0 function waybackThread(hug1:Function, hug2:int, hug3:uint, hug4:Boolean=false):void;//MethodID:2787, dispID:0 function click(hug1:Function, hug2:int):void; //MethodID:2788, dispID:0 function enterThread(hug1:Function, hug2:int, hug3:Boolean=false):void; //MethodID:2789, dispID:0 function leaveThread(hug1:Function):void; //MethodID:2790, dispID:0 //constructor public function ICommentStorageHandle(); //MethodID:2791, dispID:0 } } //■script173■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.IGetFLV import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.IKeygen import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.IComment import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.flashvars.NicoFlashVars import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages.commentStorage.LockDesc import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages.commentStorage.Request import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages.commentStorage.RequestDispatcher import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages.commentStorage.transactor.Clicker import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages.commentStorage.transactor.CommentDeleter import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages.commentStorage.transactor.CommentPoster import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages.commentStorage.transactor.SimpleTransactor import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages.commentStorage.transactor.ThreadLoader import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages.commentStorage.transactor.ThreadUpdater import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages.transmitter.TransmitterType import jp.nicovideo.util.Assert import jp.nicovideo.util.ObjectUtils //■class(instance)_index:219 public class CommentStorage extends Object implements ICommentStorage { //static constructor public static function CommentStorage$cinit() { //MethodID:2801, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 11, CodeLength= 49 __SERVER_RESPONSEs = ["GetThreadResult", "ViewCounter", "Chat", "PostChatResult", "NumberOfClick", "ClickResult", "DeleteCommentsResult", "UpdateThreadResult", "Leaf", "Close"]; __LEAF_RETRY = 20; } //static variables/etc. private static const __SERVER_RESPONSEs:Array; //slotID:1 private static const __LEAF_RETRY:int = 20; //slotID:2 //constructor public function CommentStorage(hug1:MessageServerClient, hug2:IKeygen, hug3:String, hug4:Boolean, hug5:NicoFlashVars, hug6:IGetFLV):void { //MethodID:2802, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 73 this.__threads = {}; this.__postWaitQueue = []; super(); this.__client = hug1; this.__keygen = hug2; this.__userID = hug3; this.__isPremium = hug4; this.__flashvars = hug5; this.__getFlv = hug6; this.__requestDispatcher = new RequestDispatcher(true); this.__registerResHandlers(); this.__registerPremitiveRequests(); } //variables/etc. public var __client:MessageServerClient; //slotID:0 private var __flashvars:NicoFlashVars; //slotID:0 private var __getFlv:IGetFLV; //slotID:0 private var __keygen:IKeygen; //slotID:0 private var __userID:String; //slotID:0 public var __isPremium:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var __threads:Object; //slotID:0 private var __noCompress:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var __requestDispatcher:RequestDispatcher; //slotID:0 private var __onServerTimeUpdated:Function; //slotID:0 private var __onViewCounterUpdated:Function; //slotID:0 private var __forceLeafOff:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var __leafNum:int = 100; //slotID:0 private var __isErrorOnNoCompress:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var __postWaitQueue:Array; //slotID:0 private var __postLocked:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public function get onServerTimeUpdated():Function { //MethodID:2803, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__onServerTimeUpdated; } public function set onServerTimeUpdated(hug1:Function):void { //MethodID:2804, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this.__onServerTimeUpdated = hug1; } public function get onViewCounterUpdated():Function { //MethodID:2805, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__onViewCounterUpdated; } public function set onViewCounterUpdated(hug1:Function):void { //MethodID:2806, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this.__onViewCounterUpdated = hug1; } public function get forceLeafOff():Boolean { //MethodID:2807, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__forceLeafOff; } public function set forceLeafOff(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:2808, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this.__forceLeafOff = hug1; } public function get leafNum():int { //MethodID:2809, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__leafNum; } public function set leafNum(hug1:int):void { //MethodID:2810, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this.__leafNum = hug1; } private function __registerResHandlers():void { //MethodID:2816, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 100 internal var name:String; //slotID:1 internal var reconnect:Function; //slotID:2 internal var connectionLostListener:Function; //slotID:3 name = null; reconnect = null; connectionLostListener = null; reconnect = function(hug1:String):void{ //MethodID:2812, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 64 internal var hint:String; //slotID:1 hint = hug1; __client.connectionLost.remove(reconnect); connectionLostListener(hint); __client.connectionLost.add(connectionLostListener); ObjectUtils.callLater(__client.connect, function(hug1:Boolean):void{ //MethodID:2811, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 }); }; connectionLostListener = function(hug1:String):void{ //MethodID:2813, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 8 __requestDispatcher.spoil(); }; for each(name in __SERVER_RESPONSEs){ function():void{ //MethodID:2815, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 39 internal var name_:*; //slotID:1 name_ = undefined; name_ = name; __client["onCMsg" + name].add(function(... rest):void{ //MethodID:2814, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 if(__requestDispatcher.receive(name_, rest)) return; }); }.call(null); } this.__client.connectionLost.add(reconnect); } private function __registerPremitiveRequests():void { //MethodID:2820, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 108 internal var trans:SimpleTransactor; //slotID:1 internal var req:Request; //slotID:2 trans = null; req = null; trans = new SimpleTransactor(function(hug1:int, hug2:String, hug3:int):void{ //MethodID:2817, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 20 if(__onViewCounterUpdated is Function) __onViewCounterUpdated(hug1, hug3); }); req = new Request([new LockDesc("ViewCounter")], "master"); req.parent = this; req.transactor = trans; req.indomitable = true; this.__requestDispatcher.addPassiveRequest(req); } public function connect():void { //MethodID:2821, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function disconnect():void { //MethodID:2822, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function attach(hug1:String):ICommentStorageHandle { //MethodID:2823, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 80 var hug3:* = new _Thread(hug1); this.__threads[hug1] = hug3; var hug2:_Thread = hug3; if(this.__threads[hug1] || this.__client.connectionType == TransmitterType.HTTP) return new _Handle4HTTP(this, hug2); return new _Handle(this, hug2); } private function __shiftPostWaitQueue():void { //MethodID:2824, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 42 if(this.__postLocked = (this.__postWaitQueue.length != 0)) ObjectUtils.callLater(this.__postWaitQueue.shift()); } public function _post(hug1:_Handle, hug2:Function, hug3:IComment, hug4:Boolean):void { //MethodID:2833, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 62 internal var h:_Handle; //slotID:1 internal var f:Function; //slotID:2 internal var comment:IComment; //slotID:3 internal var yugi:Boolean; //slotID:4 internal var calc_page:Function; //slotID:5 h = hug1; f = hug2; comment = hug3; yugi = hug4; calc_page = function(hug1:int):int{ //MethodID:2825, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 15 return Math.floor((hug1 + 1) / 100); }; this.__postWaitQueue.push(function():void{ //MethodID:2832, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 6, CodeLength= 224 internal var retry:int; //slotID:1 internal var postkeyObj:_PostKey; //slotID:2 internal var page:int; //slotID:3 internal var get_postkey:Function; //slotID:4 internal var do_post:Function; //slotID:5 postkeyObj = null; page = 0; get_postkey = function():void{ //MethodID:2827, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 30 __keygen.getPostKey(function(hug1:Boolean, hug2:String, hug3:Boolean):void{ //MethodID:2826, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 59 if(!hug1){ f(new CommentStorageError(0, "Failed to get PostKey.", true), 0); return; } postkeyObj.value = hug2; postkeyObj.yugi = hug3; postkeyObj.page = page; do_post(); }, h._t.threadID, page, yugi); }; do_post = function():void{ //MethodID:2831, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 6, CodeLength= 212 internal var trans:CommentPoster; //slotID:1 internal var req:Request; //slotID:2 trans = null; trans = new CommentPoster(); trans.threadID = int(h._t.threadID); trans.comment = comment; trans.premium = __isPremium; trans.ticket = h._t.ticket; trans.userID = __userID; trans.postkey = postkeyObj.value; trans.yugi = postkeyObj.yugi; req = new Request([new LockDesc("PostChatResult", {0:h._t.threadID})]); req.transactor = trans; req.onErrorOccured = function(hug1:int):void{ //MethodID:2828, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 323 var hug2:int = 0; var hug3:int = hug1; switch(hug3){ case MessageServerClient.POST_INVALID_POSTKEY: postkeyObj.value = null; h._t.lastRes_ = trans.no; hug2 = calc_page(trans.no); if((trans.no != 0) && (hug2 != page)){ page = hug2; get_postkey(); return; } f(new CommentStorageError(0, "No more retry to get PostKey.", true), 0); break; case MessageServerClient.POST_FAILURE: f(new CommentStorageError(hug1, "Post failed"), 0); break; case MessageServerClient.POST_INVALID_THREAD: case MessageServerClient.POST_LOCKED: case MessageServerClient.POST_READONLY: case MessageServerClient.POST_INVALID_TICKET: f(new CommentStorageError(hug1, ("error: status=" + hug1 + ".")), 0); break; default: break; } __shiftPostWaitQueue(); }; req.onQuit = function():void{ //MethodID:2829, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 23 f(null, trans.no); __shiftPostWaitQueue(); }; req.onDisconnect = function():void{ //MethodID:2830, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 29 f(new CommentStorageError(0, "Disconnected.", true), 0); __shiftPostWaitQueue(); }; __addRequest(req); }; retry = 3; postkeyObj = h._t.postkey; page = calc_page(h._t.lastRes_); if(postkeyObj){ if(!postkeyObj.value){ ObjectUtils.callLater(f, new CommentStorageError(0, "OMG", true), 0); return; } if(page == postkeyObj.page){ do_post(); return; } }else{ if(!h._t.ticket){ ObjectUtils.callLater(f, new CommentStorageError(0, "Cannot get PostKey having not done getThread to get LastRes needed to get that.", true), 0); return; } postkeyObj = new _PostKey(); h._t.postkey = new _PostKey(); } get_postkey(); }); if(!this.__postLocked) this.__shiftPostWaitQueue(); } public function _getThread(hug1:_Handle, hug2:Function, hug3:int, hug4:Boolean=false):void { //MethodID:2840, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 112 internal var h:_Handle; //slotID:1 internal var f:Function; //slotID:2 internal var resFrom:int; //slotID:3 internal var isLeaf:Boolean = false; //slotID:4 internal var retry:int; //slotID:5 internal var threadkey_getter:Function; //slotID:6 internal var do_get_thread:Function; //slotID:7 retry = 0; threadkey_getter = null; do_get_thread = null; h = hug1; f = hug2; resFrom = hug3; isLeaf = hug4; do_get_thread = function(... args):void{ //MethodID:2839, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 10, CodeLength= 513 internal var arguments:Array; //slotID:1 internal var trans:ThreadLoader; //slotID:2 internal var _locks:Array; //slotID:3 internal var req:Request; //slotID:4 internal var arguments_:*; //slotID:5 trans = null; arguments_ = undefined; internal var arguments:Object = args; if(__isErrorOnNoCompress){ f(new CommentStorageError(0, "Disconnected.", true), null); return; } trans = new ThreadLoader(); trans.threadID = h._t.threadID; trans.userID = __userID; trans.resFrom = resFrom; trans.clickRevision = h._t.clickRevision; trans.onServerTime = __onServerTimeUpdated; trans.num_click = h._t.num_click; trans.duration = __getFlv.videoLength; trans.forceLeafMode = (isLeaf && !__flashvars.isMymemory && !__forceLeafOff); trans.leaf_get_num = __leafNum; if(h._isCommunityThread){ trans.threadkey = h._t.threadkey.value; trans.force184 = (h._t.threadkey.force184 ? 1 : 0); } trans.noCompress = __noCompress; _locks = [new LockDesc("GetThreadResult", {1:h._t.threadID, 8:0}), new LockDesc("Chat", {1:h._t.threadID, 13:0}), new LockDesc("NumberOfClick", {0:h._t.threadID}), new LockDesc("Close", {0:h._t.threadID, 1:0})]; if(trans.isLeaf()) _locks.push(new LockDesc("Leaf", {1:h._t.threadID})); req = new Request(_locks); req.transactor = trans; req.onErrorOccured = function(hug1:int):void{ //MethodID:2834, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 116 if((hug1 == MessageServerClient.THREAD_LEAF_LOADING) && (retry > 0)){ retry--; do_get_thread(); return; } if((hug1 == MessageServerClient.THREAD_TOO_OLD_THREADKEY) && (threadkey_getter != null) && threadkey_getter()) return; f(new CommentStorageError(hug1, ("error: status=" + hug1 + ".")), null); }; req.onQuit = function():void{ //MethodID:2835, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 200 var hug1:String = null; var hug2:int = 0; if(h._t.ticket != trans.ticket){ h._t.clear(); h._t.ticket = trans.ticket; } h._t.lastRes_ = trans.lastRes; h._t.lastRes = trans.lastRes; h._t.revision = trans.revision; h._t.clickRevision = trans.clickRevision; for(hug1 in trans.num_click){ hug2 = int(hug1); h._onNumberOfClick(hug2, trans.num_click[hug2]); } h._t.num_click = trans.num_click; f(null, trans.comments); }; arguments_ = arguments; req.onDisconnect = function():void{ //MethodID:2838, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 98 internal var getNoCompressThread:Function; //slotID:1 getNoCompressThread = function():void{ //MethodID:2836, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 19 __noCompress = true; do_get_thread.apply(this, arguments_); }; if(trans.noCompress || __isErrorOnNoCompress){ __isErrorOnNoCompress = true; f(new CommentStorageError(0, "Disconnected.", true), null); return; } if(__client.isConnecting){ getNoCompressThread(); }else{ __client.connected.add(function(... args):void{ //MethodID:2837, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 23 __client.connected.remove(args.callee); getNoCompressThread(); }); } }; __addRequest(req); }; if(!h._isCommunityThread){ do_get_thread(); return; } retry = __LEAF_RETRY; threadkey_getter = this.__newThreadKeyGetter(do_get_thread, f, h._t); } public function _deleteComments(hug1:_Handle, hug2:Function, hug3:Array, hug4:Boolean):void { //MethodID:2846, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 54 internal var h:_Handle; //slotID:1 internal var f:Function; //slotID:2 internal var targets:Array; //slotID:3 internal var undelete:Boolean; //slotID:4 h = hug1; f = hug2; targets = hug3; undelete = hug4; this.__keygen.getDeleteKey(function(hug1:Boolean, hug2:String):void{ //MethodID:2845, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 8, CodeLength= 269 internal var succeeded:Boolean; //slotID:1 internal var deletekey:String; //slotID:2 internal var trans:CommentDeleter; //slotID:3 internal var req:Request; //slotID:4 trans = null; succeeded = hug1; deletekey = hug2; if(!succeeded){ f(new CommentStorageError(0, "DeleteKeyの取得に失敗。", true)); return; } trans = new CommentDeleter(); trans.undelete = undelete; trans.revision = h._t.revision; trans.threadID = int(h._t.threadID); trans.userID = __userID; trans.deletekey = deletekey; trans.list = targets.sort(function(hug1:uint, hug2:uint):Number{ //MethodID:2841, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 4 return (hug1 - hug2); }).join(","); req = new Request([new LockDesc("DeleteCommentsResult", {0:h._t.threadID, 3:(undelete ? 1 : 0)})]); req.transactor = trans; req.onErrorOccured = function(hug1:int):void{ //MethodID:2842, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 24 f(new CommentStorageError(hug1, ("error: status=" + hug1 + "."))); }; req.onQuit = function():void{ //MethodID:2843, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 25 h._t.revision = trans.revision; f(null); }; req.onDisconnect = function():void{ //MethodID:2844, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 20 f(new CommentStorageError(0, "Disconnected.", true)); }; __addRequest(req); }, h._t.threadID, targets); } public function _getOwnerThread(hug1:_Handle, hug2:Function, hug3:uint, ...args):void { //MethodID:2850, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 10, CodeLength= 282 internal var h:_Handle; //slotID:1 internal var f:Function; //slotID:2 internal var numRes:uint; //slotID:3 internal var arguments:Array; //slotID:4 internal var trans:ThreadLoader; //slotID:5 internal var req:Request; //slotID:6 internal var arguments_:*; //slotID:7 trans = null; arguments_ = undefined; h = hug1; f = hug2; numRes = hug3; internal var arguments:Object = args; trans = new ThreadLoader(); trans.threadID = h._t.threadID; trans.fork = 1; trans.resFrom = -numRes; trans.onServerTime = this.__onServerTimeUpdated; req = new Request([new LockDesc("GetThreadResult", {1:h._t.threadID, 8:1}), new LockDesc("Chat", {1:h._t.threadID, 13:1}), new LockDesc("Close", {0:h._t.threadID, 1:1})]); trans.noCompress = this.__noCompress; req.transactor = trans; req.onErrorOccured = function(hug1:int):void{ //MethodID:2847, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 25 f(new CommentStorageError(hug1, ("error: status=" + hug1 + ".")), null); }; req.onQuit = function():void{ //MethodID:2848, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 31 h._t.ownerTicket = trans.ticket; f(null, trans.comments); }; arguments_ = arguments; req.onDisconnect = function():void{ //MethodID:2849, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 52 if(trans.noCompress){ f(new CommentStorageError(0, "", true), null); return; } __noCompress = true; arguments_.callee.apply(this, arguments_); }; this.__addRequest(req); } public function _updateOwnerThread(hug1:_Handle, hug2:Function, hug3:Array, hug4:Boolean):void { //MethodID:2855, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 64 internal var h:_Handle; //slotID:1 internal var f:Function; //slotID:2 internal var comments:Array; //slotID:3 internal var createNicosThread:Boolean; //slotID:4 h = hug1; f = hug2; comments = hug3; createNicosThread = hug4; this.__keygen.getUpdateKey(function(hug1:Boolean, hug2:String):void{ //MethodID:2854, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 217 internal var succeeded:Boolean; //slotID:1 internal var updatekey:String; //slotID:2 internal var trans:ThreadUpdater; //slotID:3 internal var req:Request; //slotID:4 trans = null; succeeded = hug1; updatekey = hug2; if(!succeeded) f(new CommentStorageError(0, "Failed to get UpdateKey.", true)); trans = new ThreadUpdater(); trans.threadID = h._t.threadID; trans.userID = __userID; trans.ticket = h._t.ownerTicket; trans.updatekey = updatekey; trans.isPremium = __isPremium; trans.comments = comments; req = new Request([new LockDesc("UpdateThreadResult", {})]); req.transactor = trans; req.onErrorOccured = function(hug1:int):void{ //MethodID:2851, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 24 f(new CommentStorageError(hug1, ("error: status=" + hug1 + "."))); }; req.onQuit = function():void{ //MethodID:2852, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 25 h._t.ownerTicket = trans.ticket; f(null); }; req.onDisconnect = function():void{ //MethodID:2853, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 20 f(new CommentStorageError(0, "Disconnected.", true)); }; __addRequest(req); }, h._t.threadID, h._t.ownerTicket, createNicosThread); } public function _waybackFork(hug1:_Handle, hug2:Function, hug3:int, hug4:int, hug5:uint, hug6:Boolean=false):void { //MethodID:2863, LocalCount= 8 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 171 internal var h:_Handle; //slotID:1 internal var f:Function; //slotID:2 internal var fork:int; //slotID:3 internal var time:int; //slotID:4 internal var numRes:uint; //slotID:5 internal var isLeaf:Boolean = false; //slotID:6 internal var retry:int; //slotID:7 internal var leaf_retry:int; //slotID:8 internal var threadkey_required:Boolean; //slotID:9 internal var get_waybackkey:Function; //slotID:10 internal var do_wayback_thread:Function; //slotID:11 internal var threadkey_getter:Function; //slotID:12 leaf_retry = 0; threadkey_required = false; get_waybackkey = null; threadkey_getter = null; h = hug1; f = hug2; fork = hug3; time = hug4; numRes = hug5; isLeaf = hug6; get_waybackkey = function():void{ //MethodID:2858, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 67 internal var error:Function; //slotID:1 error = function():void{ //MethodID:2856, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 21 f(new CommentStorageError(0, "Failed to get WaybackKey.", true), null); }; if((--retry) < 0) error(); __keygen.getWaybackKey(function(hug1:Boolean, hug2:String):void{ //MethodID:2857, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 24 if(!hug1){ error(); return; } do_wayback_thread(hug2); }, h._t.threadID); }; do_wayback_thread = function(hug1:String):void{ //MethodID:2862, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 9, CodeLength= 541 internal var waybackkey:String; //slotID:1 internal var trans:ThreadLoader; //slotID:2 internal var _locks:Array; //slotID:3 internal var req:Request; //slotID:4 trans = null; waybackkey = hug1; trans = new ThreadLoader(); trans.threadID = h._t.threadID; trans.resFrom = -numRes; trans.fork = fork; trans.when = time; trans.userID = __userID; trans.waybackkey = waybackkey; trans.onServerTime = __onServerTimeUpdated; trans.noCompress = __noCompress; trans.clickRevision = h._t.clickRevision; trans.duration = __getFlv.videoLength; trans.num_click = h._t.num_click; trans.resBefore = (h._t.lastRes + 1); if(fork != 1){ trans.forceLeafMode = (isLeaf && !__flashvars.isMymemory && !__forceLeafOff); trans.leaf_get_num = __leafNum; } if(threadkey_required){ trans.threadkey = h._t.threadkey.value; trans.force184 = (h._t.threadkey.force184 ? 1 : 0); } _locks = [new LockDesc("GetThreadResult", {1:h._t.threadID, 8:fork}), new LockDesc("Close", {0:h._t.threadID}), new LockDesc("Chat", {1:h._t.threadID, 13:fork})]; if(trans.isLeaf()) _locks.push(new LockDesc("Leaf", {1:h._t.threadID})); if(fork != 1) _locks.push(new LockDesc("NumberOfClick", {0:h._t.threadID})); req = new Request(_locks); req.transactor = trans; req.onErrorOccured = function(hug1:int):void{ //MethodID:2859, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 183 var hug2:int = hug1; switch(hug2){ case MessageServerClient.THREAD_LEAF_LOADING: if(leaf_retry > 0){ leaf_retry--; do_wayback_thread(); return; } break; case MessageServerClient.THREAD_TOO_OLD_WAYBACKKEY: get_waybackkey(); return; case MessageServerClient.THREAD_TOO_OLD_THREADKEY: if(threadkey_getter()) return; default: break; } f(new CommentStorageError(hug1, ("error: status=" + hug1 + ".")), null); }; req.onQuit = function():void{ //MethodID:2860, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 16 f(null, trans.comments); }; req.onDisconnect = function():void{ //MethodID:2861, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 47 if(trans.noCompress){ f(new CommentStorageError(0, "Disconnected.", true), null); return; } __noCompress = true; do_wayback_thread(); }; __addRequest(req); }; retry = 3; leaf_retry = __LEAF_RETRY; threadkey_required = ((fork == MessageServerClient.FORK_MAIN) && h._isCommunityThread); if(threadkey_required){ threadkey_getter = this.__newThreadKeyGetter(get_waybackkey, f, h._t); return; } get_waybackkey(); } public function _click(hug1:_Handle, hug2:Function, hug3:int, hug4:Function=null):void { //MethodID:2868, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 70 internal var h:_Handle; //slotID:1 internal var f:Function; //slotID:2 internal var no:int; //slotID:3 internal var after_click:Function = null; //slotID:4 h = hug1; f = hug2; no = hug3; after_click = hug4; this.__keygen.getClickKey(function(hug1:Boolean, hug2:String):void{ //MethodID:2867, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 197 internal var succeeded:Boolean; //slotID:1 internal var clickkey:String; //slotID:2 internal var trans:Clicker; //slotID:3 internal var req:Request; //slotID:4 succeeded = hug1; clickkey = hug2; if(!succeeded) f(new CommentStorageError(0, "Failed to get ClickKey.", true), null); trans = new Clicker(); trans.threadID = int(h._t.threadID); trans.no = no; trans.userID = __userID; trans.clickkey = clickkey; req = new Request([new LockDesc("ClickResult", {})]); req.transactor = trans; req.onErrorOccured = function(hug1:int):void{ //MethodID:2864, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 24 f(new CommentStorageError(hug1, ("error: status=" + hug1 + "."))); }; req.onQuit = function():void{ //MethodID:2865, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 6, CodeLength= 43 h._t.num_click[no]++; f(null); }; req.onDisconnect = function():void{ //MethodID:2866, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 20 f(new CommentStorageError(0, "Disconnected.", true)); }; __addRequest(req); after_click(); }, h._t.threadID, h._t.lastRes, h._t.clickRevision); } private function __newThreadKeyGetter(hug1:Function, hug2:Function, hug3:_Thread, hug4:int=3):Function { //MethodID:2871, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 97 internal var f:Function; //slotID:1 internal var error:Function; //slotID:2 internal var t:_Thread; //slotID:3 internal var retry:int = 3; //slotID:4 internal var do_get:Function; //slotID:5 do_get = null; f = hug1; error = hug2; t = hug3; retry = hug4; do_get = function():Boolean{ //MethodID:2870, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 57 t.threadkey = null; if((retry--) < 1) return false; __keygen.getThreadKey(function(hug1:Boolean, hug2:String, hug3:Boolean):void{ //MethodID:2869, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 50 if(!hug1){ error(new CommentStorageError(0, "ThreadKeyの取得に失敗。", true), null); return; } t.threadkey = new _ThreadKey(hug2, hug3); f(); }, t.threadID); return true; }; Assert.assert(retry > 0); if(t.threadkey){ ObjectUtils.callLater(f); }else{ do_get(); } return do_get; } private function __addRequest(hug1:Request):void { //MethodID:2872, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 28 hug1.parent = this; hug1.transactor.client = this.__client; this.__requestDispatcher.addRequest(hug1); } } } import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError import flash.utils.Dictionary import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.IComment import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages.CommentStorage import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages.CommentStorageError import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages.MessageServerClient import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages.commentStorage.Poller import jp.nicovideo.util.ObjectUtils //■class(instance)_index:216 //private class _Thread extends Object { //static constructor public static function _Thread$cinit() { //MethodID:2793, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _Thread(hug1:String) { //MethodID:2794, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 29 this.num_click = {}; this.handles = new Dictionary(true); super(); this.threadID = hug1; } //variables/etc. public var threadID:String; //slotID:0 public var ticket:String; //slotID:0 public var ownerTicket:String; //slotID:0 public var lastRes:int = -1; //slotID:0 public var lastRes_:int = -1; //slotID:0 public var postkey:_PostKey; //slotID:0 public var threadkey:_ThreadKey; //slotID:0 public var revision:int = 0; //slotID:0 public var clickRevision:int = 0; //slotID:0 public var waybackkey:String; //slotID:0 public var num_click:Object; //slotID:0 public var handles:Dictionary; //slotID:0 public function forEachHandle(hug1:Function):void { //MethodID:2795, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 51 var hug2:* = undefined; for(hug2 in this.handles){ hug1(_Handle(hug2)); } } public function clear():void { //MethodID:2796, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 37 this.ticket = null; this.lastRes = -1; this.lastRes_ = -1; this.postkey = null; this.revision = 0; this.clickRevision = 0; } } //■class(instance)_index:217 //private class _PostKey extends Object { //static constructor public static function _PostKey$cinit() { //MethodID:2797, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _PostKey() { //MethodID:2798, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } //variables/etc. public var lastRes:int; //slotID:0 public var page:int; //slotID:0 public var value:String; //slotID:0 public var yugi:Boolean; //slotID:0 } //■class(instance)_index:218 //private class _ThreadKey extends Object { //static constructor public static function _ThreadKey$cinit() { //MethodID:2799, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _ThreadKey(hug1:String, hug2:Boolean) { //MethodID:2800, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 16 super(); this.value = hug1; this.force184 = hug2; } //variables/etc. public var value:String; //slotID:0 public var force184:Boolean; //slotID:0 } //■class(instance)_index:220 //private class _Handle extends Object implements ICommentStorageHandle { //static constructor public static function _Handle$cinit() { //MethodID:2873, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _Handle(hug1:CommentStorage, hug2:_Thread) { //MethodID:2874, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 28 super(); this._parent = hug1; this._t = hug2; this._t.handles[this] = true; } //variables/etc. public var _t:_Thread; //slotID:0 public var _isCommunityThread:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public var _onNumberOfClick:Function; //slotID:0 protected var _parent:CommentStorage; //slotID:0 private var __onComments:Function; //slotID:0 private var __autoSyncEnabled:Boolean = true; //slotID:0 public function get lastRes():int { //MethodID:2875, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 10 return this._t.lastRes; } public function get autoSyncEnabled():Boolean { //MethodID:2876, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__autoSyncEnabled; } public function set autoSyncEnabled(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:2877, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this.__autoSyncEnabled = hug1; } public function get isCommunityThread():Boolean { //MethodID:2878, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isCommunityThread; } public function set isCommunityThread(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:2879, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isCommunityThread = hug1; } public function get onComments():Function { //MethodID:2880, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__onComments; } public function set onComments(hug1:Function):void { //MethodID:2881, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this.__onComments = hug1; } public function get onNumberOfClick():Function { //MethodID:2882, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._onNumberOfClick; } public function set onNumberOfClick(hug1:Function):void { //MethodID:2883, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._onNumberOfClick = hug1; } public function post(hug1:Function, hug2:IComment, hug3:Boolean):void { //MethodID:2884, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 15 this._parent._post(this, hug1, hug2, hug3); } public function getThread(hug1:Function, hug2:int, hug3:Boolean=false):void { //MethodID:2885, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 15 this._parent._getThread(this, hug1, hug2, hug3); } public function deleteComments(hug1:Function, hug2:Array, hug3:Boolean):void { //MethodID:2886, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 15 this._parent._deleteComments(this, hug1, hug2, hug3); } public function getOwnerThread(hug1:Function, hug2:uint):void { //MethodID:2887, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 14 this._parent._getOwnerThread(this, hug1, hug2); } public function updateOwnerThread(hug1:Function, hug2:Array, hug3:Boolean):void { //MethodID:2888, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 15 this._parent._updateOwnerThread(this, hug1, hug2, hug3); } public function waybackOwnerThread(hug1:Function, hug2:int):void { //MethodID:2889, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 6, CodeLength= 23 this._parent._waybackFork(this, hug1, MessageServerClient.FORK_OWNER, hug2, 1000); } public function waybackThread(hug1:Function, hug2:int, hug3:uint, hug4:Boolean=false):void { //MethodID:2890, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 7, CodeLength= 23 this._parent._waybackFork(this, hug1, MessageServerClient.FORK_MAIN, hug2, hug3, hug4); } public function click(hug1:Function, hug2:int):void { //MethodID:2891, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 14 this._parent._click(this, hug1, hug2); } public function enterThread(hug1:Function, hug2:int, hug3:Boolean=false):void { //MethodID:2892, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 13 throw new IllegalOperationError("未サポートであります。。。"); } public function leaveThread(hug1:Function):void { //MethodID:2893, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 13 throw new IllegalOperationError("未サポートっスよ!"); } public function _onComments(hug1:Array):void { //MethodID:2894, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 20 if(this.__onComments is Function) this.__onComments(hug1); } } //■class(instance)_index:221 //private class _Handle4HTTP extends _Handle { //static constructor public static function _Handle4HTTP$cinit() { //MethodID:2895, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 37 HTTP_INTERVAL_PREMIUM = 0x1D4C0; HTTP_INTERVAL_SHORT_PREMIUM = 30000; HTTP_INTERVAL_ECONOMY = 0x2BF20; HTTP_INTERVAL_SHORT_ECONOMY = 0xAFC8; } //static variables/etc. private static const HTTP_INTERVAL_PREMIUM:int = 0x1D4C0; //slotID:1 private static const HTTP_INTERVAL_SHORT_PREMIUM:int = 30000; //slotID:2 private static const HTTP_INTERVAL_ECONOMY:int = 0x2BF20; //slotID:3 private static const HTTP_INTERVAL_SHORT_ECONOMY:int = 0xAFC8; //slotID:4 //constructor public function _Handle4HTTP(hug1:CommentStorage, hug2:_Thread) { //MethodID:2896, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 8 super(hug1, hug2); } //variables/etc. private var __poller:Poller; //slotID:0 private var __localLastRes:int = 0; //slotID:0 override public function set autoSyncEnabled(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:2897, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 50 if(autoSyncEnabled == hug1) return; if(this.__poller){ if(hug1){ this.__poller.resume(); }else{ this.__poller.suspend(); } } super.autoSyncEnabled = hug1; } override public function post(hug1:Function, hug2:IComment, hug3:Boolean):void { //MethodID:2900, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 63 private var f:Function; //slotID:1 private var comment_:IComment; //slotID:2 private var yugi:Boolean; //slotID:3 private var poll_retry:int; //slotID:4 private var super_post:Function; //slotID:5 private var do_post:Function; //slotID:6 do_post = null; f = hug1; comment_ = hug2; yugi = hug3; do_post = function():void{ //MethodID:2899, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 22 super_post(function(hug1:CommentStorageError, hug2:int):void{ //MethodID:2898, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 115 if(hug1 && !hug1.isInLowerLayer && (hug1.status == MessageServerClient.POST_INVALID_TICKET) && ((poll_retry--) > 0)){ __poller.pollImmediately(do_post); return; } if(__poller && !hug1) __poller.pollImmediately(); f(hug1, hug2); }, comment_, yugi); }; poll_retry = 3; super_post = super.post; do_post(); } override public function getThread(hug1:Function, hug2:int, hug3:Boolean=false):void { //MethodID:2901, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 27 if(!this.__poller) throw new IllegalOperationError(); super.getThread(hug1, hug2, hug3); } override public function click(hug1:Function, hug2:int):void { //MethodID:2904, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 52 private var f:Function; //slotID:1 private var no:int; //slotID:2 private var after_click:Function; //slotID:3 after_click = null; f = hug1; no = hug2; after_click = function():void{ //MethodID:2902, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 15 if(__poller) __poller.pollImmediately(); }; _parent._click(this, function(hug1:CommentStorageError):void{ //MethodID:2903, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 10 f(hug1); }, no, after_click); } override public function enterThread(hug1:Function, hug2:int, hug3:Boolean=false):void { //MethodID:2908, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 61 private var f:Function; //slotID:1 private var resFrom:int; //slotID:2 private var isLeaf:Boolean = false; //slotID:3 private var self:_Handle; //slotID:4 self = null; f = hug1; resFrom = hug2; isLeaf = hug3; self = this; _parent._getThread(self, function(hug1:CommentStorageError, hug2:Array):void{ //MethodID:2907, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 153 private var e:CommentStorageError; //slotID:1 private var comments:Array; //slotID:2 private var lastResLocal:int; //slotID:3 lastResLocal = 0; e = hug1; comments = hug2; if(__poller) throw new IllegalOperationError("なんじゃい"); if(!e){ lastResLocal = ((comments.length != 0) ? comments[comments.length - 1].resNo : 0); __poller = new Poller(function(hug1:Function):void{ //MethodID:2906, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 39 private var binder:Function; //slotID:1 binder = hug1; _parent._getThread(self, binder(function(hug1:CommentStorageError, hug2:Array):void{ //MethodID:2905, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 6, CodeLength= 67 if(hug1) return; if(hug2.length != 0){ lastResLocal = Math.max(lastResLocal, hug2[hug2.length - 1].resNo); _onComments(hug2); } __poller.interval = __calcPollingInterval(hug2); }), (lastResLocal + 1), isLeaf); }); if(autoSyncEnabled) __poller.resume(); __poller.interval = __calcPollingInterval(comments); } f(e, comments); }, resFrom, isLeaf); } override public function leaveThread(hug1:Function):void { //MethodID:2909, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 51 if(!this.__poller) throw new IllegalOperationError("入室してないす"); this.__poller.suspend(); this.__poller = null; _t.clear(); ObjectUtils.callLater(hug1, null); } private function __calcPollingInterval(hug1:Array):int { //MethodID:2910, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 55 var hug2:int = HTTP_INTERVAL_ECONOMY; var hug3:int = HTTP_INTERVAL_SHORT_ECONOMY; if(_parent.__isPremium){ hug2 = HTTP_INTERVAL_ECONOMY; hug3 = HTTP_INTERVAL_SHORT_ECONOMY; } var hug4:int = ((hug1.length != 0) ? hug3 : hug2); return hug4; } } //■script174■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api{ import jp.nicovideo.util.HTTPUtils //■class(instance)_index:222 public class GetBGM extends Object { //static constructor public static function GetBGM$cinit() { //MethodID:2912, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //static variables/etc. public static function exec(hug1:Function, hug2:String, hug3:String):void { //dispID:3, MethodID:2914, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 7, CodeLength= 52 internal var f:Function; //slotID:1 internal var URL:String; //slotID:2 internal var threadID:String; //slotID:3 f = hug1; URL = hug2; threadID = hug3; HTTPUtils.loadXML(function(hug1:XML):void{ //MethodID:2913, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 12, CodeLength= 263 var hug3:XML = null; var hug4:BGMVideoInfo = null; if((hug1 === null) || (hug1.@status != "ok")) f(false, null); var hug2:Array = []; for each(hug3 in hug1.bgm){ hug4 = new BGMVideoInfo(hug3.id.text()[0], hug3.bgm_type.text()[0], hug3.video_id.text()[0], hug3.url.text()[0], Number(hug3.length.text()[0]), hug3.movie_type.text()[0], (Number(hug3.deleted.text()[0]) != 0), (Number(hug3["private"].text()[0]) != 0), (Number(hug3.as3.text()[0]) == 1)); hug2.push(hug4); } f(true, hug2); }, URL, {v:threadID, as3:"1"}); } //constructor public function GetBGM() { //MethodID:2915, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script175■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoscript{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.IComment //■class(instance)_index:223 public interface INicoSPlayer { //static constructor public static function INicoSPlayer$cinit() { //MethodID:2917, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function get defaultCommentColor():String; //MethodID:2918, dispID:0 function get defaultCommentPosition():String; //MethodID:2919, dispID:0 function get defaultCommentSize():String; //MethodID:2920, dispID:0 function get isCommentInvisible():Boolean; //MethodID:2921, dispID:0 function replaceComment(hug1:String, hug2:IComment):IComment; //MethodID:2922, dispID:0 function resolveListName(hug1:IComment):String; //MethodID:2923, dispID:0 function get BGMVideoIDs():Array; //MethodID:2924, dispID:0 function get CMVideoIDs():Array; //MethodID:2925, dispID:0 function setup(hug1:INicoSClient):void; //MethodID:2926, dispID:0 function clear():void; //MethodID:2927, dispID:0 function commit(hug1:String, hug2:Array, hug3:Array, hug4:Boolean):Array; //MethodID:2928, dispID:0 function play():void; //MethodID:2929, dispID:0 function seek(hug1:int):void; //MethodID:2930, dispID:0 function pause():void; //MethodID:2931, dispID:0 function set volume(hug1:Number):void; //MethodID:2932, dispID:0 function get isNicosThreadRequired():Boolean; //MethodID:2933, dispID:0 //constructor public function INicoSPlayer(); //MethodID:2934, dispID:0 } } //■script176■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.playlist{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.flashvars.NicoFlashVars import jp.nicovideo.util.Functions import jp.nicovideo.util.events.event_sender use namespace (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_sender); //■class(instance)_index:224 public class VideoInfo extends Object { //static constructor public static function VideoInfo$cinit() { //MethodID:2936, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function VideoInfo(hug1:String, hug2:String, hug3:String, hug4:String, hug5:String, hug6:String, hug7:String, hug8:uint, hug9:uint, hug10:uint, hug11:uint, hug12:Date, hug13:Date, hug14:Date, hug15:Number) { //MethodID:2937, LocalCount= 16 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 117 this.onVideoInfoFlashVarsUpdated = new Functions(); super(); this._title = hug1; this._description = hug2; this._mylistComment = hug3; this._threadID = hug4; this._videoID = hug4; this._watchID = hug6; this._thumbnailURL = hug7; this._viewCounter = hug8; this._numRes = hug9; this._mylistCounter = hug10; this._deleted = hug11; this._itemUpdateTime = new Date(hug12); this._firstRetrieve = new Date(hug13); this._createTime = new Date(hug14); this._lengthSeconds = hug15; } //variables/etc. private var _title:String; //slotID:0 private var _description:String; //slotID:0 private var _mylistComment:String; //slotID:0 private var _threadID:String; //slotID:0 private var _videoID:String; //slotID:0 private var _watchID:String; //slotID:0 private var _thumbnailURL:String; //slotID:0 private var _viewCounter:uint; //slotID:0 private var _numRes:uint; //slotID:0 private var _mylistCounter:uint; //slotID:0 private var _deleted:uint; //slotID:0 private var _itemUpdateTime:Date; //slotID:0 private var _firstRetrieve:Date; //slotID:0 private var _createTime:Date; //slotID:0 private var _lengthSeconds:Number; //slotID:0 private var _flashVars:NicoFlashVars; //slotID:0 private var _errorMessage:String; //slotID:0 private var _ownersIndex:int = 0; //slotID:0 (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_sender) const onVideoInfoFlashVarsUpdated:Functions;//slotID:0 public function get title():String { //MethodID:2938, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._title; } public function get description():String { //MethodID:2939, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._description; } public function get mylistComment():String { //MethodID:2940, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._mylistComment; } public function get threadID():String { //MethodID:2941, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._threadID; } public function get videoID():String { //MethodID:2942, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._videoID; } public function get watchID():String { //MethodID:2943, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._watchID; } public function get thumbnailURL():String { //MethodID:2944, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._thumbnailURL; } public function get viewCounter():uint { //MethodID:2945, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._viewCounter; } public function get numRes():uint { //MethodID:2946, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._numRes; } public function get mylistCounter():uint { //MethodID:2947, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._mylistCounter; } public function get deleted():uint { //MethodID:2948, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._deleted; } public function get itemUpdateTime():Date { //MethodID:2949, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._itemUpdateTime; } public function get firstRetrieve():Date { //MethodID:2950, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._firstRetrieve; } public function get createTime():Date { //MethodID:2951, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._createTime; } public function get lengthSeconds():Number { //MethodID:2952, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._lengthSeconds; } public function get errorMessage():String { //MethodID:2953, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._errorMessage; } public function set errorMessage(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2954, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._errorMessage = hug1; } public function get ownersIndex():int { //MethodID:2955, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._ownersIndex; } public function set ownersIndex(hug1:int):void { //MethodID:2956, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._ownersIndex = hug1; } public function set flashVars(hug1:NicoFlashVars):void { //MethodID:2957, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 31 this._flashVars = hug1; onVideoInfoFlashVarsUpdated.apply(this); } public function get flashVars():NicoFlashVars { //MethodID:2958, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._flashVars; } } } //■script177■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.config{ //■class(instance)_index:225 public class NicoConfig extends Object { //static constructor public static function NicoConfig$cinit() { //MethodID:2960, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //variables/etc. private var _SMILEVIDEO_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _HOWTOUSE_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _RECOMMEND_ENV_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _DIC_NICOVIDEO_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _DELETE_COMMENT_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _ENTRY_HANDBOOK_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _BASE_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _MOBILE_BASE_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _MOBILE_WATCH_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _FLAPI_BASE_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _RES_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _CHANNEL_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _TEMPLATE_PATH:String; //slotID:0 private var _NICOVIDEO_ACCOUNT_SETTING_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _NICOVIDEO_ACCOUNT_REGISTER_COMMON_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _GETFLV_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _GETPOSTKEY_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _GETRELATION_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _GETTHUMBINFO_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _GETGAMERANKING_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _GETENQUESTERESULT_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _GETCONFIGURENGCLIENT_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _THUMBWATCH_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _GET_CONFIGURE_NGWORD:String; //slotID:0 private var _GET_CLICKKEY_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _RULES_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _NOSO_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _NOSO_BANNER_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _GET_WAYBACKKEY_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _GET_DELETEKEY_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _GET_UPDATEKEY_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _GET_THREADKEY_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _REDIRECTOR_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _adAPI_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _REGISTERBGM_API_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _GETBGM_API_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _GETSPONSOR_API_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _OTHERSPONSOR_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _LOGGER_API_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _PLAYLEN_API_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _PIZZA_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _PLAYERVERSION_XML_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _PLAYERINFO_XML_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _CROSSSHAREDOBJECT_SWF_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _CROSSSHAREDOBJECT_NONIMG_SWF_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _VIEWCONTROLLER_SWF_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _VIEW_SWF_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _MARQUEE_PLAYER_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _NICOSPLAYER_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _THUMBPLAYER_CONTROLLER_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _THUMBPLAYER_VIEW_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _HIROBA_MOVIE_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _PARADE_MAP_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _USERSPONSOR_MOVIE_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _HIROBA_GETPOSTKEY_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _PREMIUMLEAD_ON_SLIDER_LINK_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _GET_CHECKLIST_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _HIROBACONNECTOR_SWF_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _VIDEO_MENU_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _VIDEO_ENDER_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _MYLIST_ADD_API_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _FEED_ADD_API_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _FEED_DEL_API_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _FEED_LIST_API_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _MYLIST_PAGE_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _OPEN_MYLIST_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _PLUGINLOADER_SWF_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _GET_NSKEY_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _MYLIST_COMMENT_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _APPLIBAR_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _JSCONNECTOR_SWF_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _GET_PLAYLIST_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _WATCH_API_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _PLAYLIST_PAGE_BASE_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _LEAD_MOBILE_WATCH_API_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _REMOCON_ALERT_SWF_URL:String; //slotID:0 private var _CLICK_COUNTER_BASE_URL:String; //slotID:0 public function get CHANNEL_URL():String { //MethodID:2961, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._CHANNEL_URL; } internal function set CHANNEL_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2962, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._CHANNEL_URL = hug1; } public function get VIEW_SWF_URL():String { //MethodID:2963, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._VIEW_SWF_URL; } internal function set VIEW_SWF_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2964, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._VIEW_SWF_URL = hug1; } public function get VIEWCONTROLLER_SWF_URL():String { //MethodID:2965, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._VIEWCONTROLLER_SWF_URL; } internal function set VIEWCONTROLLER_SWF_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2966, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._VIEWCONTROLLER_SWF_URL = hug1; } public function get MARQUEE_PLAYER_URL():String { //MethodID:2967, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._MARQUEE_PLAYER_URL; } internal function set MARQUEE_PLAYER_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2968, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._MARQUEE_PLAYER_URL = hug1; } public function get PLAYERVERSION_XML_URL():String { //MethodID:2969, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._PLAYERVERSION_XML_URL; } internal function set PLAYERVERSION_XML_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2970, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._PLAYERVERSION_XML_URL = hug1; } public function get PLAYERINFO_XML_URL():String { //MethodID:2971, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._PLAYERINFO_XML_URL; } internal function set PLAYERINFO_XML_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2972, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._PLAYERINFO_XML_URL = hug1; } public function get CROSSSHAREDOBJECT_SWF_URL():String { //MethodID:2973, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._CROSSSHAREDOBJECT_SWF_URL; } internal function set CROSSSHAREDOBJECT_SWF_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2974, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._CROSSSHAREDOBJECT_SWF_URL = hug1; } public function get CROSSSHAREDOBJECT_NONIMG_SWF_URL():String { //MethodID:2975, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._CROSSSHAREDOBJECT_NONIMG_SWF_URL; } internal function set CROSSSHAREDOBJECT_NONIMG_SWF_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2976, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._CROSSSHAREDOBJECT_NONIMG_SWF_URL = hug1; } public function get NICOSPLAYER_URL():String { //MethodID:2977, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._NICOSPLAYER_URL; } internal function set NICOSPLAYER_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2978, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._NICOSPLAYER_URL = hug1; } public function get HIROBA_MOVIE_URL():String { //MethodID:2979, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._HIROBA_MOVIE_URL; } internal function set HIROBA_MOVIE_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2980, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._HIROBA_MOVIE_URL = hug1; } public function get PARADE_MAP_URL():String { //MethodID:2981, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._PARADE_MAP_URL; } internal function set PARADE_MAP_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2982, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._PARADE_MAP_URL = hug1; } public function get USERSPONSOR_MOVIE_URL():String { //MethodID:2983, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._USERSPONSOR_MOVIE_URL; } internal function set USERSPONSOR_MOVIE_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2984, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._USERSPONSOR_MOVIE_URL = hug1; } public function get THUMBPLAYER_VIEW_URL():String { //MethodID:2985, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._THUMBPLAYER_VIEW_URL; } internal function set THUMBPLAYER_VIEW_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2986, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._THUMBPLAYER_VIEW_URL = hug1; } public function get THUMBPLAYER_CONTROLLER_URL():String { //MethodID:2987, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._THUMBPLAYER_CONTROLLER_URL; } internal function set THUMBPLAYER_CONTROLLER_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2988, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._THUMBPLAYER_CONTROLLER_URL = hug1; } public function get SMILEVIDEO_URL():String { //MethodID:2989, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._SMILEVIDEO_URL; } internal function set SMILEVIDEO_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2990, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._SMILEVIDEO_URL = hug1; } public function get HOWTOUSE_URL():String { //MethodID:2991, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._HOWTOUSE_URL; } internal function set HOWTOUSE_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2992, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._HOWTOUSE_URL = hug1; } public function get RECOMMEND_ENV_URL():String { //MethodID:2993, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._RECOMMEND_ENV_URL; } internal function set RECOMMEND_ENV_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2994, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._RECOMMEND_ENV_URL = hug1; } public function get DIC_NICOVIDEO_URL():String { //MethodID:2995, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._DIC_NICOVIDEO_URL; } internal function set DIC_NICOVIDEO_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2996, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._DIC_NICOVIDEO_URL = hug1; } public function get DELETE_COMMENT_URL():String { //MethodID:2997, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._DELETE_COMMENT_URL; } internal function set DELETE_COMMENT_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:2998, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._DELETE_COMMENT_URL = hug1; } public function get ENTRY_HANDBOOK_URL():String { //MethodID:2999, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._ENTRY_HANDBOOK_URL; } internal function set ENTRY_HANDBOOK_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3000, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._ENTRY_HANDBOOK_URL = hug1; } public function get BASE_URL():String { //MethodID:3001, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._BASE_URL; } internal function set BASE_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3002, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._BASE_URL = hug1; } public function get MOBILE_BASE_URL():String { //MethodID:3003, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._MOBILE_BASE_URL; } internal function set MOBILE_BASE_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3004, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._MOBILE_BASE_URL = hug1; } public function get MOBILE_WATCH_URL():String { //MethodID:3005, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._MOBILE_WATCH_URL; } internal function set MOBILE_WATCH_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3006, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._MOBILE_WATCH_URL = hug1; } public function get FLAPI_BASE_URL():String { //MethodID:3007, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._FLAPI_BASE_URL; } internal function set FLAPI_BASE_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3008, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._FLAPI_BASE_URL = hug1; } public function get RES_URL():String { //MethodID:3009, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._RES_URL; } internal function set RES_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3010, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._RES_URL = hug1; } public function get NICOVIDEO_ACCOUNT_SETTING_URL():String { //MethodID:3011, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._NICOVIDEO_ACCOUNT_SETTING_URL; } internal function set NICOVIDEO_ACCOUNT_SETTING_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3012, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._NICOVIDEO_ACCOUNT_SETTING_URL = hug1; } public function get NICOVIDEO_ACCOUNT_REGISTER_COMMON_URL():String { //MethodID:3013, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._NICOVIDEO_ACCOUNT_REGISTER_COMMON_URL; } internal function set NICOVIDEO_ACCOUNT_REGISTER_COMMON_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3014, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._NICOVIDEO_ACCOUNT_REGISTER_COMMON_URL = hug1; } public function get GETFLV_URL():String { //MethodID:3015, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._GETFLV_URL; } internal function set GETFLV_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3016, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._GETFLV_URL = hug1; } public function get GETPOSTKEY_URL():String { //MethodID:3017, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._GETPOSTKEY_URL; } internal function set GETPOSTKEY_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3018, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._GETPOSTKEY_URL = hug1; } public function get GETRELATION_URL():String { //MethodID:3019, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._GETRELATION_URL; } internal function set GETRELATION_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3020, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._GETRELATION_URL = hug1; } public function get GETTHUMBINFO_URL():String { //MethodID:3021, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._GETTHUMBINFO_URL; } internal function set GETTHUMBINFO_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3022, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._GETTHUMBINFO_URL = hug1; } public function get GETGAMERANKING_URL():String { //MethodID:3023, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._GETGAMERANKING_URL; } internal function set GETGAMERANKING_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3024, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._GETGAMERANKING_URL = hug1; } public function get GETENQUESTERESULT_URL():String { //MethodID:3025, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._GETENQUESTERESULT_URL; } internal function set GETENQUESTERESULT_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3026, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._GETENQUESTERESULT_URL = hug1; } public function get GETCONFIGURENGCLIENT_URL():String { //MethodID:3027, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._GETCONFIGURENGCLIENT_URL; } internal function set GETCONFIGURENGCLIENT_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3028, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._GETCONFIGURENGCLIENT_URL = hug1; } public function get THUMBWATCH_URL():String { //MethodID:3029, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._THUMBWATCH_URL; } internal function set THUMBWATCH_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3030, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._THUMBWATCH_URL = hug1; } public function get GET_CONFIGURE_NGWORD():String { //MethodID:3031, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._GET_CONFIGURE_NGWORD; } internal function set GET_CONFIGURE_NGWORD(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3032, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._GET_CONFIGURE_NGWORD = hug1; } public function get GET_CLICKKEY_URL():String { //MethodID:3033, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._GET_CLICKKEY_URL; } internal function set GET_CLICKKEY_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3034, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._GET_CLICKKEY_URL = hug1; } public function get RULES_URL():String { //MethodID:3035, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._RULES_URL; } internal function set RULES_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3036, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._RULES_URL = hug1; } public function get NOSO_URL():String { //MethodID:3037, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._NOSO_URL; } internal function set NOSO_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3038, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._NOSO_URL = hug1; } public function get NOSO_BANNER_URL():String { //MethodID:3039, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._NOSO_BANNER_URL; } internal function set NOSO_BANNER_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3040, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._NOSO_BANNER_URL = hug1; } public function get GET_WAYBACKKEY_URL():String { //MethodID:3041, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._GET_WAYBACKKEY_URL; } internal function set GET_WAYBACKKEY_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3042, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._GET_WAYBACKKEY_URL = hug1; } public function get GET_DELETEKEY_URL():String { //MethodID:3043, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._GET_DELETEKEY_URL; } internal function set GET_DELETEKEY_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3044, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._GET_DELETEKEY_URL = hug1; } public function get GET_UPDATEKEY_URL():String { //MethodID:3045, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._GET_UPDATEKEY_URL; } internal function set GET_UPDATEKEY_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3046, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._GET_UPDATEKEY_URL = hug1; } public function get GET_THREADKEY_URL():String { //MethodID:3047, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._GET_THREADKEY_URL; } internal function set GET_THREADKEY_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3048, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._GET_THREADKEY_URL = hug1; } public function get REDIRECTOR_URL():String { //MethodID:3049, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._REDIRECTOR_URL; } internal function set REDIRECTOR_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3050, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._REDIRECTOR_URL = hug1; } public function get adAPI_URL():String { //MethodID:3051, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._adAPI_URL; } internal function set adAPI_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3052, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._adAPI_URL = hug1; } public function get REGISTERBGM_API_URL():String { //MethodID:3053, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._REGISTERBGM_API_URL; } internal function set REGISTERBGM_API_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3054, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._REGISTERBGM_API_URL = hug1; } public function get GETBGM_API_URL():String { //MethodID:3055, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._GETBGM_API_URL; } internal function set GETBGM_API_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3056, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._GETBGM_API_URL = hug1; } public function get GETSPONSOR_API_URL():String { //MethodID:3057, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._GETSPONSOR_API_URL; } internal function set GETSPONSOR_API_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3058, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._GETSPONSOR_API_URL = hug1; } public function get OTHERSPONSOR_URL():String { //MethodID:3059, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._OTHERSPONSOR_URL; } internal function set OTHERSPONSOR_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3060, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._OTHERSPONSOR_URL = hug1; } public function get LOGGER_API_URL():String { //MethodID:3061, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._LOGGER_API_URL; } internal function set LOGGER_API_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3062, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._LOGGER_API_URL = hug1; } public function get PLAYLEN_API_URL():String { //MethodID:3063, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._PLAYLEN_API_URL; } internal function set PLAYLEN_API_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3064, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._PLAYLEN_API_URL = hug1; } public function get PIZZA_URL():String { //MethodID:3065, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._PIZZA_URL; } internal function set PIZZA_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3066, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._PIZZA_URL = hug1; } public function get CLICK_COUNTER_BASE_URL():String { //MethodID:3067, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._CLICK_COUNTER_BASE_URL; } internal function set CLICK_COUNTER_BASE_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3068, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._CLICK_COUNTER_BASE_URL = hug1; } public function get HIROBA_GETPOSTKEY_URL():String { //MethodID:3069, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._HIROBA_GETPOSTKEY_URL; } internal function set HIROBA_GETPOSTKEY_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3070, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._HIROBA_GETPOSTKEY_URL = hug1; } public function get PREMIUMLEAD_ON_SLIDER_LINK_URL():String { //MethodID:3071, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._PREMIUMLEAD_ON_SLIDER_LINK_URL; } internal function set PREMIUMLEAD_ON_SLIDER_LINK_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3072, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._PREMIUMLEAD_ON_SLIDER_LINK_URL = hug1; } public function get GET_CHECKLIST_URL():String { //MethodID:3073, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._GET_CHECKLIST_URL; } internal function set GET_CHECKLIST_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3074, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._GET_CHECKLIST_URL = hug1; } public function get HIROBACONNECTOR_SWF_URL():String { //MethodID:3075, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._HIROBACONNECTOR_SWF_URL; } internal function set HIROBACONNECTOR_SWF_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3076, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._HIROBACONNECTOR_SWF_URL = hug1; } public function get VIDEO_MENU_URL():String { //MethodID:3077, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._VIDEO_MENU_URL; } internal function set VIDEO_MENU_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3078, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._VIDEO_MENU_URL = hug1; } public function get VIDEO_ENDER_URL():String { //MethodID:3079, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._VIDEO_ENDER_URL; } internal function set VIDEO_ENDER_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3080, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._VIDEO_ENDER_URL = hug1; } public function get MYLIST_ADD_API_URL():String { //MethodID:3081, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._MYLIST_ADD_API_URL; } internal function set MYLIST_ADD_API_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3082, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._MYLIST_ADD_API_URL = hug1; } public function get FEED_ADD_API_URL():String { //MethodID:3083, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._FEED_ADD_API_URL; } internal function set FEED_ADD_API_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3084, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._FEED_ADD_API_URL = hug1; } public function get FEED_DEL_API_URL():String { //MethodID:3085, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._FEED_DEL_API_URL; } internal function set FEED_DEL_API_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3086, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._FEED_DEL_API_URL = hug1; } public function get FEED_LIST_API_URL():String { //MethodID:3087, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._FEED_LIST_API_URL; } internal function set FEED_LIST_API_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3088, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._FEED_LIST_API_URL = hug1; } public function get MYLIST_PAGE_URL():String { //MethodID:3089, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._MYLIST_PAGE_URL; } internal function set MYLIST_PAGE_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3090, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._MYLIST_PAGE_URL = hug1; } public function get OPEN_MYLIST_URL():String { //MethodID:3091, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._OPEN_MYLIST_URL; } internal function set OPEN_MYLIST_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3092, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._OPEN_MYLIST_URL = hug1; } public function get PLUGINLOADER_SWF_URL():String { //MethodID:3093, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._PLUGINLOADER_SWF_URL; } internal function set PLUGINLOADER_SWF_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3094, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._PLUGINLOADER_SWF_URL = hug1; } public function get GET_NSKEY_URL():String { //MethodID:3095, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._GET_NSKEY_URL; } internal function set GET_NSKEY_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3096, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._GET_NSKEY_URL = hug1; } public function get MYLIST_COMMENT_URL():String { //MethodID:3097, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._MYLIST_COMMENT_URL; } internal function set MYLIST_COMMENT_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3098, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._MYLIST_COMMENT_URL = hug1; } public function get APPLIBAR_URL():String { //MethodID:3099, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._APPLIBAR_URL; } internal function set APPLIBAR_URL(hug1:*):void { //MethodID:3100, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._APPLIBAR_URL = hug1; } public function get JSCONNECTOR_SWF_URL():String { //MethodID:3101, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._JSCONNECTOR_SWF_URL; } internal function set JSCONNECTOR_SWF_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3102, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._JSCONNECTOR_SWF_URL = hug1; } public function get GET_PLAYLIST_URL():String { //MethodID:3103, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._GET_PLAYLIST_URL; } internal function set GET_PLAYLIST_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3104, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._GET_PLAYLIST_URL = hug1; } public function get WATCH_API_URL():String { //MethodID:3105, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._WATCH_API_URL; } internal function set WATCH_API_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3106, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._WATCH_API_URL = hug1; } public function get PLAYLIST_PAGE_BASE_URL():String { //MethodID:3107, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._PLAYLIST_PAGE_BASE_URL; } internal function set PLAYLIST_PAGE_BASE_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3108, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._PLAYLIST_PAGE_BASE_URL = hug1; } public function get LEAD_MOBILE_WATCH_API_URL():String { //MethodID:3109, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._LEAD_MOBILE_WATCH_API_URL; } internal function set LEAD_MOBILE_WATCH_API_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3110, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._LEAD_MOBILE_WATCH_API_URL = hug1; } public function get REMOCON_ALERT_SWF_URL():String { //MethodID:3111, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._REMOCON_ALERT_SWF_URL; } internal function set REMOCON_ALERT_SWF_URL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3112, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._REMOCON_ALERT_SWF_URL = hug1; } //constructor public function NicoConfig() { //MethodID:3113, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script178■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.remocon{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.remocon.method.IRemoconMethod //■class(instance)_index:226 public interface IRemoconReceiver { //static constructor public static function IRemoconReceiver$cinit() { //MethodID:3115, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function callMethod(hug1:String, hug2:Object):void; //MethodID:3116, dispID:0 function isDefinedMethod(hug1:String):Boolean; //MethodID:3117, dispID:0 function defineMethod(hug1:String, hug2:Function):IRemoconMethod; //MethodID:3118, dispID:0 function get environment():Object; //MethodID:3119, dispID:0 //constructor public function IRemoconReceiver(); //MethodID:3120, dispID:0 } } //■script179■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.remocon{ import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.remocon.method.IRemoconMethod import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.remocon.method.RemoconMethod //■class(instance)_index:228 public class RemoconReceiver extends Object implements IRemoconReceiver { //static constructor public static function RemoconReceiver$cinit() { //MethodID:3124, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //static variables/etc. private static var __instance:RemoconReceiver; //slotID:1 public static function initialize(hug1:Object, hug2:Function):void { //dispID:3, MethodID:3125, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 47 if(__instance != null) throw new IllegalOperationError("RemoconReceiver.initialize: already initialized."); __instance = new void(new _Guard(), hug1); hug2(instance); } public static function get hasInitialized():Boolean { //dispID:4, MethodID:3126, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 9 return (__instance != null); } public static function get instance():RemoconReceiver { //dispID:5, MethodID:3127, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 25 if(__instance == null) throw new IllegalOperationError("RemoconReceiver.get instance: has not initialized yet."); return __instance; } //constructor public function RemoconReceiver(hug1:_Guard, hug2:Object) { //MethodID:3128, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 40 this._methods = {}; this._env = {}; super(); if(hug1 == null) throw new ArgumentError("RemoconReceiver.RemoconReceiver: invalid params guard."); this._env = hug2; } //variables/etc. private var _methods:Object; //slotID:0 private var _env:Object; //slotID:0 public function callMethod(hug1:String, hug2:Object):void { //MethodID:3129, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 50 if(!this.isDefinedMethod(hug1)) throw new ArgumentError("RemoconReceiver.callMethod: is not defined method name \"" + hug1 + "\""); IRemoconMethod(this._methods[hug1]).call(hug2); } public function isDefinedMethod(hug1:String):Boolean { //MethodID:3130, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 return this._methods.hasOwnProperty(hug1); } public function defineMethod(hug1:String, hug2:Function):IRemoconMethod { //MethodID:3131, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 25 var hug3:IRemoconMethod = new RemoconMethod(hug2); this._methods[hug1] = hug3; return hug3; } public function get environment():Object { //MethodID:3132, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._env; } } } //■class(instance)_index:227 //private class _Guard extends Object { //static constructor public static function _Guard$cinit() { //MethodID:3122, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _Guard() { //MethodID:3123, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } //■script180■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.filter{ import jp.nicovideo.util.Functions //■class(instance)_index:229 public interface IDeleteFilter { //static constructor public static function IDeleteFilter$cinit() { //MethodID:3134, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function get onFinishable():Functions; //MethodID:3135, dispID:0 function finishEdit():void; //MethodID:3136, dispID:0 function set onFinishedEdit(hug1:Function):void; //MethodID:3137, dispID:0 function updateDeleteList(hug1:Array, hug2:String):void; //MethodID:3138, dispID:0 //constructor public function IDeleteFilter(); //MethodID:3139, dispID:0 } } //■script181■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.filter{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.CommentDeleteStatus import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.IComment import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.IEditableCommentList import jp.nicovideo.util.Functions import jp.nicovideo.util.events.EventBarrier import jp.nicovideo.util.events.EventResult use namespace (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver); use namespace (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.test); //■class(instance)_index:230 public class DeleteFilter extends Object implements IDeleteFilter { //static constructor public static function DeleteFilter$cinit() { //MethodID:3141, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function DeleteFilter(hug1:Object, hug2:Boolean=false) { //MethodID:3142, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 43 this.originalDeleteList = {}; this.newDeleteList = {}; this.finishedList = []; this.__onFinishable = new Functions(); super(); this.__commentListContainer = hug1; this.__isEditMode = hug2; } //variables/etc. private var __isEditMode:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var __onFinishedEdit:Function; //slotID:0 private var __isFinishable:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var __commentListContainer:Object; //slotID:0 private var originalDeleteList:Object; //slotID:0 private var newDeleteList:Object; //slotID:0 private var finishedList:Array; //slotID:0 private var _listName:String; //slotID:0 private var __onFinishable:Functions; //slotID:0 private var _lockedComment:LockedComment; //slotID:0 public function get onFinishable():Functions { //MethodID:3143, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__onFinishable; } public function finishEdit():void { //MethodID:3146, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 572 internal var barrier:EventBarrier; //slotID:1 internal var allSucceeded:Boolean; //slotID:2 internal var listName:String; //slotID:3 internal var deleteList:Array; //slotID:4 internal var undeleteList:Array; //slotID:5 internal var resNo:uint; //slotID:6 allSucceeded = false; listName = null; deleteList = null; undeleteList = null; resNo = 0; if(!this.__isEditMode) throw new Error("DeleteFilter.finishEdit: is not edit mode."); if(!this.__isFinishable) throw new Error("DeleteFilter.finishEdit: is not able to finish editing."); barrier = new EventBarrier(); allSucceeded = true; for(listName in this.__commentListContainer){ if(!this.__commentListContainer[listName]) break; deleteList = []; undeleteList = []; if(this.newDeleteList[listName] && (this.newDeleteList[listName].length > 0)){ for each(resNo in this.newDeleteList[listName]){ if(this.originalDeleteList[listName]){ if(this.originalDeleteList[listName].indexOf(resNo) == (-1)) deleteList.push(resNo); } } } if(this.originalDeleteList[listName] && (this.originalDeleteList[listName].length > 0)){ for each(resNo in this.originalDeleteList[listName]){ if(this.newDeleteList[listName]){ if(this.newDeleteList[listName].indexOf(resNo) == (-1)) undeleteList.push(resNo); } } } if((deleteList.length == 0) && (undeleteList.length == 0)){ }else{ deleteList = this._lockedComment.convertOriginalResNo(listName, deleteList); undeleteList = this._lockedComment.convertOriginalResNo(listName, undeleteList); IEditableCommentList(this.__commentListContainer[listName]).editCommentList(deleteList, undeleteList, barrier.bind(function(hug1:Boolean):void{ //MethodID:3144, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 19 allSucceeded = (allSucceeded && hug1); })); } } this._lockedComment.saveLockedComment(); barrier.finish(function():void{ //MethodID:3145, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 14 __onFinishedEdit.apply(null, [allSucceeded]); }); } public function set onFinishedEdit(hug1:Function):void { //MethodID:3147, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 48 if(!this.__isEditMode) throw new Error("DeleteFilter.finishEdit: is not edit mode."); this.__onFinishedEdit = hug1; if(!this.__isFinishable){ this.__isFinishable = true; this.onFinishable.apply(); } } public function set lockedComment(hug1:LockedComment):void { //MethodID:3148, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._lockedComment = hug1; } public function updateDeleteList(hug1:Array, hug2:String):void { //MethodID:3149, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 79 if(!this.__isEditMode) throw new Error("DeleteFilter.updateDeleteList: is not edit-mode."); if(!this.__commentListContainer.hasOwnProperty(hug2)) throw new Error("DeleteFilter.updateDeleteList: invalid listName."); this.newDeleteList[hug2] = (this._lockedComment ? this._lockedComment.filterDeleteComment(hug1, hug2) : hug1); } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onCommentListUpdated(hug1:Array, hug2:Array, hug3:Boolean, hug4:String):EventResult { //MethodID:3151, LocalCount= 8 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 397 internal var addList:Array; //slotID:1 internal var removeList:Array; //slotID:2 internal var allClear:Boolean; //slotID:3 internal var listName:String; //slotID:4 internal var buf:Array; //slotID:5 internal var comment:IComment; //slotID:6 internal var isLockedComment:Function; //slotID:7 internal var locked:Array; //slotID:8 internal var comment4Search:IComment; //slotID:9 comment = null; locked = null; comment4Search = null; addList = hug1; removeList = hug2; allClear = hug3; listName = hug4; isLockedComment = function(hug1:IComment):Boolean{ //MethodID:3150, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 57 var hug3:IComment = null; var hug2:Number = hug1.resNo; for each(hug3 in locked){ if(hug3.resNo == hug2) return true; } return false; }; if(this.__isEditMode){ locked = []; if(this._lockedComment) locked = this._lockedComment.getLockedList(listName); if(!this.originalDeleteList[listName]){ this.originalDeleteList[listName] = []; for each(comment4Search in addList){ if((comment4Search.deleted != CommentDeleteStatus.NON) && !isLockedComment(comment4Search)) this.originalDeleteList[listName].push(comment4Search.resNo); } if(this.__onFinishedEdit != null){ this.__isFinishable = true; this.onFinishable.apply(); } } return EventResult.THROUGH; } buf = []; for each(comment in addList){ if((comment.deleted == 0) && (comment.isTrunk || !comment.command.patissier)){ buf.push(comment); }else{ removeList.push(comment); } } return EventResult.replace([buf, removeList, allClear, listName]); } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.test) function get originalDeleteList():Object { //MethodID:3152, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.originalDeleteList; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.test) function get newDeleteList():Object { //MethodID:3153, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.newDeleteList; } } } //■script182■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.playlist{ //■class(instance)_index:231 public interface IPlaylist { //static constructor public static function IPlaylist$cinit() { //MethodID:3155, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function getVideoInfo(hug1:String):VideoInfo; //MethodID:3156, dispID:0 function getNextVideoInfo(hug1:String):VideoInfo; //MethodID:3157, dispID:0 function getPrevVideoInfo(hug1:String):VideoInfo; //MethodID:3158, dispID:0 function sort(hug1:uint, hug2:Boolean=false):void; //MethodID:3159, dispID:0 function setErrorInfo(hug1:String, hug2:String):void; //MethodID:3160, dispID:0 function get list():Array; //MethodID:3161, dispID:0 function get id():uint; //MethodID:3162, dispID:0 function get name():String; //MethodID:3163, dispID:0 function get description():String; //MethodID:3164, dispID:0 function get defaultSort():uint; //MethodID:3165, dispID:0 function get token():String; //MethodID:3166, dispID:0 function set token(hug1:String):void; //MethodID:3167, dispID:0 function get numericSortItems():Array; //MethodID:3168, dispID:0 function get descendSortItems():Array; //MethodID:3169, dispID:0 //constructor public function IPlaylist(); //MethodID:3170, dispID:0 } } //■script183■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.playlist{ import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.SystemMessage import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.InitializeInfo import jp.nicovideo.util.Functions import jp.nicovideo.util.HTTPUtils import jp.nicovideo.util.events.event_sender use namespace (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_sender); //■class(instance)_index:232 public class Playlist extends Object implements IPlaylist { //static constructor public static function Playlist$cinit() { //MethodID:3172, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 15, CodeLength= 157 _NUMERIC_SORT_ITEMS = [PlaylistSortConstants.CREATE_TIME_ASCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.CREATE_TIME_DESCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.FIRST_RETREVE_ASCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.FIRST_RETREVE_DESCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.VIEW_COUNTER_ASCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.VIEW_COUNTER_DESCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.UPDATE_TIME_ASCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.UPDATE_TIME_DESCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.NUM_RES_ASCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.NUM_RES_DESCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.MYLIST_COUNTER_ASCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.MYLIST_COUNTER_DESCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.LENGTH_SECONDS_ASCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.LENGTH_SECONDS_DESCEND]; _DESCEND_SORT_ITEMS = [PlaylistSortConstants.CREATE_TIME_DESCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.MYLIST_COMMENT_DESCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.FIRST_RETREVE_DESCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.LENGTH_SECONDS_DESCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.MYLIST_COUNTER_DESCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.NUM_RES_DESCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.TITLE_DESCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.UPDATE_TIME_DESCEND, PlaylistSortConstants.VIEW_COUNTER_DESCEND]; } //static variables/etc. private static const _NUMERIC_SORT_ITEMS:Array; //slotID:1 private static const _DESCEND_SORT_ITEMS:Array; //slotID:2 //constructor public function Playlist(hug1:String, hug2:Object, hug3:Number, hug4:Function) { //MethodID:3175, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 78 internal var apiURL:String; //slotID:1 internal var apiParam:Object; //slotID:2 internal var defaultSort:Number; //slotID:3 internal var callbackFunc:Function; //slotID:4 apiURL = hug1; apiParam = hug2; defaultSort = hug3; callbackFunc = hug4; this.onPlaylistSorted = new Functions(); this.onPlaylistItemUpdated = new Functions(); this._systemMessage = SystemMessage.instance; super(); HTTPUtils.loadJSON(function(hug1:Object):void{ //MethodID:3174, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 17, CodeLength= 646 internal var obj:Object; //slotID:1 internal var playlistInfo:Object; //slotID:2 internal var items:Object; //slotID:3 internal var item:Object; //slotID:4 internal var videoInfo:VideoInfo; //slotID:5 item = null; videoInfo = null; obj = hug1; if(!obj || (obj.status == "ng")){ callbackFunc(false); return; } _initializeInfo = InitializeInfo.init(obj.user_id, obj.nickname, (obj.is_premium == "1"), parseInt(obj.ng_rv, 10), (obj.ng_maintenance == "1"), obj.feedrev, ((obj.rpu != null) ? JSON.decode(obj.rpu) : null)); playlistInfo = obj.playlist; _id = playlistInfo.id; _name = playlistInfo.name; _description = playlistInfo.description; if(obj.playlist && obj.playlist.default_sort) _ownerSort = uint(obj.playlist.default_sort); if(isNaN(defaultSort)){ _defaultSort = _ownerSort; }else if(defaultSort || (defaultSort == 0)){ _defaultSort = uint(defaultSort); } _token = obj.playlist_token; items = obj.items; _list = []; for each(item in items){ videoInfo = new VideoInfo(item.title, item.description, item.mylist_comment, item.thread_id, item.video_id, item.watch_id, item.thumbnail_url, item.view_counter, item.num_res, item.mylist_counter, item.deleted, new Date(item.item_update_time), new Date(item.first_retrieve), new Date(item.create_time), item.length_seconds); if(videoInfo.deleted == 8){ videoInfo.errorMessage = PlaylistErrorManager.VIDEO_ERROR; }else if(videoInfo.deleted){ videoInfo.errorMessage = PlaylistErrorManager.NO_VIDEO; } if(item.thread_id) list.push(videoInfo); } sort(_ownerSort, true); _list.forEach(function(hug1:VideoInfo, hug2:int, hug3:Array):void{ //MethodID:3173, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 9 hug1.ownersIndex = (hug2 + 1); }); sort(_defaultSort); callbackFunc(true); }, apiURL, apiParam); } //variables/etc. (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_sender) const onPlaylistSorted:Functions;//slotID:0 (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_sender) const onPlaylistItemUpdated:Functions;//slotID:0 private var _list:Array; //slotID:0 private var _id:uint; //slotID:0 private var _name:String; //slotID:0 private var _description:String; //slotID:0 private var _defaultSort:uint = 1; //slotID:0 private var _ownerSort:uint = 1; //slotID:0 private var _token:String; //slotID:0 private var _initializeInfo:InitializeInfo; //slotID:0 private var _systemMessage:SystemMessage; //slotID:0 public function getVideoInfo(hug1:String):VideoInfo { //MethodID:3177, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 34 internal var threadID:String; //slotID:1 internal var videoInfo:VideoInfo; //slotID:2 videoInfo = null; threadID = hug1; this.list.forEach(function(hug1:VideoInfo, hug2:int, hug3:Array):void{ //MethodID:3176, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 20 if(hug1.threadID == threadID){ videoInfo = hug1; return; } }); return videoInfo; } public function getNextVideoInfo(hug1:String):VideoInfo { //MethodID:3178, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 53 var hug2:VideoInfo = this.getVideoInfo(hug1); var hug3:int = (this.list.indexOf(hug2) + 1); if(hug3 >= this.list.length) return null; return VideoInfo(this.list[hug3]); } public function getPrevVideoInfo(hug1:String):VideoInfo { //MethodID:3179, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 46 var hug2:VideoInfo = this.getVideoInfo(hug1); var hug3:int = (this.list.indexOf(hug2) - 1); if(hug3 < 0) return null; return VideoInfo(this.list[hug3]); } public function setErrorInfo(hug1:String, hug2:String):void { //MethodID:3180, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 43 var hug3:VideoInfo = this.getVideoInfo(hug1); hug3.errorMessage = hug2; onPlaylistItemUpdated.apply(this._list); } public function sort(hug1:uint, hug2:Boolean=false):void { //MethodID:3181, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 604 var hug3:String = null; var hug4:uint = ((_NUMERIC_SORT_ITEMS.indexOf(hug1) != (-1)) ? Array.NUMERIC : 0); var hug5:uint = ((_DESCEND_SORT_ITEMS.indexOf(hug1) != (-1)) ? Array.DESCENDING : 0); var hug6:uint = hug1; switch(hug6){ case PlaylistSortConstants.CREATE_TIME_ASCEND: case PlaylistSortConstants.CREATE_TIME_DESCEND: hug3 = "createTime"; break; case PlaylistSortConstants.MYLIST_COMMENT_ASCEND: case PlaylistSortConstants.MYLIST_COMMENT_DESCEND: hug3 = "mylistComment"; break; case PlaylistSortConstants.FIRST_RETREVE_ASCEND: case PlaylistSortConstants.FIRST_RETREVE_DESCEND: hug3 = "firstRetrieve"; break; case PlaylistSortConstants.LENGTH_SECONDS_ASCEND: case PlaylistSortConstants.LENGTH_SECONDS_DESCEND: hug3 = "lengthSeconds"; break; case PlaylistSortConstants.MYLIST_COUNTER_ASCEND: case PlaylistSortConstants.MYLIST_COUNTER_DESCEND: hug3 = "mylistCounter"; break; case PlaylistSortConstants.NUM_RES_ASCEND: case PlaylistSortConstants.NUM_RES_DESCEND: hug3 = "numRes"; break; case PlaylistSortConstants.TITLE_ASCEND: case PlaylistSortConstants.TITLE_DESCEND: hug3 = "title"; break; case PlaylistSortConstants.UPDATE_TIME_ASCEND: case PlaylistSortConstants.UPDATE_TIME_DESCEND: hug3 = "itemUpdateTime"; break; case PlaylistSortConstants.VIEW_COUNTER_ASCEND: case PlaylistSortConstants.VIEW_COUNTER_DESCEND: hug3 = "viewCounter"; break; default: break; } this._list.sortOn(hug3, (hug4 | hug5)); if(!hug2) onPlaylistSorted.apply(this._list); } public function get list():Array { //MethodID:3182, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._list; } public function get id():uint { //MethodID:3183, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._id; } public function get name():String { //MethodID:3184, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._name; } public function get description():String { //MethodID:3185, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._description; } public function get defaultSort():uint { //MethodID:3186, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._defaultSort; } public function get token():String { //MethodID:3187, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._token; } public function set token(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3188, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._token = hug1; } public function get numericSortItems():Array { //MethodID:3189, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 return _NUMERIC_SORT_ITEMS; } public function get descendSortItems():Array { //MethodID:3190, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 return _DESCEND_SORT_ITEMS; } } } //■script184■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.tpls.shutter{ //■class(instance)_index:233 public class CommentShutterConstants extends Object { //static constructor public static function CommentShutterConstants$cinit() { //MethodID:3192, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 332 _END_OF_ENUM = 0; SHUTTER_INITIALIZING = (_END_OF_ENUM++); SHUTTER_COMMENT_LOADING = (_END_OF_ENUM++); SHUTTER_NICOS_COMMENT_DISABLED = (_END_OF_ENUM++); SHUTTER_NICOS_ATPAUSE = (_END_OF_ENUM++); SHUTTER_NICOWARI = (_END_OF_ENUM++); SHUTTER_WAYBACK = (_END_OF_ENUM++); SHUTTER_MYMEMORY = (_END_OF_ENUM++); SHUTTER_CHANNEL_COMMUNITY = (_END_OF_ENUM++); SHUTTER_NOCOMMENT = (_END_OF_ENUM++); SHUTTER_NOSHAREDOBJECT = (_END_OF_ENUM++); SHUTTER_LOCKED = (_END_OF_ENUM++); SHUTTER_OTHER = (_END_OF_ENUM++); END_OF_ENUM = _END_OF_ENUM; } //static variables/etc. private static var _END_OF_ENUM:int = 0; //slotID:1 public static const SHUTTER_INITIALIZING:int; //slotID:2 public static const SHUTTER_COMMENT_LOADING:int; //slotID:3 public static const SHUTTER_NICOS_COMMENT_DISABLED:int; //slotID:4 public static const SHUTTER_NICOS_ATPAUSE:int; //slotID:5 public static const SHUTTER_NICOWARI:int; //slotID:6 public static const SHUTTER_WAYBACK:int; //slotID:7 public static const SHUTTER_MYMEMORY:int; //slotID:8 public static const SHUTTER_CHANNEL_COMMUNITY:int; //slotID:9 public static const SHUTTER_NOCOMMENT:int; //slotID:10 public static const SHUTTER_NOSHAREDOBJECT:int; //slotID:11 public static const SHUTTER_LOCKED:int; //slotID:12 public static const SHUTTER_OTHER:int; //slotID:13 public static const END_OF_ENUM:int; //slotID:14 //constructor public function CommentShutterConstants() { //MethodID:3193, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script185■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.remocon{ import flash.events.Event import flash.events.EventDispatcher //■class(instance)_index:234 public class RemoconState extends EventDispatcher { //static constructor public static function RemoconState$cinit() { //MethodID:3195, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 120 MAINTENANCE = "Maintenance"; INITIALIZE = "Initialize"; UNEXECUTABLE = "Unexecutable"; MANY_CONNECTION = "ManyConnection"; MAX_CONNECTION = "MaxConnection"; STANBY = "Standby"; CONNECTION = "Connection"; RECONNECTION = "Reconnection"; SEARCH = "Search"; COMPLETE = "Complete"; ERROR = "Error"; CLOSE = "Close"; _getInstance = function():RemoconState{ //MethodID:3196, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 50 internal var obj:RemoconState; //slotID:1 obj = null; obj = new RemoconState(new _Guard()); _getInstance = function():RemoconState{ //MethodID:3197, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 4 return obj; }; return _getInstance(); }; } //static variables/etc. public static const MAINTENANCE:String = "Maintenance"; //slotID:1 public static const INITIALIZE:String = "Initialize"; //slotID:2 public static const UNEXECUTABLE:String = "Unexecutable"; //slotID:3 public static const MANY_CONNECTION:String = "ManyConnection"; //slotID:4 public static const MAX_CONNECTION:String = "MaxConnection"; //slotID:5 public static const STANBY:String = "Standby"; //slotID:6 public static const CONNECTION:String = "Connection"; //slotID:7 public static const RECONNECTION:String = "Reconnection"; //slotID:8 public static const SEARCH:String = "Search"; //slotID:9 public static const COMPLETE:String = "Complete"; //slotID:10 public static const ERROR:String = "Error"; //slotID:11 public static const CLOSE:String = "Close"; //slotID:12 private static var _getInstance:Function; //slotID:13 public static function get instance():RemoconState { //dispID:3, MethodID:3198, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 10 return _getInstance(); } //constructor public function RemoconState(hug1:_Guard) { //MethodID:3199, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 23 super(); if(hug1 == null) throw new ArgumentError("RemoconState.RemoconState: invalid params guard."); } //variables/etc. private var _isConnecting:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public function updateState(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3200, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 67 if(hug1 == COMPLETE){ this._isConnecting = true; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CONNECT)); }else if(this._isConnecting){ this._isConnecting = false; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CLOSE)); } } public function get isConnecting():Boolean { //MethodID:3201, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isConnecting; } } } //■class(instance)_index:235 //private class _Guard extends Object { //static constructor public static function _Guard$cinit() { //MethodID:3202, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _Guard() { //MethodID:3203, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } //■script186■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment{ //■class(instance)_index:236 public class CommentListPublicStatus extends Object { //static constructor public static function CommentListPublicStatus$cinit() { //MethodID:3205, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 30 ALL_DISABLE = "all_disabled"; ALL_ENABLE = "all_enabled"; MEMBER_ONLY = "member_only"; } //static variables/etc. public static const ALL_DISABLE:String = "all_disabled"; //slotID:1 public static const ALL_ENABLE:String = "all_enabled"; //slotID:2 public static const MEMBER_ONLY:String = "member_only"; //slotID:3 //constructor public function CommentListPublicStatus() { //MethodID:3206, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script187■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.relation{ //■class(instance)_index:237 public interface IRecommendListOptions { //static constructor public static function IRecommendListOptions$cinit() { //MethodID:3208, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function get page():uint; //MethodID:3209, dispID:0 function get order():String; //MethodID:3210, dispID:0 function get sort():String; //MethodID:3211, dispID:0 //constructor public function IRecommendListOptions(); //MethodID:3212, dispID:0 } } //■script188■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.relation.IVideoenderInfo import jp.nicovideo.util.Functions //■class(instance)_index:238 public interface IRelatedVideoList { //static constructor public static function IRelatedVideoList$cinit() { //MethodID:3214, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function loadRecommendedList(hug1:String=null, hug2:String=null, hug3:uint=1):void;//MethodID:3215, dispID:0 function loadVideoenderInfo():void; //MethodID:3216, dispID:0 function loadWhole():void; //MethodID:3217, dispID:0 function get hasRecommendedListTotaled():Boolean; //MethodID:3218, dispID:0 function get onRecommendedListLoaded():Functions; //MethodID:3219, dispID:0 function get isRecommendeListLoading():Boolean; //MethodID:3220, dispID:0 function get isVideoenderInfoLoading():Boolean; //MethodID:3221, dispID:0 function get onVideoenderInfoLoaded():Functions; //MethodID:3222, dispID:0 function get videoenderInfo():IVideoenderInfo; //MethodID:3223, dispID:0 //constructor public function IRelatedVideoList(); //MethodID:3224, dispID:0 } } //■script189■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models{ import __AS3__.vec.Vector import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.IGetRelation import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.relation.GetRelationTarget import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.relation.IGetRelationResult import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.relation.IOwnerOtherVideo import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.relation.IVideoenderInfo import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.relation.VideoenderInfo import jp.nicovideo.util.Functions //■class(instance)_index:239 public class RelatedVideoList extends Object implements IRelatedVideoList { //static constructor public static function RelatedVideoList$cinit() { //MethodID:3226, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function RelatedVideoList(hug1:IGetRelation, hug2:Boolean) { //MethodID:3227, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 35 this._ON_RECOMMENDED_LIST_LOADED = new Functions(); this._ON_VIDEOENDER_INFO_LOADED = new Functions(); super(); this._getRelation = hug1; this._hasRecommendedListTotaled = !hug2; } //variables/etc. private const _ON_RECOMMENDED_LIST_LOADED:Functions; //slotID:0 private const _ON_VIDEOENDER_INFO_LOADED:Functions; //slotID:0 private var _hasRecommendedListTotaled:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _isRecommendedListLoading:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var _isVideoenderInfoLoading:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var _nextRecommendedListParameters:_RequestParameters; //slotID:0 private var _getRelation:IGetRelation; //slotID:0 private var _videoInfo:VideoenderInfo; //slotID:0 private var _hasRecommendedListLoadCalled:Boolean; //slotID:0 public function loadRecommendedList(hug1:String=null, hug2:String=null, hug3:uint=1):void { //MethodID:3229, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 8, CodeLength= 156 internal var sort:String = null; //slotID:1 internal var order:String = null; //slotID:2 internal var page:uint = 1; //slotID:3 internal var params:_RequestParameters; //slotID:4 params = null; sort = hug1; order = hug2; page = hug3; if(!this._hasRecommendedListTotaled) throw new Error("RelatedVideoList.load: has not totaled related videos."); params = new _RequestParameters(sort, order, page); if(this._isRecommendedListLoading){ this._nextRecommendedListParameters = params; return; } this._isRecommendedListLoading = true; this._hasRecommendedListLoadCalled = true; this._getRelation.load(function(hug1:Boolean, hug2:IGetRelationResult):void{ //MethodID:3228, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 81 var hug3:_RequestParameters = null; _isRecommendedListLoading = false; onRecommendedListLoaded.apply(hug1, (hug1 ? hug2.recommendedVideoList : null), params); if(_nextRecommendedListParameters != null){ hug3 = _nextRecommendedListParameters; _nextRecommendedListParameters = null; loadRecommendedList(hug3.sort, hug3.order, hug3.page); } }, Vector.([GetRelationTarget.RELATED_VIDEO]), null, 0, params.sort, params.order, params.page); } public function loadVideoenderInfo():void { //MethodID:3231, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 8, CodeLength= 100 if(this._isVideoenderInfoLoading) throw new IllegalOperationError("RelatedVideoList.loadVideoenderInfo: now loading."); this._isVideoenderInfoLoading = true; this._getRelation.load(function(hug1:Boolean, hug2:IGetRelationResult):void{ //MethodID:3230, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 29 if(hug1) _setVideoenderInfo(hug2); _isVideoenderInfoLoading = false; onVideoenderInfoLoaded.apply(hug1); }, Vector.([GetRelationTarget.LIVE_DJ]), Vector.([GetRelationTarget.OWNER_VIDEO, GetRelationTarget.RELATED_VIDEO]), 1, RelatedConstants.SORT_RELATEDPOINT, RelatedConstants.ORDER_DOWN, 1); } public function loadWhole():void { //MethodID:3233, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 8, CodeLength= 221 internal var targets:Vector.; //slotID:1 internal var params:_RequestParameters; //slotID:2 targets = null; params = null; targets = Vector.([]); if(this._hasRecommendedListTotaled && !this._hasRecommendedListLoadCalled && !this._isRecommendedListLoading) targets.push(GetRelationTarget.RELATED_VIDEO); if((this._videoInfo == null) && !this._isVideoenderInfoLoading) targets.push(GetRelationTarget.LIVE_DJ, GetRelationTarget.OWNER_VIDEO); if(targets.length == 0) return; this._isRecommendedListLoading = this._isVideoenderInfoLoading = true; params = new _RequestParameters(RelatedConstants.SORT_RELATEDPOINT, RelatedConstants.ORDER_DOWN, 1); this._getRelation.load(function(hug1:Boolean, hug2:IGetRelationResult):void{ //MethodID:3232, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 3, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 169 internal var succeeded:Boolean; //slotID:1 internal var result:IGetRelationResult; //slotID:2 succeeded = hug1; result = hug2; _isRecommendedListLoading = _isVideoenderInfoLoading = false; if(succeeded){ try{ if((targets.indexOf(GetRelationTarget.OWNER_VIDEO) != (-1)) && (targets.indexOf(GetRelationTarget.LIVE_DJ) != (-1))) _setVideoenderInfo(result); } catch(error:ArgumentError){ succeeded = false; } } onVideoenderInfoLoaded.apply(succeeded); onRecommendedListLoaded.apply(succeeded, (succeeded ? result.recommendedVideoList : null), params); }, targets, null, 0, params.sort, params.order, params.page); } private function _setVideoenderInfo(hug1:IGetRelationResult):void { //MethodID:3234, LocalCount= 9 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 9, CodeLength= 229 var hug2:Vector. = null; var hug3:String = null; var hug4:String = null; var hug5:String = null; var hug6:String = null; var hug7:String = null; var hug8:String = null; if(hug1 == null) throw new ArgumentError("RelatedVideoList._setVideoenderInfo: invalid result."); if((hug1.ownerOtherVideoList != null) && (hug1.ownerOtherVideoList.length > 0)){ hug2 = hug1.ownerOtherVideoList; hug3 = GetRelationTarget.OWNER_VIDEO; hug4 = hug1.ownerOtherVideoURL; }else{ if(hug1.recommendedVideoList != null){ hug2 = Vector.(hug1.recommendedVideoList); }else{ hug2 = new Vector.([]); } hug3 = GetRelationTarget.RELATED_VIDEO; } if(hug1.liveDJInfo){ hug5 = hug1.liveDJInfo.catategoryName; hug6 = hug1.liveDJInfo.linkURL; hug7 = hug1.liveDJInfo.videoTitle; hug8 = hug1.liveDJInfo.thumbnailURL; } this._videoInfo = new VideoenderInfo(hug2, hug3, hug4, hug5, hug6, hug7, hug8); } public function get onVideoenderInfoLoaded():Functions { //MethodID:3235, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._ON_VIDEOENDER_INFO_LOADED; } public function get videoenderInfo():IVideoenderInfo { //MethodID:3236, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._videoInfo; } public function get onRecommendedListLoaded():Functions { //MethodID:3237, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._ON_RECOMMENDED_LIST_LOADED; } public function get hasRecommendedListTotaled():Boolean { //MethodID:3238, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._hasRecommendedListTotaled; } public function get isRecommendeListLoading():Boolean { //MethodID:3239, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isRecommendedListLoading; } public function get isVideoenderInfoLoading():Boolean { //MethodID:3240, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isVideoenderInfoLoading; } } } //■class(instance)_index:240 //private class _RequestParameters extends Object implements IRecommendListOptions { //static constructor public static function _RequestParameters$cinit() { //MethodID:3241, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _RequestParameters(hug1:String=null, hug2:String=null, hug3:uint=1) { //MethodID:3242, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 21 super(); this._sort = hug1; this._order = hug2; this._page = hug3; } //variables/etc. private var _sort:String; //slotID:0 private var _order:String; //slotID:0 private var _page:uint; //slotID:0 public function get page():uint { //MethodID:3243, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._page; } public function get order():String { //MethodID:3244, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._order; } public function get sort():String { //MethodID:3245, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._sort; } } //■script190■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.flashvars{ //■class(instance)_index:241 public class ThumbFlashVars extends Object { //static constructor public static function ThumbFlashVars$cinit() { //MethodID:3247, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //variables/etc. private var _isThumbWatch:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _playerTimestamp:String; //slotID:0 private var _thumbImage:String; //slotID:0 private var _thumbWidth:Number; //slotID:0 private var _thumbHeight:Number; //slotID:0 private var _thumbPlayKey:String; //slotID:0 private var _openNewWindow:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _transparent:uint; //slotID:0 private var _isAutoPlay:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _noLogo:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _noJumpMessage:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _noComment:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _noCommentButton:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _noLink:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _noSound:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _watchRef:String; //slotID:0 private var _isP4Mode:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _noController:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _thumbComment:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _bySwf:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _noAdSense:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _isNoLogin:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _via:String; //slotID:0 public function get isThumbWatch():Boolean { //MethodID:3248, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isThumbWatch; } internal function set isThumbWatch(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3249, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isThumbWatch = hug1; } public function get playerTimestamp():String { //MethodID:3250, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._playerTimestamp; } internal function set playerTimestamp(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3251, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._playerTimestamp = hug1; } public function get thumbImage():String { //MethodID:3252, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._thumbImage; } internal function set thumbImage(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3253, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._thumbImage = hug1; } public function get thumbWidth():Number { //MethodID:3254, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._thumbWidth; } internal function set thumbWidth(hug1:Number):void { //MethodID:3255, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._thumbWidth = hug1; } public function get thumbHeight():Number { //MethodID:3256, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._thumbHeight; } internal function set thumbHeight(hug1:Number):void { //MethodID:3257, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._thumbHeight = hug1; } public function get thumbPlayKey():String { //MethodID:3258, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._thumbPlayKey; } internal function set thumbPlayKey(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3259, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._thumbPlayKey = hug1; } public function get openNewWindow():Boolean { //MethodID:3260, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._openNewWindow; } internal function set openNewWindow(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3261, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._openNewWindow = hug1; } public function get transparent():uint { //MethodID:3262, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._transparent; } internal function set transparent(hug1:uint):void { //MethodID:3263, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._transparent = hug1; } public function get isAutoPlay():Boolean { //MethodID:3264, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isAutoPlay; } internal function set isAutoPlay(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3265, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isAutoPlay = hug1; } public function get noLogo():Boolean { //MethodID:3266, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._noLogo; } internal function set noLogo(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3267, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._noLogo = hug1; } public function get noJumpMessage():Boolean { //MethodID:3268, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._noJumpMessage; } internal function set noJumpMessage(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3269, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._noJumpMessage = hug1; } public function get noComment():Boolean { //MethodID:3270, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._noComment; } internal function set noComment(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3271, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._noComment = hug1; } public function get noCommentButton():Boolean { //MethodID:3272, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._noCommentButton; } internal function set noCommentButton(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3273, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._noCommentButton = hug1; } public function get noLink():Boolean { //MethodID:3274, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._noLink; } internal function set noLink(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3275, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._noLink = hug1; } public function get noSound():Boolean { //MethodID:3276, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._noSound; } internal function set noSound(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3277, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._noSound = hug1; } public function get watchRef():String { //MethodID:3278, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._watchRef; } internal function set watchRef(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3279, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._watchRef = hug1; } public function get isP4Mode():Boolean { //MethodID:3280, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isP4Mode; } internal function set isP4Mode(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3281, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isP4Mode = hug1; } public function get noController():Boolean { //MethodID:3282, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._noController; } internal function set noController(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3283, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._noController = hug1; } public function get thumbComment():Boolean { //MethodID:3284, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._thumbComment; } internal function set thumbComment(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3285, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._thumbComment = hug1; } public function get bySwf():Boolean { //MethodID:3286, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._bySwf; } internal function set bySwf(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3287, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._bySwf = hug1; } public function get noAdSense():Boolean { //MethodID:3288, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._noAdSense; } internal function set noAdSense(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3289, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._noAdSense = hug1; } public function get isNoLogin():Boolean { //MethodID:3290, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isNoLogin; } internal function set isNoLogin(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3291, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isNoLogin = hug1; } public function get via():String { //MethodID:3292, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._via; } internal function set via(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3293, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._via = hug1; } //constructor public function ThumbFlashVars() { //MethodID:3294, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script191■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.flashvars{ //■class(instance)_index:242 public class WatchFlashVars extends Object { //static constructor public static function WatchFlashVars$cinit() { //MethodID:3296, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 30 USER_SEX_MALE = "0"; USER_SEX_FEMALE = "1"; USER_SEX_NON = "-1"; } //static variables/etc. public static const USER_SEX_MALE:String = 0; //slotID:1 public static const USER_SEX_FEMALE:String = 1; //slotID:2 public static const USER_SEX_NON:String = -1; //slotID:3 //variables/etc. private var _isEditMode:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _isReadOnly:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _isOwnerThreadAvailable:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _isOwnerThreadEditMode:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _userStatus:uint; //slotID:0 private var _isPostLocked:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _isVideoOwner:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _hasEconomyMode:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _noPostPlayStats:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _noNicotic:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _noAtPizza:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _noHiroba:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _noNicomesse:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _forceNicowariOff:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _watchVideoID:String; //slotID:0 private var _gameKey:String; //slotID:0 private var _gameTime:String; //slotID:0 private var _buttonThreshold:uint; //slotID:0 private var _jumpVPosPlayFrom:int; //slotID:0 private var _jumpPlayLength:int; //slotID:0 private var _jumpReturnVideoID:String; //slotID:0 private var _jumpVPosReturnTo:int; //slotID:0 private var _jumpReturnMessage:String; //slotID:0 private var _isNoBanner:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _isNoMarquee:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _isNoGetMarquee:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _commentListPublicStatus:String; //slotID:0 private var _isMonetized:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _userSex:String; //slotID:0 private var _userAge:String; //slotID:0 private var _userPrefecture:String; //slotID:0 private var _marqueeUrl:String; //slotID:0 private var _originalThreadId:String; //slotID:0 private var _channelID:String; //slotID:0 private var _channelTopURL:String; //slotID:0 private var _channelVideoURL:String; //slotID:0 private var _channelName:String; //slotID:0 private var _dicArticleURL:String; //slotID:0 private var _blogEmbedURL:String; //slotID:0 private var _uadAdvertiseURL:String; //slotID:0 private var _communityPostURL:String; //slotID:0 private var _csrfToken:String; //slotID:0 private var _useChecklistCache:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _isNoMovie:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _thumbImage:String; //slotID:0 private var _noDeflistAdd:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _isCommentShuttered:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _videoUserID:String; //slotID:0 private var _appliInstalled:Number; //slotID:0 private var _liveKick:String; //slotID:0 private var _liveKickId:String; //slotID:0 private var _hoihoiTitle:String; //slotID:0 private var _hoihoiButton:String; //slotID:0 private var _hoihoiURL:String; //slotID:0 private var _noColor:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _isNoVideoMenu:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _isNoAppli:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _bootApp:String; //slotID:0 private var _isAppliPromotion:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _isOfficialAnime:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _useVideoEnder:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public function get isEditMode():Boolean { //MethodID:3297, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isEditMode; } internal function set isEditMode(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3298, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isEditMode = hug1; } public function get isReadOnly():Boolean { //MethodID:3299, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isReadOnly; } internal function set isReadOnly(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3300, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isReadOnly = hug1; } public function get isOwnerThreadAvailable():Boolean { //MethodID:3301, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isOwnerThreadAvailable; } internal function set isOwnerThreadAvailable(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3302, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isOwnerThreadAvailable = hug1; } public function get isOwnerThreadEditMode():Boolean { //MethodID:3303, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isOwnerThreadEditMode; } internal function set isOwnerThreadEditMode(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3304, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isOwnerThreadEditMode = hug1; } public function get userStatus():uint { //MethodID:3305, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._userStatus; } internal function set userStatus(hug1:uint):void { //MethodID:3306, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._userStatus = hug1; } public function get isPostLocked():Boolean { //MethodID:3307, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isPostLocked; } internal function set isPostLocked(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3308, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isPostLocked = hug1; } public function get isCommentShuttered():Boolean { //MethodID:3309, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isCommentShuttered; } internal function set isCommentShuttered(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3310, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isCommentShuttered = hug1; } public function get isVideoOwner():Boolean { //MethodID:3311, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isVideoOwner; } internal function set isVideoOwner(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3312, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isVideoOwner = hug1; } public function get hasEconomyMode():Boolean { //MethodID:3313, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._hasEconomyMode; } internal function set hasEconomyMode(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3314, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._hasEconomyMode = hug1; } public function get noPostPlayStats():Boolean { //MethodID:3315, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._noPostPlayStats; } internal function set noPostPlayStats(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3316, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._noPostPlayStats = hug1; } public function get noNicotic():Boolean { //MethodID:3317, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._noNicotic; } internal function set noNicotic(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3318, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._noNicotic = hug1; } public function get noAtPizza():Boolean { //MethodID:3319, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._noAtPizza; } internal function set noAtPizza(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3320, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._noAtPizza = hug1; } public function get noHiroba():Boolean { //MethodID:3321, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._noHiroba; } internal function set noHiroba(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3322, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._noHiroba = hug1; } public function get forceNicowariOff():Boolean { //MethodID:3323, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._forceNicowariOff; } internal function set forceNicowariOff(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3324, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._forceNicowariOff = hug1; } public function get watchVideoID():String { //MethodID:3325, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._watchVideoID; } internal function set watchVideoID(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3326, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._watchVideoID = hug1; } public function get gameKey():String { //MethodID:3327, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._gameKey; } internal function set gameKey(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3328, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._gameKey = hug1; } public function get gameTime():String { //MethodID:3329, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._gameTime; } internal function set gameTime(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3330, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._gameTime = hug1; } public function get buttonThreshold():uint { //MethodID:3331, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._buttonThreshold; } internal function set buttonThreshold(hug1:uint):void { //MethodID:3332, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._buttonThreshold = hug1; } public function get jumpVPosPlayFrom():int { //MethodID:3333, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._jumpVPosPlayFrom; } internal function set jumpVPosPlayFrom(hug1:int):void { //MethodID:3334, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._jumpVPosPlayFrom = hug1; } public function get jumpPlayLength():int { //MethodID:3335, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._jumpPlayLength; } internal function set jumpPlayLength(hug1:int):void { //MethodID:3336, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._jumpPlayLength = hug1; } public function get jumpReturnVideoID():String { //MethodID:3337, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._jumpReturnVideoID; } internal function set jumpReturnVideoID(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3338, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._jumpReturnVideoID = hug1; } public function get jumpVPosReturnTo():int { //MethodID:3339, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._jumpVPosReturnTo; } internal function set jumpVPosReturnTo(hug1:int):void { //MethodID:3340, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._jumpVPosReturnTo = hug1; } public function get jumpReturnMessage():String { //MethodID:3341, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._jumpReturnMessage; } internal function set jumpReturnMessage(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3342, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._jumpReturnMessage = hug1; } public function get isNoBanner():Boolean { //MethodID:3343, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isNoBanner; } internal function set isNoBanner(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3344, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isNoBanner = hug1; } public function get isNoMarquee():Boolean { //MethodID:3345, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isNoMarquee; } internal function set isNoMarquee(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3346, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isNoMarquee = hug1; } public function get isNoGetMarquee():Boolean { //MethodID:3347, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isNoGetMarquee; } internal function set isNoGetMarquee(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3348, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isNoGetMarquee = hug1; } public function get isNoNicomesse():Boolean { //MethodID:3349, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._noNicomesse; } internal function set isNoNicomesse(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3350, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._noNicomesse = hug1; } public function get commentListPublicStatus():String { //MethodID:3351, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._commentListPublicStatus; } internal function set commentListPublicStatus(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3352, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._commentListPublicStatus = hug1; } public function get isMonetized():Boolean { //MethodID:3353, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isMonetized; } internal function set isMonetized(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3354, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isMonetized = hug1; } public function get userSex():String { //MethodID:3355, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._userSex; } internal function set userSex(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3356, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._userSex = hug1; } public function get userAge():String { //MethodID:3357, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._userAge; } internal function set userAge(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3358, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._userAge = hug1; } public function get userPrefecture():String { //MethodID:3359, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._userPrefecture; } internal function set userPrefecture(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3360, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._userPrefecture = hug1; } public function get marqueeUrl():String { //MethodID:3361, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._marqueeUrl; } internal function set marqueeUrl(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3362, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._marqueeUrl = hug1; } public function get originalThreadId():String { //MethodID:3363, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._originalThreadId; } internal function set originalThreadId(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3364, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._originalThreadId = hug1; } public function get channelID():String { //MethodID:3365, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._channelID; } internal function set channelID(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3366, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._channelID = hug1; } public function get channelName():String { //MethodID:3367, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._channelName; } internal function set channelName(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3368, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._channelName = hug1; } public function get channelTopURL():String { //MethodID:3369, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._channelTopURL; } internal function set channelTopURL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3370, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._channelTopURL = hug1; } public function get channelVideoURL():String { //MethodID:3371, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._channelVideoURL; } internal function set channelVideoURL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3372, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._channelVideoURL = hug1; } public function get uadAdvertiseURL():String { //MethodID:3373, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._uadAdvertiseURL; } internal function set uadAdvertiseURL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3374, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._uadAdvertiseURL = hug1; } public function get blogEmbedURL():String { //MethodID:3375, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._blogEmbedURL; } internal function set blogEmbedURL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3376, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._blogEmbedURL = hug1; } public function get dicArticleURL():String { //MethodID:3377, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._dicArticleURL; } internal function set dicArticleURL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3378, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._dicArticleURL = hug1; } public function get communityPostURL():String { //MethodID:3379, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._communityPostURL; } internal function set communityPostURL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3380, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._communityPostURL = hug1; } public function get csrfToken():String { //MethodID:3381, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._csrfToken; } internal function set csrfToken(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3382, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._csrfToken = hug1; } public function get useChecklistCache():Boolean { //MethodID:3383, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._useChecklistCache; } internal function set useChecklistCache(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3384, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._useChecklistCache = hug1; } public function get noColor():Boolean { //MethodID:3385, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._noColor; } internal function set noColor(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3386, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._noColor = hug1; } public function get isNoMovie():Boolean { //MethodID:3387, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isNoMovie; } internal function set isNoMovie(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3388, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isNoMovie = hug1; } public function get thumbImage():String { //MethodID:3389, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._thumbImage; } internal function set thumbImage(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3390, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._thumbImage = hug1; } public function get noDeflistAdd():Boolean { //MethodID:3391, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._noDeflistAdd; } internal function set noDeflistAdd(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3392, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._noDeflistAdd = hug1; } public function get liveKick():String { //MethodID:3393, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._liveKick; } internal function set liveKick(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3394, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._liveKick = hug1; } public function get liveKickId():String { //MethodID:3395, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._liveKickId; } internal function set liveKickId(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3396, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._liveKickId = hug1; } public function get hoihoiTitle():String { //MethodID:3397, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._hoihoiTitle; } internal function set hoihoiTitle(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3398, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._hoihoiTitle = hug1; } public function get hoihoiButton():String { //MethodID:3399, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._hoihoiButton; } internal function set hoihoiButton(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3400, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._hoihoiButton = hug1; } public function get hoihoiURL():String { //MethodID:3401, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._hoihoiURL; } internal function set hoihoiURL(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3402, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._hoihoiURL = hug1; } public function get isNoVideoMenu():Boolean { //MethodID:3403, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isNoVideoMenu; } internal function set isNoVideoMenu(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3404, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isNoVideoMenu = hug1; } public function get isNoAppli():Boolean { //MethodID:3405, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isNoAppli; } internal function set isNoAppli(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3406, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isNoAppli = hug1; } public function get bootApp():String { //MethodID:3407, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._bootApp; } internal function set bootApp(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3408, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._bootApp = hug1; } public function get videoUserID():String { //MethodID:3409, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._videoUserID; } internal function set videoUserID(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3410, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._videoUserID = hug1; } public function get isOfficialAnime():Boolean { //MethodID:3411, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isOfficialAnime; } internal function set isOfficialAnime(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3412, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isOfficialAnime = hug1; } public function get appliInstalled():Number { //MethodID:3413, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._appliInstalled; } internal function set appliInstalled(hug1:Number):void { //MethodID:3414, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._appliInstalled = hug1; } public function get isAppliPromotion():Boolean { //MethodID:3415, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isAppliPromotion; } internal function set isAppliPromotion(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3416, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isAppliPromotion = hug1; } public function get useVideoEnder():Boolean { //MethodID:3417, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._useVideoEnder; } internal function set useVideoEnder(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3418, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._useVideoEnder = hug1; } //constructor public function WatchFlashVars() { //MethodID:3419, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script192■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.flashvars{ public const nico_flashvars:* = "jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.flashvars:nico_flashvars";//slotID:0 } //■script193■ package jp.nicovideo.util{ import flash.utils.Proxy import flash.utils.flash_proxy use namespace flash_proxy; //■class(instance)_index:243 public class ArraySet extends Proxy { //static constructor public static function ArraySet$cinit() { //MethodID:3422, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function ArraySet() { //MethodID:3423, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 this.__a = []; super(); } //variables/etc. private var __a:Array; //slotID:0 public function add(hug1:*):void { //MethodID:3424, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 this.__a.push(hug1); } public function remove(hug1:*):Boolean { //MethodID:3425, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 53 var hug2:Number = 0; var hug3:Boolean = false; hug2 = this.__a.indexOf(hug1, hug2); while(this.__a.indexOf(hug1, hug2) != (-1)){ this.__a.splice(hug2, 1); hug3 = true; } return hug3; } public function contains(hug1:*):Boolean { //MethodID:3426, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 16 return (this.__a.indexOf(hug1) != (-1)); } public function clear():void { //MethodID:3427, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 13 this.__a.splice(0); } override flash_proxy function nextNameIndex(hug1:int):int { //MethodID:3428, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 27 return ((hug1 < this.__a.length) ? (hug1 + 1) : 0); } override flash_proxy function nextValue(hug1:int):* { //MethodID:3429, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 12 return this.__a[hug1 - 1]; } } } //■script194■ package jp.nicovideo.util{ //■class(instance)_index:244 public class Functions extends ArraySet { //static constructor public static function Functions$cinit() { //MethodID:3431, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function Functions() { //MethodID:3432, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } //variables/etc. public function apply(... rest):void { //MethodID:3433, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 44 var hug2:Function = null; for each(hug2 in this){ hug2.apply(null, rest); } } public function collect(... rest):Array { //MethodID:3434, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 57 var hug3:Function = null; var hug2:Array = []; for each(hug3 in this){ hug2.push(hug3.apply(null, rest)); } return hug2; } } } //■script195■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.video.swf{ //■class(instance)_index:245 public class SWFVideoType extends Object { //static constructor public static function SWFVideoType$cinit() { //MethodID:3436, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 21 INTERRUPT_GAME_RANKING = "interrupt_game_ranking"; INTERRUPT_ENQUETE_RESULT = "interrupt_enquete_result"; } //static variables/etc. public static const INTERRUPT_GAME_RANKING:String = "interrupt_game_ranking";//slotID:1 public static const INTERRUPT_ENQUETE_RESULT:String = "interrupt_enquete_result";//slotID:2 //constructor public function SWFVideoType() { //MethodID:3437, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script196■ package jp.nicovideo.util{ public const test:* = "http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.test";//slotID:0 } //■script197■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.video.swf{ //■class(instance)_index:246 public interface ISWFVideoContent { //static constructor public static function ISWFVideoContent$cinit() { //MethodID:3440, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function get videoType():String; //MethodID:3441, dispID:0 function initialize(hug1:*, hug2:Function):void; //MethodID:3442, dispID:0 //constructor public function ISWFVideoContent(); //MethodID:3443, dispID:0 } } //■script198■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.video{ //■class(instance)_index:247 public class VideoPlayerStatus extends Object { //static constructor public static function VideoPlayerStatus$cinit() { //MethodID:3445, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 57 END = "end"; LOADING = "load"; PAUSED = "paused"; PLAYING = "playing"; SEEKING = "seeking"; STOPPED = "stopped"; } //static variables/etc. public static const END:String = "end"; //slotID:1 public static const LOADING:String = "load"; //slotID:2 public static const PAUSED:String = "paused"; //slotID:3 public static const PLAYING:String = "playing"; //slotID:4 public static const SEEKING:String = "seeking"; //slotID:5 public static const STOPPED:String = "stopped"; //slotID:6 //constructor public function VideoPlayerStatus() { //MethodID:3446, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script199■ package org.libspark.utils{ import flash.display.Loader import flash.events.Event import flash.events.IEventDispatcher import flash.events.IOErrorEvent import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent import flash.net.URLRequest import flash.net.URLStream import flash.utils.ByteArray import flash.utils.Endian //■class(instance)_index:248 public class ForcibleLoader extends Object { //static constructor public static function ForcibleLoader$cinit() { //MethodID:3448, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function ForcibleLoader(hug1:Loader, hug2:IEventDispatcher) { //MethodID:3449, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 78 super(); this.loader = hug1; this._eventDispatcher = hug2; this._stream = new URLStream(); this._stream.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, this.completeHandler); this._stream.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, this.ioErrorHandler); this._stream.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, this.securityErrorHandler); } //variables/etc. private var _loader:Loader; //slotID:0 private var _stream:URLStream; //slotID:0 private var _eventDispatcher:IEventDispatcher; //slotID:0 public function get loader():Loader { //MethodID:3450, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._loader; } public function set loader(hug1:Loader):void { //MethodID:3451, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._loader = hug1; } public function load(hug1:URLRequest):void { //MethodID:3452, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 this._stream.load(hug1); } private function completeHandler(hug1:Event):void { //MethodID:3453, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 117 var hug2:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); this._stream.readBytes(hug2); this._stream.close(); hug2.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; if(this.isCompressed(hug2)) this.uncompress(hug2); var hug3:Number = this.findFileAttributesPosition(this.getBodyPosition(hug2), hug2); if(!isNaN(hug3)){ this.flagSWF9Bit(hug2, hug3); }else{ this.insertFileAttributesTag(hug2); } this.updateVersion(hug2, 9); this.loader.loadBytes(hug2); } private function isCompressed(hug1:ByteArray):Boolean { //MethodID:3454, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 return (hug1[0] == 67); } private function uncompress(hug1:ByteArray):void { //MethodID:3455, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 59 var hug2:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); hug2.writeBytes(hug1, 8); hug1.length = 8; hug1.position = 8; hug2.uncompress(); hug1.writeBytes(hug2); hug1[0] = 70; hug2.length = 0; } private function getBodyPosition(hug1:ByteArray):uint { //MethodID:3456, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 68 var hug2:uint = 0; hug2 += 3; hug2 += 1; hug2 += 4; var hug3:uint = (hug1[hug2] >> (3 & 0x1F)); hug2 += ((5 + (hug3 * 4)) / 8); hug2 += 2; hug2 += 1; hug2 += 2; return hug2; } private function findFileAttributesPosition(hug1:uint, hug2:ByteArray):Number { //MethodID:3457, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 5, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 182 internal var offset:uint; //slotID:1 internal var bytes:ByteArray; //slotID:2 internal var byte:uint; //slotID:3 internal var tag:uint; //slotID:4 internal var length:uint; //slotID:5 byte = 0; tag = 0; length = 0; offset = hug1; bytes = hug2; bytes.position = offset; try{ while(true){ byte = bytes.readShort(); tag = (byte >> (6 & 0x1F)); if(tag == 69) return (bytes.position - 2); length = (byte & 63); if(length == 63) length = bytes.readInt(); bytes.position += length; } } catch(e:EOFError){ } return NaN; } private function flagSWF9Bit(hug1:ByteArray, hug2:uint):void { //MethodID:3458, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 22 hug1[hug2 + 2] |= 8; } private function insertFileAttributesTag(hug1:ByteArray):void { //MethodID:3459, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 93 var hug2:uint = this.getBodyPosition(hug1); var hug3:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); hug3.writeBytes(hug1, hug2); hug1.length = hug2; hug1.position = hug2; hug1.writeByte(68); hug1.writeByte(17); hug1.writeByte(8); hug1.writeByte(0); hug1.writeByte(0); hug1.writeByte(0); hug1.writeBytes(hug3); hug3.length = 0; } private function updateVersion(hug1:ByteArray, hug2:uint):void { //MethodID:3460, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 10 hug1[3] = hug2; } private function ioErrorHandler(hug1:IOErrorEvent):void { //MethodID:3461, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 21 this._eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(new IOErrorEvent(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR)); } private function securityErrorHandler(hug1:SecurityErrorEvent):void { //MethodID:3462, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 21 this._eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(new SecurityErrorEvent(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR)); } } } //■script200■ package jp.nicovideo.util{ import flash.utils.getTimer //■class(instance)_index:249 public final class TimeUtils extends Object { //static constructor public static function TimeUtils$cinit() { //MethodID:3464, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 11 __baseTimer = 0; } //static variables/etc. private static var __baseTimer:Number = 0.0; //slotID:1 public static function set time(hug1:Number):void { //dispID:3, MethodID:3465, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 18 __baseTimer = (hug1 - getTimer()); } public static function get time():Number { //dispID:4, MethodID:3466, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 33 if(__baseTimer <= 0) return new Date().getTime(); return (__baseTimer + getTimer()); } public static function now():Date { //dispID:5, MethodID:3467, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 20 var hug1:Date = new Date(); hug1.setTime(time); return hug1; } //constructor public function TimeUtils() { //MethodID:3468, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script201■ package jp.nicovideo.util.storage{ import flash.events.EventDispatcher import flash.net.SharedObject import flash.net.SharedObjectFlushStatus //■class(instance)_index:250 public class LocalStorage extends EventDispatcher { //static constructor public static function LocalStorage$cinit() { //MethodID:3470, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function LocalStorage(hug1:SharedObject=null) { //MethodID:3471, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 17 this._data = {}; super(); this._so = hug1; } //variables/etc. private var _so:SharedObject; //slotID:0 private var _data:Object; //slotID:0 public function flush(hug1:int=0):String { //MethodID:3472, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 32 return (this._so ? this._so.flush(hug1) : SharedObjectFlushStatus.FLUSHED); } public function get data():Object { //MethodID:3473, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 30 return (this._so ? this._so.data : this._data); } public function clear():void { //MethodID:3474, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 19 if(this._so) this._so.clear(); } public function close():void { //MethodID:3475, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 19 if(this._so) this._so.close(); } public function setDirty(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3476, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 20 if(this._so) this._so.setDirty(hug1); } override public function addEventListener(hug1:String, hug2:Function, hug3:Boolean=false, hug4:int=0, hug5:Boolean=false):void { //MethodID:3477, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 6, CodeLength= 26 if(this._so) this._so.addEventListener(hug1, hug2, hug3, hug4, hug5); } } } //■script202■ package jp.nicovideo.util.events{ public const event_receiver:* = "http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver";//slotID:0 } //■script203■ //skip components :com.adobe.serialization.json //as filename :JSON.as //■script204■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment{ //■class(instance)_index:252 public interface IComment { //static constructor public static function IComment$cinit() { //MethodID:3485, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function get message():String; //MethodID:3486, dispID:0 function get resNo():uint; //MethodID:3487, dispID:0 function get vpos():Number; //MethodID:3488, dispID:0 function get date():Date; //MethodID:3489, dispID:0 function get userID():String; //MethodID:3490, dispID:0 function get userName():String; //MethodID:3491, dispID:0 function get isOwner():Boolean; //MethodID:3492, dispID:0 function get deleted():uint; //MethodID:3493, dispID:0 function get isPremium():Boolean; //MethodID:3494, dispID:0 function get anonymity():uint; //MethodID:3495, dispID:0 function get fromLive():uint; //MethodID:3496, dispID:0 function get fork():uint; //MethodID:3497, dispID:0 function get justPosted():Boolean; //MethodID:3498, dispID:0 function get ng():uint; //MethodID:3499, dispID:0 function get command():ICommand; //MethodID:3500, dispID:0 function get buttonComment():String; //MethodID:3501, dispID:0 function get clickCount():uint; //MethodID:3502, dispID:0 function get commentList():ICommentList; //MethodID:3503, dispID:0 function get isClickable():Boolean; //MethodID:3504, dispID:0 function get leafID():uint; //MethodID:3505, dispID:0 function get isTrunk():Boolean; //MethodID:3506, dispID:0 //constructor public function IComment(); //MethodID:3507, dispID:0 } } //■script205■ package jp.nicovideo.marquee.events{ import flash.events.Event //■class(instance)_index:253 public class MarqueeEvent extends Event { //static constructor public static function MarqueeEvent$cinit() { //MethodID:3509, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 165 COMPLETE_PLAYER = "completed_player"; COMPLETE_SOURCE_MANAGER = "complete_source_manager"; COMPLETE_MARQUEE_SOURCE = "completed_marquee_source"; ERROR_MARQUEE_SOURCE = "error_marquee_source"; ERROR_VIDEO_SOURCE = "error_video_source"; STARTED_MARQUEE = "started_marquee"; ENDED_MARQUEE = "ended_marquee"; SENDED_DATA = "sended_data"; PLAYED_SOURCE = "played_source"; READY_PARADE = "ready_parade"; STARTED_PARADE = "started_parade"; ENDED_PARADE = "ended_parade"; SEND_LOG = "send_log"; CLICK_PLAY_BUTTON = "click_play_button"; TEMPLATE_VERSION_DISAGREEMENT = "template_version_disagreement"; STARTMARQUEE_SCHEDULE = "startmarquee_schedule"; ENDMARQUEE_SCHEDULE = "endmarquee_schedule"; CHANGE_PRIORITY = "change_priority"; } //static variables/etc. public static const COMPLETE_PLAYER:String = "completed_player";//slotID:1 public static const COMPLETE_SOURCE_MANAGER:String = "complete_source_manager";//slotID:2 public static const COMPLETE_MARQUEE_SOURCE:String = "completed_marquee_source";//slotID:3 public static const ERROR_MARQUEE_SOURCE:String = "error_marquee_source";//slotID:4 public static const ERROR_VIDEO_SOURCE:String = "error_video_source";//slotID:5 public static const STARTED_MARQUEE:String = "started_marquee"; //slotID:6 public static const ENDED_MARQUEE:String = "ended_marquee"; //slotID:7 public static const SENDED_DATA:String = "sended_data"; //slotID:8 public static const PLAYED_SOURCE:String = "played_source"; //slotID:9 public static const READY_PARADE:String = "ready_parade"; //slotID:10 public static const STARTED_PARADE:String = "started_parade"; //slotID:11 public static const ENDED_PARADE:String = "ended_parade"; //slotID:12 public static const SEND_LOG:String = "send_log"; //slotID:13 public static const CLICK_PLAY_BUTTON:String = "click_play_button";//slotID:14 public static const TEMPLATE_VERSION_DISAGREEMENT:String = "template_version_disagreement";//slotID:15 public static const STARTMARQUEE_SCHEDULE:String = "startmarquee_schedule";//slotID:16 public static const ENDMARQUEE_SCHEDULE:String = "endmarquee_schedule";//slotID:17 public static const CHANGE_PRIORITY:String = "change_priority"; //slotID:18 //constructor public function MarqueeEvent(hug1:String, hug2:*, hug3:Boolean=false, hug4:Boolean=false) { //MethodID:3510, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 15 super(hug1, hug3, hug4); this._origin = hug2; } //variables/etc. private var _origin:*; //slotID:0 public function get origin():* { //MethodID:3511, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._origin; } override public function clone():Event { //MethodID:3512, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 21 return new MarqueeEvent(type, this.origin, bubbles, cancelable); } } } //■script206■ package jp.nicovideo.marquee.events{ import flash.events.Event //■class(instance)_index:254 public class MarqueeFullEvent extends MarqueeEvent { //static constructor public static function MarqueeFullEvent$cinit() { //MethodID:3514, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 39 PLAY_VIDEO = "MarqueeFullEvent.play_video"; PAUSE_VIDEO = "MarqueeFullEvent.pause_video"; CLICK_NICOWARI_PLAY_BUTTON = "click_nicowari_play_button"; CLICK_VIDEO_PLAY_BUTTON = "click_video_play_button"; } //static variables/etc. public static const PLAY_VIDEO:String = "MarqueeFullEvent.play_video";//slotID:1 public static const PAUSE_VIDEO:String = "MarqueeFullEvent.pause_video";//slotID:2 public static const CLICK_NICOWARI_PLAY_BUTTON:String = "click_nicowari_play_button";//slotID:3 public static const CLICK_VIDEO_PLAY_BUTTON:String = "click_video_play_button";//slotID:4 //constructor public function MarqueeFullEvent(hug1:String, hug2:*, hug3:Boolean=false, hug4:Boolean=false) { //MethodID:3515, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 11 super(hug1, hug2, hug3, hug4); } //variables/etc. override public function clone():Event { //MethodID:3516, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 22 return new MarqueeFullEvent(type, origin, bubbles, cancelable); } } } //■script207■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models{ //■class(instance)_index:255 public class ScreenMode extends Object { //static constructor public static function ScreenMode$cinit() { //MethodID:3518, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 27 NORMAL = 0; BROWSER_FULL = 1; DISPLAY_FULL = 2; } //static variables/etc. public static const NORMAL:uint = 0; //slotID:1 public static const BROWSER_FULL:uint = 1; //slotID:2 public static const DISPLAY_FULL:uint = 2; //slotID:3 //constructor public function ScreenMode() { //MethodID:3519, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script208■ package jp.nicovideo.marquee.events{ import flash.events.ErrorEvent import flash.events.Event //■class(instance)_index:256 public class MarqueeErrorEvent extends ErrorEvent { //static constructor public static function MarqueeErrorEvent$cinit() { //MethodID:3521, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 65 ERROR = "error"; SENDED_NOAUTH = 100; SENDED_FAIL = 200; SENDED_ERROR = 300; INITIALIZE_XML_FAIL = 400; INITIALIZE_DOWNLOAD_ERROR = 500; SENDED_LOG_ERROR = 600; } //static variables/etc. public static const ERROR:String = "error"; //slotID:1 public static const SENDED_NOAUTH:int = 100; //slotID:2 public static const SENDED_FAIL:int = 200; //slotID:3 public static const SENDED_ERROR:int = 300; //slotID:4 public static const INITIALIZE_XML_FAIL:int = 400; //slotID:5 public static const INITIALIZE_DOWNLOAD_ERROR:int = 500; //slotID:6 public static const SENDED_LOG_ERROR:int = 600; //slotID:7 //constructor public function MarqueeErrorEvent(hug1:String, hug2:String, hug3:int=0, hug4:Boolean=false, hug5:Boolean=false) { //MethodID:3522, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 17 super(hug1, hug4, hug5, hug2); this._errorId = hug3; } //variables/etc. private var _errorId:int; //slotID:0 public function get errorId():int { //MethodID:3523, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._errorId; } override public function clone():Event { //MethodID:3524, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 6, CodeLength= 24 return new MarqueeErrorEvent(type, text, this.errorId, bubbles, cancelable); } } } //■script209■ package jp.nicovideo.marquee.models.info{ //■class(instance)_index:257 public interface IMarqueeInfo { //static constructor public static function IMarqueeInfo$cinit() { //MethodID:3526, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function end(hug1:Boolean=false):void; //MethodID:3527, dispID:0 function get priority():uint; //MethodID:3528, dispID:0 function get pauseVideo():Boolean; //MethodID:3529, dispID:0 function get jumpToHirobaEnabled():Boolean; //MethodID:3530, dispID:0 function get enabled():Boolean; //MethodID:3531, dispID:0 function get isCommentDist():Boolean; //MethodID:3532, dispID:0 function get isForceEnded():Boolean; //MethodID:3533, dispID:0 function get hasForceEnd():Boolean; //MethodID:3534, dispID:0 //constructor public function IMarqueeInfo(); //MethodID:3535, dispID:0 } } //■script210■ package jp.nicovideo.marquee.models{ //■class(instance)_index:258 public class MarqueeAspectRatio extends Object { //static constructor public static function MarqueeAspectRatio$cinit() { //MethodID:3537, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 45 NORMAL = 0; NORMAL_WIDTH = 544; WIDE = 1; WIDE_WIDTH = 672; HEIGHT = 56; } //static variables/etc. public static const NORMAL:uint = 0; //slotID:1 public static const NORMAL_WIDTH:uint = 544; //slotID:2 public static const WIDE:uint = 1; //slotID:3 public static const WIDE_WIDTH:uint = 672; //slotID:4 public static const HEIGHT:uint = 56; //slotID:5 //constructor public function MarqueeAspectRatio() { //MethodID:3538, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script211■ package jp.nicovideo.marquee{ //■class(instance)_index:259 public interface IMarqueePlayer implements IEventDispatcher { //static constructor public static function IMarqueePlayer$cinit() { //MethodID:3540, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function initialize(hug1:IMarqueeClient):void; //MethodID:3541, dispID:0 function load(hug1:String):void; //MethodID:3542, dispID:0 function start():void; //MethodID:3543, dispID:0 function setVolume(hug1:Number):void; //MethodID:3544, dispID:0 function get isCommentDist():Boolean; //MethodID:3545, dispID:0 function get version():String; //MethodID:3546, dispID:0 //constructor public function IMarqueePlayer(); //MethodID:3547, dispID:0 } } //■script212■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.remocon{ //■class(instance)_index:260 public class RemoconPostCommentErrorStatus extends Object { //static constructor public static function RemoconPostCommentErrorStatus$cinit() { //MethodID:3549, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 21 SAME_MESSAGE = "sameMessage"; OTHER = "failure"; } //static variables/etc. public static const SAME_MESSAGE:String = "sameMessage"; //slotID:1 public static const OTHER:String = "failure"; //slotID:2 //constructor public function RemoconPostCommentErrorStatus() { //MethodID:3550, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script213■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages{ import __AS3__.vec.Vector //■class(instance)_index:261 public class CommentPostResultStatus extends Object { //static constructor public static function CommentPostResultStatus$cinit() { //MethodID:3552, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 11, CodeLength= 125 SERVER_RESPONSE_MAP = Vector.([this.SUCCESS, this.FAILURE, this.INVALID_THREAD, this.INVALID_TICKET, this.INVALID_POSTKEY, this.LOCKED, this.READONLY, this.NOT_IMPLEMENTED]); SUCCESS = "success"; FAILURE = "failure"; INVALID_THREAD = "invalidThread"; INVALID_TICKET = "invalidTicket"; INVALID_POSTKEY = "invalidPostkey"; LOCKED = "locked"; READONLY = "readonly"; NOT_IMPLEMENTED = "notImplemented"; } //static variables/etc. public static const SERVER_RESPONSE_MAP:Vector.; //slotID:1 public static const SUCCESS:String = "success"; //slotID:2 public static const FAILURE:String = "failure"; //slotID:3 public static const INVALID_THREAD:String = "invalidThread"; //slotID:4 public static const INVALID_TICKET:String = "invalidTicket"; //slotID:5 public static const INVALID_POSTKEY:String = "invalidPostkey"; //slotID:6 public static const LOCKED:String = "locked"; //slotID:7 public static const READONLY:String = "readonly"; //slotID:8 public static const NOT_IMPLEMENTED:String = "notImplemented"; //slotID:9 //constructor public function CommentPostResultStatus() { //MethodID:3553, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script214■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment{ import jp.nicovideo.util.ArrayUtils //■class(instance)_index:262 public class CommentListUtils extends Object { //static constructor public static function CommentListUtils$cinit() { //MethodID:3555, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //static variables/etc. public static function update(hug1:Array, hug2:Array, hug3:Array, hug4:Boolean):Array { //dispID:3, MethodID:3556, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 53 if(hug4) return hug2.concat(); var hug5:Array = hug1.concat(); ArrayUtils.subtract(commentAscComparator, hug5, hug3); ArrayUtils.add(commentAscComparator, hug5, hug2, true); return hug5; } public static function add(hug1:Array, hug2:Array):Array { //dispID:4, MethodID:3557, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 25 var hug3:Array = hug1.concat(); ArrayUtils.add(commentAscComparator, hug3, hug2, true); return hug3; } public static function remove(hug1:Array, hug2:Array):Array { //dispID:5, MethodID:3558, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 24 var hug3:Array = hug1.concat(); ArrayUtils.subtract(commentAscComparator, hug3, hug2); return hug3; } private static function commentAscComparator(hug1:IComment, hug2:IComment):int { //dispID:6, MethodID:3559, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 return (hug1.resNo - hug2.resNo); } //constructor public function CommentListUtils() { //MethodID:3560, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script215■ package jp.nicovideo.ext.models{ //■class(instance)_index:263 public class ThumbWatchViaName extends Object { //static constructor public static function ThumbWatchViaName$cinit() { //MethodID:3562, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 YAHOO_TOPICS = "yahoo_topics"; } //static variables/etc. public static const YAHOO_TOPICS:String = "yahoo_topics"; //slotID:1 public static function contains(hug1:String):Boolean { //dispID:3, MethodID:3563, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 27 return (Vector.([YAHOO_TOPICS]).indexOf(hug1) != (-1)); } //constructor public function ThumbWatchViaName() { //MethodID:3564, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script216■ package jp.nicovideo.util{ //■class(instance)_index:264 public final class Assert extends Object { //static constructor public static function Assert$cinit() { //MethodID:3566, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //static variables/etc. public static function assert(hug1:*, hug2:String):void { //dispID:3, MethodID:3567, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 21 if(!hug1) throw new Error("Assert: " + hug2); } //constructor public function Assert() { //MethodID:3568, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script217■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.filter.NGStatus use namespace (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.test); //■class(instance)_index:265 public class CommentBuilder extends Object { //static constructor public static function CommentBuilder$cinit() { //MethodID:3570, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //static variables/etc. public static function copyComment(hug1:IComment):IComment { //dispID:3, MethodID:3571, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 280 var hug2:IComment = new Comment(); comment_builder.anonymity = hug1.anonymity; comment_builder.fromLive = hug1.fromLive; comment_builder.command = hug1.command; comment_builder.message = hug1.message; comment_builder.date = hug1.date; comment_builder.deleted = hug1.deleted; comment_builder.fork = hug1.fork; comment_builder.isOwner = hug1.isOwner; comment_builder.isPremium = hug1.isPremium; comment_builder.justPosted = hug1.justPosted; comment_builder.ng = hug1.ng; comment_builder.resNo = hug1.resNo; comment_builder.userID = hug1.userID; comment_builder.userName = hug1.userName; comment_builder.vpos = hug1.vpos; comment_builder.clickCount = hug1.clickCount; comment_builder.commentList = hug1.commentList; comment_builder.leafID = hug1.leafID; comment_builder.isTrunk = hug1.isTrunk; return hug2; } public static function simplify(hug1:IComment):Object { //dispID:4, MethodID:3572, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 36, CodeLength= 154 return {message:hug1.message, no:hug1.resNo, vpos:hug1.vpos, date:(hug1.date ? hug1.date.getTime() : 0), userID:hug1.userID, userName:hug1.userName, isOwner:hug1.isOwner, deleted:hug1.deleted, isPremium:hug1.isPremium, anonymity:hug1.anonymity, fromLive:hug1.fromLive, fork:hug1.fork, mail:hug1.command.command, justPosted:hug1.justPosted, ng:hug1.ng, clickCount:hug1.clickCount, leafID:hug1.leafID, isTrunk:hug1.isTrunk}; } public static function unsimplify(hug1:Object):IComment { //dispID:5, MethodID:3573, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 175 var hug2:CommentBuilder = new IComment(); hug2.message = hug1.message; hug2.resNo = hug1.no; hug2.vpos = hug1.vpos; hug2.date = new Date(hug1.date); hug2.userID = hug1.userID; hug2.userName = hug1.userName; hug2.isOwner = hug1.isOwner; hug2.deleted = hug1.deleted; hug2.isPremium = hug1.isPremium; hug2.anonymity = hug1.anonymity; hug2.fromLive = hug1.fromLive; hug2.fork = hug1.fork; hug2.command = new Command(hug1.mail, hug1.isPremium); hug2.justPosted = hug1.justPosted; hug2.ng = hug1.ng; hug2.clickCount = hug1.clickCount; hug2.leafID = hug1.leafID; hug2.isTrunk = hug1.isTrunk; return hug2.make(); } //constructor public function CommentBuilder(hug1:IComment) { //MethodID:3574, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 32 super(); if(hug1){ this._commentBuffer = copyComment(hug1); }else{ this.reset(); } } //variables/etc. private var _commentBuffer:IComment; //slotID:0 public function make():IComment { //MethodID:3575, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 14 return copyComment(this._commentBuffer); } public function reset():void { //MethodID:3577, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 41 this._commentBuffer = new Comment(); this._commentBuffer.command = new Command(function(hug1:ICommand):void{ //MethodID:3576, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 }); } public function set message(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3578, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 comment_builder.message = hug1; } public function set resNo(hug1:uint):void { //MethodID:3579, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 comment_builder.resNo = hug1; } public function set vpos(hug1:Number):void { //MethodID:3580, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 30 comment_builder.vpos = (Math.floor(hug1 / 10) * 10); } public function set date(hug1:Date):void { //MethodID:3581, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 comment_builder.date = hug1; } public function set command(hug1:ICommand):void { //MethodID:3582, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 comment_builder.command = hug1; } public function set userID(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3583, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 comment_builder.userID = hug1; } public function set userName(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3584, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 comment_builder.userName = hug1; } public function set isOwner(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3585, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 comment_builder.isOwner = hug1; } public function set deleted(hug1:uint):void { //MethodID:3586, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 comment_builder.deleted = hug1; } public function set isPremium(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3587, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 comment_builder.isPremium = hug1; } public function set anonymity(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3588, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 comment_builder.anonymity = hug1; } public function set fromLive(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3589, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 comment_builder.fromLive = hug1; } public function set fork(hug1:uint):void { //MethodID:3590, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 comment_builder.fork = hug1; } public function set justPosted(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3591, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 comment_builder.justPosted = hug1; } public function set ng(hug1:uint):void { //MethodID:3592, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 72 if((hug1 == NGStatus.NONE) || (hug1 == NGStatus.INVISIBLE) || (hug1 == NGStatus.REJECT_COMMAND)){ comment_builder.ng = hug1; }else{ throw new Error("CommentBuilder.set ng: invalid status."); } } public function set commentList(hug1:ICommentList):void { //MethodID:3593, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 comment_builder.commentList = hug1; } public function set clickCount(hug1:uint):void { //MethodID:3594, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 comment_builder.clickCount = hug1; } public function set leafID(hug1:uint):void { //MethodID:3595, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 comment_builder.leafID = hug1; } public function set isTrunk(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3596, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 comment_builder.isTrunk = hug1; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.test) function get command():ICommand { //MethodID:3597, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 10 return this._commentBuffer.command; } } } //■script218■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.tpls.NicoplayerTemplateChildren.WindowChildren{ //■class(instance)_index:266 public class TabContentName extends Object { //static constructor public static function TabContentName$cinit() { //MethodID:3599, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 7, CodeLength= 83 COMMENT = "comment"; NG = "ng"; RELATION = "relation"; PLAYLIST = "playlist"; OWNERCOMMENT_EDITOR = "ownercomment_editor"; REPLACER = "replacer"; TAB_NAMES = [COMMENT, NG, RELATION, PLAYLIST, OWNERCOMMENT_EDITOR, REPLACER]; } //static variables/etc. public static const COMMENT:String = "comment"; //slotID:1 public static const NG:String = "ng"; //slotID:2 public static const RELATION:String = "relation"; //slotID:3 public static const PLAYLIST:String = "playlist"; //slotID:4 public static const OWNERCOMMENT_EDITOR:String = "ownercomment_editor";//slotID:5 public static const REPLACER:String = "replacer"; //slotID:6 public static const TAB_NAMES:Array; //slotID:7 public static function getIndex(hug1:String):int { //dispID:3, MethodID:3600, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 14 return TabContentName.TAB_NAMES.indexOf(hug1); } public static function getNameByIndex(hug1:int):String { //dispID:4, MethodID:3601, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 13 return TabContentName.TAB_NAMES[hug1]; } //constructor public function TabContentName() { //MethodID:3602, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script219■ package jp.nicovideo.hiroba.events{ public const hiroba_setter:* = "http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/hiroba/events/hiroba_setter";//slotID:0 } //■script220■ package jp.nicovideo.hiroba.models{ //■class(instance)_index:267 public interface IHirobaComment { //static constructor public static function IHirobaComment$cinit() { //MethodID:3605, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function get message():String; //MethodID:3606, dispID:0 function get mail():String; //MethodID:3607, dispID:0 function get isPremium():Boolean; //MethodID:3608, dispID:0 function get date():Date; //MethodID:3609, dispID:0 function get yourpost():Boolean; //MethodID:3610, dispID:0 //constructor public function IHirobaComment(); //MethodID:3611, dispID:0 } } //■script221■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.tpls.NicoplayerTemplateChildren{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.tpls.NicoplayerTemplateChildren.WindowChildren.ITabContent import jp.nicovideo.util.Functions //■class(instance)_index:268 public interface ITabManager { //static constructor public static function ITabManager$cinit() { //MethodID:3613, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function register(hug1:String, hug2:ITabContent):Boolean; //MethodID:3614, dispID:0 function append(hug1:String, hug2:Boolean=true):Boolean; //MethodID:3615, dispID:0 function remove(hug1:String):Boolean; //MethodID:3616, dispID:0 function show(hug1:String):Boolean; //MethodID:3617, dispID:0 function isRegistered(hug1:String):Boolean; //MethodID:3618, dispID:0 function isAppended(hug1:String):Boolean; //MethodID:3619, dispID:0 function isActive(hug1:String):Boolean; //MethodID:3620, dispID:0 function showMessage(hug1:String, hug2:Boolean=false, hug3:int=-1, hug4:Boolean=true, hug5:Function=null):void;//MethodID:3621, dispID:0 function hideMessage():void; //MethodID:3622, dispID:0 function get baseContentWidth():Number; //MethodID:3623, dispID:0 function get baseContentHeight():Number; //MethodID:3624, dispID:0 function get onActiveContentUpdated():Functions; //MethodID:3625, dispID:0 function updateWindowHeight(hug1:int):void; //MethodID:3626, dispID:0 //constructor public function ITabManager(); //MethodID:3627, dispID:0 } } //■script222■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views{ //■class(instance)_index:269 public class SponsorVideoBGType extends Object { //static constructor public static function SponsorVideoBGType$cinit() { //MethodID:3629, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 30 DEFAULT = "default"; CAPTURE = "capture"; COLOR = "color"; } //static variables/etc. public static const DEFAULT:String = "default"; //slotID:1 public static const CAPTURE:String = "capture"; //slotID:2 public static const COLOR:String = "color"; //slotID:3 //constructor public function SponsorVideoBGType() { //MethodID:3630, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script223■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.framerate{ //■class(instance)_index:270 public class FrameRateMode extends Object { //static constructor public static function FrameRateMode$cinit() { //MethodID:3632, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 19 HIGH = 60; NORMAL = 25; } //static variables/etc. public static const HIGH:uint = 60; //slotID:1 public static const NORMAL:uint = 25; //slotID:2 //constructor public function FrameRateMode() { //MethodID:3633, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script224■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.app.view{ import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer import jp.nicovideo.app.applibar.IApplibar import jp.nicovideo.util.Functions //■class(instance)_index:271 public interface IApplibarContainer { //static constructor public static function IApplibarContainer$cinit() { //MethodID:3635, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function get container():DisplayObjectContainer; //MethodID:3636, dispID:0 function get screen():DisplayObjectContainer; //MethodID:3637, dispID:0 function get iconAreaWidth():Number; //MethodID:3638, dispID:0 function get onResized():Functions; //MethodID:3639, dispID:0 function onInitApplibar(hug1:IApplibar):void; //MethodID:3640, dispID:0 function onBarBaseSizeUpdate():void; //MethodID:3641, dispID:0 //constructor public function IApplibarContainer(); //MethodID:3642, dispID:0 } } //■script225■ package jp.nicovideo.app.applibar.externals{ import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer import jp.nicovideo.app.api.IAPIObjectProvider //■class(instance)_index:272 public interface IApplibarClient implements IEventDispatcher { //static constructor public static function IApplibarClient$cinit() { //MethodID:3644, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function get containerName():String; //MethodID:3645, dispID:0 function get userID():String; //MethodID:3646, dispID:0 function get iconAreaWidth():Number; //MethodID:3647, dispID:0 function get screen():DisplayObjectContainer; //MethodID:3648, dispID:0 function getAPIProvider(hug1:uint):IAPIObjectProvider; //MethodID:3649, dispID:0 function get applibarVisible():Boolean; //MethodID:3650, dispID:0 function showDialog(hug1:String, hug2:String=null, hug3:String=null, hug4:Function=null, hug5:String=null, hug6:Function=null):void;//MethodID:3651, dispID:0 //constructor public function IApplibarClient(); //MethodID:3652, dispID:0 } } //■script226■ package jp.nicovideo.app.applibar.externals{ //■class(instance)_index:273 public interface IVideoApplibarClient implements IApplibarClient { //static constructor public static function IVideoApplibarClient$cinit() { //MethodID:3654, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function get installedCount():Number; //MethodID:3655, dispID:0 function get isAppliPromotion():Boolean; //MethodID:3656, dispID:0 //constructor public function IVideoApplibarClient(); //MethodID:3657, dispID:0 } } //■script227■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.app{ import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer import flash.events.EventDispatcher import jp.nicovideo.app.api.IAPIObjectProvider import jp.nicovideo.app.applibar.externals.ContainerName import jp.nicovideo.app.applibar.externals.events.ApplibarClientEvent import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.app.api.APIObjectProviderSwitcher import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.app.view.IApplibarContainer import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.SystemMessage //■class(instance)_index:274 public class ApplibarClient extends EventDispatcher implements IVideoApplibarClient { //static constructor public static function ApplibarClient$cinit() { //MethodID:3659, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function ApplibarClient(hug1:IApplibarContainer, hug2:APIObjectProviderSwitcher, hug3:String, hug4:Number, hug5:Boolean) { //MethodID:3660, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 48 super(); this._container = hug1; this._container.onResized.add(this._onResized); this._providerSwitcher = hug2; this._userID = hug3; this._appliInstalled = hug4; this._isAppliPromotion = hug5; } //variables/etc. private var _container:IApplibarContainer; //slotID:0 private var _providerSwitcher:APIObjectProviderSwitcher; //slotID:0 private var _userID:String; //slotID:0 private var _appliInstalled:Number; //slotID:0 private var _isAppliPromotion:Boolean; //slotID:0 private function _onResized():void { //MethodID:3661, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 45 dispatchEvent(new ApplibarClientEvent(ApplibarClientEvent.CONTAINER_RESIZE, this)); dispatchEvent(new ApplibarClientEvent(ApplibarClientEvent.SCREEN_RESIZE, this)); } public function get containerName():String { //MethodID:3662, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 9 return ContainerName.NICO_PLAYER; } public function get userID():String { //MethodID:3663, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._userID; } public function get iconAreaWidth():Number { //MethodID:3664, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 10 return this._container.iconAreaWidth; } public function get screen():DisplayObjectContainer { //MethodID:3665, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 10 return this._container.screen; } public function get applibarVisible():Boolean { //MethodID:3666, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 4 return true; } public function getAPIProvider(hug1:uint):IAPIObjectProvider { //MethodID:3667, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 return this._providerSwitcher.getAPIProvider(hug1); } public function showDialog(hug1:String, hug2:String=null, hug3:String=null, hug4:Function=null, hug5:String=null, hug6:Function=null, ...args):void { //MethodID:3668, LocalCount= 8 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 24 SystemMessage.instance.alert.apply(SystemMessage.instance, args); } public function get installedCount():Number { //MethodID:3669, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._appliInstalled; } public function get isAppliPromotion():Boolean { //MethodID:3670, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isAppliPromotion; } } } //■script228■ package jp.nicovideo.app.applibar.externals.events{ import flash.events.Event //■class(instance)_index:275 public class ApplibarEvent extends Event { //static constructor public static function ApplibarEvent$cinit() { //MethodID:3672, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 PAGE_OPEN = "pageOpen"; } //static variables/etc. public static const PAGE_OPEN:String = "pageOpen"; //slotID:1 //constructor public function ApplibarEvent(hug1:String, hug2:Boolean=false, hug3:Boolean=false) { //MethodID:3673, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 9 super(hug1, hug2, hug3); } } } //■script229■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.app.api{ import jp.nicovideo.app.api.APIObjectProvider import jp.nicovideo.app.api.IAPIObjectProvider import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.app.api.v1.getPools import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.plugin.IPluginClient //■class(instance)_index:276 public class APIObjectProviderSwitcher extends Object { //static constructor public static function APIObjectProviderSwitcher$cinit() { //MethodID:3675, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function APIObjectProviderSwitcher(hug1:IPluginClient) { //MethodID:3676, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 38 this._providers = [null]; super(); this._providers.push(new APIObjectProvider(1, getPools(hug1))); } //variables/etc. private var _providers:Array; //slotID:0 public function getAPIProvider(hug1:uint):IAPIObjectProvider { //MethodID:3677, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 11 return this._providers[hug1]; } } } //■script230■ package jp.nicovideo.app.applibar{ import jp.nicovideo.app.applibar.externals.IApplibarClient import jp.nicovideo.app.applibar.externals.IBalloonController //■class(instance)_index:277 public interface IApplibar implements IEventDispatcher { //static constructor public static function IApplibar$cinit() { //MethodID:3679, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function start(hug1:IApplibarClient, hug2:String=null):void; //MethodID:3680, dispID:0 function get balloonController():IBalloonController; //MethodID:3681, dispID:0 function get isOpen():Boolean; //MethodID:3682, dispID:0 function get baseHeight():Number; //MethodID:3683, dispID:0 function get baseWidth():Number; //MethodID:3684, dispID:0 //constructor public function IApplibar(); //MethodID:3685, dispID:0 } } //■script231■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.tpls.NicoplayerTemplateChildren{ //■class(instance)_index:278 public class WindowViewConstants extends Object { //static constructor public static function WindowViewConstants$cinit() { //MethodID:3687, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 58 FRAME_MARGIN = 8; ELEMENT_MARGIN = 4; CONTENT_HD_WIDTH = 288; CONTENT_SD_WIDTH = 416; CONTENT_HEIGHT_FULL = 424; CONTENT_LINE_HEIGHT = (22 + ELEMENT_MARGIN); } //static variables/etc. public static const FRAME_MARGIN:int = 8; //slotID:1 public static const ELEMENT_MARGIN:int = 4; //slotID:2 public static const CONTENT_HD_WIDTH:int = 288; //slotID:3 public static const CONTENT_SD_WIDTH:int = 416; //slotID:4 public static const CONTENT_HEIGHT_FULL:int = 424; //slotID:5 public static const CONTENT_LINE_HEIGHT:int = 26; //slotID:6 //constructor public function WindowViewConstants() { //MethodID:3688, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script232■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages.transmitter{ import jp.nicovideo.util.Functions //■class(instance)_index:279 public interface ITransmitter { //static constructor public static function ITransmitter$cinit() { //MethodID:3690, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function connect(hug1:Function):void; //MethodID:3691, dispID:0 function send(hug1:XML):void; //MethodID:3692, dispID:0 function disconnect():void; //MethodID:3693, dispID:0 function get type():String; //MethodID:3694, dispID:0 function get isConnecting():Boolean; //MethodID:3695, dispID:0 function get connected():Functions; //MethodID:3696, dispID:0 function get xmlReceived():Functions; //MethodID:3697, dispID:0 function get errorOccured():Functions; //MethodID:3698, dispID:0 //constructor public function ITransmitter(); //MethodID:3699, dispID:0 } } //■script233■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages.transmitter{ import flash.events.Event import flash.events.IOErrorEvent import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent import flash.net.URLLoader import flash.net.URLRequest import jp.nicovideo.util.Functions import jp.nicovideo.util.ObjectUtils //■class(instance)_index:280 public class HTTPTransmitter extends Object implements ITransmitter { //static constructor public static function HTTPTransmitter$cinit() { //MethodID:3701, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function HTTPTransmitter(hug1:String) { //MethodID:3702, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 38 this._connected = new Functions(); this._xmlReceived = new Functions(); this._errorOccured = new Functions(); super(); this._serverURL = hug1; } //variables/etc. private const _connected:Functions; //slotID:0 private const _xmlReceived:Functions; //slotID:0 private const _errorOccured:Functions; //slotID:0 private var _serverURL:String = null; //slotID:0 public function get type():String { //MethodID:3703, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 9 return TransmitterType.HTTP; } public function connect(hug1:Function):void { //MethodID:3705, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 22 internal var callbackFunc:Function; //slotID:1 callbackFunc = hug1; ObjectUtils.callLater(function():void{ //MethodID:3704, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 17 connected.apply(); callbackFunc(true); }); } public function send(hug1:XML):void { //MethodID:3711, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 146 internal var xml:XML; //slotID:1 internal var request:URLRequest; //slotID:2 internal var loader:URLLoader; //slotID:3 request = null; loader = null; xml = hug1; request = new URLRequest(this._serverURL); request.method = "POST"; request.contentType = "text/xml"; useMsgXML(function():void{ //MethodID:3706, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 14 request.data = xml.toXMLString(); }); loader = new URLLoader(); loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(hug1:Event):void{ //MethodID:3708, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 20 internal var event:Event; //slotID:1 event = hug1; useMsgXML(function():void{ //MethodID:3707, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 19 xmlReceived.apply(new XML(loader.data)); }); }); loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function(hug1:IOErrorEvent):void{ //MethodID:3709, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 errorOccured.apply("HTTPTransmitter_" + IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR); }); loader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, function(hug1:SecurityErrorEvent):void{ //MethodID:3710, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 17 errorOccured.apply("HTTPTransmitter_" + SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR); }); loader.load(request); } public function disconnect():void { //MethodID:3712, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function get connected():Functions { //MethodID:3713, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._connected; } public function get isConnecting():Boolean { //MethodID:3714, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 4 return true; } public function get xmlReceived():Functions { //MethodID:3715, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._xmlReceived; } public function get errorOccured():Functions { //MethodID:3716, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._errorOccured; } } } //■script234■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages.transmitter{ import flash.events.DataEvent import flash.events.Event import flash.events.IOErrorEvent import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent import flash.events.TimerEvent import flash.net.XMLSocket import flash.system.Security import flash.utils.Timer import jp.nicovideo.util.Functions //■class(instance)_index:281 public class XMLSocketTransmitter extends Object implements ITransmitter { //static constructor public static function XMLSocketTransmitter$cinit() { //MethodID:3718, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function XMLSocketTransmitter(hug1:String, hug2:uint, hug3:Boolean=false) { //MethodID:3727, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 209 internal var host:String; //slotID:1 internal var port:uint; //slotID:2 internal var isPingEnabled:Boolean = false; //slotID:3 internal var callHandler:Function; //slotID:4 host = hug1; port = hug2; isPingEnabled = hug3; this._connected = new Functions(); this._xmlReceived = new Functions(); this._errorOccured = new Functions(); this.__pingTimer = new Timer(60 * 1000); super(); callHandler = function(hug1:Boolean, hug2:String):void{ //MethodID:3719, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 66 if(isPingEnabled){ if(hug1){ __pingTimer.start(); }else if(__pingTimer.running){ __pingTimer.stop(); } } if(__oneTimeConnectionHandler == null) return; __oneTimeConnectionHandler(hug1, hug2); __oneTimeConnectionHandler = null; }; this.__host = host; this.__port = port; this.__socket = new XMLSocket(); this.__socket.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, function(hug1:Event):void{ //MethodID:3720, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 17 connected.apply(); callHandler(true); }); this.__socket.addEventListener(DataEvent.DATA, function(hug1:DataEvent):void{ //MethodID:3722, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 20 internal var event:DataEvent; //slotID:1 event = hug1; useMsgXML(function():void{ //MethodID:3721, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 19 xmlReceived.apply(new XML(event.data)); }); }); this.__socket.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function(hug1:Event):void{ //MethodID:3723, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 43 if(__oneTimeConnectionHandler == null) errorOccured.apply("XMLSocketTransmitter_" + IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR); callHandler(false, ("XMLSocketTransmitter_" + IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR)); }); this.__socket.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, function(hug1:Event):void{ //MethodID:3724, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 19 callHandler(false, ("XMLSocketTransmitter_" + SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR)); }); this.__socket.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, function(hug1:Event):void{ //MethodID:3725, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 25 if(__isClosing) return; errorOccured.apply("XMLSocketTransmitter_" + Event.CLOSE); }); if(isPingEnabled){ this.__pingTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, function(hug1:TimerEvent):void{ //MethodID:3726, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 23 if(!isConnecting) return; send(new XML("")); }); } } //variables/etc. private const _connected:Functions; //slotID:0 private const _xmlReceived:Functions; //slotID:0 private const _errorOccured:Functions; //slotID:0 private var __host:String = null; //slotID:0 private var __port:uint = 0; //slotID:0 private var __socket:XMLSocket = null; //slotID:0 private var __oneTimeConnectionHandler:Function; //slotID:0 private var __isClosing:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var __pingTimer:Timer; //slotID:0 public function get type():String { //MethodID:3728, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 9 return TransmitterType.XML_SOCKET; } public function connect(hug1:Function):void { //MethodID:3729, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 48 this.__oneTimeConnectionHandler = hug1; Security.loadPolicyFile("xmlsocket://" + this.__host + ":" + this.__port); this.__socket.connect(this.__host, this.__port); } public function send(hug1:XML):void { //MethodID:3731, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 22 internal var xml:XML; //slotID:1 xml = hug1; useMsgXML(function():void{ //MethodID:3730, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 15 __socket.send(xml.toXMLString()); }); } public function disconnect():void { //MethodID:3732, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 16 this.__isClosing = true; this.__socket.close(); } public function get connected():Functions { //MethodID:3733, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._connected; } public function get xmlReceived():Functions { //MethodID:3734, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._xmlReceived; } public function get isConnecting():Boolean { //MethodID:3735, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 10 return this.__socket.connected; } public function get errorOccured():Functions { //MethodID:3736, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._errorOccured; } } } //■script235■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.storages.transmitter{ public function useMsgXML(hug1:Function):void { //dispID:2, MethodID:3738, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 7, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 110 internal var func:Function; //slotID:1 internal var old:Boolean; //slotID:2 func = hug1; old = XML.ignoreWhitespace; XML.ignoreWhitespace = false; try{ func(); } finally{ XML.ignoreWhitespace = old; } } } //■script236■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.video{ //■class(instance)_index:282 public class VideoConstants extends Object { //static constructor public static function VideoConstants$cinit() { //MethodID:3740, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 119 ERROR_CONNECTION_LIMIT = "error_connection_limit"; ERROR_AUTHENTICATION = "error_authentication"; ERROR_TIMEOUT = "error_timeout"; VIDEO_TYPE_FLV = "flv"; VIDEO_TYPE_MP4 = "mp4"; VIDEO_TYPE_SWF = "swf"; OPERATION_HIROBA = "operation_hiroba"; OPERATION_NICOWARI = "operation_nicowari"; OPERATION_PLUGIN_PREFIX = "operation_plugin_"; OPERATION_OTHER = "operation_other"; RETRY_LOADING_INTERVAL = 3000; RETRY_LOADING_COUNT = 1; USER_SPONSOR_VIDEO_LENGTH = 10000; } //static variables/etc. public static const ERROR_CONNECTION_LIMIT:String = "error_connection_limit";//slotID:1 public static const ERROR_AUTHENTICATION:String = "error_authentication";//slotID:2 public static const ERROR_TIMEOUT:String = "error_timeout"; //slotID:3 public static const VIDEO_TYPE_FLV:String = "flv"; //slotID:4 public static const VIDEO_TYPE_MP4:String = "mp4"; //slotID:5 public static const VIDEO_TYPE_SWF:String = "swf"; //slotID:6 public static const OPERATION_HIROBA:String = "operation_hiroba";//slotID:7 public static const OPERATION_NICOWARI:String = "operation_nicowari";//slotID:8 public static const OPERATION_PLUGIN_PREFIX:String = "operation_plugin_";//slotID:9 public static const OPERATION_OTHER:String = "operation_other"; //slotID:10 public static const RETRY_LOADING_INTERVAL:Number = 3000.0; //slotID:11 public static const RETRY_LOADING_COUNT:uint = 1; //slotID:12 public static const USER_SPONSOR_VIDEO_LENGTH:Number = 10000.0; //slotID:13 //constructor public function VideoConstants() { //MethodID:3741, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script237■ package jp.nicovideo.util.stream.events{ import flash.events.ErrorEvent //■class(instance)_index:283 public class StreamErrorEvent extends ErrorEvent { //static constructor public static function StreamErrorEvent$cinit() { //MethodID:3743, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 ERROR = "StreamErrorEvent.error"; } //static variables/etc. public static const ERROR:String = "StreamErrorEvent.error"; //slotID:1 //constructor public function StreamErrorEvent(hug1:String, hug2:Object, hug3:Boolean=false, hug4:Boolean=false, hug5:String=null) { //MethodID:3744, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 17 super(hug1, hug3, hug4, hug5); this._info = hug2; } //variables/etc. private var _info:Object; //slotID:0 public function get info():Object { //MethodID:3745, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._info; } } } //■script238■ package jp.nicovideo.util.stream{ import flash.display.Sprite import flash.events.EventDispatcher import flash.media.SoundTransform import flash.media.Video import flash.net.NetConnection import flash.net.NetStream import jp.nicovideo.util.stream.events.StreamEvent //■class(instance)_index:284 public class StreamSource extends EventDispatcher { //static constructor public static function StreamSource$cinit() { //MethodID:3747, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 11 _DEFAULT_BUFFER_TIME = 100; } //static variables/etc. internal static const _DEFAULT_BUFFER_TIME:Number = 100.0; //slotID:1 private static var counter:uint; //slotID:2 //constructor public function StreamSource(hug1:Sprite) { //MethodID:3748, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 82 this._handlerList = []; super(); this._test = (counter++); this._videoLayer = hug1; this._video = new Video(this._videoLayer.width, this._videoLayer.height); this._video.smoothing = true; this._video.deblocking = 5; } //variables/etc. private var _videoLayer:Sprite; //slotID:0 public var _video:Video; //slotID:0 private var _nc:NetConnection; //slotID:0 private var _ns:NetStream; //slotID:0 private var _client:AbstractStreamClient; //slotID:0 private var _metaData:Object; //slotID:0 private var _url:String; //slotID:0 private var _filename:String; //slotID:0 private var _length:Number = -1.0; //slotID:0 private var _isLoaded:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var _hasLengthFixed:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _isConnected:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var _bufferTime:Number = 2000.0; //slotID:0 private var _handlerList:Array; //slotID:0 private var _videoWidth:Number; //slotID:0 private var _videoHeight:Number; //slotID:0 private var _test:uint; //slotID:0 public function connect(hug1:String, hug2:String, hug3:String):void { //MethodID:3749, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 50 if(this.isConnected) return; var hug4:Boolean = new RegExp("^[rtmp]").test(hug1); if(hug4){ this.connectRtmp(hug1, hug2, hug3); }else{ this.connectHttp(hug1); } } private function connectHttp(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3750, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 70 this._url = hug1; this._nc = new NetConnection(); this._client = new HttpClient(this); this._client.netConnection = this._nc; this._nc.client = this._client; this._filename = this._url; this._nc.connect(null); } private function connectRtmp(hug1:String, hug2:String, hug3:String):void { //MethodID:3751, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 126 var hug4:String = null; var hug5:String = null; this._url = hug1; this._filename = hug2; if(hug3 != null){ hug4 = hug3.substr(0, hug3.indexOf(":")); hug5 = hug3.substr(hug3.indexOf(":") + 1); } this._nc = new NetConnection(); this._client = new RtmpClient(this); this._client.netConnection = this._nc; this._nc.client = this._client; this._nc.connect(this._url, hug5, hug4, hug2); } internal function init():void { //MethodID:3752, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 41 if(!this.isConnected){ this._video.visible = true; this._isConnected = true; dispatchEvent(new StreamEvent(StreamEvent.CONNECTED)); } } internal function setMetaData(hug1:Object):void { //MethodID:3754, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 77 internal var val:Object; //slotID:1 internal var adjust:Function; //slotID:2 val = hug1; adjust = function():void{ //MethodID:3753, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 75 var hug1:Number = (Number(_metaData.duration) * 1000); if(!_hasLengthFixed && (_length != hug1) && (hug1 > 0)) setLength(hug1); resize(_videoLayer.width, _videoLayer.height); }; this._metaData = val; if(this._metaData){ adjust(); this._ns.bufferTime = (this._bufferTime / 1000); dispatchEvent(new StreamEvent(StreamEvent.INIT_META_INFO)); } } internal function setLength(hug1:Number, hug2:Boolean=false):void { //MethodID:3755, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 30 this._hasLengthFixed = hug2; this._length = hug1; dispatchEvent(new StreamEvent(StreamEvent.SET_LENGTH)); } public function resize(hug1:Number, hug2:Number):void { //MethodID:3756, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 208 if(this._metaData == null) return; var hug3:Number = this._videoLayer.scaleX; var hug5:int = 1; this._videoLayer.scaleY = hug5; this._videoLayer.scaleX = hug5; this._video.height = hug2; this._video.width = hug1; var hug4:Number = (this._metaData.height / this._metaData.width); if(hug4 < (hug2 / hug1)){ this._video.height = ((this._metaData.height / this._metaData.width) * hug1); }else if(hug4 > (hug2 / hug1)){ this._video.width = ((this._metaData.width / this._metaData.height) * hug2); } this._video.x = ((hug1 - this._video.width) / 2); this._video.y = ((hug2 - this._video.height) / 2); var hug5:Number = hug3; this._videoLayer.scaleY = hug5; this._videoLayer.scaleX = hug5; } internal function createNetStream():void { //MethodID:3757, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 131 this._ns = new NetStream(this._nc); this._client.netSteram = this._ns; this._ns.client = this._client; this._ns.bufferTime = (_DEFAULT_BUFFER_TIME / 1000); this._ns.checkPolicyFile = true; this._video.attachNetStream(this._ns); this._videoLayer.addChild(this._video); this._video.visible = false; var hug1:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform(); hug1.volume = 0; this._ns.soundTransform = hug1; this._ns.play(this._filename); } private function clearEventListener():void { //MethodID:3758, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 57 var hug1:Object = null; for each(hug1 in this._handlerList){ this.removeEventListener(hug1.type, hug1.handler); } this._handlerList = []; } internal function addEventListenerClosure(hug1:String, hug2:Function, hug3:Boolean=false, hug4:int=0, hug5:Boolean=false):void { //MethodID:3759, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 6, CodeLength= 35 addEventListener(hug1, hug2, hug3, hug4, hug5); this._handlerList.push({type:hug1, handler:hug2}); } public function get keyFrame():Object { //MethodID:3760, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 45 var hug1:Object = null; if(this._metaData.seekpoints == undefined){ hug1 = this._metaData.keyframes; }else{ this._metaData.seekpoints; } return hug1; } public function get length():Number { //MethodID:3761, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._length; } public function set length(hug1:Number):void { //MethodID:3762, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._length = hug1; } public function get loadedLength():Number { //MethodID:3763, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 10 return this._client.loadedLength; } public function get isConnected():Boolean { //MethodID:3764, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isConnected; } public function get vpos():Number { //MethodID:3765, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 10 return this._client.vpos; } public function seek(hug1:Number):void { //MethodID:3766, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 16 this._client.seek(hug1 / 1000); } public function play():void { //MethodID:3767, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 11 this._client.resume(); } public function pause():void { //MethodID:3768, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 11 this._client.pause(); } public function close():void { //MethodID:3769, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 70 this.clearEventListener(); this._isConnected = false; if(this._nc) this._nc.close(); if(this._ns) this._ns.close(); if(this._client) this._client.close(); this._video.attachNetStream(null); } public function set volume(hug1:Number):void { //MethodID:3771, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 239 internal var val:Number; //slotID:1 internal var _sound:SoundTransform; //slotID:2 internal var exprMax:Number; //slotID:3 internal var volume:Number; //slotID:4 internal var _getACurb:Function; //slotID:5 val = hug1; _getACurb = function(hug1:Number):Number{ //MethodID:3770, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 33 return (((0.6838 * Math.pow(hug1, 3)) - (1.7262 * Math.pow(hug1, 2))) + (2.4252 * hug1)); }; val *= 100; if(!this._ns || !this.isConnected) return; _sound = new SoundTransform(); if(val == 0){ _sound.volume = 0; this._ns.soundTransform = _sound; return; } if(val == 100){ _sound.volume = 1; this._ns.soundTransform = _sound; return; } val = ((val * (4 / 5)) + 20); exprMax = _getACurb(100); volume = (_getACurb(val) * (1 / exprMax)); if(volume < 0.01){ _sound.volume = 0.01; this._ns.soundTransform = _sound; return; } _sound.volume = volume; this._ns.soundTransform = _sound; } public function get volume():Number { //MethodID:3772, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 13 return this._ns.soundTransform.volume; } public function get bufferTime():Number { //MethodID:3773, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 14 return (this._ns.bufferTime * 1000); } public function set bufferTime(hug1:Number):void { //MethodID:3774, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 15 this._ns.bufferTime = (hug1 / 1000); } public function get bytesTotal():Number { //MethodID:3775, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 10 return this._ns.bytesTotal; } public function get bytesLoaded():Number { //MethodID:3776, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 10 return this._ns.bytesLoaded; } public function get video():Video { //MethodID:3777, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._video; } public function get isRtmp():Boolean { //MethodID:3778, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 11 return (this._client is RtmpClient); } } } //■script239■ package jp.nicovideo.util.stream.events{ import flash.events.Event //■class(instance)_index:285 public class StreamEvent extends Event { //static constructor public static function StreamEvent$cinit() { //MethodID:3780, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 102 PLAYED = "StreamEvent.played"; CONNECTED = "StreamEvent.connected"; PAUSED = "StreamEvent.paused"; ENDED = "StreamEvent.ended"; CLOSE = "StreamEVent.close"; SEEKED = "StreamEvent.seeked"; SET_LENGTH = "StreamEvent.setLength"; START_LOAD = "StreamEvent.start_load"; COMPLETE_LOAD = "StreamEvent.complete_load"; NET_STATUS = "StreamEvent.onNetStream"; INIT_META_INFO = "StreamEvent.initMetaInfo"; } //static variables/etc. public static const PLAYED:String = "StreamEvent.played"; //slotID:1 public static const CONNECTED:String = "StreamEvent.connected"; //slotID:2 public static const PAUSED:String = "StreamEvent.paused"; //slotID:3 public static const ENDED:String = "StreamEvent.ended"; //slotID:4 public static const CLOSE:String = "StreamEVent.close"; //slotID:5 public static const SEEKED:String = "StreamEvent.seeked"; //slotID:6 public static const SET_LENGTH:String = "StreamEvent.setLength";//slotID:7 public static const START_LOAD:String = "StreamEvent.start_load";//slotID:8 public static const COMPLETE_LOAD:String = "StreamEvent.complete_load";//slotID:9 public static const NET_STATUS:String = "StreamEvent.onNetStream";//slotID:10 public static const INIT_META_INFO:String = "StreamEvent.initMetaInfo";//slotID:11 //constructor public function StreamEvent(hug1:String, hug2:Object=null, hug3:Boolean=false, hug4:Boolean=false) { //MethodID:3781, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 15 super(hug1, hug3, hug4); this._info = hug2; } //variables/etc. private var _info:Object; //slotID:0 public function get info():Object { //MethodID:3782, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._info; } } } //■script240■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models{ //■class(instance)_index:286 public class StartVposType extends Object { //static constructor public static function StartVposType$cinit() { //MethodID:3784, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 30 EXT = "specifiedFromExtJumper"; ATJUMP = "specifiedByAtjumpJumper"; URL = "specifiedByUrlParameter"; } //static variables/etc. public static const EXT:String = "specifiedFromExtJumper"; //slotID:1 public static const ATJUMP:String = "specifiedByAtjumpJumper"; //slotID:2 public static const URL:String = "specifiedByUrlParameter"; //slotID:3 //constructor public function StartVposType() { //MethodID:3785, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script241■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.hiroba.models{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.IComment //■class(instance)_index:287 public class HirobaComment extends Object implements IHirobaComment { //static constructor public static function HirobaComment$cinit() { //MethodID:3787, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function HirobaComment(hug1:IComment) { //MethodID:3788, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 57 super(); this._message = hug1.message; this._mail = hug1.command.command; this._isPremium = hug1.isPremium; this._date = new Date(hug1.date.time); this._yourpost = hug1.justPosted; } //variables/etc. private var _message:String; //slotID:0 private var _mail:String; //slotID:0 private var _isPremium:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _date:Date; //slotID:0 private var _yourpost:Boolean; //slotID:0 public function get message():String { //MethodID:3789, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._message; } public function get mail():String { //MethodID:3790, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._mail; } public function get isPremium():Boolean { //MethodID:3791, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isPremium; } public function get date():Date { //MethodID:3792, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._date; } public function get yourpost():Boolean { //MethodID:3793, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._yourpost; } } } //■script242■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment{ //■class(instance)_index:288 public interface ICommand { //static constructor public static function ICommand$cinit() { //MethodID:3795, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function get hasCompleted():Boolean; //MethodID:3796, dispID:0 function completed():void; //MethodID:3797, dispID:0 function duplicate(hug1:Function, hug2:Number=Number.NaN):ICommand; //MethodID:3798, dispID:0 function get color():String; //MethodID:3799, dispID:0 function set color(hug1:String):void; //MethodID:3800, dispID:0 function get posY():String; //MethodID:3801, dispID:0 function set posY(hug1:String):void; //MethodID:3802, dispID:0 function get posX():String; //MethodID:3803, dispID:0 function set posX(hug1:String):void; //MethodID:3804, dispID:0 function get hasButton():Boolean; //MethodID:3805, dispID:0 function set hasButton(hug1:Boolean):void; //MethodID:3806, dispID:0 function get size():String; //MethodID:3807, dispID:0 function set size(hug1:String):void; //MethodID:3808, dispID:0 function get anonymity():Boolean; //MethodID:3809, dispID:0 function set anonymity(hug1:Boolean):void; //MethodID:3810, dispID:0 function get fromLive():Boolean; //MethodID:3811, dispID:0 function set fromLive(hug1:Boolean):void; //MethodID:3812, dispID:0 function get sage():Boolean; //MethodID:3813, dispID:0 function set sage(hug1:Boolean):void; //MethodID:3814, dispID:0 function get full():Boolean; //MethodID:3815, dispID:0 function set full(hug1:Boolean):void; //MethodID:3816, dispID:0 function get patissier():Boolean; //MethodID:3817, dispID:0 function set patissier(hug1:Boolean):void; //MethodID:3818, dispID:0 function set command(hug1:String):void; //MethodID:3819, dispID:0 function get command():String; //MethodID:3820, dispID:0 function forEachCommand(hug1:Function):void; //MethodID:3821, dispID:0 function everyCommand(hug1:Function):void; //MethodID:3822, dispID:0 function hasContained(hug1:String):Boolean; //MethodID:3823, dispID:0 function get colorCode():uint; //MethodID:3824, dispID:0 //constructor public function ICommand(); //MethodID:3825, dispID:0 } } //■script243■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.command.CommandSize import jp.nicovideo.util.Assert //■class(instance)_index:289 public class Command extends Object implements ICommand { //static constructor public static function Command$cinit() { //MethodID:3827, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //static variables/etc. public static function isColorCodeCommand(hug1:String):Boolean { //dispID:3, MethodID:3828, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 42 if((hug1 == "") || (hug1 == null)) return false; return new RegExp(new RegExp("^#[\da-f]{6}$", "i")).test(hug1); } //constructor public function Command(hug1:*, hug2:Boolean=false) { //MethodID:3829, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 7, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 176 internal var src:*; //slotID:1 internal var isPremium:Boolean = false; //slotID:2 src = hug1; isPremium = hug2; this.__commands = []; super(); this.__isPremium = isPremium; if(src == undefined) return; try{ if(src is String){ this.command = src; }else if(src is Function){ src(this); }else{ Assert.assert(false, "Command.Command: error."); } } finally{ this.completed(); } } //variables/etc. private var __completed:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var __hasButton:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var __isPremium:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var __color:String = ""; //slotID:0 private var __color_fromCode:String = ""; //slotID:0 private var __posX:String = ""; //slotID:0 private var __posY:String = ""; //slotID:0 private var __size:String = ""; //slotID:0 private var __anonymity:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var __fromLive:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var __sage:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var _full:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var _patissier:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var __commands:Array; //slotID:0 private var __fullCommand_cache:Array; //slotID:0 public function get hasCompleted():Boolean { //MethodID:3830, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__completed; } public function completed():void { //MethodID:3831, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 27 if(this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: already completed."); this.__completed = true; } public function duplicate(hug1:Function, hug2:Number=Number.NaN):ICommand { //MethodID:3833, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 76 internal var func:Function; //slotID:1 internal var isPremium:Number = Number.NaN; //slotID:2 func = hug1; isPremium = hug2; if(!this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: has not completed yet."); return new Command(function(hug1:Command):void{ //MethodID:3832, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 98 hug1.__commands = __commands; hug1.__color = ((__color_fromCode != "") ? __color_fromCode : __color); hug1.__size = __size; hug1.__posX = __posX; hug1.__posY = __posY; hug1.__hasButton = __hasButton; hug1.__anonymity = __anonymity; hug1.__fromLive = __fromLive; hug1._full = _full; hug1._patissier = _patissier; func(hug1); }, (isNaN(isPremium) ? this.__isPremium : (!(!isPremium)))); } public function get color():String { //MethodID:3834, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 46 if(!this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: has not completed yet."); return ((this.__color_fromCode != "") ? this.__color_fromCode : this.__color); } public function set color(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3835, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 34 if(this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: already completed."); this.__set_color(hug1); this.__set_color_fromCode(hug1); } private function __set_color(hug1:String):Boolean { //MethodID:3836, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 62 if(CommandConstants.NORMAL_COLOR_CODES.hasOwnProperty(hug1) || (this.__isPremium && CommandConstants.PREMIUM_COLOR_CODES.hasOwnProperty(hug1))){ this.__color = hug1; return true; } this.__color = ""; return false; } private function __set_color_fromCode(hug1:String):Boolean { //MethodID:3837, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 41 if(this.__isPremium && (Command).isColorCodeCommand(hug1)){ this.__color_fromCode = hug1; return true; } this.__color_fromCode = ""; return false; } public function get posY():String { //MethodID:3838, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 26 if(!this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: has not completed yet."); return this.__posY; } public function set posY(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3839, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 28 if(this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: already completed."); this.__set_posY(hug1); } private function __set_posY(hug1:String):Boolean { //MethodID:3840, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 105 var hug2:String = hug1; switch(hug2){ case CommandConstants.PLACE_TOP: case CommandConstants.PLACE_BOTTOM: case CommandConstants.PLACE_MIDDLE: this.__posY = hug1; return true; default: break; } return false; } public function get posX():String { //MethodID:3841, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 26 if(!this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: has not completed yet."); return this.__posX; } public function set posX(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3842, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 28 if(this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: already completed."); this.__set_posX(hug1); } private function __set_posX(hug1:String):Boolean { //MethodID:3843, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 85 var hug2:String = hug1; switch(hug2){ case CommandConstants.PLACE_RIGHT: case CommandConstants.PLACE_LEFT: this.__posX = hug1; return true; default: break; } return false; } public function get hasButton():Boolean { //MethodID:3844, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 26 if(!this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: has not completed yet."); return this.__hasButton; } public function set hasButton(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3845, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 27 if(this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: already completed."); this.__hasButton = hug1; } private function __set_hasButton(hug1:String):Boolean { //MethodID:3846, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 22 if(hug1 == CommandConstants.HAS_BUTTON){ this.__hasButton = true; return true; } return false; } public function get size():String { //MethodID:3847, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 26 if(!this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: has not completed yet."); return this.__size; } public function set size(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3848, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 28 if(this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: already completed."); this.__set_size(hug1); } private function __set_size(hug1:String):Boolean { //MethodID:3849, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 26 if(!CommandSize.SIZES.hasOwnProperty(hug1)) return false; this.__size = hug1; return true; } public function get anonymity():Boolean { //MethodID:3850, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 26 if(!this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: has not completed yet."); return this.__anonymity; } public function set anonymity(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3851, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 27 if(this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: already completed."); this.__anonymity = hug1; } private function __set_anonymity(hug1:String):Boolean { //MethodID:3852, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 22 if(hug1 == CommandConstants.ANONYMITY){ this.__anonymity = true; return true; } return false; } public function get fromLive():Boolean { //MethodID:3853, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 26 if(!this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: has not completed yet."); return this.__fromLive; } public function set fromLive(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3854, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 27 if(this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: already completed."); this.__fromLive = hug1; } private function __set_fromLive(hug1:String):Boolean { //MethodID:3855, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 22 if(hug1 == CommandConstants.FROMLIVE){ this.__fromLive = true; return true; } return false; } public function get sage():Boolean { //MethodID:3856, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 26 if(!this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: has not completed yet."); return this.__sage; } public function set sage(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3857, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 27 if(this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: already completed."); this.__sage = hug1; } private function __set_sage(hug1:String):Boolean { //MethodID:3858, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 22 if(hug1 == CommandConstants.SAGE){ this.__sage = true; return true; } return false; } public function get full():Boolean { //MethodID:3859, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 26 if(!this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: has not completed yet."); return this._full; } public function set full(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3860, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 27 if(this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: already completed."); this._full = hug1; } public function get patissier():Boolean { //MethodID:3861, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 26 if(!this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed; has not completed yet."); return this._patissier; } private function _set_full(hug1:String):Boolean { //MethodID:3862, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 19 this._full = (hug1 == CommandConstants.FULL); return this._full; } public function set patissier(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3863, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 27 if(this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: already completed."); this._patissier = hug1; } private function _set_patissier(hug1:String):Boolean { //MethodID:3864, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 19 this._patissier = (hug1 == CommandConstants.PATISSIER); return this._patissier; } public function set command(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3867, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 12, CodeLength= 363 internal var cmdStr:String; //slotID:1 internal var checkSheet:Array; //slotID:2 internal var i:int; //slotID:3 internal var matcher:Function; //slotID:4 internal var j:int; //slotID:5 j = 0; cmdStr = hug1; matcher = function(hug1:String, hug2:String):Function{ //MethodID:3866, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 18 internal var pattern:String; //slotID:1 internal var id:String; //slotID:2 pattern = hug1; id = hug2; return function(hug1:String):Boolean{ //MethodID:3865, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 20 if(hug1 != pattern) return false; this[id] = true; return true; }; }; if(this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: already completed."); this.__commands = cmdStr.replace(new RegExp("^[  ]*(.*?)[  ]*$", "s"), "$1").split(new RegExp("[  ]+")); this.__color = ""; this.__color_fromCode = ""; this.__size = ""; this.__posX = ""; this.__posY = ""; this.__hasButton = false; this.__anonymity = false; this.__fromLive = false; this.__sage = false; this._full = false; this._patissier = false; checkSheet = [this.__set_size, this.__set_posX, this.__set_posY, this.__set_color, this.__set_color_fromCode, this.__set_hasButton, this.__set_anonymity, this.__set_fromLive, this.__set_sage, this._set_full, this._set_patissier]; i = 0; while((i < this.__commands.length) && (checkSheet.length != 0)){ j = 0; while(j < checkSheet.length){ var hug3:Array = checkSheet; if(hug3[j](this.__commands[i])){ i -= 1; this.__commands.splice(i, 1); j -= 1; checkSheet.splice(j, 1); break; } j++; } i++; } } public function get command():String { //MethodID:3868, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 34 if(!this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: has not completed yet."); return this.__listing().join(" "); } public function forEachCommand(hug1:Function):void { //MethodID:3869, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 64 var hug2:String = null; if(!this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: has not completed yet."); for each(hug2 in this.__listing()){ hug1(hug2); } } public function everyCommand(hug1:Function):void { //MethodID:3870, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 71 var hug2:String = null; if(!this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: has not completed yet."); for each(hug2 in this.__listing()){ if(!hug1(hug2)) break; } } public function hasContained(hug1:String):Boolean { //MethodID:3871, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 67 var hug2:String = null; if(!this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: has not completed yet."); for each(hug2 in this.__listing()){ if(hug1 == hug2) return true; } return false; } private function __listing():Array { //MethodID:3872, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 244 var hug1:Array = null; if(!this.__fullCommand_cache){ hug1 = this.__commands.concat(); if(this.__size != "") hug1.unshift(this.__size); if(this.__color_fromCode != "") hug1.unshift(this.__color_fromCode); if(this.__color != "") hug1.unshift(this.__color); if(this.__posY != "") hug1.unshift(this.__posY); if(this.__posX != "") hug1.unshift(this.__posX); if(this.__hasButton) hug1.unshift(CommandConstants.HAS_BUTTON); if(this.__sage) hug1.unshift(CommandConstants.SAGE); if(this.__anonymity) hug1.unshift(CommandConstants.ANONYMITY); if(this.__fromLive) hug1.unshift(CommandConstants.FROMLIVE); if(this._full) hug1.unshift(CommandConstants.FULL); if(this._patissier) hug1.unshift(CommandConstants.PATISSIER); this.__fullCommand_cache = hug1; } return this.__fullCommand_cache; } public function get colorCode():uint { //MethodID:3873, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 167 if(!this.__completed) throw new Error("Command.completed: has not completed yet."); var hug1:uint = CommandConstants.NORMAL_COLOR_CODES[CommandConstants.COLOR_WHITE]; var hug2:String = ((this.__color_fromCode != "") ? this.__color_fromCode : this.__color); if(hug2 != ""){ if(CommandConstants.NORMAL_COLOR_CODES.hasOwnProperty(hug2)) hug1 = CommandConstants.NORMAL_COLOR_CODES[hug2]; if(this.__isPremium){ if(CommandConstants.PREMIUM_COLOR_CODES.hasOwnProperty(hug2)) hug1 = CommandConstants.PREMIUM_COLOR_CODES[hug2]; if((Command).isColorCodeCommand(hug2)) hug1 = parseInt(hug2.substr(1, 6), 16); } } return hug1; } } } //■script244■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.hiroba.view{ import flash.display.Sprite import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.IPlayerConfig import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.IComment import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment.CommentLayer import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment.CommentLayerView import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment.CommentViewConstants import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment.IDisplayObjectProvider import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment.ViewEntry import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment.elements.ClickableComment import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment.elements.CommentTextField import jp.nicovideo.util.ObjectPool import jp.nicovideo.util.events.event_receiver //■class(instance)_index:290 public class HirobaCommentPlayer extends Object { //static constructor public static function HirobaCommentPlayer$cinit() { //MethodID:3875, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function HirobaCommentPlayer(hug1:Sprite, hug2:IPlayerConfig, hug3:Boolean) { //MethodID:3876, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 56 this._layers = {}; this._textPoolMap = {}; this._buttonPoolMap = {}; this._addedHirobaEntries = []; this._addedOtherEntries = []; super(); this._baseLayer = hug1; this._playerConfig = hug2; this._isPremium = hug3; this._constructor(); } //variables/etc. private var _baseLayer:Sprite; //slotID:0 private var _commentLayer:CommentLayer; //slotID:0 private var _commentLayerView:CommentLayerView; //slotID:0 private var _layers:Object; //slotID:0 private var _playerConfig:IPlayerConfig; //slotID:0 private var _isPremium:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _textPoolMap:Object; //slotID:0 private var _buttonPoolMap:Object; //slotID:0 private var _addedHirobaEntries:Array; //slotID:0 private var _addedOtherEntries:Array; //slotID:0 private function _constructor():void { //MethodID:3881, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 7, CodeLength= 323 internal var timeline:_HirobaTimeline; //slotID:1 internal var layers:Array; //slotID:2 internal var layerID:String; //slotID:3 internal var createTextFieldFunc:Function; //slotID:4 internal var createButtonFunc:Function; //slotID:5 layerID = null; createTextFieldFunc = function(hug1:String):Function{ //MethodID:3878, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 23 internal var layerID:String; //slotID:1 internal var f:Function; //slotID:2 layerID = hug1; f = function():CommentTextField{ //MethodID:3877, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 44 var hug1:CommentTextField = null; hug1 = new CommentTextField(); hug1.displayObject.visible = false; _commentLayer.getLayer(layerID).addChild(hug1.displayObject); return hug1; }; return f; }; createButtonFunc = function(hug1:String):Function{ //MethodID:3880, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 23 internal var layerID:String; //slotID:1 internal var f:Function; //slotID:2 layerID = hug1; f = function():ClickableComment{ //MethodID:3879, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 39 var hug1:ClickableComment = new ClickableComment(); hug1.displayObject.visible = false; _commentLayer.getLayer(layerID).addChild(hug1.displayObject); return hug1; }; return f; }; timeline = new _HirobaTimeline(); this._commentLayerView = new CommentLayerView(this._baseLayer, timeline, this._baseLayer.width, this._baseLayer.height, timeline.length); this._commentLayer = new CommentLayer(this._baseLayer, this._playerConfig, this._isPremium); this._commentLayer.addLayer(HirobaCommentListName.HIROBA); this._commentLayer.addLayer(HirobaCommentListName.OTHER_VIDEO, 0); this._commentLayer.setOptionalLayer(HirobaCommentListName.OTHER_VIDEO); layers = [HirobaCommentListName.HIROBA, HirobaCommentListName.OTHER_VIDEO]; for each(layerID in layers){ this._textPoolMap[layerID] = new ObjectPool(createTextFieldFunc(layerID)); this._buttonPoolMap[layerID] = new ObjectPool(createButtonFunc(layerID)); } this._commentLayerView.onVideoPlayed(); this._commentLayer.onVideoStarted(); this._commentLayer.onPlayerConfigCommentVisibleUpdated(false); } public function get commentLayerView():CommentLayerView { //MethodID:3882, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._commentLayerView; } public function get commentLayer():CommentLayer { //MethodID:3883, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._commentLayer; } public function addComment(hug1:IComment, hug2:String):void { //MethodID:3884, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 7, CodeLength= 166 var hug3:String = hug1.command.posY; var hug4:Number = (hug1.vpos - CommentViewConstants.COMMENT_SHOW_AHEAD); var hug5:IDisplayObjectProvider = (hug1.command.hasButton ? new _ClickableCommentProvider(this._buttonPoolMap[hug2], hug1) : new _CommentTextFieldProvider(this._textPoolMap[hug2], hug1)); var hug6:ViewEntry = new ViewEntry(hug4, CommentViewConstants.COMMENT_SHOW_EXPIRE, hug3, hug5, 0, hug1.command.full); if(hug2 == HirobaCommentListName.HIROBA){ this._addedHirobaEntries.push(hug6); }else{ this._addedOtherEntries.push(hug6); } this._commentLayerView.update(hug2, [hug6], null, false); } } } import flash.display.DisplayObject import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.IComment import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment.elements.ClickableComment import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment.elements.CommentTextField import jp.nicovideo.util.Assert import jp.nicovideo.util.ObjectPool import jp.nicovideo.util.TimeUtils //■class(instance)_index:291 //private class _HirobaTimeline extends Object implements ITimeline { //static constructor public static function _HirobaTimeline$cinit() { //MethodID:3885, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //variables/etc. public function get length():Number { //MethodID:3886, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 5 return -1; } public function get vpos():Number { //MethodID:3887, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 17 return (TimeUtils.now().time - 1000); } public function get isInitialized():Boolean { //MethodID:3888, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 4 return true; } //constructor public function _HirobaTimeline() { //MethodID:3889, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } //■class(instance)_index:292 //private class _CommentTextFieldProvider extends Object implements IDisplayObjectProvider { //static constructor public static function _CommentTextFieldProvider$cinit() { //MethodID:3890, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _CommentTextFieldProvider(hug1:ObjectPool, hug2:IComment) { //MethodID:3891, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 16 super(); this._pool = hug1; this._comment = hug2; } //variables/etc. private var _pool:ObjectPool; //slotID:0 private var _comment:IComment; //slotID:0 private var _textComment:CommentTextField; //slotID:0 public function create():DisplayObject { //MethodID:3892, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 62 Assert.assert(!this._textComment, "_CommentTextFieldProvider.create: _textComment is not null"); this._textComment = this._pool.create(); this._textComment.reset(this._comment, -1); this._textComment.displayObject.visible = true; return this._textComment.displayObject; } public function release(hug1:DisplayObject):void { //MethodID:3893, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 59 Assert.assert(this._textComment && (this._textComment.displayObject === hug1)); this._textComment.displayObject.visible = false; this._pool.restore(this._textComment); this._textComment = null; } public function assignZ(hug1:DisplayObject, hug2:int):void { //MethodID:3894, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } } //■class(instance)_index:293 //private class _ClickableCommentProvider extends Object implements IDisplayObjectProvider { //static constructor public static function _ClickableCommentProvider$cinit() { //MethodID:3895, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _ClickableCommentProvider(hug1:ObjectPool, hug2:IComment) { //MethodID:3896, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 16 super(); this._pool = hug1; this._comment = hug2; } //variables/etc. private var _pool:ObjectPool; //slotID:0 private var _comment:IComment; //slotID:0 private var _clickableComment:ClickableComment; //slotID:0 public function create():DisplayObject { //MethodID:3897, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 45 Assert.assert(!this._clickableComment); this._clickableComment = this._pool.create(); this._clickableComment.displayObject.visible = true; return this._clickableComment.displayObject; } public function release(hug1:DisplayObject):void { //MethodID:3898, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 59 Assert.assert(this._clickableComment && (this._clickableComment.displayObject === hug1)); this._clickableComment.displayObject.visible = false; this._pool.restore(this._clickableComment); this._clickableComment = null; } public function assignZ(hug1:DisplayObject, hug2:int):void { //MethodID:3899, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } } //■script245■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.hiroba.view{ //■class(instance)_index:294 public class HirobaCommentListName extends Object { //static constructor public static function HirobaCommentListName$cinit() { //MethodID:3901, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 21 HIROBA = "cl_name:hiroba"; OTHER_VIDEO = "cl_name:other_video"; } //static variables/etc. public static const HIROBA:String = "cl_name:hiroba"; //slotID:1 public static const OTHER_VIDEO:String = "cl_name:other_video"; //slotID:2 //constructor public function HirobaCommentListName() { //MethodID:3902, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script246■ package jp.nicovideo.marquee.models{ //■class(instance)_index:295 public class MarqueePriorityConstants extends Object { //static constructor public static function MarqueePriorityConstants$cinit() { //MethodID:3904, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 67 USER_NICOWARI = 3; ADS_LIVE_NICOWARI = 5; LIVE_ALERT = 6; JK_ALERT = 6; UNEI_COMMENT = 8; OFFICIAL_ANIME_NICOWARI = 11; PLUGIN_ALERT = 2; POWER_INFOMATION_INTERRUPT = 2; } //static variables/etc. public static const USER_NICOWARI:Number = 3.0; //slotID:1 public static const ADS_LIVE_NICOWARI:Number = 5.0; //slotID:2 public static const LIVE_ALERT:Number = 6.0; //slotID:3 public static const JK_ALERT:Number = 6.0; //slotID:4 public static const UNEI_COMMENT:Number = 8.0; //slotID:5 public static const OFFICIAL_ANIME_NICOWARI:Number = 11.0; //slotID:6 public static const PLUGIN_ALERT:Number = 2.0; //slotID:7 public static const POWER_INFOMATION_INTERRUPT:Number = 2.0; //slotID:8 //constructor public function MarqueePriorityConstants() { //MethodID:3905, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script247■ package jp.nicovideo.marquee{ //■class(instance)_index:296 public class MarqueeInterruptType extends Object { //static constructor public static function MarqueeInterruptType$cinit() { //MethodID:3907, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 75 UNKNOWN = "unknown"; CM = "cm"; LIVE_ALERT = "live_alert"; JK_ALERT = "jk_alert"; UNEI_COMMENT = "unei_comment"; ADS_LIVE = "ads_live"; PLUGIN_ALERT = "plugin_alert"; POWER_INFOMATION = "power_infomation"; } //static variables/etc. public static const UNKNOWN:String = "unknown"; //slotID:1 public static const CM:String = "cm"; //slotID:2 public static const LIVE_ALERT:String = "live_alert"; //slotID:3 public static const JK_ALERT:String = "jk_alert"; //slotID:4 public static const UNEI_COMMENT:String = "unei_comment"; //slotID:5 public static const ADS_LIVE:String = "ads_live"; //slotID:6 public static const PLUGIN_ALERT:String = "plugin_alert"; //slotID:7 public static const POWER_INFOMATION:String = "power_infomation";//slotID:8 //constructor public function MarqueeInterruptType() { //MethodID:3908, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script248■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.video{ import flash.display.DisplayObject import flash.display.Sprite import flash.events.TimerEvent import flash.utils.Timer import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.VideoLayerConstants import jp.nicovideo.util.Functions import jp.nicovideo.util.ObjectUtils //■class(instance)_index:298 public class DummyVideo extends Object implements IChildVideo { //static constructor public static function DummyVideo$cinit() { //MethodID:3916, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function DummyVideo(hug1:Number) { //MethodID:3918, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 192 internal var length:Number; //slotID:1 length = hug1; this._videoTimer = new Timer(this._delayTime); this._onInitialized = new Functions(); this._onEnded = new Functions(); this._onSeeked = new Functions(); this._onSeeking = new Functions(); this._onPlayed = new Functions(); this._onStopped = new Functions(); this._onVideoLoadComplete = new Functions(); this._onVideoBufferingStarted = new Functions(); this._onVideoError = new Functions(); this._displayObject = new Sprite(); this._video = new Sprite(); this._vposProvider = new _VposProvider(); super(); if(length < 0) throw new ArgumentError("DummyVideo.DummyVideo: length must be positive number."); this._length = length; this._videoTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, function(hug1:TimerEvent):void{ //MethodID:3917, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 72 if(_vposProvider.vpos >= length){ _isEnd = true; _videoTimer.stop(); _vposProvider.onStopped(); _vposProvider.lastVpos = length; _isPlaying = _isPausing = false; _onEnded.apply(_isLoop); } }); this._vposProvider.lastVpos = 0.0; } //variables/etc. private const _delayTime:uint = 40; //slotID:0 private var _videoTimer:Timer; //slotID:0 private var _length:uint; //slotID:0 private var _isLoop:Boolean; //slotID:0 private const _onInitialized:Functions; //slotID:0 private const _onEnded:Functions; //slotID:0 private const _onSeeked:Functions; //slotID:0 private const _onSeeking:Functions; //slotID:0 private const _onPlayed:Functions; //slotID:0 private const _onStopped:Functions; //slotID:0 private const _onVideoLoadComplete:Functions; //slotID:0 private const _onVideoBufferingStarted:Functions; //slotID:0 private const _onVideoError:Functions; //slotID:0 private var _isPlaying:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var _isPausing:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var _isEnd:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var _displayObject:DisplayObject; //slotID:0 private var _video:DisplayObject; //slotID:0 private var _vposProvider:_VposProvider; //slotID:0 public function initEvent():void { //MethodID:3920, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 48 this._onStopped.add(this._vposProvider.onStopped); this._onPlayed.add(this._vposProvider.onPlayed); this._onEnded.add(function(hug1:Boolean):void{ //MethodID:3919, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 8 _vposProvider.onStopped(); }); } public function load(hug1:Function):void { //MethodID:3921, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 12 ObjectUtils.callLater(hug1, true); } public function play():void { //MethodID:3922, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 40 this._isEnd = false; this._isPlaying = true; this._isPausing = false; this._videoTimer.start(); ObjectUtils.callLater(this._onPlayed.apply); } public function stop():void { //MethodID:3923, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 35 this._isEnd = false; this._isPausing = true; this._videoTimer.stop(); ObjectUtils.callLater(this._onStopped.apply); } public function close():void { //MethodID:3924, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function seek(hug1:Number):void { //MethodID:3925, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 31 this._isEnd = false; this._vposProvider.lastVpos = hug1; ObjectUtils.callLater(this._onSeeked.apply, hug1); } public function get length():Number { //MethodID:3926, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._length; } public function get loadedLength():Number { //MethodID:3927, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._length; } public function get vpos():Number { //MethodID:3928, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 10 return this._vposProvider.vpos; } public function set isLoop(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:3929, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._isLoop = hug1; } public function set volume(hug1:Number):void { //MethodID:3930, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function get isInitialized():Boolean { //MethodID:3931, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 4 return true; } public function get isControllable():Boolean { //MethodID:3932, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 4 return true; } public function get isPlaying():Boolean { //MethodID:3933, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isPlaying; } public function get isPausing():Boolean { //MethodID:3934, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isPausing; } public function get isSeeking():Boolean { //MethodID:3935, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 4 return false; } public function get isEnd():Boolean { //MethodID:3936, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isEnd; } public function get isBuffering():Boolean { //MethodID:3937, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 4 return false; } public function get onVideoInitialized():Functions { //MethodID:3938, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._onInitialized; } public function get onVideoEnded():Functions { //MethodID:3939, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._onEnded; } public function get onVideoSeeked():Functions { //MethodID:3940, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._onSeeked; } public function get onVideoSeeking():Functions { //MethodID:3941, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._onSeeking; } public function get onVideoPlayed():Functions { //MethodID:3942, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._onPlayed; } public function get onVideoStopped():Functions { //MethodID:3943, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._onStopped; } public function get onVideoError():Functions { //MethodID:3944, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._onVideoError; } public function get layer():DisplayObject { //MethodID:3945, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._displayObject; } public function get source():DisplayObject { //MethodID:3946, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._video; } public function get videoPlayerStatus():String { //MethodID:3947, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 54 if(this._isEnd) return VideoPlayerStatus.END; if(this._isPlaying){ if(this._isPausing) return VideoPlayerStatus.PAUSED; return VideoPlayerStatus.PLAYING; } return VideoPlayerStatus.STOPPED; } public function get onVideoBufferingStarted():Functions { //MethodID:3948, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._onVideoBufferingStarted; } public function get onVideoLoadComplete():Functions { //MethodID:3949, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._onVideoLoadComplete; } public function resize(hug1:Number, hug2:Number):void { //MethodID:3950, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function get contentWidth():int { //MethodID:3951, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 9 return VideoLayerConstants.VIDEO_LAYER_SD_WIDTH; } public function get contentHeight():int { //MethodID:3952, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 9 return VideoLayerConstants.VIDEO_LAYER_SD_HEIGHT; } } } import jp.nicovideo.util.TimeUtils //■class(instance)_index:297 //private class _VposProvider extends Object { //static constructor public static function _VposProvider$cinit() { //MethodID:3910, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //variables/etc. private var _startTime:Number; //slotID:0 private var _isPausing:Boolean = true; //slotID:0 private var _lastVpos:Number = 0.0; //slotID:0 public function onPlayed():void { //MethodID:3911, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 22 this._startTime = TimeUtils.now().time; this._isPausing = false; } public function onStopped():void { //MethodID:3912, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 16 this._lastVpos = this.vpos; this._isPausing = true; } public function set lastVpos(hug1:Number):void { //MethodID:3913, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._lastVpos = hug1; } public function get vpos():Number { //MethodID:3914, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 36 if(this._isPausing) return this._lastVpos; return (this._lastVpos + TimeUtils.now().time - this._startTime); } //constructor public function _VposProvider() { //MethodID:3915, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 20 this._startTime = TimeUtils.now().time; super(); } } //■script249■ package jp.nicovideo.util{ import flash.events.StatusEvent import flash.net.LocalConnection import flash.system.Security import flash.utils.clearInterval import flash.utils.setInterval import jp.nicovideo.util.net.local.LocalConnectionFactory //■class(instance)_index:299 public class LC extends Object { //static constructor public static function LC$cinit() { //MethodID:3954, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 CONNECTION_FAIL = "connectionFail"; } //static variables/etc. public static const CONNECTION_FAIL:String = "connectionFail"; //slotID:1 //constructor public function LC(hug1:String) { //MethodID:3955, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 31 this.onErrorOccured = new Functions(); this._lc = LocalConnectionFactory.create(); super(); this._domain = hug1; } //variables/etc. public const onErrorOccured:Functions; //slotID:0 public var _domain:String; //slotID:0 public var _lc:LocalConnection; //slotID:0 private var _client:_LCClient; //slotID:0 public function get isMaster():Boolean { //MethodID:3956, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 11 return (this._client is (_Master)); } public function join(hug1:Function):void { //MethodID:3961, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 5, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 307 internal var f:Function; //slotID:1 internal var self:LC; //slotID:2 internal var time:Number; //slotID:3 internal var attempts:int; //slotID:4 internal var connectionName:String; //slotID:5 internal var timer:Number; //slotID:6 internal var masterize:Function; //slotID:7 self = null; connectionName = null; timer = NaN; f = hug1; masterize = function(hug1:LocalConnection):Boolean{ //MethodID:3959, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 3, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 105 internal var lc:LocalConnection; //slotID:1 lc = hug1; try{ lc.connect(_masterName); lc.client = _client = new _Master(); lc.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, function(hug1:StatusEvent):void{ //MethodID:3958, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 }); _client.setup(self, _masterName); f(); return true; } catch(e:ArgumentError){ } return false; }; Security.allowDomain("*"); this._lc.allowDomain("*"); this._lc.allowInsecureDomain("*"); self = this; if(masterize(this._lc)) return; time = new Date().getTime(); attempts = 3; while(true){ try{ this._lc.connect("" + time); break; } catch(e:ArgumentError){ } attempts -= 1; if(0 < (attempts - 1)){ this.onErrorOccured.apply(CONNECTION_FAIL); return; } time += 1; } connectionName = ("" + time); this._lc.client = this._client = new _Slave(); this._client.setup(this, connectionName); this._lc.send(this._masterName, "_lc_ping", connectionName); timer = setInterval(function():void{ //MethodID:3957, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 17 _lc.send(_masterName, "_lc_ping", connectionName); }, 3000); this._lc.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, function(hug1:StatusEvent):void{ //MethodID:3960, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 3, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 106 internal var event:StatusEvent; //slotID:1 internal var lc:LocalConnection; //slotID:2 lc = null; event = hug1; if(event.level == "error"){ lc = LocalConnectionFactory.create(); if(masterize(lc)){ try{ _lc.close(); } catch(e:ArgumentError){ } _lc = lc; clearInterval(timer); } } }); } public function close():void { //MethodID:3962, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 5, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 35 try{ this._lc.close(); } catch(e:ArgumentError){ } } public function send(hug1:Function, hug2:String, hug3:Object):void { //MethodID:3963, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 14 this._client.send(hug1, hug2, hug3); } public function receive(hug1:Function, hug2:String, hug3:Boolean=false):void { //MethodID:3964, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 14 this._client.receive(hug1, hug2, hug3); } public function get _masterName():String { //MethodID:3965, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 11 return (this._domain + ".master"); } } } import flash.utils.clearTimeout import flash.utils.setTimeout import jp.nicovideo.util.LC import jp.nicovideo.util.ObjectUtils //■class(instance)_index:300 //private class _LCClient extends Object { //static constructor public static function _LCClient$cinit() { //MethodID:3966, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 11 _txIDCounter = 0; } //static variables/etc. private static var _txIDCounter:Number = 0.0; //slotID:1 //variables/etc. protected var _parent:LC; //slotID:0 protected var _connectionName:String; //slotID:0 private var _accepters:Object; //slotID:0 public function setup(hug1:LC, hug2:String):void { //MethodID:3967, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 13 this._parent = hug1; this._connectionName = hug2; } public function send(hug1:Function, hug2:String, hug3:Object):void { //MethodID:3968, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function receive(hug1:Function, hug2:String, hug3:Boolean, hug4:int=0):void { //MethodID:3970, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 127 private var f:Function; //slotID:1 private var message:String; //slotID:2 private var once:Boolean; //slotID:3 private var timeout:int = 0; //slotID:4 private var accepter:_Accepter; //slotID:5 f = hug1; message = hug2; once = hug3; timeout = hug4; this._accepters[message] = new _Accepter(); accepter = new _Accepter(); accepter.f = f; accepter.once = once; if(once && (timeout != 0)){ accepter.timer = setTimeout(function():void{ //MethodID:3969, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 20 f(null); delete _accepters[message]; }, timeout); } } public function _lc_send(hug1:String, hug2:int, hug3:String, hug4:Object):void { //MethodID:3971, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 99 var hug5:_Accepter = this._accepters[hug3]; if(!hug5) return; var hug6:* = hug5.f(hug4); if(hug2 != 0) this._send(hug1, null, ("" + hug2), hug6); if(hug5.once){ if(!isNaN(hug5.timer)) clearTimeout(hug5.timer); delete this._accepters[hug3]; } } protected function _send(hug1:String, hug2:Function, hug3:String, hug4:Object):void { //MethodID:3972, LocalCount= 8 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 7, CodeLength= 88 var hug5:int = 0; if(hug2 is Function){ hug5 = (++_txIDCounter); this.receive(hug2, String(++_txIDCounter), true, 3000); } this._parent._lc.send(hug1, "_lc_send", this._connectionName, hug5, hug3, hug4); } //constructor public function _LCClient() { //MethodID:3973, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 this._accepters = {}; super(); } } //■class(instance)_index:301 //private class _Accepter extends Object { //static constructor public static function _Accepter$cinit() { //MethodID:3974, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _Accepter() { //MethodID:3975, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } //variables/etc. public var f:Function; //slotID:0 public var once:Boolean; //slotID:0 public var timer:Number = Number.NaN; //slotID:0 } //■class(instance)_index:302 //private class _SlaveInfo extends Object { //static constructor public static function _SlaveInfo$cinit() { //MethodID:3976, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _SlaveInfo() { //MethodID:3977, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } //variables/etc. public var lastPingTime:Number; //slotID:0 } //■class(instance)_index:303 //private class _Master extends _LCClient { //static constructor public static function _Master$cinit() { //MethodID:3978, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //variables/etc. private var _slaves:Object; //slotID:0 override public function send(hug1:Function, hug2:String, hug3:Object):void { //MethodID:3979, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 71 var hug4:String = null; for(hug4 in this._slaves){ _send(hug4, null, hug2, hug3); } if(hug1 is Function) ObjectUtils.callLater(hug1, null); } public function _lc_ping(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:3980, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 57 var hug2:_SlaveInfo = this._slaves[hug1]; if(!hug2){ this._slaves[hug1] = new _SlaveInfo(); hug2 = new _SlaveInfo(); } hug2.lastPingTime = new Date().getTime(); } //constructor public function _Master() { //MethodID:3981, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 this._slaves = {}; super(); } } //■class(instance)_index:304 //private class _Slave extends _LCClient { //static constructor public static function _Slave$cinit() { //MethodID:3982, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //variables/etc. override public function send(hug1:Function, hug2:String, hug3:Object):void { //MethodID:3983, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 19 _send(_parent._masterName, hug1, hug2, hug3); } //constructor public function _Slave() { //MethodID:3984, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } //■script250■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.relation{ import __AS3__.vec.Vector //■class(instance)_index:305 public interface IGetRelationResult { //static constructor public static function IGetRelationResult$cinit() { //MethodID:3986, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function get recommendedVideoList():Vector.; //MethodID:3987, dispID:0 function get ownerOtherVideoList():Vector.; //MethodID:3988, dispID:0 function get ownerOtherVideoURL():String; //MethodID:3989, dispID:0 function get liveDJInfo():ILiveDJInfo; //MethodID:3990, dispID:0 //constructor public function IGetRelationResult(); //MethodID:3991, dispID:0 } } //■script251■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.relation{ //■class(instance)_index:306 public interface ILiveDJInfo { //static constructor public static function ILiveDJInfo$cinit() { //MethodID:3993, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function get catategoryName():String; //MethodID:3994, dispID:0 function get linkURL():String; //MethodID:3995, dispID:0 function get videoTitle():String; //MethodID:3996, dispID:0 function get thumbnailURL():String; //MethodID:3997, dispID:0 //constructor public function ILiveDJInfo(); //MethodID:3998, dispID:0 } } //■script252■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.relation{ import __AS3__.vec.Vector import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.RelatedVideo //■class(instance)_index:307 public class GetRelationResultFactory extends Object { //static constructor public static function GetRelationResultFactory$cinit() { //MethodID:4000, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //static variables/etc. public static function createByResponse(hug1:XML, hug2:Vector., hug3:Vector., hug4:uint):IGetRelationResult { //dispID:3, MethodID:4001, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 42 var hug5:Boolean = XML.ignoreWhitespace; XML.ignoreWhitespace = true; var hug6:IGetRelationResult = _parseResponse(hug1, hug2, hug3, hug4); XML.ignoreWhitespace = hug5; return hug6; } public static function createByValues(hug1:Vector.=null, hug2:Vector.=null, hug3:String=null, hug4:ILiveDJInfo=null):IGetRelationResult { //dispID:4, MethodID:4002, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 15 return new _GetRelationResult(hug1, hug2, hug3, hug4); } private static function _parseResponse(hug1:XML, hug2:Vector., hug3:Vector., hug4:uint):IGetRelationResult { //dispID:5, MethodID:4006, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 273 internal var response:XML; //slotID:1 internal var targets:Vector.; //slotID:2 internal var extTargets:Vector.; //slotID:3 internal var extTargetCount:uint; //slotID:4 internal var recommendedVideoList:Vector.; //slotID:5 internal var ownerOtherVideoList:Vector.; //slotID:6 internal var ownerOtherVideoURL:String; //slotID:7 internal var liveDJInfo:ILiveDJInfo; //slotID:8 internal var parseXML:Function; //slotID:9 internal var parseRecommendedVideoList:Function; //slotID:10 internal var isRequired:Function; //slotID:11 recommendedVideoList = null; ownerOtherVideoList = null; ownerOtherVideoURL = null; liveDJInfo = null; response = hug1; targets = hug2; extTargets = hug3; extTargetCount = hug4; parseXML = function(hug1:XML):void{ //MethodID:4003, LocalCount= 8 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 6, CodeLength= 346 var hug2:XML = null; var hug3:XML = null; for each(hug2 in hug1.children()){ switch(hug2.localName()){ case GetRelationTarget.RELATED_VIDEO: parseRecommendedVideoList(hug2); break; case GetRelationTarget.OWNER_VIDEO: if(ownerOtherVideoList == null) ownerOtherVideoList = new Vector.(); for each(hug3 in hug2[_ResponseDefines.TAG_NAME_VIDEO4ITEM]){ ownerOtherVideoList.push(_createRelatedVideoByXML(hug3, true)); } if(hug2[_ResponseDefines.TAG_NAME_LIST_URL] != null) ownerOtherVideoURL = hug2[_ResponseDefines.TAG_NAME_LIST_URL]; break; case GetRelationTarget.LIVE_DJ: liveDJInfo = new _LiveDJInfo(hug2.name, hug2.url, hug2.title, hug2.thumbnail_url); break; case _ResponseDefines.TAG_NAME_EXT_TARGET: parseXML(hug2); break; default: break; } } }; parseRecommendedVideoList = function(hug1:XML):void{ //MethodID:4004, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 83 var hug2:XML = null; if(recommendedVideoList == null) recommendedVideoList = new Vector.(); for each(hug2 in hug1[_ResponseDefines.TAG_NAME_VIDEO4ITEM]){ recommendedVideoList.push(_createRelatedVideoByXML(hug2)); } }; isRequired = function(hug1:String):Boolean{ //MethodID:4005, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 80 if((targets != null) && (targets.indexOf(hug1) != (-1))) return true; if((extTargets != null) && (extTargets.indexOf(hug1) != (-1)) && (extTargets.indexOf(hug1) < extTargetCount)) return true; return false; }; if(response.@status != _ResponseDefines.STATUS_OK) throw new ArgumentError("GetRelationResultFactory._parse: invalid response."); recommendedVideoList = (isRequired(GetRelationTarget.RELATED_VIDEO) ? new Vector.() : null); ownerOtherVideoList = (isRequired(GetRelationTarget.OWNER_VIDEO) ? new Vector.() : null); if(response.localName() == GetRelationTarget.RELATED_VIDEO){ parseRecommendedVideoList(response); }else{ parseXML(response); } return new _GetRelationResult(recommendedVideoList, ownerOtherVideoList, ownerOtherVideoURL, liveDJInfo); } private static function _createRelatedVideoByXML(hug1:XML, hug2:Boolean=false):RelatedVideo { //dispID:6, MethodID:4007, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 10, CodeLength= 98 if(hug2) return new RelatedVideo(hug1.url, hug1.thumbnail, hug1.title, (Number(hug1.length) * 1000)); return new RelatedVideo(hug1.url, hug1.thumbnail, hug1.title, (Number(hug1.length) * 1000), hug1.view, hug1.comment, hug1.mylist, (Number(hug1.time) * 1000)); } //constructor public function GetRelationResultFactory() { //MethodID:4008, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } import __AS3__.vec.Vector import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.relation.ILiveDJInfo //■class(instance)_index:308 //private class _ResponseDefines extends Object { //static constructor public static function _ResponseDefines$cinit() { //MethodID:4009, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 39 STATUS_OK = "ok"; TAG_NAME_VIDEO4ITEM = "video"; TAG_NAME_LIST_URL = "list_url"; TAG_NAME_EXT_TARGET = "ext_target"; } //static variables/etc. public static const STATUS_OK:String = "ok"; //slotID:1 public static const TAG_NAME_VIDEO4ITEM:String = "video"; //slotID:2 public static const TAG_NAME_LIST_URL:String = "list_url"; //slotID:3 public static const TAG_NAME_EXT_TARGET:String = "ext_target"; //slotID:4 //constructor public function _ResponseDefines() { //MethodID:4010, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } //■class(instance)_index:309 //private class _GetRelationResult extends Object implements IGetRelationResult { //static constructor public static function _GetRelationResult$cinit() { //MethodID:4011, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _GetRelationResult(hug1:Vector.=null, hug2:Vector.=null, hug3:String=null, hug4:ILiveDJInfo=null) { //MethodID:4012, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 27 super(); this._recommendedVideoList = hug1; this._ownerOtherVideoList = hug2; this._ownerOtherVideoURL = hug3; this._liveDJInfo = hug4; } //variables/etc. private var _recommendedVideoList:Vector.; //slotID:0 private var _ownerOtherVideoList:Vector.; //slotID:0 private var _videoenderVideoListTarget:String; //slotID:0 private var _ownerOtherVideoURL:String; //slotID:0 private var _liveDJInfo:ILiveDJInfo; //slotID:0 public function get recommendedVideoList():Vector. { //MethodID:4013, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._recommendedVideoList; } public function get ownerOtherVideoList():Vector. { //MethodID:4014, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._ownerOtherVideoList; } public function get ownerOtherVideoURL():String { //MethodID:4015, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._ownerOtherVideoURL; } public function get liveDJInfo():ILiveDJInfo { //MethodID:4016, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._liveDJInfo; } } //■class(instance)_index:310 //private class _LiveDJInfo extends Object implements ILiveDJInfo { //static constructor public static function _LiveDJInfo$cinit() { //MethodID:4017, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _LiveDJInfo(hug1:String, hug2:String, hug3:String, hug4:String) { //MethodID:4018, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 56 super(); if(hug1 != "") this._catategoryName = hug1; if(hug2 != "") this._linkURL = hug2; if(hug3 != "") this._videoTitle = hug3; if(hug4 != "") this._thumbnailURL = hug4; } //variables/etc. private var _catategoryName:String; //slotID:0 private var _linkURL:String; //slotID:0 private var _videoTitle:String; //slotID:0 private var _thumbnailURL:String; //slotID:0 public function get catategoryName():String { //MethodID:4019, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._catategoryName; } public function get linkURL():String { //MethodID:4020, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._linkURL; } public function get videoTitle():String { //MethodID:4021, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._videoTitle; } public function get thumbnailURL():String { //MethodID:4022, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._thumbnailURL; } } //■script253■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models{ //■class(instance)_index:311 public class RelatedConstants extends Object { //static constructor public static function RelatedConstants$cinit() { //MethodID:4024, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 75 SORT_RELATEDPOINT = "p"; SORT_VIEWCOUNTER = "v"; SORT_ENTRYDATE = "f"; SORT_RESDATE = "n"; SORT_RESNUM = "r"; SORT_MYLISTCOUNTER = "m"; ORDER_UP = "a"; ORDER_DOWN = "d"; } //static variables/etc. public static const SORT_RELATEDPOINT:String = "p"; //slotID:1 public static const SORT_VIEWCOUNTER:String = "v"; //slotID:2 public static const SORT_ENTRYDATE:String = "f"; //slotID:3 public static const SORT_RESDATE:String = "n"; //slotID:4 public static const SORT_RESNUM:String = "r"; //slotID:5 public static const SORT_MYLISTCOUNTER:String = "m"; //slotID:6 public static const ORDER_UP:String = "a"; //slotID:7 public static const ORDER_DOWN:String = "d"; //slotID:8 //constructor public function RelatedConstants() { //MethodID:4025, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script254■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.relation{ //■class(instance)_index:312 public class GetRelationTarget extends Object { //static constructor public static function GetRelationTarget$cinit() { //MethodID:4027, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 30 RELATED_VIDEO = "related_video"; OWNER_VIDEO = "owner_video"; LIVE_DJ = "dj"; } //static variables/etc. public static const RELATED_VIDEO:String = "related_video"; //slotID:1 public static const OWNER_VIDEO:String = "owner_video"; //slotID:2 public static const LIVE_DJ:String = "dj"; //slotID:3 //constructor public function GetRelationTarget() { //MethodID:4028, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script255■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.relation{ //■class(instance)_index:313 public interface IOwnerOtherVideo { //static constructor public static function IOwnerOtherVideo$cinit() { //MethodID:4030, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function get videoTitle():String; //MethodID:4031, dispID:0 function get watchURL():String; //MethodID:4032, dispID:0 function get thumbnailURL():String; //MethodID:4033, dispID:0 function get videoLength():Number; //MethodID:4034, dispID:0 //constructor public function IOwnerOtherVideo(); //MethodID:4035, dispID:0 } } //■script256■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models{ //■class(instance)_index:314 public class RelatedVideo extends Object implements IOwnerOtherVideo { //static constructor public static function RelatedVideo$cinit() { //MethodID:4037, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function RelatedVideo(hug1:String, hug2:String, hug3:String, hug4:Number=Number.NaN, hug5:Number=Number.NaN, hug6:Number=Number.NaN, hug7:Number=Number.NaN, hug8:Number=Number.NaN) { //MethodID:4038, LocalCount= 9 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 69 super(); this.__watchURL = hug1; this.__thumbnailURL = hug2; this.__videoTitle = hug3; this.__viewCounter = hug5; this.__resNum = hug6; this.__mylistCounter = hug7; this.__videoLength = hug4; if(!isNaN(hug8)) this.__entryDate = new Date(hug8); } //variables/etc. private var __watchURL:String; //slotID:0 private var __thumbnailURL:String; //slotID:0 private var __videoTitle:String; //slotID:0 private var __viewCounter:Number; //slotID:0 private var __resNum:Number; //slotID:0 private var __mylistCounter:Number; //slotID:0 private var __videoLength:Number; //slotID:0 private var __entryDate:Date; //slotID:0 public function get watchURL():String { //MethodID:4039, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__watchURL; } public function get thumbnailURL():String { //MethodID:4040, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__thumbnailURL; } public function get videoTitle():String { //MethodID:4041, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__videoTitle; } public function get viewCounter():Number { //MethodID:4042, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__viewCounter; } public function get resNum():Number { //MethodID:4043, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__resNum; } public function get mylistCounter():Number { //MethodID:4044, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__mylistCounter; } public function get videoLength():Number { //MethodID:4045, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__videoLength; } public function get entryDate():Date { //MethodID:4046, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__entryDate; } } } //■script257■ package jp.nicovideo.util{ //■class(instance)_index:315 public class JSON extends Object { //static constructor public static function JSON$cinit() { //MethodID:4048, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 33 __DIGITs = "0123456789"; __HEX_DIGITs = (__DIGITs + "abcdef"); __NULL = {}; } //static variables/etc. private static const __DIGITs:String = 0123456789; //slotID:1 private static const __HEX_DIGITs:String; //slotID:2 private static const __NULL:Object; //slotID:3 public static function decode(hug1:String):Object { //dispID:3, MethodID:4049, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 32 var hug2:* = new Object(hug1).__get_value(); if(hug2 === __NULL) __error("Empty string."); return hug2; } private static function __error(hug1:String):void { //dispID:4, MethodID:4050, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 15 throw new Error("JSON parse error: " + hug1); } private static function __isDigit(hug1:String):Boolean { //dispID:5, MethodID:4051, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 19 return (("0" <= hug1) && (hug1 <= "9")); } private static function __isIdPart(hug1:String, hug2:Boolean=false):Boolean { //dispID:6, MethodID:4052, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 64 hug1 = hug1.toLowerCase(); return (((hug1 == "_") || (("a" <= hug1.toLowerCase()) && (hug1 <= "z"))) || (!hug2 && __isDigit(hug1))); } //constructor public function JSON(hug1:String) { //MethodID:4053, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 11 super(); this.__s = hug1; } //variables/etc. private var __i:Number = 0.0; //slotID:0 private var __s:String; //slotID:0 public function __blank():void { //MethodID:4056, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 208 internal var anal:Boolean; //slotID:1 anal = false; while(true){ while(" \r\n".indexOf(this.__c) != (-1)){ this.__i++; } if(this.__c != "/") break; this.__i++; if(this.__c == "/"){ this.__clip(function(hug1:String):Boolean{ //MethodID:4054, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 return ("\r\n".indexOf(hug1) == (-1)); }); }else if(this.__c == "*"){ anal = false; this.__clip(function(hug1:String):Boolean{ //MethodID:4055, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 34 if((hug1 == "/") && anal) return false; anal = (hug1 == "*"); return true; }, -1, 2); if((this.__c != "/") || !anal) __error("A comment reaching to end."); }else{ __error("Unexpected `/'."); } this.__i++; } } public function __get_value():* { //MethodID:4058, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 353 internal var id:String; //slotID:1 internal var val:*; //slotID:2 internal var obj:Object; //slotID:3 obj = null; this.__blank(); switch(this.__c){ case "{": this.__i++; obj = {}; this.__csv(function():*{ //MethodID:4057, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 114 __blank(); var hug1:String = __get_string(); if(hug1 == null) return __NULL; __blank(); if(__c != ":") __error("Expected `:' but:" + __c); __i++; obj[hug1] = __get_value(); if(__get_value() === __NULL) __error("Expected VALUE."); return null; }, "}"); return obj; case "[": this.__i++; return this.__csv(this.__get_value, "]"); default: break; } id = this.__get_id(); if(id != null){ switch(id){ case "true": return true; case "false": return false; case "null": return null; default: __error("Unrecognizable ID:" + id); break; } } val = this.__get_string(); val = this.__get_number(); if((val == null) && isNaN(this.__get_number())) val = __NULL; return val; } public function __get_string():String { //MethodID:4059, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 79 if(this.__c != "\"") return null; this.__i++; var hug1:String = ""; while(this.__c != "\""){ hug1 += this.__unquote(); } this.__i++; return hug1; } private function __unquote():String { //MethodID:4061, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 6, CodeLength= 240 internal var c:String; //slotID:1 c = this.__clip(null); if(c != "\\") return c; c = this.__clip(null); switch(c){ case "b": return "\b"; case "f": return "\f"; case "n": return "\n"; case "r": return "\r"; case "t": return "\t"; case "u": return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(this.__clip(function(hug1:String):Boolean{ //MethodID:4060, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 13 return (__HEX_DIGITs.indexOf(hug1) != (-1)); }, 4, 4), 16)); default: break; } return c; } public function __get_number():Number { //MethodID:4062, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 376 var hug1:Number = this.__i; if(this.__c == "-"){ this.__i++; if(!__isDigit(this.__c)) __error("Expected DIGIT."); } var hug2:String = "0"; if(this.__c == "0"){ this.__i++; }else{ hug2 = this.__clip(__isDigit, -1, 0); if(this.__clip(__isDigit, -1, 0) == "") return NaN; } var hug3:Number = 1; while(true){ if((hug3 % 2) && (this.__c == ".")){ this.__i++; this.__clip(__isDigit, -1); hug3 *= 2; continue; } if((hug3 % 3) && (this.__c.toLowerCase() == "e")){ this.__i++; if(!(__isDigit(this.__c) || ("+-".indexOf(this.__c) != (-1)))) __error("Expected DIGIT or `+-'."); this.__i++; this.__clip(__isDigit, -1, 0); hug3 *= 3; continue; } break; } return parseFloat(this.__s.slice(hug1, this.__i)); } public function __get_id():String { //MethodID:4063, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 31 if(!__isIdPart(this.__c, true)) return null; return this.__clip(__isIdPart, -1); } public function __csv(hug1:Function, hug2:String):Array { //MethodID:4064, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 140 var hug4:* = undefined; var hug3:Array = []; while(true){ hug4 = hug1(); if(hug4 !== __NULL){ hug3.push(hug4); this.__blank(); if(this.__c == ","){ this.__i++; continue; } } break; } if(this.__c != hug2) __error("Expected `" + hug2 + "' but:" + this.__c); this.__i++; return hug3; } public function get __c():String { //MethodID:4065, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 38 return ((this.__i >= this.__s.length) ? "" : this.__s.charAt(this.__i)); } private function __clip(hug1:Function, hug2:Number=Number.NaN, hug3:Number=Number.NaN):String { //MethodID:4067, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 224 internal var f:Function; //slotID:1 internal var max:Number = Number.NaN; //slotID:2 internal var min:Number = Number.NaN; //slotID:3 internal var i:Number; //slotID:4 f = hug1; max = hug2; min = hug3; if(!f){ f = function(hug1:String):Boolean{ //MethodID:4066, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 2 return true; }; } if(isNaN(max)) max = 1; if(isNaN(min)) min = 1; i = this.__i; max -= 1; while(((this.__c != "") && (max != 0)) && f(this.__c)){ this.__i++; } if((this.__i - i) < min) __error("Expected " + min + " chars."); return this.__s.slice(i, this.__i); } } } //■script258■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.remocon.method{ //■class(instance)_index:316 public class RemoconMethodParamName extends Object { //static constructor public static function RemoconMethodParamName$cinit() { //MethodID:4069, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 75 VOLUME = "vol"; OFFSET = "offset"; VPOS = "vpos"; TEXT = "text"; COMMAND = "command"; EXPIRE = "expire"; TOKEN = "token"; LEVEL = "level"; } //static variables/etc. public static const VOLUME:String = "vol"; //slotID:1 public static const OFFSET:String = "offset"; //slotID:2 public static const VPOS:String = "vpos"; //slotID:3 public static const TEXT:String = "text"; //slotID:4 public static const COMMAND:String = "command"; //slotID:5 public static const EXPIRE:String = "expire"; //slotID:6 public static const TOKEN:String = "token"; //slotID:7 public static const LEVEL:String = "level"; //slotID:8 //constructor public function RemoconMethodParamName() { //MethodID:4070, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script259■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.remocon.method{ //■class(instance)_index:317 public class RemoconMethodName extends Object { //static constructor public static function RemoconMethodName$cinit() { //MethodID:4072, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 93 SET_VOL = "setVol"; TOGGLE_PLAY = "switchPlay"; TOGGLE_REPEAT = "switchRepeat"; TOGGLE_MUTE = "switchMute"; TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN = "switchFullscreen"; TOGGLE_COMMENT_VISIBLE = "switchShowComment"; POST_COMMENT = "sendComment"; SEEK_TO = "seekTo"; SEEK_PLUS = "seekPlus"; SEEK_TO_ALERT = "seekToAlert"; } //static variables/etc. public static const SET_VOL:String = "setVol"; //slotID:1 public static const TOGGLE_PLAY:String = "switchPlay"; //slotID:2 public static const TOGGLE_REPEAT:String = "switchRepeat"; //slotID:3 public static const TOGGLE_MUTE:String = "switchMute"; //slotID:4 public static const TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN:String = "switchFullscreen";//slotID:5 public static const TOGGLE_COMMENT_VISIBLE:String = "switchShowComment";//slotID:6 public static const POST_COMMENT:String = "sendComment"; //slotID:7 public static const SEEK_TO:String = "seekTo"; //slotID:8 public static const SEEK_PLUS:String = "seekPlus"; //slotID:9 public static const SEEK_TO_ALERT:String = "seekToAlert"; //slotID:10 //constructor public function RemoconMethodName() { //MethodID:4073, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script260■ package jp.nicovideo.remocon{ //■class(instance)_index:318 public final class AlertState extends Object { //static constructor public static function AlertState$cinit() { //MethodID:4075, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 300 VOLUME = "Volume"; PLAY = "Play"; PAUSE = "Pause"; FAST_FOWARD_LV1 = "FastForwardLV1"; FAST_FOWARD_LV2 = "FastForwardLV2"; FAST_FOWARD_LV3 = "FastForwardLV3"; REWIND_LV1 = "Rewind_LV1"; REWIND_LV2 = "Rewind_LV2"; REWIND_LV3 = "Rewind_LV3"; FAST_FOWARD_EX = "FastForwardEX"; REWIND_EX = "Rewind_EX"; COMMENT_POST_COMPLETE = "CommentPostComplete"; COMMENT_POST_ERROR = "CommentPostError"; COMMENT_POST_REJECT = "CommentPostReject"; COMMENT_VISIBLE = "CommentVisible"; COMMENT_INVISIBLE = "CommentInVisible"; FULLSCREEN_ON = "FullScreenOn"; FULLSCREEN_OFF = "FullScreenOff"; MUTE_ON = "MuteOn"; MUTE_OFF = "MuteOff"; REPEAT_ON = "RepeatOn"; REPEAT_OFF = "RepeatOff"; NICODEN_START = "NicodenStart"; NICODEN_COMPLETE = "NicodenComplete"; NICODEN_REJECT = "NicodenReject"; VOTE_START = "VoteStart"; VOTE_COMPLETE = "VoteComplete"; VOTE_REJECT = "VoteReject"; REMOCON_CONNECT = "RemoconConnect"; REMOCON_MAINTENANCE = "RemoconMaintenance"; REMOCON_ERROR = "RemoconError"; REMOCON_HALT = "RemoconHalt"; SEEK_CHANGE = "SeekChange"; } //static variables/etc. public static const VOLUME:String = "Volume"; //slotID:1 public static const PLAY:String = "Play"; //slotID:2 public static const PAUSE:String = "Pause"; //slotID:3 public static const FAST_FOWARD_LV1:String = "FastForwardLV1"; //slotID:4 public static const FAST_FOWARD_LV2:String = "FastForwardLV2"; //slotID:5 public static const FAST_FOWARD_LV3:String = "FastForwardLV3"; //slotID:6 public static const REWIND_LV1:String = "Rewind_LV1"; //slotID:7 public static const REWIND_LV2:String = "Rewind_LV2"; //slotID:8 public static const REWIND_LV3:String = "Rewind_LV3"; //slotID:9 public static const FAST_FOWARD_EX:String = "FastForwardEX"; //slotID:10 public static const REWIND_EX:String = "Rewind_EX"; //slotID:11 public static const COMMENT_POST_COMPLETE:String = "CommentPostComplete";//slotID:12 public static const COMMENT_POST_ERROR:String = "CommentPostError";//slotID:13 public static const COMMENT_POST_REJECT:String = "CommentPostReject";//slotID:14 public static const COMMENT_VISIBLE:String = "CommentVisible"; //slotID:15 public static const COMMENT_INVISIBLE:String = "CommentInVisible";//slotID:16 public static const FULLSCREEN_ON:String = "FullScreenOn"; //slotID:17 public static const FULLSCREEN_OFF:String = "FullScreenOff"; //slotID:18 public static const MUTE_ON:String = "MuteOn"; //slotID:19 public static const MUTE_OFF:String = "MuteOff"; //slotID:20 public static const REPEAT_ON:String = "RepeatOn"; //slotID:21 public static const REPEAT_OFF:String = "RepeatOff"; //slotID:22 public static const NICODEN_START:String = "NicodenStart"; //slotID:23 public static const NICODEN_COMPLETE:String = "NicodenComplete";//slotID:24 public static const NICODEN_REJECT:String = "NicodenReject"; //slotID:25 public static const VOTE_START:String = "VoteStart"; //slotID:26 public static const VOTE_COMPLETE:String = "VoteComplete"; //slotID:27 public static const VOTE_REJECT:String = "VoteReject"; //slotID:28 public static const REMOCON_CONNECT:String = "RemoconConnect"; //slotID:29 public static const REMOCON_MAINTENANCE:String = "RemoconMaintenance";//slotID:30 public static const REMOCON_ERROR:String = "RemoconError"; //slotID:31 public static const REMOCON_HALT:String = "RemoconHalt"; //slotID:32 public static const SEEK_CHANGE:String = "SeekChange"; //slotID:33 //constructor public function AlertState() { //MethodID:4076, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script261■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.remocon.method{ //■class(instance)_index:319 public class RemoconSystemMethodName extends Object { //static constructor public static function RemoconSystemMethodName$cinit() { //MethodID:4078, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 21 INITIALIZE = "__initialize"; CHANGE_STATUS = "__changeStatus"; } //static variables/etc. public static const INITIALIZE:String = "__initialize"; //slotID:1 public static const CHANGE_STATUS:String = "__changeStatus"; //slotID:2 //constructor public function RemoconSystemMethodName() { //MethodID:4079, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script262■ //skip components :com.adobe.crypto //as filename :MD5.as //■script263■ package jp.nicovideo.util{ //■class(instance)_index:321 public final class ArrayUtils extends Object { //static constructor public static function ArrayUtils$cinit() { //MethodID:4097, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //static variables/etc. public static function lowerBoundIndex(hug1:Function, hug2:*, hug3:Array):int { //dispID:3, MethodID:4098, LocalCount= 9 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 157 var hug7:int = 0; var hug4:int = -1; var hug5:int = hug3.length; var hug6:Number = -1; while((hug5 - hug4) > 1){ hug7 = ((hug4 + hug5) / 2); if(!hug3[hug7]){ hug5 = hug7; continue; } var hug8:hug3[hug7] = hug1(hug2, hug3[hug7]); hug6 = hug8; if(hug8 <= 0){ hug5 = hug7; continue; } hug4 = hug7; } return ((hug5 == hug3.length) ? (hug5 - 1) : ((hug1(hug2, hug3[hug5]) == 0) ? hug5 : hug4)); } public static function subtract(hug1:Function, hug2:Array, hug3:Array):void { //dispID:4, MethodID:4099, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 99 var hug6:Number = NaN; var hug4:int = 0; var hug5:int = 0; while((hug4 < hug2.length) && (hug5 < hug3.length)){ hug6 = hug1(hug2[hug4], hug3[hug5]); if(hug6 == 0){ hug2.splice(hug4, 1); continue; } if(hug6 > 0){ hug5++; continue; } hug4++; } } public static function add(hug1:Function, hug2:Array, hug3:Array, hug4:Boolean=false):void { //dispID:5, MethodID:4100, LocalCount= 8 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 6, CodeLength= 155 var hug7:Number = NaN; var hug5:int = 0; var hug6:int = 0; while((hug5 < hug2.length) && (hug6 < hug3.length)){ hug7 = hug1(hug2[hug5], hug3[hug6]); if(hug7 == 0){ if(hug4) hug2[hug5] = hug3[hug6]; hug5++; hug6++; continue; } if(hug7 > 0){ hug2.splice(hug5, 0, hug3[hug6++]); continue; } hug5++; } if(hug6 < hug3.length) hug2.push.apply(hug2, hug3.slice(hug6)); } public static function fold(hug1:Function, hug2:*, hug3:Array):* { //dispID:6, MethodID:4101, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 49 var hug4:* = undefined; for each(hug4 in hug3){ hug2 = hug1(hug2, hug4); } return hug2; } public static function copy(hug1:Array, hug2:Array, hug3:uint=0, hug4:uint=0, hug5:int=-1):void { //dispID:7, MethodID:4102, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 64 if(hug5 < 0) hug5 = (hug1.length - hug3); while(0 < (hug5--)){ var hug6:Number = (hug3++); hug1[hug6] = hug2[hug4++]; } } public static function zip(hug1:Function, ...rest):void { //dispID:8, MethodID:4103, LocalCount= 8 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 100 var hug4:Array = null; var hug5:Array = null; var hug3:uint = 0; while(true){ hug4 = []; for each(hug5 in rest){ if(hug3 >= hug5.length) return; hug4.push(hug5[hug3]); } hug1.apply(null, hug4); hug3++; } } //constructor public function ArrayUtils() { //MethodID:4104, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script264■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.config{ public const nico_config:* = "jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.config:nico_config";//slotID:1 } //■script265■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment{ //■class(instance)_index:322 public interface ISlot { //static constructor public static function ISlot$cinit() { //MethodID:4107, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function get vpos():Number; //MethodID:4108, dispID:0 function get vend():Number; //MethodID:4109, dispID:0 function get y():Number; //MethodID:4110, dispID:0 function get width():Number; //MethodID:4111, dispID:0 function get height():Number; //MethodID:4112, dispID:0 function get type():String; //MethodID:4113, dispID:0 function get isFullWidth():Boolean; //MethodID:4114, dispID:0 //constructor public function ISlot(); //MethodID:4115, dispID:0 } } //■script266■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment{ import flash.display.DisplayObject import flash.utils.Dictionary import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.CommandConstants import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.VideoLayerConstants import jp.nicovideo.util.Assert import jp.nicovideo.util.ObjectUtils //■class(instance)_index:323 public class CommentSlotList extends Object { //static constructor public static function CommentSlotList$cinit() { //MethodID:4117, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function CommentSlotList(hug1:CommentPositioner, hug2:Number) { //MethodID:4118, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 78 this.__slots = []; this.__original = new Dictionary(); this.__sortedEntries = []; super(); this.__positioner = hug1; this.__originalVideoLength = this.__videoLength = hug2; var hug3:int = 0; while(hug3 < this.__COMMENT_SLOT_LIMIT){ this.__slots.push(null); hug3++; } } //variables/etc. private const __COMMENT_SLOT_LIMIT:uint = 40; //slotID:0 private var __slots:Array; //slotID:0 private var __nextIndex:uint = 0; //slotID:0 private var __original:Dictionary; //slotID:0 private var __sortedEntries:Array; //slotID:0 private var __positioner:CommentPositioner; //slotID:0 private var __reverse:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var __videoLength:Number; //slotID:0 private var __originalVideoLength:Number; //slotID:0 private var __hasSponsor:Boolean; //slotID:0 public function get isReverseMode():Boolean { //MethodID:4119, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__reverse; } public function set isReverseMode(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:4120, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this.__reverse = hug1; } public function update(hug1:Array, hug2:Array, hug3:Boolean):void { //MethodID:4121, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 158 var hug4:ViewEntry = null; if(((!hug1 || (hug1.length == 0)) && (!hug2 || (hug2.length == 0))) && !hug3) return; if(this.__videoLength != (-1)){ this.__update_0(hug1, hug2, hug3); return; } Assert.assert((hug2 == null) && (hug3 == false)); for each(hug4 in hug1){ this.__sortedEntries.push(new _SlotEntry(hug4, this.__videoLength)); } this.__sortEntries(); } public function updateVideoLength(hug1:Number, hug2:Boolean=false):void { //MethodID:4122, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 77 var hug4:* = undefined; this.__videoLength = hug1; if(hug2) this.__hasSponsor = true; var hug3:Array = []; for(hug4 in this.__original){ hug3.push(hug4); } this.__update_0(hug3, null, true); } private function _clear():void { //MethodID:4123, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 64 var hug1:int = 0; while(hug1 < this.__slots.length){ if(this.__slots[hug1]){ this.__slots[hug1].release(); this.__slots[hug1] = null; } hug1++; } this.__nextIndex = 0; } public function refresh(hug1:Number, hug2:Boolean):void { //MethodID:4124, LocalCount= 12 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 670 var hug3:_SlotEntry = null; var hug5:int = 0; var hug6:Number = NaN; var hug7:DisplayObject = null; var hug8:int = 0; var hug9:int = 0; var hug10:int = 0; if(hug2){ this._clear(); }else{ hug5 = 0; while(hug5 < this.__slots.length){ hug3 = this.__slots[hug5]; if(hug3){ hug6 = ((CommandConstants.PLACE_MIDDLE == hug3.type) ? 1000 : 0); if((hug3.vpos > (hug1 + hug6)) || ((hug3.vend + hug6) <= hug1)){ hug3.release(); this.__slots[hug5] = null; } } hug5++; } } var hug4:int = this.__nextIndex; while(hug4 < this.__sortedEntries.length){ hug3 = this.__sortedEntries[hug4]; if(!isNaN(hug3.vend)){ hug6 = ((CommandConstants.PLACE_MIDDLE == hug3.type) ? 1000 : 0); if(((hug3.vend + hug6) < hug1) || (!this.__hasSponsor && hug3.forSponsorVideo)){ hug4++; continue; } if(hug3.vpos > (hug1 + hug6)) break; } hug7 = hug3.viewEntry.provider.create(); if(!hug7){ }else{ hug3.displayObject = hug7; var hug11:int = 1; hug7.scaleY = hug11; hug7.scaleX = hug11; if(hug7.height > (VideoLayerConstants.VIDEO_LAYER_SD_HEIGHT / 3)){ var hug11:Number = 0.5; hug7.scaleY = hug11; hug7.scaleX = hug11; } if(hug3.type != CommandConstants.PLACE_MIDDLE){ hug10 = (hug3.isFullWidth ? VideoLayerConstants.VIDEO_LAYER_HD_WIDTH : VideoLayerConstants.VIDEO_LAYER_SD_WIDTH); if(hug7.width > hug10){ var hug11:Number = (hug10 / hug7.width); hug7.scaleY = hug11; hug7.scaleX = hug11; } } hug8 = 0; hug9 = 0; while(hug9 < this.__slots.length){ if(this.__slots[hug9]){ if(this.__slots[hug9].vend < this.__slots[hug8].vend) hug8 = hug9; }else{ hug8 = hug9; break; } hug9++; } if(this.__slots[hug8]){ this.__slots[hug8].release(); this.__slots[hug8] = null; } this.__slots[hug8] = hug3; hug3.viewEntry.provider.assignZ(hug7, hug8); hug7.y = this.__positioner.getY(hug8, this.__slots); this.__setX(hug3, hug1); } hug4++; } if(this.__videoLength == (-1)){ this.__sortedEntries.splice(0, hug4); }else{ this.__nextIndex = hug4; } } public function move(hug1:Number):void { //MethodID:4125, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 54 var hug2:_SlotEntry = null; for each(hug2 in this.__slots){ if(hug2) this.__setX(hug2, hug1); } } private function __update_0(hug1:Array, hug2:Array, hug3:Boolean):void { //MethodID:4126, LocalCount= 9 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 7, CodeLength= 230 var hug4:ViewEntry = null; var hug5:_SlotEntry = null; var hug6:ViewEntry = null; if(hug3){ this.__original = new Dictionary(); }else if(hug2 && (hug2.length != 0)){ for each(hug4 in hug2){ hug5 = this.__original[hug4]; hug5.release(); delete this.__original[hug4]; } } if(hug1 && (hug1.length != 0)){ for each(hug6 in hug1){ this.__original[hug6] = new _SlotEntry(hug6, this.__videoLength, (hug6.vpos > this.__originalVideoLength)); } } this.__sortedEntries = ObjectUtils.values(this.__original); this.__sortEntries(); } private function __sortEntries():void { //MethodID:4128, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 18 this.__sortedEntries.sort(function(hug1:_SlotEntry, hug2:_SlotEntry):Number{ //MethodID:4127, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 7 return hug1.compare(hug2); }); } private function __setX(hug1:_SlotEntry, hug2:Number):void { //MethodID:4129, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 65 var hug3:Number = this.__positioner.getX(hug1, hug2); if(this.__reverse && (hug1.type == CommandConstants.PLACE_MIDDLE)) hug3 = (-hug3 - hug1.width + VideoLayerConstants.VIDEO_LAYER_SD_WIDTH); hug1.displayObject.x = hug3; } } } import flash.display.DisplayObject import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment.ViewEntry //■class(instance)_index:324 //private class _SlotEntry extends Object implements ISlot { //static constructor public static function _SlotEntry$cinit() { //MethodID:4130, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _SlotEntry(hug1:ViewEntry, hug2:Number, hug3:Boolean=false):void { //MethodID:4131, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 81 super(); this.viewEntry = hug1; this.__vstart = hug1.vpos; this.__vend = hug1.vend; this.__forSponsorVideo = hug3; if(hug2 == (-1)) return; var hug4:Number = (this.__vend - hug2); if(hug4 > 0){ this.__vstart = Math.max((this.__vstart - hug4), 0); this.__vend = hug2; } } //variables/etc. public var viewEntry:ViewEntry; //slotID:0 public var displayObject:DisplayObject; //slotID:0 private var __vstart:Number; //slotID:0 private var __vend:Number; //slotID:0 private var __forSponsorVideo:Boolean; //slotID:0 public function release():void { //MethodID:4132, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 31 if(this.displayObject){ this.viewEntry.provider.release(this.displayObject); this.displayObject = null; } } public function compare(hug1:_SlotEntry):Number { //MethodID:4133, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 41 return ((this.viewEntry.vpos - hug1.viewEntry.vpos) || (this.viewEntry.order - hug1.viewEntry.order)); } public function get forSponsorVideo():Boolean { //MethodID:4134, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__forSponsorVideo; } public function get vpos():Number { //MethodID:4135, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__vstart; } public function get vend():Number { //MethodID:4136, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__vend; } public function get y():Number { //MethodID:4137, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 10 return this.displayObject.y; } public function get width():Number { //MethodID:4138, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 10 return this.displayObject.width; } public function get height():Number { //MethodID:4139, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 10 return this.displayObject.height; } public function get type():String { //MethodID:4140, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 10 return this.viewEntry.type; } public function get isFullWidth():Boolean { //MethodID:4141, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 10 return this.viewEntry.isFullWidth; } } //■script267■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.CommandConstants //■class(instance)_index:325 public class CommentPositioner extends Object { //static constructor public static function CommentPositioner$cinit() { //MethodID:4143, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function CommentPositioner(hug1:Number, hug2:Number) { //MethodID:4144, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 16 super(); this._layerWidth = hug1; this._layerHeight = hug2; } //variables/etc. private var _layerWidth:Number; //slotID:0 private var _layerHeight:Number; //slotID:0 public function getX(hug1:ISlot, hug2:Number):Number { //MethodID:4145, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 69 if(hug1.type != CommandConstants.PLACE_MIDDLE) return ((this._layerWidth - hug1.width) / 2); var hug3:Number = (hug2 - hug1.vpos); var hug4:Number = ((this._layerWidth + hug1.width) / (hug1.vend - hug1.vpos)); return (this._layerWidth - (hug3 * hug4)); } public function getY(hug1:uint, hug2:Array):Number { //MethodID:4146, LocalCount= 14 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 486 var hug5:Boolean = false; var hug6:uint = 0; var hug7:ISlot = null; var hug8:Number = NaN; var hug9:Number = NaN; var hug10:Number = NaN; var hug11:Number = NaN; var hug12:Number = NaN; var hug13:Number = NaN; var hug3:ISlot = hug2[hug1]; var hug4:Number = 0; if(hug3.type == CommandConstants.PLACE_BOTTOM) hug4 = (this._layerHeight - hug3.height); do{ hug5 = false; hug6 = 0; while(hug6 < hug2.length){ hug7 = hug2[hug6]; if(!hug7 || (hug7 === hug3)){ }else if(hug3.type != hug7.type){ }else if((hug7.y + hug7.height) <= hug4){ }else if((hug4 + hug3.height) <= hug7.y){ }else{ hug8 = Math.max(hug3.vpos, hug7.vpos); hug9 = Math.min(hug3.vend, hug7.vend); hug10 = this.getX(hug3, hug8); hug11 = this.getX(hug3, hug9); hug12 = this.getX(hug7, hug8); hug13 = this.getX(hug7, hug9); if(((hug10 <= (hug12 + hug7.width)) && (hug12 <= (hug10 + hug3.width))) || ((hug11 <= (hug13 + hug7.width)) && (hug13 <= (hug11 + hug3.width)))){ if(hug3.type == CommandConstants.PLACE_BOTTOM){ hug4 = (hug7.y - hug3.height - 1); if(hug4 < 0){ hug4 = (Math.random() * (this._layerHeight - hug3.height)); break; } }else{ hug4 = (hug7.y + hug7.height + 1); if((hug4 + Math.floor(hug3.height)) > this._layerHeight){ hug4 = (Math.random() * (this._layerHeight - hug3.height)); break; } } hug5 = true; break; } } hug6++; } }while(hug5); return hug4; } } } //■script268■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.filter{ //■class(instance)_index:326 public class NGStatus extends Object { //static constructor public static function NGStatus$cinit() { //MethodID:4148, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 27 NONE = 0; INVISIBLE = 1; REJECT_COMMAND = 2; } //static variables/etc. public static const NONE:uint = 0; //slotID:1 public static const INVISIBLE:uint = 1; //slotID:2 public static const REJECT_COMMAND:uint = 2; //slotID:3 //constructor public function NGStatus() { //MethodID:4149, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script269■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.filter{ //■class(instance)_index:327 public class ReplacerConstants extends Object { //static constructor public static function ReplacerConstants$cinit() { //MethodID:4151, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 46 MAX_COUNT = 20; WHOLE_REPLACE_PREFIX = "*"; WHOLE_REPLACE_REGEXP = new RegExp("^\*"); CHECK_ORIGINAL_VARS_REGEXP = new RegExp("(\*?)(.+)"); } //static variables/etc. public static const MAX_COUNT:uint = 20; //slotID:1 public static const WHOLE_REPLACE_PREFIX:String = "*"; //slotID:2 public static const WHOLE_REPLACE_REGEXP:RegExp; //slotID:3 public static const CHECK_ORIGINAL_VARS_REGEXP:RegExp; //slotID:4 //constructor public function ReplacerConstants() { //MethodID:4152, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script270■ //skip components :com.adobe.crypto //as filename :SHA1.as //■script271■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment{ //■class(instance)_index:329 public class CommentDeleteStatus extends Object { //static constructor public static function CommentDeleteStatus$cinit() { //MethodID:4165, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 27 NON = 0; OWNER = 1; OFFICIAL = 2; } //static variables/etc. public static const NON:int = 0; //slotID:1 public static const OWNER:int = 1; //slotID:2 public static const OFFICIAL:int = 2; //slotID:3 //constructor public function CommentDeleteStatus() { //MethodID:4166, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script272■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements{ import __AS3__.vec.Vector //■class(instance)_index:330 public interface ILogElement implements IEventDispatcher { //static constructor public static function ILogElement$cinit() { //MethodID:4168, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function clearLocalStorage(hug1:Boolean=true):void; //MethodID:4169, dispID:0 function reset(hug1:Function=null):void; //MethodID:4170, dispID:0 function addData(hug1:Object):void; //MethodID:4171, dispID:0 function updateData(hug1:Object, hug2:uint):void; //MethodID:4172, dispID:0 function onLogSent():void; //MethodID:4173, dispID:0 function get name():String; //MethodID:4174, dispID:0 function get isInitialized():Boolean; //MethodID:4175, dispID:0 function get sendType():String; //MethodID:4176, dispID:0 function get isSendable():Boolean; //MethodID:4177, dispID:0 function set isSendable(hug1:Boolean):void; //MethodID:4178, dispID:0 function get isExpired():Boolean; //MethodID:4179, dispID:0 function get logObjects():Vector.; //MethodID:4180, dispID:0 //constructor public function ILogElement(); //MethodID:4181, dispID:0 } } //■script273■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log{ //■class(instance)_index:331 public interface ILogEventObservable { //static constructor public static function ILogEventObservable$cinit() { //MethodID:4183, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function onWatchReloaded(hug1:String, hug2:Boolean):void; //MethodID:4184, dispID:0 function onVideoLoadStarted():void; //MethodID:4185, dispID:0 function onVideoLoadCompleted(hug1:uint):void; //MethodID:4186, dispID:0 function onVideoLoadErrorOccurred():void; //MethodID:4187, dispID:0 function onVideoBufferingStarted():void; //MethodID:4188, dispID:0 function storeLoadingIdle(hug1:uint):void; //MethodID:4189, dispID:0 function onThreadLoadStarted():void; //MethodID:4190, dispID:0 function onThreadLoadCompleted(hug1:Boolean):void; //MethodID:4191, dispID:0 function onNGCommentInitialized(hug1:int, hug2:int):void; //MethodID:4192, dispID:0 function onHirobaInitializeStarted():void; //MethodID:4193, dispID:0 function onHirobaInitializeAborted():void; //MethodID:4194, dispID:0 function onHirobaConnected(hug1:Boolean, hug2:String, hug3:String, hug4:String):void;//MethodID:4195, dispID:0 function onHirobaDisconnected(hug1:String, hug2:String, hug3:String):void; //MethodID:4196, dispID:0 function onPremleadOnSliderDisplayed():void; //MethodID:4197, dispID:0 function onPremleadOnSliderClicked():void; //MethodID:4198, dispID:0 function onVideoMenuOpened(hug1:String):void; //MethodID:4199, dispID:0 function onVideoenderOpened(hug1:String):void; //MethodID:4200, dispID:0 function onVideoenderContentDisplayed(hug1:String):void; //MethodID:4201, dispID:0 function onVideoenderContentUsed(hug1:String):void; //MethodID:4202, dispID:0 function onVideoenderErrorOccured(hug1:String):void; //MethodID:4203, dispID:0 //constructor public function ILogEventObservable(); //MethodID:4204, dispID:0 } } //■script274■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements{ import flash.display.Sprite import flash.events.Event import flash.events.EventDispatcher import flash.events.IOErrorEvent import flash.events.KeyboardEvent import flash.events.MouseEvent import flash.events.TimerEvent import flash.net.SharedObject import flash.net.URLLoader import flash.net.URLRequest import flash.net.URLRequestMethod import flash.net.URLVariables import flash.utils.Timer import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.config.DebugMode import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.config.getDebugMode import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.IInitializeInfo import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.flashvars.NicoFlashVars import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.video.VideoPlayerStatus import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.video.VideoWrapper import jp.nicovideo.util.CrossSharedObject import jp.nicovideo.util.TimeUtils use namespace (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.test); //■class(instance)_index:332 public class Playlen extends EventDispatcher { //static constructor public static function Playlen$cinit() { //MethodID:4206, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function Playlen() { //MethodID:4207, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 122 this.DEBUG = (getDebugMode() == DebugMode.DEV); this.PLAYLEN_INTERVAL = (this.DEBUG ? 8000 : 30000); this.PLAYLEN_THRESHOLD = (this.DEBUG ? 20000 : 0x1B7740); this.PLAYLEN_MAX = (this.DEBUG ? (1000 * 60 * 1) : (1000 * 60 * 60 * 2)); super(); this._SO = CrossSharedObject.getSharedObject("jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.playlen"); } //variables/etc. private var DEBUG:Boolean; //slotID:0 private const PLAYLEN_INTERVAL:int; //slotID:0 private const PLAYLEN_THRESHOLD:int; //slotID:0 private const PLAYLEN_MAX:int; //slotID:0 private var _started:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var _rate:Timer; //slotID:0 private var _initializeInfo:IInitializeInfo; //slotID:0 private var _vars:NicoFlashVars; //slotID:0 private var _video:VideoWrapper; //slotID:0 private var _url:String; //slotID:0 private var _isThumbWatch:Boolean; //slotID:0 private var _result:URLVariables; //slotID:0 private var _SO:SharedObject; //slotID:0 private var _isSend:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var _root:Sprite; //slotID:0 private var _lastActionTime:Number; //slotID:0 private var _lastVideoStopTime:Number; //slotID:0 private function start():void { //MethodID:4208, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 221 if(!this._started) this._lastVideoStopTime = TimeUtils.time; this._started = true; if(!this._rate.running){ this._rate.start(); if(isNaN(this._lastActionTime)) this._lastActionTime = TimeUtils.time; this._SO.data.time.s = TimeUtils.time; this._SO.data.time.v = this._vars.originalVideoID; if(this._vars.isChannel && this._vars.isCommunityThread){ this._SO.data.time.is_channel = "1"; }else if(this._vars.isCommunityThread){ this._SO.data.time.is_community = "1"; }else if(this._vars.isChannel){ this._SO.data.time.is_channel = "1"; } this._SO.flush(); } } private function setPlaylen(hug1:Event):void { //MethodID:4210, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 309 internal var event:Event; //slotID:1 internal var isEndPlaylen:Boolean; //slotID:2 internal var send:Function; //slotID:3 event = hug1; send = function(hug1:Number):void{ //MethodID:4209, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 28 _SO.data.time.e = hug1; _SO.flush(); sendToAPI(); }; if(this._isThumbWatch){ this._rate.stop(); this._rate.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.setPlaylen); return; } if(!this._initializeInfo.userID || ((Number(this._initializeInfo.userID) % 10) != 1)){ if(!this.DEBUG){ this._rate.stop(); this._rate.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.setPlaylen); return; } } isEndPlaylen = false; if(this._video.videoPlayerStatus == VideoPlayerStatus.PLAYING){ if(this.PLAYLEN_MAX < (TimeUtils.time - this._lastActionTime)){ isEndPlaylen = true; send(TimeUtils.time); return; } }else{ if(isNaN(this._lastVideoStopTime)) this._lastVideoStopTime = TimeUtils.time; if(this.PLAYLEN_THRESHOLD < (TimeUtils.time - this._lastActionTime)){ isEndPlaylen = true; send((this._lastVideoStopTime > this._lastActionTime) ? this._lastVideoStopTime : this._lastActionTime); return; }else{ return; } } this._SO.data.time.e = TimeUtils.time; this._SO.flush(); } private function sendToAPI():void { //MethodID:4214, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 451 internal var reset:Function; //slotID:1 internal var vari:URLVariables; //slotID:2 internal var req:URLRequest; //slotID:3 internal var loader:URLLoader; //slotID:4 vari = null; req = null; loader = null; reset = function():void{ //MethodID:4211, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 19 _SO.data.time = {}; _SO.flush(); }; if(this._SO.data.time == undefined) this._SO.data.time = {}; if(this._SO.data.time.s && this._SO.data.time.e && this._SO.data.time.v){ if((this._SO.data.time.e - this._SO.data.time.s) < this.PLAYLEN_INTERVAL){ this._SO.data.time.e = undefined; this._SO.flush(); return; } if(this._rate) this._rate.stop(); vari = new URLVariables(); req = new URLRequest(this._url); req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; vari.s = Math.floor(this._SO.data.time.s / 1000); vari.e = Math.floor(this._SO.data.time.e / 1000); vari.v = this._SO.data.time.v; if(this._SO.data.time.is_channel == "1") vari.is_channel = "1"; if(this._SO.data.time.is_community == "1") vari.is_community = "1"; req.data = vari; loader = new URLLoader(); loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(hug1:Event):void{ //MethodID:4212, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 3, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 75 internal var event:Event; //slotID:1 event = hug1; try{ _result = new URLVariables(event.target.data); } catch(e:Error){ _result = null; } reset(); dispatchEvent(event); }); loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function(hug1:Event):void{ //MethodID:4213, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 9 reset(); }); loader.load(req); } } public function onLoadVideo():void { //MethodID:4215, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 8 this.start(); } public function onVideoEnded():void { //MethodID:4216, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 13 this._lastVideoStopTime = TimeUtils.time; } public function onVideoStopped():void { //MethodID:4217, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 13 this._lastVideoStopTime = TimeUtils.time; } public function onVideoPlayed():void { //MethodID:4218, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 10 this._lastVideoStopTime = NaN; } public function initialize(hug1:String, hug2:VideoWrapper, hug3:NicoFlashVars, hug4:IInitializeInfo, hug5:Boolean, hug6:Sprite):void { //MethodID:4221, LocalCount= 8 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 219 internal var url:String; //slotID:1 internal var video:VideoWrapper; //slotID:2 internal var vars:NicoFlashVars; //slotID:3 internal var initializeInfo:IInitializeInfo; //slotID:4 internal var isThumbWatch:Boolean; //slotID:5 internal var root:Sprite; //slotID:6 url = hug1; video = hug2; vars = hug3; initializeInfo = hug4; isThumbWatch = hug5; root = hug6; this._video = VideoWrapper(video); this._vars = vars; this._initializeInfo = initializeInfo; this._url = url; this._isThumbWatch = isThumbWatch; if(!this._root && root){ this._root = root; this._root.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, function(hug1:MouseEvent):void{ //MethodID:4219, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 41 _lastActionTime = TimeUtils.time; if(!_rate.running && _started) start(); }); this._root.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, function(hug1:KeyboardEvent):void{ //MethodID:4220, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 41 _lastActionTime = TimeUtils.time; if(!_rate.running && _started) start(); }); } this.sendToAPI(); if(!this._rate){ this._rate = new Timer(this.PLAYLEN_INTERVAL); this._rate.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.setPlaylen); }else{ this._rate.stop(); this._rate.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.setPlaylen); } } public function get result():URLVariables { //MethodID:4222, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._result; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.test) function sendToAPI():void { //MethodID:4223, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 87 this._rate.reset(); this._SO.data.time.s = Math.floor(TimeUtils.time + ((60 * 10) * 1000)); this._SO.data.time.e = Math.floor(TimeUtils.time + ((60 * 60) * 1000)); this.sendToAPI(); } } } //■script275■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements{ import __AS3__.vec.Vector import flash.events.EventDispatcher import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogElementSendType import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.events.LogEvent import jp.nicovideo.util.CrossSharedObject import jp.nicovideo.util.TimeUtils import jp.nicovideo.util.storage.LocalStorage //■class(instance)_index:333 public class AbstractLogElement extends EventDispatcher implements ILogElement { //static constructor public static function AbstractLogElement$cinit() { //MethodID:4225, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function AbstractLogElement(hug1:Function, hug2:String, hug3:String) { //MethodID:4226, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 64 super(); this._localStorage = hug1(hug2); this._name = hug2; this._sendType = hug3; if(this._localStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_LOG_OBJECTS] == undefined) this.clearLocalStorage(); if(this.isExpired) this.clearLocalStorage(); } //variables/etc. private const _PRIVATE_KEY_LOG_OBJECTS:String = "_logObjects"; //slotID:0 private const _PRIVATE_KEY_IS_SENDABLE:String = "_isSendable"; //slotID:0 private const _PRIVATE_KEY_EXPIRE_TIME:String = "_expireTime"; //slotID:0 private var _localStorage:LocalStorage; //slotID:0 private var _name:String; //slotID:0 private var _sendType:String; //slotID:0 protected var _cacheStorage:LocalStorage; //slotID:0 private var _isInitialized:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 protected function _onInitialized():void { //MethodID:4227, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 32 this._isInitialized = true; dispatchEvent(new LogEvent(LogEvent.INITIALIZED, this.name)); } public function clearLocalStorage(hug1:Boolean=true):void { //MethodID:4228, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 99 this._localStorage.clear(); this._localStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_EXPIRE_TIME] = NaN; this._localStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_IS_SENDABLE] = false; this._localStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_LOG_OBJECTS] = new Vector.(); this._localStorage.flush(); if(hug1 && this._cacheStorage) this._cacheStorage.clear(); } public function reset(hug1:Function=null):void { //MethodID:4229, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 19 this._isInitialized = false; if(hug1 != null) hug1.apply(); } public function addData(hug1:Object):void { //MethodID:4230, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 30 Vector.(this.logObjects).push(hug1); this._localStorage.flush(); } public function updateData(hug1:Object, hug2:uint):void { //MethodID:4231, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 20 this.logObjects[hug2] = hug1; this._localStorage.flush(); } protected function _initializeCacheStorage(hug1:String, hug2:String=null, hug3:Boolean=false):void { //MethodID:4232, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 17 this._cacheStorage = CrossSharedObject.getStorage(hug1, hug2, hug3); } public function onLogSent():void { //MethodID:4233, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function get isInitialized():Boolean { //MethodID:4234, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isInitialized; } public function get name():String { //MethodID:4235, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._name; } public function get sendType():String { //MethodID:4236, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._sendType; } public function get isSendable():Boolean { //MethodID:4237, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 22 return Boolean(this._localStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_IS_SENDABLE]); } public function set isSendable(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:4238, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 73 this._localStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_IS_SENDABLE] = hug1; this._localStorage.flush(); if(hug1 && (this.sendType == LogElementSendType.IMMEDIATE)) dispatchEvent(new LogEvent(LogEvent.PREPARED, this.name)); } public function get isExpired():Boolean { //MethodID:4239, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 62 var hug1:Number = Number(this._localStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_EXPIRE_TIME]); if(isNaN(hug1) || !isFinite(hug1)) return false; return (TimeUtils.time > hug1); } protected function set _expireTime(hug1:Number):void { //MethodID:4240, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 26 this._localStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_EXPIRE_TIME] = hug1; this._localStorage.flush(); } public function get logObjects():Vector. { //MethodID:4241, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 17 return this._localStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_LOG_OBJECTS]; } } } //■script276■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements{ import flash.utils.clearTimeout import flash.utils.getTimer import flash.utils.setTimeout import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.PlayerInfo import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.api.IGetFLV import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.flashvars.NicoFlashVars import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogElementName import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogElementSendType import jp.nicovideo.util.TimeUtils use namespace (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.test); //■class(instance)_index:334 public class PlayStats extends AbstractLogElement { //static constructor public static function PlayStats$cinit() { //MethodID:4243, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function PlayStats(hug1:Function) { //MethodID:4244, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 91 this._intervalList = {}; this._functions = []; this._functions.push(this.initialize); this._functions.push(this.onVideoLoadCompleted); this._functions.push(this.onVideoLoadErrorOccurred); this._functions.push(this.onThreadLoadCompleted); this._functions.push(this.onHirobaConnected); super(hug1, LogElementName.PLAY_STATS, LogElementSendType.IMMEDIATE); } //variables/etc. private const _VIDEO_CONNECTED_TIME:String = "videoConnectedTime";//slotID:0 private const _VIDEO_BUFFERFULL_TIME:String = "videoBufferFullTime";//slotID:0 private const _THREAD_CONNECTED:String = "threadConnected"; //slotID:0 private const _PRIVATE_KEY_HIROBA_COUNT:String = "_hirobaCount";//slotID:0 private const _HIROBA_TIMEOUT:Number = 30000.0; //slotID:0 private const _DEFAULT_STOCK_COUNT:int = 10; //slotID:0 private var _intervalList:Object; //slotID:0 private var _functions:Array; //slotID:0 private var _getFLV:IGetFLV; //slotID:0 private var _flashvars:NicoFlashVars; //slotID:0 private var _bytesTotal:uint = 0; //slotID:0 private var _initCount:int = 0; //slotID:0 private var __hirobaCount:Number = Number.NaN; //slotID:0 private var _stockCount:int = 10; //slotID:0 private var _hirobaTimeoutID:int = -1; //slotID:0 private var _hasSetHirobaCount:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public function initialize(hug1:Boolean, hug2:IGetFLV, hug3:NicoFlashVars, hug4:PlayerInfo, hug5:Boolean, ...args):void { //MethodID:4246, LocalCount= 8 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 261 internal var enabled:Boolean; //slotID:1 internal var getFLV:IGetFLV; //slotID:2 internal var flashvars:NicoFlashVars; //slotID:3 internal var playerInfo:PlayerInfo; //slotID:4 internal var isNoHiroba:Boolean; //slotID:5 internal var arguments:Array; //slotID:6 enabled = hug1; getFLV = hug2; flashvars = hug3; playerInfo = hug4; isNoHiroba = hug5; internal var arguments:Object = args; super.reset(function():void{ //MethodID:4245, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 15 if(_cacheStorage) _cacheStorage.close(); }); this._getFLV = getFLV; this._flashvars = flashvars; this._stockCount = (isNaN(playerInfo.playStatsCount) ? this._DEFAULT_STOCK_COUNT : playerInfo.playStatsCount); if(!enabled) return; _initializeCacheStorage("jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements._PlayStatsLog", "/"); if(_cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_HIROBA_COUNT] == undefined){ _cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_HIROBA_COUNT] = 0; _cacheStorage.flush(); } if(this._hasSetHirobaCount){ _cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_HIROBA_COUNT] += this.__hirobaCount; _cacheStorage.flush(); } if(isNoHiroba || isInitialized){ this.onHirobaConnectorLoadStarted(); this.onHirobaConnected(false); } super._onInitialized(); this._checkAndCreate(arguments.callee); } private function dateFormater(hug1:Date):String { //MethodID:4248, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 6, CodeLength= 141 internal var d:Date; //slotID:1 internal var string:String; //slotID:2 internal var convertToString:Function; //slotID:3 d = hug1; convertToString = function(hug1:int):String{ //MethodID:4247, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 30 return ((hug1 >= 10) ? String(hug1) : ("0" + String(hug1))); }; string = ((((((d.getFullYear() + "-") + convertToString(d.getMonth() + 1) + "-") + convertToString(d.getDate()) + "T") + convertToString(d.getHours()) + ":") + convertToString(d.getMinutes()) + ":") + convertToString(d.getSeconds())); return string; } private function _getIntervalObject(hug1:String):_Interval { //MethodID:4249, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 38 if(!this._intervalList[hug1]) this._intervalList[hug1] = new _Interval(); return this._intervalList[hug1]; } public function setBeginTime(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:4250, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 19 this._getIntervalObject(hug1).begin = getTimer(); } public function setEndTime(hug1:String, hug2:Boolean=false):void { //MethodID:4251, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 29 this._getIntervalObject(hug1).end = getTimer(); this._getIntervalObject(hug1).error = hug2; } private function _getInterval(hug1:String):String { //MethodID:4252, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 30 if(this._intervalList[hug1]) return this._intervalList[hug1].intervel; return "0"; } private function _checkAndCreate(hug1:Function):Boolean { //MethodID:4253, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 57 if(this._functions.indexOf(hug1) + 1){ if((++this._initCount) == (this._functions.length - 1)){ this._create(); return true; } } return false; } private function _create():void { //MethodID:4254, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 74 if(!isInitialized) return; var hug1:Object = {}; this._setVideoStatus(hug1); this._setThreadStatus(hug1); this._setHirobaStatus(hug1); addData(hug1); if(logObjects.length >= this._stockCount) isSendable = true; this._hirobaCount = 0; this._hasSetHirobaCount = false; } private function _setVideoStatus(hug1:Object):void { //MethodID:4255, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 290 var hug2:String = this._getFLV.videoURL; var hug3:Number = hug2.indexOf("//"); if(hug3 >= 0) hug2 = hug2.substr(hug3 + 2); var hug4:String = hug2; hug3 = hug4.indexOf("/"); if(hug3 >= 0) hug4 = hug4.substr(0, hug3); var hug5:Number = Number(this._getInterval(this._VIDEO_BUFFERFULL_TIME)); hug5 = ((hug5 > 0) ? hug5 : 0); var hug6:String = (isNaN(Math.floor(this._bytesTotal / hug5)) ? "0" : String(Math.floor(this._bytesTotal / hug5))); hug1["date"] = (this.dateFormater(TimeUtils.now()) + "+09:00"); hug1["host"] = hug4; hug1["video"] = this._flashvars.originalVideoID; hug1["deleted"] = this._getFLV.deleted; hug1["t1"] = this._getInterval(this._VIDEO_CONNECTED_TIME); hug1["t2"] = this._getInterval(this._VIDEO_BUFFERFULL_TIME); hug1["r"] = String((hug5 == 0) ? this._bytesTotal : hug6); } private function _setThreadStatus(hug1:Object):void { //MethodID:4256, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 19 hug1["frq"] = this._getInterval(this._THREAD_CONNECTED); } private function _setHirobaStatus(hug1:Object):void { //MethodID:4257, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 67 if(!_cacheStorage || (_cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_HIROBA_COUNT] == undefined)){ hug1["hiroba"] = 0; }else{ hug1["hiroba"] = _cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_HIROBA_COUNT]; } } private function get _hirobaCount():Number { //MethodID:4258, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 33 if(_cacheStorage) return Number(_cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_HIROBA_COUNT]); return this.__hirobaCount; } private function set _hirobaCount(hug1:Number):void { //MethodID:4259, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 44 this._hasSetHirobaCount = true; this.__hirobaCount = hug1; if(_cacheStorage){ _cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_HIROBA_COUNT] = this.__hirobaCount; _cacheStorage.flush(); } } public function onVideoLoadStarted():void { //MethodID:4260, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 this.setBeginTime(this._VIDEO_CONNECTED_TIME); } public function onVideoBufferingStarted():void { //MethodID:4261, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 21 this.setEndTime(this._VIDEO_CONNECTED_TIME); this.setBeginTime(this._VIDEO_BUFFERFULL_TIME); } public function onVideoLoadCompleted(hug1:uint, ...args):void { //MethodID:4262, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 41 this._bytesTotal = ((hug1 > 0) ? hug1 : 0); this.setEndTime(this._VIDEO_BUFFERFULL_TIME); this._checkAndCreate(args.callee); } public function onVideoLoadErrorOccurred(... args):void { //MethodID:4263, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 21 this.setEndTime(this._VIDEO_CONNECTED_TIME); this._checkAndCreate(args.callee); } public function onThreadLoadStarted():void { //MethodID:4264, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 this.setBeginTime(this._THREAD_CONNECTED); } public function onThreadLoadCompleted(hug1:Boolean, ...args):void { //MethodID:4265, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 23 this.setEndTime(this._THREAD_CONNECTED, !hug1); this._checkAndCreate(args.callee); } public function onHirobaConnectorLoadStarted():void { //MethodID:4266, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 23 this._hirobaTimeoutID = setTimeout(this.onHirobaConnected, this._HIROBA_TIMEOUT, false); } public function onHirobaConnected(hug1:Boolean, ...args):void { //MethodID:4267, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 95 var hug3:Number = NaN; if(hug1 && (this._hirobaTimeoutID > (-1))){ hug3 = this._hirobaCount; if(isNaN(hug3)){ hug3 = 0; }else{ hug3++; } this._hirobaCount = hug3; } if(this._hirobaTimeoutID > (-1)) this._checkAndCreate(args.callee); clearTimeout(this._hirobaTimeoutID); this._hirobaTimeoutID = -1; } public function onPlaylistTargetUpdated():void { //MethodID:4268, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 9 this._initCount = 0; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.test) function setVideoStatus(hug1:Object):void { //MethodID:4269, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 9 this._setVideoStatus(hug1); } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.test) function getThreadStats(hug1:Object):void { //MethodID:4270, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 9 this._setThreadStatus(hug1); } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.test) function logCount():int { //MethodID:4271, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 9 return logObjects.length; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.test) function _getInterval(hug1:String):String { //MethodID:4272, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 9 return this._getInterval(hug1); } } } //■class(instance)_index:335 //private class _Interval extends Object { //static constructor public static function _Interval$cinit() { //MethodID:4273, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _Interval() { //MethodID:4274, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } //variables/etc. public var begin:Number = 0.0; //slotID:0 public var end:Number = 0.0; //slotID:0 public var error:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public function get intervel():String { //MethodID:4275, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 41 var hug1:Number = Math.max((this.end - this.begin), 0); if(this.error) hug1 = -1; return String(hug1); } } //■script277■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements{ import flash.system.Capabilities import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogElementName import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogElementSendType //■class(instance)_index:336 public class PremiumLeadOnSliderLog extends AbstractLogElement { //static constructor public static function PremiumLeadOnSliderLog$cinit() { //MethodID:4277, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function PremiumLeadOnSliderLog(hug1:Function) { //MethodID:4278, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 19 super(hug1, LogElementName.PREMIUM_LEAD_ON_SLIDER, LogElementSendType.PLAYER_START_UP); } //variables/etc. private var _displayed:int = 0; //slotID:0 private var _clicked:int = 0; //slotID:0 private var _hasDisplayed:Boolean; //slotID:0 public function initialize(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:4279, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 19 super.reset(); if(!hug1) return; super._onInitialized(); } public function onPremleadOnSliderDisplayed():void { //MethodID:4280, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 38 this._hasDisplayed = true; this._displayed++; if(!isInitialized) return; this._updateLogData(); } public function onPremleadOnSliderClicked():void { //MethodID:4281, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 45 this._clicked++; if(!isInitialized || !this._hasDisplayed) return; this._updateLogData(); } private function _updateLogData():void { //MethodID:4282, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 129 var hug1:Object = null; if(!isInitialized) return; if(this._displayed > 0){ hug1 = {}; if(logObjects.length > 0){ hug1 = logObjects[0]; }else{ addData(hug1); } hug1["displayed"] = this._displayed; hug1["clicked"] = this._clicked; hug1["is64bit"] = (Boolean(Capabilities.supports64BitProcesses) ? 1 : 0); updateData(hug1, 0); } } } } //■script278■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements{ import flash.system.Capabilities import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogElementName import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogElementSendType import jp.nicovideo.util.TimeUtils //■class(instance)_index:337 public class CapabilitiesLog extends AbstractLogElement { //static constructor public static function CapabilitiesLog$cinit() { //MethodID:4284, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function CapabilitiesLog(hug1:Function) { //MethodID:4285, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 19 super(hug1, LogElementName.CAPABILITIES, LogElementSendType.IMMEDIATE); } //variables/etc. private const _CACHE_NAME:String = "jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements._CapabilitiesLog";//slotID:0 private const _EXPIRE_TIME_PROPERTY_NAME:String = "expire_property_name";//slotID:0 private const _EXPIRE:Number = 0x5265C00; //slotID:0 public function initialize(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:4286, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 262 super.reset(); if(!hug1) return; _initializeCacheStorage(this._CACHE_NAME, "/"); var hug2:Number = parseInt(_cacheStorage.data[this._EXPIRE_TIME_PROPERTY_NAME]); if((hug2 + this._EXPIRE) > TimeUtils.time) return; super._onInitialized(); var hug3:Object = {}; hug3["is64"] = (Capabilities.supports64BitProcesses ? "1" : "0"); hug3["os"] = (new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_\., ]+$").test(Capabilities.os) ? Capabilities.os : "other"); hug3["isDebugger"] = (Capabilities.isDebugger ? "1" : "0"); hug3["version"] = (new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9, ]+$").test(Capabilities.version) ? Capabilities.version : "other"); addData(hug3); isSendable = true; _cacheStorage.data[this._EXPIRE_TIME_PROPERTY_NAME] = TimeUtils.time; _cacheStorage.flush(); } override public function clearLocalStorage(hug1:Boolean=true):void { //MethodID:4287, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 9 super.clearLocalStorage(false); } } } //■script279■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements{ import flash.utils.getTimer import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogElementName import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogElementSendType import jp.nicovideo.util.TimeUtils //■class(instance)_index:338 public class LoadingFailLog extends AbstractLogElement { //static constructor public static function LoadingFailLog$cinit() { //MethodID:4289, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function LoadingFailLog(hug1:Function) { //MethodID:4290, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 19 super(hug1, LogElementName.LOADING_FAIL, LogElementSendType.IMMEDIATE); } //variables/etc. private const _ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN:String = "unknown"; //slotID:0 private var _videoId:String = ""; //slotID:0 private var _videoServer:String = ""; //slotID:0 private var _startTimeStamp:Number = Number.NaN; //slotID:0 private var _startTime:Number = Number.NaN; //slotID:0 public function initialize(hug1:String, hug2:String):void { //MethodID:4292, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 59 internal var watchVideoID:String; //slotID:1 internal var videoURL:String; //slotID:2 internal var getServerName:Function; //slotID:3 watchVideoID = hug1; videoURL = hug2; getServerName = function(hug1:String):String{ //MethodID:4291, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 60 var hug2:Number = hug1.indexOf("//"); if(hug2 >= 0) hug1 = hug1.substr(hug2 + 2); var hug3:String = hug1; hug2 = hug3.indexOf("."); if(hug2 >= 0) hug3 = hug3.substr(0, hug2); return hug3; }; super.reset(); this._videoId = watchVideoID; this._videoServer = getServerName(videoURL); super._onInitialized(); } public function onVideoLoadStarted():void { //MethodID:4293, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 24 this._startTimeStamp = TimeUtils.time; this._startTime = getTimer(); } public function onVideoLoadErrorOccurred():void { //MethodID:4294, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 94 if(!isInitialized) return; var hug1:Object = {}; hug1["video_id"] = this._videoId; hug1["video_server"] = this._videoServer; hug1["start_time"] = this._startTimeStamp; hug1["loading_time"] = (getTimer() - this._startTime); hug1["status"] = this._ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN; addData(hug1); isSendable = true; } } } //■script280■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log{ //■class(instance)_index:339 public class LogElementSendType extends Object { //static constructor public static function LogElementSendType$cinit() { //MethodID:4296, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 39 IMMEDIATE = "immediate"; PLAYER_START_UP = "playerStartUp"; LOG_INITIALIZE = "logInitialize"; WITH_OTHER_LOGS = "withOtherLogs"; } //static variables/etc. public static const IMMEDIATE:String = "immediate"; //slotID:1 public static const PLAYER_START_UP:String = "playerStartUp"; //slotID:2 public static const LOG_INITIALIZE:String = "logInitialize"; //slotID:3 public static const WITH_OTHER_LOGS:String = "withOtherLogs"; //slotID:4 //constructor public function LogElementSendType() { //MethodID:4297, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script281■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.events{ import flash.events.Event //■class(instance)_index:340 public class LogEvent extends Event { //static constructor public static function LogEvent$cinit() { //MethodID:4299, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 39 INITIALIZED = "initialized"; SEND = "send"; SEND_COMPLETE = "send_complete"; PREPARED = "prepared"; } //static variables/etc. public static const INITIALIZED:String = "initialized"; //slotID:1 public static const SEND:String = "send"; //slotID:2 public static const SEND_COMPLETE:String = "send_complete"; //slotID:3 public static const PREPARED:String = "prepared"; //slotID:4 //constructor public function LogEvent(hug1:String, hug2:String, hug3:Boolean=false, hug4:Boolean=false) { //MethodID:4300, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 15 this._name = hug2; super(hug1, hug3, hug4); } //variables/etc. private var _name:String; //slotID:0 public function get name():String { //MethodID:4301, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._name; } } } //■script282■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log{ //■class(instance)_index:341 public class LogElementName extends Object { //static constructor public static function LogElementName$cinit() { //MethodID:4303, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 147 NON_SHAREDOBJECT_COUNT = "non_sharedobject_count"; PLAY_LEN = "playlen"; PLAY_STATS = "playstats"; PLAYER_IDLE = "fms_idle_time"; PLAYER_CONF = "player_conf"; COMMENT_UPDATE_COUNT = "comment_update_count"; WATCH_RELOAD = "watch_reload"; HIRROBA_CONNECTION_FAIL = "hiroba_connection_fail"; HIRROBA_DISCONNECTED = "hiroba_disconnected"; LOADING_FAIL = "loading_fail"; LOADING_IDLE = "loading_idle"; PLAYLIST_INTERRUPTED = "playlist_interrupt"; PREMIUM_LEAD_ON_SLIDER = "premlead_on_slider"; VIDEO_MENU = "videomenu_count"; CAPABILITIES = "capabilities"; VIDEOENDER = "videoender"; } //static variables/etc. public static const NON_SHAREDOBJECT_COUNT:String = "non_sharedobject_count";//slotID:1 public static const PLAY_LEN:String = "playlen"; //slotID:2 public static const PLAY_STATS:String = "playstats"; //slotID:3 public static const PLAYER_IDLE:String = "fms_idle_time"; //slotID:4 public static const PLAYER_CONF:String = "player_conf"; //slotID:5 public static const COMMENT_UPDATE_COUNT:String = "comment_update_count";//slotID:6 public static const WATCH_RELOAD:String = "watch_reload"; //slotID:7 public static const HIRROBA_CONNECTION_FAIL:String = "hiroba_connection_fail";//slotID:8 public static const HIRROBA_DISCONNECTED:String = "hiroba_disconnected";//slotID:9 public static const LOADING_FAIL:String = "loading_fail"; //slotID:10 public static const LOADING_IDLE:String = "loading_idle"; //slotID:11 public static const PLAYLIST_INTERRUPTED:String = "playlist_interrupt";//slotID:12 public static const PREMIUM_LEAD_ON_SLIDER:String = "premlead_on_slider";//slotID:13 public static const VIDEO_MENU:String = "videomenu_count"; //slotID:14 public static const CAPABILITIES:String = "capabilities"; //slotID:15 public static const VIDEOENDER:String = "videoender"; //slotID:16 //constructor public function LogElementName() { //MethodID:4304, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script283■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements{ import __AS3__.vec.Vector import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogElementName import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogElementSendType import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.videoMenu.VideoenderContentType import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.videoMenu.VideoenderTorrigerType import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.videoender.IVideoenderTesterConfig import jp.nicovideo.util.TimeUtils //■class(instance)_index:342 public class VideoenderLog extends AbstractLogElement { //static constructor public static function VideoenderLog$cinit() { //MethodID:4306, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //static variables/etc. private static function _createSendableLogObject(hug1:_VideoenderLogData):Object { //dispID:3, MethodID:4312, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 338 internal var data:_VideoenderLogData; //slotID:1 internal var object:Object; //slotID:2 data = hug1; object = {}; object["is_tester"] = function():int{ //MethodID:4307, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 29 if(data.isTester) return 1; if(data.isTestable) return 2; return 0; }(); object["video_ended"] = (data.hasVideoEnded ? 1 : 0); object["displayed"] = (data.hasDisplayed ? 1 : 0); object["menu_clicked"] = (data.hasMenuButtonClicked ? 1 : 0); object["related_video_type"] = function():int{ //MethodID:4308, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 54 if(data.isGetRelationError) return 3; if(data.relatedVideoType == VideoenderContentType.RELATED_VIDEO) return 2; if(data.relatedVideoType == VideoenderContentType.OWNER_VIDEO) return 1; return 0; }(); object["related_video_jumped"] = (data.hasRelatedVideoClicked ? 1 : 0); object["live_dj_displayed"] = (data.hasLiveDJDisplayed ? 1 : 0); object["live_dj_jumped"] = (data.hasLiveDJClicked ? 1 : 0); object["owner_video_page_link"] = function():int{ //MethodID:4309, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 29 if(data.hasOwnerVideoPageLinkClicked) return 2; if(data.hasOwnerVideoPageLinkDisplayed) return 1; return 0; }(); object["mobile_clicked"] = (data.hasMobileBtnClicked ? 1 : 0); object["mylist_form"] = function():int{ //MethodID:4310, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 29 if(data.hasMylistAdded) return 2; if(data.hasMylistAddDisplayed) return 1; return 0; }(); object["mylist_jumped"] = function():int{ //MethodID:4311, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 41 if(data.mylistPageJumpedType == VideoenderContentType.JUST_ADDED_MYLIST_LINK) return 2; if(data.mylistPageJumpedType == VideoenderContentType.ALREADY_ADDED_MYLIST_LINK) return 1; return 0; }(); object["date"] = data.date; return object; } public static function _createDate():String { //dispID:4, MethodID:4314, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 203 internal var now:Date; //slotID:1 internal var m:String; //slotID:2 internal var d:String; //slotID:3 internal var h:String; //slotID:4 internal var min:String; //slotID:5 internal var doublize:Function; //slotID:6 doublize = function(hug1:String):String{ //MethodID:4313, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 19 if(hug1.length < 2) hug1 = ("0" + hug1); return hug1; }; now = new Date(); now.setTime(TimeUtils.time); m = (now.month + 1).toString(); d = now.date.toString(); h = now.hours.toString(); min = now.minutes.toString(); m = doublize(m); d = doublize(d); h = doublize(h); min = doublize(min); return (m + "." + d + "." + h + "." + min); } //constructor public function VideoenderLog(hug1:Function) { //MethodID:4315, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 19 super(hug1, LogElementName.VIDEOENDER, LogElementSendType.IMMEDIATE); } //variables/etc. private var _hasInitialized:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 private var _currentData:_VideoenderLogData; //slotID:0 private var _reserver:_VideoenderLogDataReserver; //slotID:0 public function initialize(hug1:Boolean, hug2:IVideoenderTesterConfig):void { //MethodID:4317, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 114 internal var enabled:Boolean; //slotID:1 internal var testerConfig:IVideoenderTesterConfig; //slotID:2 enabled = hug1; testerConfig = hug2; super.reset(); if(!enabled) return; super._onInitialized(); this._currentData = new _VideoenderLogData(testerConfig.isTester, testerConfig.isTestable, _createDate()); this._reserver = new _VideoenderLogDataReserver(); this._reserver.addEventListener(_SendableLogDataEvent.SENDABLE, function(hug1:_SendableLogDataEvent):void{ //MethodID:4316, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 65 var hug4:Object = null; var hug2:Vector.<_VideoenderLogData> = hug1.datas; var hug3:int = 0; while(hug3 < hug2.length){ hug4 = _createSendableLogObject(hug2[hug3]); addData(hug4); hug3++; } isSendable = true; }); this._reserver.initialize(); this._reserveCurrentData(); this._hasInitialized = true; } public function onVideoEnded():void { //MethodID:4318, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 25 if(!this._hasInitialized) return; this._currentData.hasVideoEnded = true; this._reserveCurrentData(); } public function onOpened(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:4319, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 67 if(!this._hasInitialized) return; this._currentData.hasDisplayed = true; if(hug1 == VideoenderTorrigerType.END){ this._currentData.hasVideoEnded = true; }else if(hug1 == VideoenderTorrigerType.BUTTON_CLICK){ this._currentData.hasMenuButtonClicked = true; } this._reserveCurrentData(); } public function onContentDisplayed(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:4320, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 156 if(!this._hasInitialized) return; if((hug1 == VideoenderContentType.OWNER_VIDEO) || (hug1 == VideoenderContentType.RELATED_VIDEO)){ if(this._currentData.isGetRelationError) this._currentData.isGetRelationError = false; this._currentData.relatedVideoType = hug1; }else if(hug1 == VideoenderContentType.LIVE_DJ){ this._currentData.hasLiveDJDisplayed = true; }else if(hug1 == VideoenderContentType.OWNER_VIDEO_LIST_PAGE_LINK){ this._currentData.hasOwnerVideoPageLinkDisplayed = true; }else if(hug1 == VideoenderContentType.ADD_MYLIST){ this._currentData.hasMylistAddDisplayed = true; }else{ if(hug1 == VideoenderContentType.MOBILE_LEAD) return; return; } this._reserveCurrentData(); } public function onContentUsed(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:4321, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 253 if(!this._hasInitialized) return; if(hug1 == VideoenderContentType.ADD_MYLIST){ this._currentData.hasMylistAdded = true; }else if(hug1 == VideoenderContentType.MOBILE_LEAD){ this._currentData.hasMobileBtnClicked = true; }else if((hug1 == VideoenderContentType.OWNER_VIDEO) || (hug1 == VideoenderContentType.RELATED_VIDEO)){ if(this._currentData.relatedVideoType == null) throw new IllegalOperationError("VideoenderLog.onLinkJumped: OWNER_VIDEO has not displayed, but clicked."); this._currentData.hasRelatedVideoClicked = true; }else if(hug1 == VideoenderContentType.LIVE_DJ){ if(!this._currentData.hasLiveDJDisplayed) throw new IllegalOperationError("VideoenderLog.onLinkJumped: LIVE_DJ has not displayed, but clicked."); this._currentData.hasLiveDJClicked = true; }else if((hug1 == VideoenderContentType.ALREADY_ADDED_MYLIST_LINK) || (hug1 == VideoenderContentType.JUST_ADDED_MYLIST_LINK)){ this._currentData.mylistPageJumpedType = hug1; }else if(hug1 == VideoenderContentType.OWNER_VIDEO_LIST_PAGE_LINK){ if(!this._currentData.hasOwnerVideoPageLinkDisplayed) throw new IllegalOperationError("VideoenderLog.onLinkJumped: OWNER_VIDEO_LIST_PAGE_LINK has not displayed, but clicked."); this._currentData.hasOwnerVideoPageLinkClicked = true; }else{ return; } this._reserveCurrentData(); } public function onErrorOccured(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:4322, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 41 if(!this._hasInitialized) return; if(hug1 == VideoenderContentType.GET_RELATION_VIDEOS){ this._currentData.isGetRelationError = true; }else{ return; } this._reserveCurrentData(); } private function _reserveCurrentData():void { //MethodID:4323, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 29 this._currentData.date = _createDate(); this._reserver.reserveCurrentData(this._currentData); } } } import __AS3__.vec.Vector import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError import flash.events.DataEvent import flash.events.Event import flash.events.EventDispatcher import flash.events.TimerEvent import flash.utils.Timer import jp.nicovideo.util.CrossSharedObject import jp.nicovideo.util.net.local.LocalSession import jp.nicovideo.util.net.local.LocalSessionEvent import jp.nicovideo.util.storage.LocalStorage //■class(instance)_index:343 //private class _VideoenderLogData extends Object { //static constructor public static function _VideoenderLogData$cinit() { //MethodID:4324, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //static variables/etc. public static function createByObject(hug1:Object):_VideoenderLogData { //dispID:3, MethodID:4325, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 5, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 273 private var obj:Object; //slotID:1 private var data:_VideoenderLogData; //slotID:2 data = null; obj = hug1; try{ data = new _VideoenderLogData(obj.isTester, obj.isTestable, obj.date); data.hasVideoEnded = obj.hasVideoEnded; data.hasDisplayed = obj.hasDisplayed; data.hasMenuButtonClicked = obj.hasMenuButtonClicked; data.relatedVideoType = obj.relatedVideoType; data.isGetRelationError = obj.isGetRelationError; data.hasRelatedVideoClicked = obj.hasRelatedVideoClicked; data.hasLiveDJDisplayed = obj.hasLiveDJDisplayed; data.hasLiveDJClicked = obj.hasLiveDJClicked; data.hasOwnerVideoPageLinkDisplayed = obj.hasOwnerVideoPageLinkDisplayed; data.hasOwnerVideoPageLinkClicked = obj.hasOwnerVideoPageLinkClicked; data.hasMobileBtnClicked = obj.hasMobileBtnClicked; data.hasMylistAddDisplayed = obj.hasMylistAddDisplayed; data.hasMylistAdded = obj.hasMylistAdded; data.mylistPageJumpedType = obj.mylistPageJumpedType; } catch(e:*){ return null; } return data; } //constructor public function _VideoenderLogData(hug1:Boolean, hug2:Boolean, hug3:String):void { //MethodID:4326, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 21 super(); this.isTester = hug1; this.isTestable = hug2; this.date = hug3; } //variables/etc. public var isTester:Boolean; //slotID:0 public var isTestable:Boolean; //slotID:0 public var date:String; //slotID:0 public var hasVideoEnded:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public var hasDisplayed:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public var hasMenuButtonClicked:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public var relatedVideoType:String = null; //slotID:0 public var isGetRelationError:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public var hasRelatedVideoClicked:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public var hasLiveDJDisplayed:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public var hasLiveDJClicked:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public var hasOwnerVideoPageLinkDisplayed:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public var hasOwnerVideoPageLinkClicked:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public var hasMobileBtnClicked:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public var hasMylistAddDisplayed:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public var hasMylistAdded:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public var mylistPageJumpedType:String = null; //slotID:0 } //■class(instance)_index:344 //private class _VideoenderLogDataReserver extends EventDispatcher { //static constructor public static function _VideoenderLogDataReserver$cinit() { //MethodID:4327, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 33 _SLAVE_CHECK_INTERVAL = (10 * 1000); _SO_NAME = "jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.VideoenderLog._DatasReserver"; _SESSION_DOMAIN = "jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.VideoenderLog._DatasReserver"; } //static variables/etc. private static const _SLAVE_CHECK_INTERVAL:Number = 10000.0; //slotID:1 private static const _SO_NAME:String = "jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.VideoenderLog._DatasReserver";//slotID:2 private static const _SESSION_DOMAIN:String = "jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.VideoenderLog._DatasReserver";//slotID:3 //constructor public function _VideoenderLogDataReserver():void { //MethodID:4328, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } //variables/etc. private var _session:LocalSession; //slotID:0 private var _hasInitialized:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public function initialize():void { //MethodID:4332, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 83 private var initializeAsMaster:Function; //slotID:1 initializeAsMaster = function():void{ //MethodID:4330, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 66 private var slaveCheckTimer:Timer; //slotID:1 _dispatchSendableDatas(); _session.addEventListener(DataEvent.DATA, _dispatchSendableDatas); slaveCheckTimer = new Timer(_SLAVE_CHECK_INTERVAL); slaveCheckTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, function(hug1:TimerEvent):void{ //MethodID:4329, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 12 _session.sendAll("dummy_check", null); }); slaveCheckTimer.start(); }; this._session = new LocalSession(_SESSION_DOMAIN); this._session.join(); if(this._session.isMaster){ initializeAsMaster(); }else{ this._session.addEventListener(LocalSessionEvent.MASTERIZE, function(hug1:LocalSessionEvent):void{ //MethodID:4331, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 9 initializeAsMaster(); }); } this._hasInitialized = true; } private function _dispatchSendableDatas(hug1:Event=null):void { //MethodID:4333, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 43 var hug2:Vector.<_VideoenderLogData> = this._getSendableDatas(); if(hug2.length > 0) dispatchEvent(new _SendableLogDataEvent(hug2, _SendableLogDataEvent.SENDABLE)); } public function reserveCurrentData(hug1:_VideoenderLogData):void { //MethodID:4334, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 58 if(!this._hasInitialized) throw new IllegalOperationError("VideoenderLog._DatasReserver.reserveCurrentData: has not initialized."); var hug2:LocalStorage = CrossSharedObject.getStorage(_SO_NAME, "/"); hug2.data[this._session.connectionName] = hug1; hug2.flush(); } private function _getSendableDatas():Vector.<_VideoenderLogData> { //MethodID:4335, LocalCount= 8 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 224 var hug4:String = null; var hug5:_VideoenderLogData = null; if(!this._session.isMaster) throw new IllegalOperationError("VideoenderLog$_VideoenderLogDataReserver._getSendableDatas: not master. _session.isMaster=" + this._session.isMaster); var hug1:LocalStorage = CrossSharedObject.getStorage(_SO_NAME, "/"); var hug2:Vector.<_VideoenderLogData> = new Vector.<_VideoenderLogData>(); var hug3:int = 0; for(hug4 in hug1.data){ hug3++; if((this._session.slaveNames.indexOf(hug4) < 0) && (this._session.maseterConnectionName != hug4)){ hug5 = _VideoenderLogData.createByObject(hug1.data[hug4]); if(hug5 != null) hug2.push(hug5); delete hug1.data[hug4]; } } if(hug2.length == hug3) hug1.clear(); if(hug2.length > 0) hug1.flush(); return hug2; } } //■class(instance)_index:345 //private class _SendableLogDataEvent extends Event { //static constructor public static function _SendableLogDataEvent$cinit() { //MethodID:4336, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 SENDABLE = "sendable"; } //static variables/etc. public static const SENDABLE:String = "sendable"; //slotID:1 //constructor public function _SendableLogDataEvent(hug1:Vector.<_VideoenderLogData>, hug2:String, hug3:Boolean=false, hug4:Boolean=false) { //MethodID:4337, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 15 super(hug2, hug3, hug4); this._sendableDatas = hug1; } //variables/etc. private var _sendableDatas:Vector.<_VideoenderLogData>; //slotID:0 public function get datas():Vector.<_VideoenderLogData> { //MethodID:4338, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._sendableDatas; } } //■script284■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.Playlen //■class(instance)_index:346 public class LogEventObserverFactory extends Object { //static constructor public static function LogEventObserverFactory$cinit() { //MethodID:4340, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //static variables/etc. public static function create(hug1:Function=null, hug2:Playlen=null):ILogEventObservable { //dispID:3, MethodID:4341, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 26 if(hug1 != null) return new _Observer(hug1, hug2); return new _DummyObserver(); } //constructor public function LogEventObserverFactory() { //MethodID:4342, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogElementName import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.LoadingFailLog import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.PlayStats import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.PlayerIdleLog import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.Playlen import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.PremiumLeadOnSliderLog import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements.VideoenderLog import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.playlist.VideoInfo import jp.nicovideo.util.events.EventResult use namespace (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver); //■class(instance)_index:347 //private class _Observer extends Object implements ILogEventObservable { //static constructor public static function _Observer$cinit() { //MethodID:4343, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _Observer(hug1:Function, hug2:Playlen) { //MethodID:4344, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 116 super(); this._playlen = hug2; this._playStats = PlayStats(hug1(LogElementName.PLAY_STATS)); this._playerIdleLog = PlayerIdleLog(hug1(LogElementName.PLAYER_IDLE)); this._loadingFailLog = LoadingFailLog(hug1(LogElementName.LOADING_FAIL)); this._premiumLeadOnSliderLog = PremiumLeadOnSliderLog(hug1(LogElementName.PREMIUM_LEAD_ON_SLIDER)); this._videoenderLog = VideoenderLog(hug1(LogElementName.VIDEOENDER)); } //variables/etc. private var _playlen:Playlen; //slotID:0 private var _playStats:PlayStats; //slotID:0 private var _playerIdleLog:PlayerIdleLog; //slotID:0 private var _loadingFailLog:LoadingFailLog; //slotID:0 private var _premiumLeadOnSliderLog:PremiumLeadOnSliderLog; //slotID:0 private var _videoenderLog:VideoenderLog; //slotID:0 public function onWatchReloaded(hug1:String, hug2:Boolean):void { //MethodID:4345, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onVideoLoadStarted():void { //MethodID:4346, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 27 this._playlen.onLoadVideo(); this._playStats.onVideoLoadStarted(); this._loadingFailLog.onVideoLoadStarted(); } public function onVideoLoadCompleted(hug1:uint):void { //MethodID:4347, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 this._playStats.onVideoLoadCompleted(hug1); } public function onVideoLoadErrorOccurred():void { //MethodID:4348, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 19 this._playStats.onVideoLoadErrorOccurred(); this._loadingFailLog.onVideoLoadErrorOccurred(); } public function onVideoBufferingStarted():void { //MethodID:4349, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 11 this._playStats.onVideoBufferingStarted(); } public function storeLoadingIdle(hug1:uint):void { //MethodID:4350, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onThreadLoadStarted():void { //MethodID:4351, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 11 this._playStats.onThreadLoadStarted(); } public function onThreadLoadCompleted(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:4352, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 this._playStats.onThreadLoadCompleted(hug1); } public function onNGCommentInitialized(hug1:int, hug2:int):void { //MethodID:4353, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onHirobaInitializeStarted():void { //MethodID:4354, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 11 this._playStats.onHirobaConnectorLoadStarted(); } public function onHirobaInitializeAborted():void { //MethodID:4355, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 this._playStats.onHirobaConnected(false); } public function onHirobaConnected(hug1:Boolean, hug2:String, hug3:String, hug4:String):void { //MethodID:4356, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 this._playStats.onHirobaConnected(hug1); } public function onHirobaDisconnected(hug1:String, hug2:String, hug3:String):void { //MethodID:4357, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onPremleadOnSliderDisplayed():void { //MethodID:4358, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 11 this._premiumLeadOnSliderLog.onPremleadOnSliderDisplayed(); } public function onPremleadOnSliderClicked():void { //MethodID:4359, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 11 this._premiumLeadOnSliderLog.onPremleadOnSliderClicked(); } public function onVideoMenuOpened(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:4360, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onVideoenderOpened(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:4361, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 this._videoenderLog.onOpened(hug1); } public function onVideoenderContentDisplayed(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:4362, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 this._videoenderLog.onContentDisplayed(hug1); } public function onVideoenderContentUsed(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:4363, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 this._videoenderLog.onContentUsed(hug1); } public function onVideoenderErrorOccured(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:4364, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 this._videoenderLog.onErrorOccured(hug1); } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onVideoStarted():EventResult { //MethodID:4365, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 16 this._playerIdleLog.onVideoStarted(); return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onVideoPlayed():EventResult { //MethodID:4366, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 24 this._playlen.onVideoPlayed(); this._playerIdleLog.onVideoPlayed(); return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onVideoStopped():EventResult { //MethodID:4367, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 24 this._playlen.onVideoStopped(); this._playerIdleLog.onVideoStopped(); return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onVideoEnded(hug1:Boolean):EventResult { //MethodID:4368, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 34 if(!hug1) this._playlen.onVideoEnded(); if(!hug1) this._videoenderLog.onVideoEnded(); return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onPlayerConfigAutomaticLoadingUpdated(hug1:Boolean):EventResult { //MethodID:4369, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 8 return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onCommentListUpdateTried():EventResult { //MethodID:4370, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 8 return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onCommentListUpdateCompleted(hug1:Boolean):EventResult { //MethodID:4371, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 8 return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onPlaylistTargetUpdated(hug1:VideoInfo):EventResult { //MethodID:4372, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 16 this._playStats.onPlaylistTargetUpdated(); return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onPlaylistInterrupted():EventResult { //MethodID:4373, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 8 return EventResult.THROUGH; } } //■class(instance)_index:348 //private class _DummyObserver extends Object implements ILogEventObservable { //static constructor public static function _DummyObserver$cinit() { //MethodID:4374, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _DummyObserver() { //MethodID:4375, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } //variables/etc. public function onWatchReloaded(hug1:String, hug2:Boolean):void { //MethodID:4376, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onVideoLoadStarted():void { //MethodID:4377, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onVideoLoadCompleted(hug1:uint):void { //MethodID:4378, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onVideoLoadErrorOccurred():void { //MethodID:4379, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onVideoBufferingStarted():void { //MethodID:4380, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function storeLoadingIdle(hug1:uint):void { //MethodID:4381, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onThreadLoadStarted():void { //MethodID:4382, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onThreadLoadCompleted(hug1:Boolean):void { //MethodID:4383, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onNGCommentInitialized(hug1:int, hug2:int):void { //MethodID:4384, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onHirobaInitializeStarted():void { //MethodID:4385, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onHirobaInitializeAborted():void { //MethodID:4386, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onHirobaConnected(hug1:Boolean, hug2:String, hug3:String, hug4:String):void { //MethodID:4387, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onHirobaDisconnected(hug1:String, hug2:String, hug3:String):void { //MethodID:4388, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onVideoMenuOpened(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:4389, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onVideoenderOpened(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:4390, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onVideoenderContentDisplayed(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:4391, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onVideoenderContentUsed(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:4392, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onVideoenderErrorOccured(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:4393, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onPremleadOnSliderDisplayed():void { //MethodID:4394, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } public function onPremleadOnSliderClicked():void { //MethodID:4395, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onVideoStarted():EventResult { //MethodID:4396, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 8 return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onVideoPlayed():EventResult { //MethodID:4397, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 8 return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onVideoStopped():EventResult { //MethodID:4398, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 8 return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onVideoEnded(hug1:Boolean):EventResult { //MethodID:4399, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 8 return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onPlayerConfigAutomaticLoadingUpdated(hug1:Boolean):EventResult { //MethodID:4400, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 8 return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onCommentListUpdateTried():EventResult { //MethodID:4401, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 8 return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onCommentListUpdateCompleted(hug1:Boolean):EventResult { //MethodID:4402, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 8 return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onPlaylistTargetUpdated(hug1:VideoInfo):EventResult { //MethodID:4403, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 8 return EventResult.THROUGH; } (http://www.nicovideo.jp/as3_ns/nicoplayer/util.event.EventPipe.event_receiver) function onPlaylistInterrupted():EventResult { //MethodID:4404, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 8 return EventResult.THROUGH; } } //■script285■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models{ //■class(instance)_index:349 public class PremiumLeadOnSliderTarget extends Object { //static constructor public static function PremiumLeadOnSliderTarget$cinit() { //MethodID:4406, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //static variables/etc. public static function isTargetUser(hug1:String, hug2:Boolean=false):Boolean { //dispID:3, MethodID:4407, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 17 var hug3:Boolean = ((int(hug1) % 10) == 2); return hug3; } //constructor public function PremiumLeadOnSliderTarget() { //MethodID:4408, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script286■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements{ import __AS3__.vec.Vector import flash.events.TimerEvent import flash.utils.Timer import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogElementName import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogElementSendType //■class(instance)_index:350 public class PlayerIdleLog extends AbstractLogElement { //static constructor public static function PlayerIdleLog$cinit() { //MethodID:4410, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function PlayerIdleLog(hug1:Function) { //MethodID:4411, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 19 super(hug1, LogElementName.PLAYER_IDLE, LogElementSendType.WITH_OTHER_LOGS); } //variables/etc. private const _PLAYER_IDLE_INTERVAL:int = 30000; //slotID:0 private const _STOCK_COUNT:int = 3; //slotID:0 private const _PRIVATE_KEY_CHANNEL_ID:String = "channelID"; //slotID:0 private const _PRIVATE_KEY_VIDEO_ID:String = "videoID"; //slotID:0 private const _PRIVATE_KEY_IDLE_TIMES:String = "idleTimes"; //slotID:0 private var _timer:Timer; //slotID:0 private var _idleTime:int; //slotID:0 private var _isChannel:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public function initialize(hug1:Boolean, hug2:Boolean, hug3:String, hug4:String):void { //MethodID:4413, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 286 internal var enabled:Boolean; //slotID:1 internal var isChannel:Boolean; //slotID:2 internal var channelID:String; //slotID:3 internal var videoID:String; //slotID:4 enabled = hug1; isChannel = hug2; channelID = hug3; videoID = hug4; reset(function():void{ //MethodID:4412, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 15 if(_cacheStorage) _cacheStorage.close(); }); this._isChannel = isChannel; if(!enabled) return; _initializeCacheStorage("jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements._PlayerIdleLog", "/"); if((_cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_CHANNEL_ID] != null) && (_cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_CHANNEL_ID] != undefined) && (_cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_VIDEO_ID] != null) && (_cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_VIDEO_ID] != undefined) && (_cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_IDLE_TIMES] != null) && (_cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_IDLE_TIMES] != undefined)) this._create(); if(this._isChannel){ _cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_CHANNEL_ID] = channelID; _cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_VIDEO_ID] = videoID; _cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_IDLE_TIMES] = new Vector.(); _cacheStorage.flush(); } super._onInitialized(); } private function _create():void { //MethodID:4414, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 102 if(this.idleTimes.length <= 0) return; var hug1:Object = {}; hug1["cid"] = _cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_CHANNEL_ID]; hug1["vid"] = _cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_VIDEO_ID]; hug1["times"] = this._formatTimeString; addData(hug1); if(logObjects.length >= this._STOCK_COUNT) isSendable = true; } public function onVideoStarted():void { //MethodID:4415, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 66 if((this._timer == null) && isInitialized && this._isChannel){ this._timer = new Timer(this._PLAYER_IDLE_INTERVAL, 0); this._timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.onIdleIntervalHandler); } } private function onIdleIntervalHandler(hug1:TimerEvent):void { //MethodID:4416, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 20 this._idleTime += (this._PLAYER_IDLE_INTERVAL / 1000); } public function onVideoPlayed():void { //MethodID:4417, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 55 if(this._timer != null){ this._timer.stop(); if(this._idleTime >= (this._PLAYER_IDLE_INTERVAL / 1000)){ this.idleTimes.push(this._idleTime); _cacheStorage.flush(); } } } public function onVideoStopped():void { //MethodID:4418, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 26 if(this._timer != null){ this._idleTime = 0; this._timer.start(); } } private function get idleTimes():Vector. { //MethodID:4419, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 80 if((_cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_IDLE_TIMES] == null) || (_cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_IDLE_TIMES] == undefined)) _cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_IDLE_TIMES] = new Vector.(); return _cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_IDLE_TIMES]; } private function set idleTimes(hug1:Vector.):void { //MethodID:4420, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 24 _cacheStorage.data[this._PRIVATE_KEY_IDLE_TIMES] = hug1; _cacheStorage.flush(); } private function get _formatTimeString():String { //MethodID:4421, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 22 return ("[" + this.idleTimes.join(",") + "]"); } } } //■script287■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.elements{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogElementName import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.log.LogElementSendType //■class(instance)_index:351 public class NonSharedObjectCountLog extends AbstractLogElement { //static constructor public static function NonSharedObjectCountLog$cinit() { //MethodID:4423, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function NonSharedObjectCountLog(hug1:Function) { //MethodID:4424, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 19 super(hug1, LogElementName.NON_SHAREDOBJECT_COUNT, LogElementSendType.IMMEDIATE); } //variables/etc. public function initialize():void { //MethodID:4425, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 33 super.reset(); var hug1:Object = {}; addData(hug1); isSendable = true; super._onInitialized(); } } } //■script288■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment{ //■class(instance)_index:352 public class CommentViewConstants extends Object { //static constructor public static function CommentViewConstants$cinit() { //MethodID:4427, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 29 COMMENT_SHOW_EXPIRE = 3000; COMMENT_SHOW_AHEAD = 1000; COMMENT_SHOW_AHEAD_POSY = 0; } //static variables/etc. public static const COMMENT_SHOW_EXPIRE:uint = 3000; //slotID:1 public static const COMMENT_SHOW_AHEAD:uint = 1000; //slotID:2 public static const COMMENT_SHOW_AHEAD_POSY:uint = 0; //slotID:3 //constructor public function CommentViewConstants() { //MethodID:4428, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script289■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment.elements{ import flash.display.DisplayObject import flash.text.TextFormat import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.IComment import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.command.CommandSize import jp.nicovideo.util.Assert //■class(instance)_index:353 public class ClickableComment extends Object { //static constructor public static function ClickableComment$cinit() { //MethodID:4430, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function ClickableComment() { //MethodID:4431, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 17 super(); this._buttonContainer = new ButtonContainer(); } //variables/etc. private var _buttonContainer:ButtonContainer; //slotID:0 public function get displayObject():DisplayObject { //MethodID:4432, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._buttonContainer; } public function reset(hug1:IComment):void { //MethodID:4434, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 677 internal var comment:IComment; //slotID:1 internal var result:Object; //slotID:2 internal var _fieldFormat:TextFormat; //slotID:3 internal var copyTextFormat:Function; //slotID:4 internal var _countFormat:TextFormat; //slotID:5 internal var _preCountFormat:TextFormat; //slotID:6 _countFormat = null; _preCountFormat = null; comment = hug1; copyTextFormat = function(hug1:TextFormat):TextFormat{ //MethodID:4433, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 14, CodeLength= 60 return new TextFormat(hug1.font, hug1.size, hug1.color, hug1.bold, hug1.italic, hug1.underline, hug1.url, hug1.target, hug1.align, hug1.leftMargin, hug1.rightMargin, hug1.indent, hug1.leading); }; result = new RegExp("^(.*?)\[(.*)\](.*)", "s").exec(comment.buttonComment); Assert.assert(result, ("comment.buttonComment=" + comment.buttonComment)); this._buttonContainer.button.field.text = ((result[2] == "") ? " " : result[2]); this._buttonContainer.prefix.text = result[1]; this._buttonContainer.postfix.text = result[3]; if(comment.clickCount == 0){ this._buttonContainer.button.counter.visible = false; }else{ this._buttonContainer.button.counter.visible = true; this._buttonContainer.button.counter.text = (" ×" + comment.clickCount); } _fieldFormat = copyTextFormat(CommentTextField.BASE_TEXTFORMAT); _fieldFormat.color = comment.command.colorCode; switch(comment.command.size){ case CommandSize.BIG: _fieldFormat.size = CommentTextField.TEXT_FONTSIZE_BIG; break; case CommandSize.SMALL: _fieldFormat.size = CommentTextField.TEXT_FONTSIZE_SMALL; break; default: _fieldFormat.size = CommentTextField.TEXT_FONTSIZE_MEDIUM; break; } this._buttonContainer.button.field.setTextFormat(_fieldFormat); this._buttonContainer.prefix.setTextFormat(_fieldFormat); this._buttonContainer.postfix.setTextFormat(_fieldFormat); if(this._buttonContainer.button.counter.visible){ _countFormat = copyTextFormat(_fieldFormat); _preCountFormat = copyTextFormat(_fieldFormat); var hug3:int = 0xFFFF00; _preCountFormat.color = hug3; _countFormat.color = hug3; this._buttonContainer.button.counter.setTextFormat(_countFormat); _preCountFormat.size = (Number(_countFormat.size) * 0.6); this._buttonContainer.button.counter.setTextFormat(_preCountFormat, 1, 2); } if(_fieldFormat.color == 0){ var hug3:Array = [CommentTextField.BEVELFILTER_BLACK]; this._buttonContainer.postfix.filters = hug3; this._buttonContainer.prefix.filters = hug3; } this._buttonContainer.setupBoard(); if(comment.isClickable) this._buttonContainer.initMouseHandler(comment); this._buttonContainer.visible = true; } } } //■script290■ package jp.nicovideo.util{ import flash.display.DisplayObject import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer import flash.utils.Dictionary //■class(instance)_index:354 public class ZIndexManager extends Object { //static constructor public static function ZIndexManager$cinit() { //MethodID:4436, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function ZIndexManager(hug1:DisplayObjectContainer) { //MethodID:4438, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 36 this.__mapping = new Dictionary(); this.__children = new SortedArray(function(hug1:Number, hug2:_Pair):Number{ //MethodID:4437, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 7 return (hug1 - hug2._zIndex); }); super(); this.__container = hug1; } //variables/etc. private var __container:DisplayObjectContainer; //slotID:0 private var __mapping:Dictionary; //slotID:0 private var __children:SortedArray; //slotID:0 public function setZIndex(hug1:DisplayObject, hug2:Number):void { //MethodID:4439, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 5, CodeLength= 92 var hug3:_Pair = this.__mapping[hug1]; if(!hug3){ this.__mapping[hug1] = new _Pair(hug1, hug2); hug3 = new _Pair(hug1, hug2); }else{ if(hug3._zIndex == hug2) return; this.__remove_0(hug3); } var hug4:int = this.__children.add(hug2, hug3); this.__container.addChildAt(hug1, hug4); } public function remove(hug1:DisplayObject):void { //MethodID:4440, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 36 var hug2:_Pair = this.__mapping[hug1]; if(!hug2) return; this.__remove_0(hug2); delete this.__mapping[hug1]; } private function __remove_0(hug1:_Pair):void { //MethodID:4442, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 2, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 30 internal var pair:_Pair; //slotID:1 pair = hug1; this.__children.select(function(hug1:int, hug2:_Pair):uint{ //MethodID:4441, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 33 if(hug2 !== pair) return 0; __container.removeChildAt(hug1); return (SortedArray.BREAK | SortedArray.REMOVE); }, pair._zIndex); } } } import flash.display.DisplayObject //■class(instance)_index:355 //private class _Pair extends Object { //static constructor public static function _Pair$cinit() { //MethodID:4443, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function _Pair(hug1:DisplayObject, hug2:Number) { //MethodID:4444, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 16 super(); this._dObj = hug1; this._zIndex = hug2; } //variables/etc. public var _dObj:DisplayObject; //slotID:0 public var _zIndex:Number; //slotID:0 } //■script291■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment{ //■class(instance)_index:356 public class CommandConstants extends Object { //static constructor public static function CommandConstants$cinit() { //MethodID:4446, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 35, CodeLength= 487 PLACE_TOP = "ue"; PLACE_BOTTOM = "shita"; PLACE_MIDDLE = "naka"; PLACE_RIGHT = "migi"; PLACE_LEFT = "hidari"; COLOR_WHITE = "white"; COLOR_RED = "red"; COLOR_PINK = "pink"; COLOR_ORANGE = "orange"; COLOR_YELLOW = "yellow"; COLOR_GREEN = "green"; COLOR_CYAN = "cyan"; COLOR_BLUE = "blue"; COLOR_PURPLE = "purple"; COLOR_BLACK = "black"; COLOR_WHITE2 = "white2"; COLOR_RED2 = "red2"; COLOR_PINK2 = "pink2"; COLOR_ORANGE2 = "orange2"; COLOR_YELLOW2 = "yellow2"; COLOR_GREEN2 = "green2"; COLOR_CYAN2 = "cyan2"; COLOR_BLUE2 = "blue2"; COLOR_PURPLE2 = "purple2"; COLOR_BLACK2 = "black2"; HAS_BUTTON = "is_button"; SAGE = "sage"; ANONYMITY = "184"; FULL = "full"; FROMLIVE = "_live"; PATISSIER = "patissier"; PLACE_X = [PLACE_RIGHT, PLACE_LEFT]; PLACE_Y = [PLACE_TOP, PLACE_BOTTOM, PLACE_MIDDLE]; NORMAL_COLOR_CODES = {white:0xFFFFFF, red:0xFF0000, pink:0xFF8080, orange:0xFFC000, yellow:0xFFFF00, green:0xFF00, cyan:0xFFFF, blue:255, purple:0xC000FF, black:0}; PREMIUM_COLOR_CODES = {white2:0xCCCC99, niconicowhite:0xCCCC99, red2:0xCC0033, truered:0xCC0033, pink2:0xFF33CC, orange2:0xFF6600, passionorange:0xFF6600, yellow2:0x999900, madyellow:0x999900, green2:0xCC66, elementalgreen:0xCC66, cyan2:0xCCCC, blue2:0x3399FF, marineblue:0x3399FF, purple2:0x6633CC, nobleviolet:0x6633CC, black2:0x666666}; } //static variables/etc. public static const PLACE_TOP:String = "ue"; //slotID:1 public static const PLACE_BOTTOM:String = "shita"; //slotID:2 public static const PLACE_MIDDLE:String = "naka"; //slotID:3 public static const PLACE_RIGHT:String = "migi"; //slotID:4 public static const PLACE_LEFT:String = "hidari"; //slotID:5 public static const COLOR_WHITE:String = "white"; //slotID:6 public static const COLOR_RED:String = "red"; //slotID:7 public static const COLOR_PINK:String = "pink"; //slotID:8 public static const COLOR_ORANGE:String = "orange"; //slotID:9 public static const COLOR_YELLOW:String = "yellow"; //slotID:10 public static const COLOR_GREEN:String = "green"; //slotID:11 public static const COLOR_CYAN:String = "cyan"; //slotID:12 public static const COLOR_BLUE:String = "blue"; //slotID:13 public static const COLOR_PURPLE:String = "purple"; //slotID:14 public static const COLOR_BLACK:String = "black"; //slotID:15 public static const COLOR_WHITE2:String = "white2"; //slotID:16 public static const COLOR_RED2:String = "red2"; //slotID:17 public static const COLOR_PINK2:String = "pink2"; //slotID:18 public static const COLOR_ORANGE2:String = "orange2"; //slotID:19 public static const COLOR_YELLOW2:String = "yellow2"; //slotID:20 public static const COLOR_GREEN2:String = "green2"; //slotID:21 public static const COLOR_CYAN2:String = "cyan2"; //slotID:22 public static const COLOR_BLUE2:String = "blue2"; //slotID:23 public static const COLOR_PURPLE2:String = "purple2"; //slotID:24 public static const COLOR_BLACK2:String = "black2"; //slotID:25 public static const HAS_BUTTON:String = "is_button"; //slotID:26 public static const SAGE:String = "sage"; //slotID:27 public static const ANONYMITY:String = 184; //slotID:28 public static const FULL:String = "full"; //slotID:29 public static const FROMLIVE:String = "_live"; //slotID:30 public static const PATISSIER:String = "patissier"; //slotID:31 public static const PLACE_X:Array; //slotID:32 public static const PLACE_Y:Array; //slotID:33 public static const NORMAL_COLOR_CODES:Object; //slotID:34 public static const PREMIUM_COLOR_CODES:Object; //slotID:35 //constructor public function CommandConstants() { //MethodID:4447, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■script292■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment.elements{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.IComment //■class(instance)_index:357 public interface ICommentDisplayObject { //static constructor public static function ICommentDisplayObject$cinit() { //MethodID:4449, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function get comment():IComment; //MethodID:4450, dispID:0 function set comment(hug1:IComment):void; //MethodID:4451, dispID:0 //constructor public function ICommentDisplayObject(); //MethodID:4452, dispID:0 } } //■script293■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment.elements{ import flash.display.DisplayObject import flash.filters.BevelFilter import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize import flash.text.TextFormat import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.CommentConstants import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.IComment import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.command.CommandSize //■class(instance)_index:358 public class CommentTextField extends Object { //static constructor public static function CommentTextField$cinit() { //MethodID:4454, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 13, CodeLength= 126 TEXT_FONTSIZE_MEDIUM = (16 * 1.5); TEXT_FONTSIZE_BIG = (26 * 1.5); TEXT_FONTSIZE_SMALL = (10 * 1.5); BASE_TEXTFORMAT = new TextFormat("Arial", TEXT_FONTSIZE_MEDIUM, 0xFFFFFF, true); BEVELFILTER_NORMAL = new BevelFilter(1, 45, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, "outer"); BEVELFILTER_BLACK = new BevelFilter(1, 45, 0xFFFFFF, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, "outer"); } //static variables/etc. public static const TEXT_FONTSIZE_MEDIUM:Number = 24.0; //slotID:1 public static const TEXT_FONTSIZE_BIG:Number = 39.0; //slotID:2 public static const TEXT_FONTSIZE_SMALL:Number = 15.0; //slotID:3 public static const BASE_TEXTFORMAT:TextFormat; //slotID:4 public static const BEVELFILTER_NORMAL:BevelFilter; //slotID:5 public static const BEVELFILTER_BLACK:BevelFilter; //slotID:6 public static function getCommentFontSize(hug1:String):Number { //dispID:3, MethodID:4455, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 89 var hug2:String = hug1; switch(hug2){ case CommandSize.BIG: return TEXT_FONTSIZE_BIG; case CommandSize.SMALL: return TEXT_FONTSIZE_SMALL; default: return TEXT_FONTSIZE_MEDIUM; break; } } //constructor public function CommentTextField() { //MethodID:4456, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 46 super(); this._textField = new CommentText(); this._textField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; this._textField.selectable = false; this._textField.multiline = true; } //variables/etc. private var _textField:CommentText; //slotID:0 public function get displayObject():DisplayObject { //MethodID:4457, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._textField; } public function reset(hug1:IComment, hug2:int):void { //MethodID:4458, LocalCount= 6 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 280 var hug4:Number = NaN; var hug5:String = null; this._textField.comment = hug1; this._textField.text = hug1.message; var hug3:TextFormat = BASE_TEXTFORMAT; hug3.color = hug1.command.colorCode; hug3.size = getCommentFontSize(hug1.command.size); this._textField.setTextFormat(hug3); if(hug3.color == 0){ this._textField.filters = [BEVELFILTER_BLACK]; }else{ this._textField.filters = [BEVELFILTER_NORMAL]; } if(hug1.justPosted){ this._textField.border = true; hug4 = 0xFFFF00; if(hug1.commentList){ hug5 = hug1.commentList.name; if(hug5 == CommentConstants.CL_NICOS){ hug4 = 0xFF00; }else if(hug5 == CommentConstants.CL_LOCAL){ hug4 = 255; } } this._textField.borderColor = hug4; this._textField.alpha = 1; }else{ this._textField.border = false; if(hug2 == (-1)){ this._textField.alpha = 1; }else{ this._textField.alpha = (0.6 + ((hug1.resNo / hug2) * 0.4)); } } if(hug1.command.fromLive) this._textField.alpha = 0.5; } } } import flash.text.TextField import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.IComment //■class(instance)_index:359 //private class CommentText extends TextField implements ICommentDisplayObject { //static constructor public static function CommentText$cinit() { //MethodID:4459, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function CommentText() { //MethodID:4460, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } //variables/etc. private var _comment:IComment; //slotID:0 public function get comment():IComment { //MethodID:4461, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._comment; } public function set comment(hug1:IComment):void { //MethodID:4462, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 8 this._comment = hug1; } } //■script294■ package jp.nicovideo.util{ //■class(instance)_index:360 public interface IObjectPool { //static constructor public static function IObjectPool$cinit() { //MethodID:4464, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 0, MaxStack= 0, CodeLength= 1 } //variables/etc. function create(... rest):*; //MethodID:4465, dispID:0 function restore(hug1:*):void; //MethodID:4466, dispID:0 //constructor public function IObjectPool(); //MethodID:4467, dispID:0 } } //■script295■ package jp.nicovideo.util{ //■class(instance)_index:361 public class ObjectPool extends Object implements IObjectPool { //static constructor public static function ObjectPool$cinit() { //MethodID:4469, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function ObjectPool(hug1:Function, hug2:uint=0xFFFFFFFF, hug3:Function=null) { //MethodID:4470, LocalCount= 4 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 27 this._pool = []; super(); this._create = hug1; this._reset = hug3; this._limit = hug2; } //variables/etc. private var _create:Function; //slotID:0 private var _reset:Function; //slotID:0 private var _limit:uint; //slotID:0 private var _pool:Array; //slotID:0 public function create(... rest):* { //MethodID:4471, LocalCount= 5 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 105 var hug2:* = undefined; if(this._pool.length != 0){ hug2 = this._pool.pop(); if(this._reset != null) hug2 = this._reset.apply(null, [hug2].concat(rest)); }else if(this._limit > 0){ this._limit--; hug2 = this._create.apply(null, rest); } return hug2; } public function restore(hug1:*):void { //MethodID:4472, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 this._pool.push(hug1); } } } //■script296■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.views.comment{ import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError import jp.nicovideo.nicoplayer.models.comment.CommandConstants //■class(instance)_index:362 public class ViewEntry extends Object { //static constructor public static function ViewEntry$cinit() { //MethodID:4474, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //constructor public function ViewEntry(hug1:Number, hug2:uint, hug3:String, hug4:IDisplayObjectProvider, hug5:Number, hug6:Boolean) { //MethodID:4475, LocalCount= 7 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 44 super(); this.__vpos = hug1; this.__duration = hug2; this.__type = hug3; this.__provider = hug4; this.__order = hug5; this.type = hug3; this._isFullWidth = hug6; } //variables/etc. private var __vpos:Number; //slotID:0 private var __duration:uint; //slotID:0 private var __type:String; //slotID:0 private var __provider:IDisplayObjectProvider; //slotID:0 private var __order:Number; //slotID:0 private var _isFullWidth:Boolean = false; //slotID:0 public function get vpos():Number { //MethodID:4476, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__vpos; } public function get type():String { //MethodID:4477, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__type; } public function set type(hug1:String):void { //MethodID:4478, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 3, CodeLength= 133 if(hug1 == ""){ this.__type = CommandConstants.PLACE_MIDDLE; return; } var hug2:String = hug1; switch(hug2){ case CommandConstants.PLACE_BOTTOM: case CommandConstants.PLACE_MIDDLE: case CommandConstants.PLACE_TOP: break; default: throw new IllegalOperationError("type=" + hug1); } this.__type = hug1; } public function get provider():IDisplayObjectProvider { //MethodID:4479, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__provider; } public function get vend():Number { //MethodID:4480, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 12 return (this.__vpos + this.__duration); } public function get order():Number { //MethodID:4481, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this.__order; } public function get isFullWidth():Boolean { //MethodID:4482, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 7 return this._isFullWidth; } } } //■script297■ package jp.nicovideo.nicoscript.macro.parsers{ import jp.nicovideo.nicoscript.macro.NicoScriptError import jp.nicovideo.util.loka.__MSG__ //■class(instance)_index:363 public class MacroParser extends Object { //static constructor public static function MacroParser$cinit() { //MethodID:4484, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 3 } //static variables/etc. public static function findMacroName(hug1:String):String { //dispID:3, MethodID:4485, LocalCount= 2 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 2, CodeLength= 11 return _Parser.findMacroName(hug1); } public static function parse(hug1:String):IMacroParserResult { //dispID:4, MethodID:4486, LocalCount= 3 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 4, CodeLength= 56 var hug2:Object = _Parser.parse(hug1); if(!hug2) throw new NicoScriptError(__MSG__("ニコスクリプトが含まれていません。文法を確認してください。")); return new _MacroParserResult(hug2.macroName, hug2.label, hug2.args); } //constructor public function MacroParser() { //MethodID:4487, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 1, CodeLength= 6 super(); } } } //■class(instance)_index:364 //private class _Parser extends Object { //static constructor public static function _Parser$cinit() { //MethodID:4488, LocalCount= 1 , MaxScope= 1, MaxStack= 6, CodeLength= 619 SPACE_CHAR = "  "; SPACE = ("[" + SPACE_CHAR + "]"); SOME_SPACES = (SPACE + "+"); ANY_SPACES = (SPACE + "*"); LABEL_SYMBOL_CHAR = "::"; LABEL_SYMBOL = ("[" + LABEL_SYMBOL_CHAR + "]"); LABEL_NAME_CHAR = ("[^" + SPACE_CHAR + "]"); LABEL_NAME = ("(?P